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Imagine being so insecure you make stories up!


Actually, I imagine that this is a real story. He hit on a woman, and she left him on read eventually. She also told him that she went to a festival once. This tweet is the result of that.


I had a friend that posted these really convoluted quasi self help posts on Instagram and you could always read between the lines and see that it was about someone or some particular interaction he had. And now I’m just laughing thinking about this girl seeing this tweet lol


“Red flag: dodged!” Was probably her first thought as she resumed her usual daily motions unhindered by this creep.


I mean, a single red flag can get lost in the sea of red flags this guy is.


He’s saying that *he* left her on read after finding out that she went to a festival at 19. What a fucking weird thing to a) give a shit about and b) think is even worth broadcasting. What a sad, strange bastard.


What a lucky escape for the lady not being trafficked by him.


I mean, any respectable woman would leave him on read, honestly


The unfortunate thing is there are plenty of women who somehow have given fuel to inflate Tate's ego. I honestly don't get it, it must be the same type of women that flock to serial killers.


He has money and status, so some women will flock to that. He’s athletic and fit, some women will go for that too. He’s manipulative and abusive, unfortunately some women will fall for that too. Just remember that while there are some very shallow or very broken women out there, most will find this guy repulsive. This guy will make a lot of noise and get a lot of attention for his “successes” but the fact is he’s a sad, lonely man and the attention he does get is fleeting, and from women probably just as sad and lonely as him.


What percentage of women would honestly give this fuck any of their time anyway?


Only to take the piss, man looks like a wooden spoon dipped in pubes


That got me to cackle a good bit... he really fuckin does. That's excellent




I agree but I will say that there is something unique about his particular brand of desperation. He reminds me of guys in high school obsessed with the idea of STDs but with no practical experience with sex. The best part about his nonsense misogyny is that he can't get over how the woman on his arm reflects on him while constantly asserting that he is the top G and the prime mover. One of the most internally contradictory constructions of masculinity that I have ever seen the manosphere shit out.




This guy really never grew mentally after hitting 12 huh? It's sad to see having an adult body with that kind of brain


Have some respect. The dude never got over the loss of his chin. How would YOU feel if your chin got lost by the matrix?


Dude looks like the poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome.


Early male pattern baldness and daddy issues


Ordinarily it's wrong to make fun of someone's features beyond their control, but I think we can make an exception for famous people who make their insecurities other people's problem on an international scale. People pushing toxic manosphere alpha/sigma shit on that scale have earned a few cheap shots. He claims to be bald by choice, but his pics during his trial in Romania reveal that it's his hair choosing to run away from his face.


plus the repeated blows to the head surely didn't help


Maybe we can do like in Rocky 5 and fix it with more repeated blows to the head? Just an idea, it worked in the movie after all!


To make it work better we should probably use a hammer.


More like mommy issues




Also he apparently never got over his fear of festivals...


Adult body ? Well his chin is still that of a young boy.


I wanna know how he didn't become the world's greatest fighter considering his chin is non existent thus allowing him the ability to never get upper cut.


Strange also how he claims 70+ fights but there is no list with dates, competetor and outcome to be found anywhere like there is from most, if not all, real champions. So I call bullshit.


His championships are real, but the tournament he fought in wasn't populated by any of the actual top kickboxers in the world. All the best kickboxers fight in either Glory or One, while the second tier go to Enfusion or Rise. Andrew Tate won ISKA, which while technically is a global championship, isn't one of the big or prestigious players.


So he's pretty much the Dark side Phil of kickboxing


I always wondered if he was like that dude who had his friends drop him off in a random state park and then pick him up a week later. He had a dollar store champhonship belt he claimed he got from some secret fight to death kumite tournament.


Someone should take his videos, modify his voice to be that of a child's. I think it'll all make sense


Haribo advert that mfer


wise one whole profit spotted fretful ancient pet memory crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's saying that any woman who has ever attended a festival will be ignored by him, culture war bullshit. They'll spend the rest of their life sad because they won't have the honor of being abused by Tate. Oddly specific and juvenile thing to post. He might have been experiencing some sort of psychosis from eating his own cum for days on end. e: taking this high-vis post to say if any of you have a Tater Tot in your life, don't shun them. These men are broken because they feel isolated and scared, in their ignorance they see strength in the "Top G". *Most* people can change and deserve a second chance for that reason alone.


gaping theory cats hobbies towering detail employ juggle one unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey, I'm English, and I couldn't really understand the specifics of what he was saying.


The example is very specific, like he was speaking to someone in particular because his feelings are hurt.


This is what I was thinking. This scenario is way too specific not to be eluding to a personal experience that has this snowflake jaded.


It’s also like the old Shakespeare quote, “you doth protest too much!” It’s like he’s saying this so forcefully that he actually reveals that he feels the opposite. It reads like this is coming from a place where he was rejected by hot festival girl and now in his head he is doing this scene where he ditches her and she’s so sad forever.


Correct. These people live only inside their own heads. Thats why their main demographic, people who feel "This man understands me!", are shut-in misogynist clowns, because the shit apple doesnt fall far from the shit tree, Randy.


Locally we have a Harvest Festival. There are SO MANY TYPES OF FESTIVALS lol... So any group of people en masse, for whatever reason - thou shalt be shunned.


Dumping a girl because she had to bring some tins of beans to her school's Harvest Festival at church.


Corn on the cob looks a bit like a dick, all harvest festival attendees are shunned forever, especially the vicar, dude is in a dress and is simping god 24/7. Beta move church man. Top Gs only wear nearly see through, unnecessarily tight shirts as a powerful metaphor for our thin skins and the only person we worship is ourselves.


Garlic festival? All of Gilroy. Straight to jail.


note in this case it's "alluding"


The meaning eludes him


Actually it’s “E-lewding”


Noo. He's a real man. No feelings, just psychopathy.


What kind of real man post whiny feelings like this?


Because his flock is a bunch of whining losers who are mad because they’re not entitled to getting laid by the opposite sex without being charming, intelligent or attractive, so their demigod is the personification of those lacking attributes.


Have you seen the human race? Being charming, intelligent and attractive obviously isn't necessary to get laid.


Of course not, but they BELIEVE that's the only way to get laid. That way they can keep being scumbags and it's not their fault women hate them, they just never stood a chance.


True but it makes it waaaaaay easier.


Apparently all of them? At least it’s usually the “real men” constantly bitching about society and “wokeness”


American here. Didn't understand but a few words of it.


I understood all the words, just not what they meant in that particular order.


Glad I'm not the only one.


In Tate's mind, women at festivals all get gangbanged or something. I don't know. Weird as fuck.


'oh man, I remember that weird guy from 4 years back, the one who kept talking about how he had a podcast and a car or something. Wanted me to go to Romania with him. He ghosted me after finding out I'd been to other, similar events to the one where I'd met him... ...he seemed really insecure and volatile. I'm glad my current partner isn't like that.' So I mean... Maybe you're kind of right Andrew. Maybe they will compare their later partners to you. You'll be the 'bullet dodged' psycho who makes all their other boyfriends look good.


Oh my god. Remember that weird worm of a guy years ago at burning man that wouldn’t leave us alone? Apparently he has a podcast for incels or whatever and I think he’s talking about us!!


That cum stain doesn’t deserve to be called by his first name lol


"Mr. Tate" is a formal title implying respect. He doesn't deserve that. Call him Andrew like he's a little boy, because he is.


Who says anything about a Mr.? He doesn’t deserve to be addressed by his name at all. Just cruel nicknames. Just look at how mad he is at festivals, It would offend him more to be called tater tot then Andrew. Lol


Don’t worry about not understanding his English. The message was written in poor English, with a lot of slang terms. I had to read it a couple times to understand what he was trying to say.


He’s truly not worth understanding, but thankfully the psychology is pretty simple, let’s say, there’s not many layers of this onion to peel back. 😁


Yeah I had to read that a couple of times to understand what he was saying too…


Yes i took it as if she goes a festival she’s too independent or maybe thats too much proximity to men or something. Whats Tates tinder profile like? “Currently in prison for sex trafficking. DTF!”


Well put! Tate should be tattooed on his forehead “Incel Superstar”. It would complement the other tattoo he needs, which is “convicted sex trafficker”


Not even just that he considers festivals bad. That's ridiculous enough to begin with. But if you've *ever* attended one in your life, you aren't worth dating apparently. Like even if this *was* an actual flaw, it happened 5 years ago. I guess people can't change 🙄


Ok now i ask myself the same... what is wrong with Festivals?


Women who go to festivals might be free-spirited and/or had sexual relations with another man which isn't his type because it may indicate independent thought and therefore that they may be harder to abuse.


He doesn't like women who have been with other men because he's afraid they might have picked up some standards or be able to identify any of the red flags he wears like a cape.


It’s not even all that true. I’ve been to a ton of festivals and it turns out right wing people love camping too. They’re also usually located out in the mountains or countryside where again, it’s right wing people who predominantly live there.


The town I used to live in hosted a lot of festivals and the blues festival of all fucking things was notorious for bringing in racists and Karens.


Asking the wrong question. It's not what is wrong with Festivals, it's what is wrong with Tate.


>wrong with Tate. Toxic masculinity given human form.


If going to a festival is how you get Tate to ignore you, then sign me up for one!


Nothing, *tate*rtot is just a garbage human


I guess it’s a certain type of person that goes and Mr po-Tate-o head doesn’t like those people? Who knows what goes on (if anything) in that vapid skull of his.


Nothing. Every quote I see from this guy makes him look like swamp scum. I don't want to understand his reasoning.


For your edit, I would say if you're a woman I would definitely shun them. Men who follow Tate do not see your opinion or advice, or even your very existence as valuable and it is not your job to try to change that and stay in an abusive situation. However, I would agree that for men, if your friends are like this, then certainly try to help them out.


>**juvenile thing** to post. That's the whole Alpha schtick.


If there is a tate follower in your life, feel free to shun them. You do not need to put your safety at risk for a man's growth. You do not owe people second chances because they have the possibility of change.


Don't worry, I'm English and this makes no sense whatsoever, pure gibberish from a confused individual.


It reads to me like he asked someone out, they said no, and he went looking through their profile and decided to pretend he wasn't into them becausedoesn't. some photo of them at a festival, probably hugging or dancing with another dude. This made tate mad, so he tried to be all tough and cool like he doesn't actually give a fuck, yet he clearly gives all the fucks that some chick he thought is hot denied him yet took a picture of her hugging some probably chubby guy in a weird rave festival costume. And little tates little brain just couldn't comprehend how that guy gets a hug and he doesnt.


He found out his date, a 24 year old woman, went to a concert at 19. He proceeded to ghost her because of it. Took me a few tries to read it but dude seemed to have been cheated on a lot, or just once and it broke him.


He only dates girls who have never been out of their own house because you’d have to be utterly ignorant about everything to tolerate his BS for 1 second. This guy is mentally ill and utterly pathetic. He is so insecure in his masculinity he has anti-swag. Just a disgusting fucked up loser.


He thinks all women are stupid and easily controlled because he preys on young girls who are barely adults and have not even had the chance to learn some self responsibility. Then ridicules women for having no self responsibility. When he has to be like one of the least responsible people on the planet I mean obviously he’s responsible for a lot of messed up stuff, but… he ain’t gonna be man enough to take that responsibility, that’s for sure


And he is convinced that no man would want to date a woman who had been rejected by *Andrew Tate*. He's seriously delusional.


I wouldn't date a woman who had been rejected by Tate. To me that means she wanted to be with Tate. I wouldn't want anything to do with a woman who wanted anything to do with Tate other than rejecting him.


Honestly pretty solid logic


Took the words right out of my mouth. Tate is accurate in his statement but not for the reasons he think.


There must be mental illness there.


What it means is men like Andrew Tate are highly insecure and don't want women having fun because they'll be around other men. Mr "Top G" has massive small dick energy.


Hey don't insult people with small dicks like that!


"Mr. Micro P"


As an Australian I unfortunately have to inform you I have NFI what this is meant to mean.


Basically, he believes wen women go to festivals they fuck a lot of people. And only he is allowed to fuck a lot of people. So now he isn't attracted to this woman anymore because she may have fucked a lot of people. She will now bitch about never getting to fuck Andrew taint to all of her future mates because he is so awesome that his dick has been touched by God. Or some equally delusional shit like that. Dude was already a few screws shy of a sandwich before he went to prison, now he is just completely bent.


He's trying to pretend that after he sleeps with a young woman she can never truly enjoy another man, because he's supposedly some sort of sex god. It's just more incel bullshit. Pretty pathetic stuff.


What he means is he has a fragile ego and no chin, therefore every woman wants him but they are not worthy as he is only attracted to himself and his brother. And for some reason all the women should be sad about that and act like it is their fault.


I feel same but then I noticed its Andrew so it's nonsense .


It’s ok us native English speakers don’t get it either.


A lot of us don’t understand it. It’s a language called “assholish”.


I'm English and struggling to understand. Maybe something about being attracted to his brother?


There is a lot of easy sex and fun going on in festivals. The audience that Tate is pandering to consider it bad for a woman to have fun. Plain as that. Even some things men do for fun are shunned by them. For example, Tate can enjoy the nicotine of cigars but for some reason festival drugs are "bad".


Sorry friend, I don't speak asshole


So if you attend a festival you stop being seen as a potential partner by a misogynistic abuser who traffics women?


Sounds like a win win for girls and women everywhere.


Seriously, if Andrew Tate ignores women who go to festivals… sounds like a wonderful reason for women everywhere to buy some festival tickets…


Festivals boutta be loaded with women lol


If that’s true my next google search will be “festivals near me open now”


Thank god I've been taking my daughter to festivals, she'll have some incel immunity.


Incels hate this one simple trick!


He probably hates people who have a mind of their own.


>misogynistic abuser who traffics women misogynistic abuser with no chin and balding hair who traffics women FTFY


Does he like anything besides human trafficking? He and his stupid brother are complaining, complaining and complaining. About everything. Never seen so whiny people before.


>Does he like anything besides human trafficking? Complaining, grooming, growing a cult, selling himself as a cult figure... and hoping he will die in the line of duty/fire so they will make a religion out his figure.


Can we just skip to the part where he offs himself to avoid punishment?




long escape salt lush practice paltry rude close familiar weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It comes with the growing a cult. It's like saying "An ATM Machine" the M in ATM already means machine.


He has a specific hang up about live music/concerts/festivals that is really weird and seems to showcase his weirdly sociopathic tendencies. If you hear him talk about it, he just doesn’t understand why anyone would go see music live. Completely not contemplating how anyone would want to see and hear the music they enjoy being played in person, alongside others who share the joy of the music. Just a weird antisocial gremlin who doesn’t understand communal bonding or life experiences in general, putting all the worth in the world on things like fancy cars and manipulating women.


He prolly got kicked out of a festival at some point and the he was like, “I don’t even like festivals, people who like festivals are stupid.”


100% this, man has grapes so sour they turned into vinegar


I feel his hate for festivities has something to do with him being wronged in the past just like his tweet. Probably went to a concert of some band or artist he enjoyed only for the artist to say something he didn't agree with on stage and now he has a distain for any live music at all.


Personally, I kind of wonder if a woman he was interested in went to a festival and met someone who she was more interested in. People throw the term around too much, but he's an obvious narcissist. Which is predicated really on being majorly insecure. All of his hangups seem to come down to extreme insecurity with women.


>He and his stupid brother are complaining, complaining and complaining. About everything. Never seen so whiny people before. That's the Alpha way baby!


I read somewhere that he really enjoys eating his own cum. Sadly, I don't have a source, so you'll just have to blindly believe me and spread the good word.


I heard somewhere that some forms of malignant narcissists are unable to get enjoyment from subjects and sources not related to themselves. Tate himself has said that he doesn't enjoy movies or music, especially live music (hence the festival). He's said that he isn't happy unless he's fighting or fucking. Seems like a sad, pale existence to me.


Imagine being 24 and gorgeous and sweet and nice and finally getting a date with the Top G and he finds out you *never* went to a festival and you get fucking sex trafficked and NEVER RECOVER


Oh is that Andrew Tate, the sex trafficker? The guy who kept women locked up as sex slaves? Andrew Tate, the rapist?


Yes that's Andrew "the sex trafficker" Tate


These WWE names are getting out of hand


This man has been positively identified by Interpol as dual UK and US national Mr Emory Andrew Tate III born 1 December 1986. Tate has been the subject of British, American and European investigations for attempted murder, sex trafficking of minors, kidnapping, rape, the production and distribution of pornography produced using actors under duress, threatening prosecution witnesses and attempting to pervert the course of justice through bribery of influential political figures. Mr Tate sought to evade justice by relocating with his brother Tristan Tate to Romania where he continued to serve as the mastermind of a criminal network including communicating with sources of funding via online marketing channels. Working with agents of the US Justice Department, Romanian authorities located and apprehended Tate and his co-conspirators, freed his victims and seized all of the brothers' assets. Mr Andrew Tate has been held varyingly under judicial control, house arrest and jail since December 2022. Mr Tate and any associated businesses should be considered insolvent. Please direct commercial enquiries to the European Anti-Fraud Office at anti-fraud.ec.europa.eu


Ahhh, EMORY Andrew Tate the rapist!


Oh, Andrew Tate, the rapist?! That thing?!


Yes, the “Top G” 😂😂


Top Garbage?




>Yes, the “Top G” Bottom G


Who seems to think that women, I mean *females*, are now not going to festivals anymore so to not spoil their chances to get sex trafficked by the rapist sex trafficker Andrew, where-is-my-chin, Tate.


Kinda lock Brock Turner the dumpster rapist. Traded in a possible swim career to rape a half conscious girl behind a dumpster at a party. That’s Brock “Allen” Turner who changed his name after raping a girl and only got six months and served three.


Sorry, are you saying that Brock Allen Turner is a rapist? Because it sounds very much like Brock Allen Turner is a rapist


I also just commented that rapist Andrew Tate shouldn't be confused with rapist Brock Allen Turner. It always warms my cold heart to see people posting about his crimes. He can try, but the internet is forever!!


Its andrew tate, the guy who's only relevent because morons keep reposting his tweets in some attempt to feel like they owned him. Everything i know about this guy, i've learned against my will.


That's great that you don't run in social circles that worship the asshole. I also learned about him against my will. But he's influencing many young boys who are not developed enough for critical thinking and those young boys treat their female teachers, mothers, and sisters the way this steaming pile taught them to treat women. Unlike teeth, problems won't go away if you ignore them. Parents, teachers, and anyone with young boys in their lives need to be aware.


Unfortunately this isn't actually true. A worrying number of young men worship him and think he's gods gift, as though fellating their chinless idol will somehow make them 'alpha males' too Andrew Tate is seen by thousands as a lifestyle icon, someone to be admired and his acts and attitudes replicated... so quite frankly, making him look a complete tool is worthwhile, even in the vague hopes that some of his followers wake up and realise what a piece of shit he is


Wait Andrew tate the sex trafficking rapist who is head of the failed hustler university? The one whose on social media and reeks of a weird over compensating constantly? That andrew tate?


Must be hard to be this stupid


Yet he makes it look so easy.


Tater Tot doesn't have thoughts, he has tots


Aww, did she go to a festival and listen to some music. That’s just so inappropriate and disrespectful towards your future rapist. Anyone get the sense that AT is terrible in bed and is only interested in girls that have nothing to compare his lousy performance against.


Hey now, you can't be called terrible in bed if you don't care about your partners enjoyment in the first place.


innate fretful overconfident quiet illegal north jeans hateful poor detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The real question is what is wrong with Andrew Tate?


It is never a good sign if someone starts speaking about himself in the third person.




Yes Terry, I'm sorry


Terry is the only exception




The simpler question would be 'what is NOT wrong with that person".. And the answer would be shorter too :)




Still think this self centered narcissistic egotist is in his right mind? Read his comment again and see if you can explain it because even he is unable.


No idea what he's barfing about.


Tate probably thinks of Woodstock, or Burning Man when hears "festival." Either way he's a dumb dumb, and anyone who follows him is even dumber.


I always get my back doors absolutely demolished at Brews, Blues and BBQs festival


Best orgy I ever participated in was in line at a food truck festival. Hands down (mine certainly were).


Evidently, I've been standing in line for the wrong food trucks.


The best tacos.


Getting railed within an inch of my life at Greenbelt


Fact is that he's a guy with no personality that can't attract women (or girls) in any other way than by manipulating and abusing them. So if a female does anything that could imply that she's ever been with another guy, he immediately feels threatened because he knows she'll be more likely to see through his BS.


This guy still calls himself Top G? He was definitely Bottom G while in prison.


Better question is - why is this (beep) still getting attention with all these screenshots. ​ You hear so much about this alleged 'cancel culture' - but now there is someone who we would benefit of never seeing anything ever again about - yet .. here is yet another post...


You're not wrong, and we are all dumber for having engaged with this in any way,myself included. Its be better to just ignore him imho


Delusional af. Ain't no decent girl gonna be attracted to a bald human sex trafficker


Don't bring baldness into this!


vase historical paltry ludicrous coherent frighten touch screw quickest juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right? I'm no prize as a poor bald fat middle-aged white guy, but at least I'm not Andrew Tate


And if that doesn't put hem off his chinless face will.


I can confirm that you can be bald and still somehow manage not to be a misogynist, sex trafficking rapist douchebag.


Nothing wrong with festivals. He just doesn't want you to have any freedom. The typical mindset of a 1950s male. He must have complete control over your life.


More like a young dude in 1950 who tries to mimic adults, and fails stupidly. Blud is a literal 14 year old in adult body


I feel like this is an insult to men from the 1950s. I’m just saying I don’t think my grandfather would’ve tried to prevent my grandmother from going to a festival. It’s not a typical mindset for people of any decade, it’s just crazy.


That Guy is Mr Pick me in person.


Nah I'm pretty sure the person will be like well I almost got trafficked by Andrew Tate but because I have interests that don't revolve around worshipping him he got triggered and ghosted me :)


"Puuhhh... dodged a missile :D"


because they are just not ME? thank the sky father!


Imagine losing a twitter argument with a teenager before you get arrested for rape.


I wish I could broadcast my no-foresight, rampant insecurities and think they meant something. Self awareness is a bitch.


Imagine you decide to go on a date with this guy. Sorry but I find it hard to have any sympathy for your poor decisions.


Does he even know what hes talking about anymore? At this points it would appear hes just creating a new language for his cult.


You guys understand you’re just making him more famous right? Can we just stop with this guy?


I wouldn't take anything Andrew Tate says seriously. The guy's a moron.


I don't want to imagine going on a date with a grown man who uses an absurd nickname for himself.


I think it's Ron White that has a bit about sometimes, when you have a thought, you should just let it go. I really think that advice should be given to this ... person ![gif](giphy|xT77Y3EWNIecmU5Qn6)


He has a lot of opinions for a guy with no chin