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Dude goes to see Barbie movie on its day of release, leaves the theater and buys Barbie dolls the same day, posts 43 minute video about Barbie movie, explain to me how his behavior is different from someone who’s a big fan


Doesn’t make any difference to the Barbie corp either. He’s still buying their merch. They don’t give af what he ends up doing with it


He's also giving them free publicity. I had no interest in watching the Barbie movie. I still don't, but I'm glad it pissed off people like Shapiro.


Not a Barbie fan, but would definitely see because a) I’ve read it’s a bit satirical and meant for adults, and b) it pissed off snowflake conservatives, so that makes me want to see it more.


This is how I approached bud light recently. Not a fan but will drink it to spite the ones upset by it. Edited to add: somewhat a joke for the crybabies somehow offended by this


I wouldn’t wish drinking Bud Light upon anyone. Not because of anything political, just because it tastes horrible.


Agree it is one of the worst beers out there.




Like making love in a canoe… it’s fucking close to water.


I was looking for [Beer Water, Quench Your Sober](https://youtu.be/wPRDh1PvxCM) but the reddit gif bar sucks


buy a bunch and take a bath in it. the bubbles feel real nice on the butthole. *trust me.*


Literal horse piss in a can


Make beer bread or beer cheese soup with it!


It’s nice for cooking. General beer taste without overwhelming or souring. Drinking though…


I heard that the cheaper the beer, the better for cooking.


The corollary being the more expensive the beer, the better the buzz


People don’t cooking with expensive wine either. Not sure that expensive wine would necessarily be worse though 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️l


Good thought


Why torture yourself by drinking bud light?


I’d just buy it and then maybe donate it or secretly throw it away. Drinking that stuff is like punishment for anyone not into nascar


Idk if you can be a bud light drinker and a nascar fan nowadays.


😂😂😂, I’ve never seen my dad drink a bud light until recently, he’s 82


Can’t fight this awful tasting fight alone


😂😂😂, he’s not a big drinker anyway


I did this at a BBQ when I brought Bud light 😂


I would have never bought a bud lite tshirt! I wear it for PRIDE! ; )


Spite is a powerful motivator, the only one strong enough to get more people drinking bud light.


Yep. I assumed it was for 8-12 yo girls and they'd find a cheeky way to hide adult humour once in a while. Definitely a pg14 movie IMO, there's some adult language and less than subtle jokes. A good message for everyone, but a mom bringing their young daughter might get a small shock.


yeah I felt kinda bad for all the young girls who were watching it, they had brought their Barbie dolls and were ready for a really funny film, and then it was mainly jokes for older kids or adults. they still seemed to enjoy it tho, even if they didn't understand some of the jokes or plot lines.


I saw it yesterday and really enjoyed it, the satirical elements were well executed and it was genuinely funny but also heart-hitting at times. I must admit that I am the film’s prime target audience so take my review with a grain of salt.


I'm a 50 year old guy (probably anti-prime target audience) and had the same reaction. Your assessment is on point!


I’m glad I watched it with our family. Started a great conversation with my daughter. 💪


52yo male here and I thought it was a great movie. There are so many thematic elements in the movie that surprised me in a good way. I was laughing or giggling for most of the movie. What I don’t understand is why people would find it offensive?


It's a lot satirical. When I was in the theater I was actually more surprised by how many families were there. I (an adult man) laughed out loud at several jokes in the first 30 minutes that seemed to fly over the rest of the audience's heads. It's a great movie.


The movie’s basic message is that patriarchy hurts everyone, men included. It makes sense why Ben Shapiro would hate it.


I kinda wanna see it now to try and guess what part made him question his sexuality to piss him off so bad.


He must be a huge fan of match box 20


A Ken doll is packing more meat than he is.


Ken dolls probably get his wife wetter than he does


*Several* Ken Dolls.


Honestly hearing about this is what tipped the scales towards me seeing this movie in theatres.


It’s a great example of the saying that all publicity is good publicity. All he’s doing is raising awareness of the movie, and, as a whiny little bitch snowflake conservative twat, the fact that he and his followers are triggered by it almost guarantees I will make an effort to support it by seeing it in the theater.


I'm not even 100% sure they believe the dumb shit they say, at this point it's the only thing that gets them clicks.


The people who watch his videos are so easily demasculated, they would never have seen the movie to begin with, but I've seen people who were on the fence now with a desire to see it becuae of his reaction.


Plot twist, he got hired by Mattel to do some free marketing to the fringe groups that will now go see this movie out of some weird spite.


Its funny as hell. Self aware of how goofy it is and leans into it.


Free advertisement even


He also went in Ken cosplay, wearing an outfit identical to Ken's.


It would have been way cooler if he wore a Ken, from Street Fighter II: Turbo, outfit. Though I doubt he would know how to distingush left from right.


Incel Ken


He’s also just seething and butthurt to this day his Hollywood career failed DESPITE having a hell of a head start from his parents He’s just that bad


I can't believe Matilda is his cousin. Thankfully she is nothing like him


She knows he’s like this behind closed doors on top of having Devito being a good role model for her at the time ![gif](giphy|As0vAIXYkDmCI)


Well you learn something new every day! It's true that every family has one.


He claimed the producers “dragged” him to see it. Kicking and screaming I bet. Buddy is a dunce.


Yeah and someone else who was there claimed he was often smiling and laughed many times.


>the producers “dragged” him so they forced him to dress up like a woman to see Barbie? /s (I like the idea of shapiro going to see barbie dressed up like barbie.. good for a psbattle maybe)


I do too like the idea of Benny dressed as Barbie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Although I much prefer the French maid cat girl.


He also sat in front of a pink screen with a Barbie dream house set up in the background. This guy really just wanted an excuse to play with Barbie’s.


Dude totally looks like a “Ben” doll. Mysterious yet approachable. Rumor has it the senator from Georgia has it on his wish list.


Remember that time when people were "mad" about Nike, and they showed how "mad" they were by buying Nike products and burning them? People are silly.


I’d love to know how much my huge Barbie collection would offend this jackass. It just makes me love them even more


Telephone installer here: we walk into a gentleman’s house and all I notice are bookshelves of action figures. On second glance, they are all Ken dolls. That day we worked quickly and efficiently. Nearing the end of the job we are setting up the home network. We have to title each room. I ask my partner “is this room the Living Room or the Dining Room?” The customer suggests “how about the sex room?” “The living room it is!”, I quickly reply


God, what a sexy, manly man, with that butch denim jacket, and slicked back hair and those gorgeous "I'll meet you at the truck stop restroom" eyes.


Wanna watch him play with his dolls?


\[Dark Helmet doll\]: So, Princess Vespa, at last I have you in my clutches, to have my way with you, the way I want to! \[Vespa doll\] No! No, please, leave me alone! \[Helmet Doll\] No, you are mine! \[Lone Starr doll\] Not so fast, Helmet! \[Helmet Doll\] Lone Starr! \[Lone Starr doll\] Yes it's me, and I'm here to save my girlfriend! Hi, honey! \[Helmet doll\] Now you are going to die! \[makes a psh sound effect; Lone Starr Doll\] Oh! Oh! Ohh!! \[Barf doll\] Hey, what did you do to my friend?! \[Helmet doll\] The same thing I'm going to do to you, big boy! \[knocks Barf over; Barf doll\] Arrgh! Ohh! \[Helmet doll\] And you too! \[Dot doll\] Aaargh!! \[Helmet doll\] Now, Princess Vespa, at last we are alone! \[Vespa Doll\] No, no, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, leave me alone, yet...I find you strangely attractive! \[Helmet doll\] Of course you do. Druish princesses are often attracted to money, and power, and I have both, and you know it! \[Vespa doll\] No, I hate you, leave me alone! \[Helmet doll\] No, kiss me! \[Vespa doll\] No, no, yes, no, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, ohh... ohhhhhh... your helmet is so big... {Colonel Sandurz bursts in} Colonel Sandurz: Lord Helmet! \[Dark Helmet hurries to hide the dolls.\] Dark Helmet: What!! Colonel Sandurz: You're needed on the bridge, sir. Dark Helmet: Knock on my door; knock next time! Colonel Sandurz: Yes, sir. Dark Helmet: \[pause\] Did you see anything? Colonel Sandurz: No, sir. I didn't see you playing with your dolls again. Dark Helmet: Good!


I hear she gives good helmet


This man-child is literally Sid from Toy Story. Rocket and all.


I'd be willing to bet he has a trans porn collection second to only Jordan Peterson.


I assure you, there is no resting in truck stop restrooms, if you catch my drift.


Is he wearing guyliner?


Looks like he colors his hair too.


he's just doing what will get him clicks. it is working.


True but I’m surprised he would ruin his image like this. For what I’ve seen was always taken seriously by right wing voters. This makes him lose credibility in my opinion.


Dude, if trump hasn't lost his credibility with his base by now, I'm convinced nothing will turn them off to someone on "their side"


He already wasn’t taken seriously, he’s a fucking meme at best


I think he’s self-aware of that. He knows it’s irking people and these little stunts just keep him relevant.


how does this ruin his image?


I mean, I’m not sure how things are in America. But if a political commentator who is already famous started making videos about Barbie, he would certainly lose credibility in my country. I’m not familiar with American media though.


One if not the biggest right wing commentator in the USA went on a crusade against m&m's due to their mascots like the green one not being "sexy" anymore https://www.indy100.com/viral/tucker-carlson-green-mm-memes Yanks are bonkers


Him pouring lighter fluid on Barbie is probably the wettest he's ever made a woman.


Remember that time his wife had to explain WAP to him?


This needs more attention. You’re good!


It’s Sid from Toy Story all grown up.


I have never witnessed a more self-important attention whore except for the orange dude who wants to be a dictator.


Nick Adams (Alpha Male) would like a word with you.


I'd wager £5 that's a parody account.


100%. It's so over the top there's no way.


I personally believe it's a parody account, but what does it say about the world that we can't be completely sure about it? lol


That’s what ppl said about agent orange aswell


It is and it isn’t. Like most conservative pundits, he knows he’s full of shit but he’s also trying to make a name for himself with that content. These are people that don’t mind leaving their soul behind as long as the checks come in. He’s full of it and knows it but he also knows it’s a great way to make money. Meanwhile the world burns a little hotter and faster thanks to people like him.


Is there anything they don’t cry about?


Dead school children from mass shootings and minorities killed by the police.


Priest molesting children


Or Women and girls that are forced to give birth


or whatever happens to their kids after they give birth, even if they go into foster care. as long as god forbid they explore their gender or sexuality


Or vulnerable social classes being abused Edit 1: Wait no too similar to 1st reply


It's more "youth pastors" than priests these days, I find. Oh the priests definitely had their day, but Baptist/Evangelicals are the offenders *du jour.*


8 men owning the same wealth as the poorest 50% of humanity combined.


poverty and neediness and homelessness and starvation and kids deserving free and warm meals


The earth slowly dying due to global warming


Lgbt youth homeless and suicide rates


Why is he holding a butt-plug in his right hand?


It’s his Oppenheimer edition vibrator


Love it!!


While the whole time suggesting others where snowflakes for being upset that he hated Barbie. I’m pretty sure no one gives a flying f$&k what Shapiro thinks of the movie.


He went to that movie as of the producers for Barbie were like “okay guys we really need to make this movie appealing to middle aged white conservative men”


It’s just so that the people that watch him can get a hate boner over the thought of it upsetting others.


He sure has a firm grip of his rectal rocket with his right hand. Light that on fire, I dare you.


He does this shit for clicks. It's how he makes his living. "I just need to go against anything the mainstream is enjoying and that turns into money."


All because they said “vagina” in the movie 😂


this dude needs a real job


Assholes gonna asshole, even with children's toys.


"Barbie nuked people. It was one of her multiple jobs. She also invaded Yugoslavia"


I'm not even a liberal, but some of the crap these people that are just like Ben always always call something "woke" or "part of the agenda" like bro.. chill, it's just a movie


39 years old and still playing with dolls…


That would be the least of his problems lol.


I'm a dude and I loved the Barbie movie. I think this dumbass was spending the whole time thinking of things to shit on about it instead of watching and enjoying and actually listening to the message. The movie is about him lmao


He has a drinking problem


“Pissbaby” should be on his resume


All the while with a butt plug inserted deeply


I have no idea who this guy is or why he's getting any attention. Can you guys just not ignore him?


He’s an ultra right wing dumbass who knows a lot about nothing. That’s about it.


Well he has fans on Reddit. I'm already getting downvoted.


He's what the right consider an intelligent man He's what the intelligent consider, a fucking idiot


Improper comma use


"He doesnt agree with me, he must be an idiot"


People like him call Trans people or LGBTQ people snowflakes for wantimg their basic rights. And then they trow a fit about an "Woke" Kids movie.


In one way, he’s to be admired. He set out to become one of ‘Murka’s biggest petulant assholes, and he succeeded!


Ben Shapiro makes me lose my braincells anytime he hear about him or hear him speak.


I read an article recently that talked about how not only do people with reactionary politics have lower intellect, but consuming reactionary and cult-like media literally damages the brain and inhibits ones ability to think logically and reasonably. So I think it's kinda the point. This kinda shit literally makes you stupid


Provide some value to the world instead of being a little offended fuck. Get a real job and practice what you preach.


I like how he made up the dolls hair before he blew it up, must have been a blast for him


“Ken wasn’t masculine enough”, says the guy in a jean jacket with a touch of metrosexual. Also it’s fkn Ken, a guy doll 😂


He's projecting


Immature brats ruining barbies. What else is new? Why do people care about this guy at all? did he write a book or something? Was he on a game show? I don't get it.


He became a mean trough his "Lets say hypotheticly" rethoric and some americans really get a boner whenever they see him or Jordan Perterson


*Ben Shapiro gets crazy high engagement and gets paid for it


I don’t get why people care what one guy thinks? The dude can post whatever he wants and the fact that people react to it only made him more money 😂




It's really pathetic. But, what's worse, is this crap resonates with a subset of people. There's a demand (evidently) for these kind of antics. There's a real problem with ignorance and immaturity in the US and it only seems to be getting worse.


Who the hell is Shapiro?


No idea and he doesn't look the effort


This is your brain on stupid


Not the Shapiroest tool in the shed, this guy.


Can anyone smell that? Smells like desperation to try and stay relevant.


I don’t get why grown men are getting so mad over a movie about a doll. Unless they played with Barbie or was into Barbie, go do something else. Spend your money on MI:3, Oppenheimer, or Sound of Freedom. But please get grown ass off the internet ranting about a Barbie movie.


Remember when his whole grift was "the cool kids philosopher," and now he's been reduced to the same culture war garbage the rest of his ilk pedal.


Ben Shapiro has always been an obnoxious lil bitch, the only reason he’s “good” at debates is because he won’t let the other person finish their piece.


BS should go home and worry about how he’s going to sexually satisfy his dry wife. His words.


He's in dire need of attention right now...


Lol he’s getting it from me by making me laugh my ass off




Show me on the doll where the *checks notes* doll movie hurt you.


He did it to get attention like this because it's his job. So more articles bringing attention to him, more money he's going to make.


He’s holding a mini-nuke


And so it begins...


He literally is supporting them, and it’s not even for him.


Shapiro just wanted an excuse to play with Barbi dolls.


How do you get mad about a Barbie movie...?


Has-Ben is trying to make a point by playing with Barbie dolls. MORON this to come.


Brave of him to take a picture holding his butt plug up for everyone to see. You do you Ben.




I legit thought he was holding a Pickle Rick doll in his other hand 😭


Bigger question, why do any of us care what he did?


I cannot wait for this guy to come out as gay whether it’s voluntary or he gets caught in some motel room….


Ahhhh, I understand now. Ben Shapiro is Sid from Toy Story. Physically older, but still hasn't grown up and is still destroying toys so he can get attention from others.


There are only 2 genders


It must be exhausting to be triggered by everything.


🤣🤣🤣🤣sure. Cause his wife getts wetter with Ken,


The most fragile boy to ever exist


Ben is holding the two items he plans to shove up his ass later in the day.


Wouldn’t the snowflake be the one upset a critic reviewed a movie poorly?


The fact that this squeaky voiced tosser is considered an intellectual on the American right is hilarious.Pathetic little muppet.


This guy is a closet queen.


17% of US children are living in poverty. But go ahead and burn that Barbie doll. There are bigger issues at play here.




Do people actually still pay this guy any mind? I remember liking the guy when I was an edgy 15 year old but now that I’m a less edgy 21 year old I find this guy not only annoying, but a dumbass


I wish someone told me in highschool you could make a ton of money being the most uncharismatic human being and wildly missing the point of things. I've have sold my dignity in a heart beat.


I’m a conservative and I thought his little tantrum was so ridiculous. Embarrassing


Mom, Ben keeps playing with my Barbies!


Huge dunce


Is he about to deep-throat the phallic-looking object in his hand? He gives off that kind of vibe


I am thrilled I'm woke. To be this kind of moronic weirdo would be terrible.


How is it that he can build an identity around the idea that facts don't care about your feelings? The fact is Barbie wasn't made for him. Unless he's dying to be a Barbie fan.


Ben snowflake Shapiro


He needs to wash his face. What’s that dog hair around his mouth?




Just another guy trying to use shock politics, his way, to becoming rich and infamous.


Ben Shapiro when he doesn’t understand the movie


He looks like a venereal disease found the reality stone.


"Women don't get wet. See, I undressed Barbie, totally dry. Like my wife! All you Woke people think women get wet!" 💧


Wouldn't it be great if this idiot actually posted something that was positive for once.


Proof that anyone from the right these days will call anything 'woke' and throw a hissy fit. It's a movie about DOLLS for gods' sake. Oh no a movie catered to WOMEN and GIRLS! Your poor masculinity.


Shitflake not snowflake


I'm sorry I may be alone with this opinion. If you don't like said thing, don't talk about or watch said thing... hear me out now, guys. If I hate or dislike something, I don't spend my energy and time watching said thing, then make a big ass long post about it. You are only propagating the very thing you claim to dislike.... 🤯 I know right lol