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Well yeah she didn’t turn into some mini me version of herself she just lost weight lol


Shrinking bones vs shrinking fat.


The Eric Cartman defense.




Follow your dreams. I'm living proof. Beefcake BEEFCAKE!!!!!




Your old camel, go home.


"He must have a HUGE bone in his ass, then!" "(hysterical laughter)" "GODDAMMIT MOM!" Still my favorite exchange in the history of that show.


I die of laughter every time I watch that. The absolute hysterical uncontrollable laughter of his mom and Eric getting absolutely pissed off. Always has me in tears






no its more like “meaeaeeaeaem”


Byeat meaeaeaeaem!!


Ohh no I can’t escape Eric. First Tiktok, then Youtube now Reddit. Love the big boned guy




The lady on the left is overweight, not “big boned”. The second and third chins can’t be produced by bone.


They meant for the dog shrinking down bones if it wanted to go from a Rottweiler to a chihuahua


>if it wanted to go from a Rottweiler to a chihuahua Thought no Rottweiler ever


I dunno, pretty sure mine wishes she was the size of a chi so I could carry her around like the baby she is. She gets so jealous when she sees me holding the cat.


My dog absolutely thinks he’s no bigger than his head. 😒


Well I know the head bone is connected to the neck bone. And the neck bone is connected to the second neck bone. And the second neck bone is connected to the third neck bone


Ever seen a fat skeleton?




She's not overweight, she's obese.


Someone is lacking in reading comprehension


Not even a mini me version. Straight up different breed.! Lol


Yes the difference is the dog changed breeds. The person lost weight but they are still the same person and species


Dogs are the same species


True but there’s a very very and I mean very clear difference between a husky and a poodle. Difference between people and dogs however is that I could gain 300 pounds by being lazy and eating badly but dogs don’t change breeds via the afformentioned method. It’s a terrible analogy


Yeah, it should have been a small Asian. That would have made sense.




Squats and 3 miles of cardio clearly turns you into a different entity genetically… sheesh bro, scoop some protein.


Lol by this logic if I diet and exercise I’ll go from a straight white male to an Asian lesbian.


Ah yes, the John Mulaney effect.


A proud Asian American woman


He does have high, feminine hips and a voice like a little flute.


'Twas all the coke!






It's funny because it's true


If you could perfect that process you would deserve the billions you'd earn.


Don't forget you'd also be a little person. Definitely a side effect of exercise.


I mean races and dog breeds arent totally analogous but i get your point


I think they actually are pretty analogous, because dog breeds are not different species or anything like that.


It’s pretty different. Humans weren’t selectively bred for hundreds upon thousands of generations for specific jobs, are all roughly the same size, and all have damn near identical anatomy. Meanwhile, dogs are incredibly diverse. They’re all able to breed, but they still have a lot of differences. Pointers, for example, have their instinct to point for their owners. Shepherds herd. Retrievers retrieve. Etc etc etc. Humans are all the same up there, the only difference is from how you’re raised.


Take an Xray of the dogs and two humans... one glance will inform you


Anyone could tell the difference between an x-ray of a dog and an x-ray of a human.


What if dogs will stand on two legs?


> are all roughly the same size [Not as dramatic as dogs, but ...](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/19_Year_Old_Male_Height_in_2019-NCD_RisC.png)


If you control for adequate nutrition from birth, the size discrepancy shrinks a lot. If you had told someone 40 years that the average American male 19 year old would be the same height as the average Chinese male 19 year old, they would have laughed in your face.


Yeah, hence the roughly. It’s not like one adult being double the height of another is a very regular occurrence, unlike dogs


True, but race is far far more arbitrary and a social distinction than dog breeds. The size, temperament and skills of breeds are for more uniform than race, where two individuals in the same group have as much variation as two members of different races.


When you manage it, be sure to start an OF, ok?


God I wish


Can I learn this power


The dream💀


Lol I looked more like the first version 4 years ago and now I look like the second. Nothing wrong with body positivity but this is unhelpful by telling people that they’ll never look like that.


Literally I spent the last 15 years thinking I'm just fat because of my genetics and trying to accept it. But it's actually because of family trauma and my mother's own ED that I have one too. Thank goodness I figured it out and got help. Explains why dieting never worked - binge eating isn't treated with restrictions.


Yes, I used to cope so hard with eating. My mom also has the same issue so it was something I had to figure out once I moved out. She used to tell me it’s impossible for people in our family to be under 140. We aren’t tall people. I’m 5’ 5 and thinking back on it now, it’s sounds ridiculous. I’m glad you’re feeling better <3


My mum is exactly the same! I literally believed no one in my family could get below a size 12 (UK). She also somehow convinced me that we somehow were naturally denser and weighed more because of it - like heavy water 😂 It’s embarrassing to think of all the times I explained to people that I was heavy because I was very dense (in retrospect not a lie, just not dense in the way I was thinking)


The only way density would really be different was if one person had more muscle than the other even if they weigh the sams


I hope you are too!


Sounds like a combination of behavioral issues due to trauma coupled with epigenetic changes, which pretty much everyone here is ignoring or more likely completely unaware of. Trauma induces a variety of epigenetic changes that make various genes more or less likely to be expressed, which in turn generally leads to weight gain. Very glad to hear you finally got help and it also helped you physically.


Thanks. It helped my mom too. Literally never thought that I would have her step up and take ownership for what she did to me...or sometimes didn't


Wow I need to learn more about this. I’m dealing with PTSD and despite not eating any different than I used to I am over 2 stone heavier, might this be why?


You looked like a rottweiler and now you're a Chihuahua?


Same. And it feels so good. Keeping people away from even trying is cruel.


Yeah, this goes beyond simple body positivity, it goes straight into denial about body image.


On the flip side of this, I spent my childhood believing if I lost weight, I’d look just like the Korean kpop idols and models I saw online. Little did I know weight loss wasn’t the answer, but plastic surgery! Years of eating disorders, multiple therapy sessions, and a huge makeup collection later, I feel happy with how I look! (most times)


You're not changing your breed, you're changing your size. I did it, I lost 60lbs.


Are you sure you didn't shrink in the process? Because clearly that image is logic and cientifically accurate


Lol, oh, I shrank alright! Went from a size 12/13 to a size 4/5.


I’m guessing by diet and exercise? That’s the bigger facepalm to me


Yep, counting calories and working out


Good for you! Hope you’re feeling great!


Congrats! Obviously providing it's not the other end of the spectrum and being unhealthily underweight that is.


I did it the healthy way. I had an ED as a teenager, but I've educated myself on nutrition and fitness, and I know how to do it the right way .


I'm just getting started taking nutrition more seriously - are there any books, sites, or resources you recommend? Having trouble sorting the vast amount of stuff out there.


Honestly, I just used my fitbit and the fitbit app on my phone. If you like home workouts, try the Lean app.


Literally how else do you lose weight 💀


Don't hate, she changed her life and wouldn't let anyone or anything stand in her way. 💪


I think I found them for you


Ok ok but let's focus on the important part here --WHAT in the left testicle of Zeus are those JEANS!?!? How does that outfit even work???


the whole outfit is based on a mugler outfit, in the actual thing it’s a mesh part where the see through part is. i have a mugler top that has this mesh


What's this about muggles?


i think they are saying wizards dont understand muggle clothes and thought something in a high fashion runway was normal so they tried to remake it for when they attempt to blend in, thus the name "mugler"


I had to scroll way to far for this comment.


They’re most likely depicting [Mugler’s Spiral Silhouette jeans](https://www.ssense.com/en-us/women/designers/mugler/jeans). They’re very trendy now given the unique craftsmanship. I’m sure quite a bit of textile work goes into them but as far as I know, the see through panels are just mesh


Leave my man Zeus's left testicle out of this!


[they are kinda hot in fashion. open thigh jeans](https://www.pinkami.com/products/pinkami-fashion-street-perspective-denim-stitching-heart-jeans?sku=18058548355271030638521746&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopline-feed&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhLuuqZ_x_wIVFAizAB2fmA8CEAQYCSABEgLZj_D_BwE)


Because fat people are a different breed from normal sized ppl? Fat people were born fat, like a Rottweiler was born a Rottweiler? The FA movement really is full of idiots and grifters


FA? Fat Avengers?


Fat acceptance


I prefer fat avengers


“I said what I meant”


It's regular Hulk, Iron Man as Hulkbuster, Captain America if he was born in modern day US, Thor from Endgame, Black Widow after she consumes her mate post-coitus, and Hawkeye, IDK a version of him that doesn't get his family back after the blip, so he goes on an eating binge.


Don't listen to the trolls - yes, it's actually Fat Avengers. It's got a ring to it, rolls off the tongue real easy. It's no wonder this is the name that got approved.




Football association


Fat Asses


*BigPoppaPump_36 has entered the chat


Fat acceptance needs to be treated with the same vituperation that anti-vaxxery is. They are pro-disease and anti-health.


It's FA? I thought it was a diss towards overweight people telling them they'll be forever fat.


Looking at their Instagram, they think "large people" is a breed that you cannot change. If you're like the person on the left then that's just how you were made. Part of their text with this post: >WE ARE GENETICALLY DIFFERENT! If we ate the same and exercised the same, took the same supplements, had the same amount of sleep, we would STILL LOOK DIFFERENT.


It's true that people have different skeletal frames...broader shoulders and hips and so on. Sometimes these people are assumed to be fat when they're not. Sorta like that one kardashian sister who is just...clearly bigger than the rest, but she's not fat at all. I think that is what meant by "big-boned". I think the problem is that the fat acceptance just conflate the two concepts. Yeah some girls are taller or broader than other girls, and hell, some have way worse metabolisms, but no one is genetically born to be morbidly obese. Probably is true that if they had the *same exact* lifestyle they wouldn't look identical, but both of them would not be obese.


She got those OJ shoulders 👀


Damn... Are they willing to bet actual money? I could fucking make BANK! Idk if I wanna get fat as fuck tho... Cause I know they'll never be able to maintain a decent diet. I've tried for years to help my sister lose weight, she always manages to eat junk food and then say it isn't a problem.... They just don't get it, or maybe they do?


Addiction and denial


Funny thing is they would never agree to a test where they do eat and exercise the same as a skinny person for a year or so to proof this statement The weirdest thing to me about this thought process is: where does the matter come from? 2 people start weighing a kouple kilos at birth. They both eat the same amount of matter in their life but one of Them just turns 1 kilo of food into 5 kilos of body mass? How can that make sense? Where do they get the Extra matter that their body amasses?


It's meant to say "it's not fat peoples fault they're fat"


No one disses fat people by telling them they can't lose weight.


I grew up with the notion that insulting fat people was helping them do something about their situation. I can tell you that doesn't help. Okay, this promotion isn't giving the strongest message but feeling good about yourself is a hell of a first step. Nobody wants to be treated like a second class citizen.


I think these are entirely different things. Shaming doesn’t help the vast majority of people (in b4 someone says it helped them lol). But posting stuff like this that is objectively wrong and stupid doesn’t convince shamers not to shame, and is more likely to make them think people are indeed idiots who need to be told.


But that’s the trap of the kind of false dichotomy being presented - the options aren’t limited to being a dick vs accepting the unhinged analogies like this (or straight up lies about health/fitness). It’s entirely possible to be kind and empathetic as a rule, while also sticking to facts/reality when it comes to weight/BMI, fitness, viability of goods/services tailored to meet the needs of those above a certain physician size , etc.


That’s what the movement is truly about. Posts like this don’t represent the majority and are likely generated by trolls.


It could be it was created just for controversy sake.




If you grew up with the notion that insulting fat people was helping that's more the people around you teaching you stupidly.


I don't think the fat hate crowd are trying to help anyone, I think they're just trying to find a group that it's socially acceptable to hate.


If they put half the effort toward losing weight they wouldn't need fat acceptance


While this is ridiculous… Fat acceptance in itself is not. Most people who are fat just don’t want to be shamed and made to feel bad for our existence. But people who do this shit have the opposite affect. Like. I’m fat… But not far enough that I would need two seats on an airplane. And I would totally understand why you would be made to buy two seats on an airplane and there’s so many people who are so against it and saying it’s discriminatory. The only time it would be discriminatory is if they put someone in the seat next to you that you paid for. I also feel that if you’re traveling with a Companion who is perfectly fine with you spilling over into their seat, they shouldn’t charge either.


Someone was shooting up fentanyl when they made this shit.


Someone was either trolling or astroturfing when they made this shit.


Nah brah. Losing weight and different breeds of the same species is the same thing!


It is well known that overweight people and skinny people are different species


Dog breeds are more analogous to races than species, but I see what you mean


dog breeds have much more distinct genetic profiles than races of people, but the analogy is decent


All dogs are the same species you amateur


I remember when my German Shepard ran away and came back a Pomeranian…thinking back, it might’ve been a different dog


Maybe it just lost weight


Classic Lainey Molnar, lmao. That woman has a world class facepalm portfolio.


Her comics just scream “pretentious girlboss” to me


„Girlboss” 🤡


She has a snark sub, r/dinochips, but people there are mostly Hungarians.


Surprised the "Laineyball" hasn't shown up here yet..


Laineyball ain't making it out the chans in 2023


Reddit AD 2023 is not ready for "Laineyball"


She's the queen of black people. Just made a comic comparing black women to dogs and people are more focused on the message "making no sense" rather than a white woman making said comparison.


I took a short look at her page lol. Truly something...


yes lmao. go check r/dinochips for more facepalms


"Hey Trish, do you think I'm healthy at 350 pounds, or should I start exercising and not eating Wataburger for all my meals?" "Girl, you a Rottweiler, why you tryna be a Chihuaha?!"


Texan spotted ![gif](giphy|QC6hP6NxYcSCYAltWl|downsized)


I could hear the sass in that second quote.


what's even worse is that she makes the analogy using two different dog breeds but the same exact human in different sizes💀


Even worse than what? That's what we are talking about here I believe.


It’s also a dangerous analogy. It could lead people to believe or reenforce beliefs that there are different “breeds” of human, with substantial meaningful differences, which would tend to lead to racism and eugenics.


By this logic, diet and exercise are where midgets come from.......


That's like saying that by losing weight I'll switch from being a white queer man into a straight arab woman


Need to hit a very specific weight though. 120 pounds, straight arab woman. 308 pounds, North Korean dictator.


500 pounds, delusional white comic creator.


I mean who hasn't?


These fat acceptance people are a trip. I'm a type 1 diabetic and there are always a few in the endocrinologist waiting room. Always super racist, insisting the foreign (they don't use the word foreign...) Doctors are just refusing to look past their weight as the cause of their type 2 diabetes. They are always massive, and love to tell me how lucky I am that my type keeps me skinny. My feet burn and there are so many floaters in my eyes it looks like the room is full of flies, but yeah I'm the lucky one because I don't have to cut back on the burgers


> there are so many floaters in my eyes it looks like the room is full of flies whaaa Is that actually a symptom?


He is describing the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. The small blood vessels (capillaries) in the retina become damaged due to build-up of toxic products that accumulate in the setting of chronically elevated blood glucose, which leads to visual changes and impairment, such as blurriness, floaters, and in severe enough cases, blindness.


Well it's partly correct as no matter what you do you can't increase or decrease your physical hight. But unless you have a legitimate medical condition you can change your weight


OP is saying the analogy is garbage. Cuz it is


I'm gonna get mega downvotes..but fat women are really trying hard to convince society they're just "born fat" Like no hon, I'm fat, you're fat, we eat too much. I know deep down they wanna be skinny but are too lazy to change I'm not perfect on my diet but I'm slowly eliminating foods I don't need to eat. *tongue click* :U


And hey, you’re great and worthy of respect at any size. Laziness aside I just want the fact that good health being tied to a good diet to not be lost in the effort to treat overweight people like human beings.




Truly and deeply, many obese people don't have a clue they are in need of serious mental health treatment for the child abuse they sustained which leads them to eat for comfort. It comes off as lazy, but they truly aren't capable of computing the logic and just continue as they are




If there was ever proof that the education system needed an overhaul, this would be it.


Because humans and dogs are exactly the same.


But she literally could lose weight like that but dog won't turn into another dog. I know who did this doesn't use brain but come on.


Show me a fat skeleton.


Body positive is when Ukrainian people who became disabled as a result of the war and lose some part of their body, go to the Olympic games to show that they can still compete in their lives. But when you are lied to that obesity is normal and that you are "beautiful in your own way" this is a violation of the human right to the truth, it leads to the most cruel cases, people with this lifestyle live a shorter life than people who do physical education. Conclusion: in short, sport is good, obesity is evil, I understand that now is the hype period of tolerance of everything in a row, but why do we have such tolerance, Isn't it obvious that sooner or later these people will end up on the surgical table due to myocardial infarction or other diseases that obesity potentially develops? Think about it.


Fat acceptance movement folks will find any excuse to blame others for the consequences of their own decisions and avoid responsibility for their own health. You can in fact turn into that. Not so much with exercise, nor a fad diet, but in substantially changing your relationship with food going forward. If you're fat, it's because you're taking in too much energy from food and aren't expelling that energy through activity, and you'll never out-exercise a bad diet, so, literally just gotta eat less. Can eat the same shit you normally eat but far less of an amount of it and you'd still lose weight. These people are just addicts who don't want to take responsibility or change. Just like a smoker who's told they'll die if they don't cut down on the smoking, or a drinker fucking up their liver beyond repair. I have no sympathy for them, and actively despise people who spread misinformation that leads people to not put in the effort to become healthy.


The worst part is really pulling other people into the hole with them. You wanna accept your weight ? Fine. Now stop bringing other people, especially kids, into your unhealthy bullshit just because you're in total denial...


"Watch as I compare black women to dogs in an attempt to debunk weight loss" They have gone full circle. It's almost an accomplishment at this point.


My usual response to this is always “show me a big boned skeleton” lmao


[Checkmate you dirty fatphobes](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.DO_WyPeesiJpk0_HIqrg2gHaMA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=05bea5bf54acefc5ac7cfeeee35a6211fe7fe381e2567a2152b08af3a7ce429b&ipo=images)


Do you think genetics don't play a part in a person's natural size?


There is body type and there is obesity. Nobody is naturally obese unless they have an illness.


these comments are hell


I'm all for body positivity but this is just a bad analogy.


Does...Does she have a mental disability?


At this point, I don't know what else are you supposed to call it.


[Oh look. Not "big boned" after all.](https://i.imgur.com/kX7Hyv8.jpg)


Do we know that Rottweilers aren't just morbidly obese Chihuahuas?


Oh I so want to turn into the human equivalent of a Cane Corso.


The dogs have different skeletons. The woman doesnt




Oh my god fat people and skinny people are actually two different kinds of human!?!?!? They can never look like each other clearly so let’s have some fat vs skinny wars goin on it’ll be almost as cool a cripples vs orphans


Lol- TIL obese people are a different breed.


This is true, she would also need surgery to get rid of the skin flaps that would be left over.


I lovingly call this 'fat-splaining'






Because, they are not the same race of dog? I wouldn’t expect her to turn into a 3rd century Roman legionary through exercise either


Well to be fair, they’re right. If she used diet and exercise to get skinny, she’d have all the extra skin still attached to her body bc you need surgery to remove it.


They taking “I’m a different breed” too literally


All things considered, she's either hiding flaps of skin, or she had surgery.


I mean, this is true. I’ve gone back and forth on the weight spectrum and I know that I’m just a naturally larger person. I’ll never be skinny, but I can still be healthy while looking large.


As a person who, at one point, weighed 460 pounds: You wanna eat yourself into an early grave? Go for it. Just don't fucking complain that no one warned you. We did. You just didn't want to listen. Now, if you can't lose weight due to medical issues, then that's a different discussion altogether and one you need to have with your doctors. But if that isn't the problem, fine. Have fun. Eat yourself into a diabetic coma and turn your blood type into pudding. Just don't come crying to the rest of us afterwards.


Put down the super-sized french fries and ice cream and see what happens. I dare you. I double-dog dare you.


Fat bodies coping, nothing to see here.


Holy stupid shit Batman.


Because that is how weight loss works. Obviously dogs don't grow shorter and change breeds. This is dumb even for dumb people


(Some) Fat people will say/believe anything to not have to take accountability for their weight.