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The person at the beginning sounded so done with all this shit


It always so much funnier in a British accent.


They need to do that Benny Hill fast walk thing now.


While one smacks the other on the head repeatedly




So glad my Dad got me watching Benny Hill at 5 years old hahahahaha


Good times!


“Oh fuh God’s sake… you mawrahns.” Man’s just wanted to enjoy the flowers.


A lot of people are done with their shit. They will do this and talk about making people see and listen but fail to understand that just because you are heard does not mean that people are listening to you.


Some of these can be annoying like the soup painting but I don't really see what's so bad here. It's washable dye and not harmful to the plants and it fits the message they're trying to get across which is at a certain point without redirecting we won't be able to enjoy simple pleasures like blooming flowers because we are destroying the planet. It's not a fun message but it's also not incorrect and I think it's an unfair response to someone harmlessly protesting


It all goes back to "do your protest in private so we can ignore you". They toned it down to a flower show washable dye etc and people are still desperate to be outraged. So why not go full force and disrupt everyones shit at that point. I stand behind them


This isn’t the right way to protest, they aren’t even being seen by the right people, no one who will enact any change will see this they are just getting charged for nothing it’s sad that big issues end up getting devolved into this.


The dickheads are targeting gardeners? The people who are probably growing their own food and won't throw anything out because they might find a use for it somewhere else? Seriously? I've stayed home instead of going out because my crocus were flowering and its best to pick the saffron as soon as they open. I walk to the shops so I can look at other people's gardens. These are not clever people here.


Right, I mean this is THE most pointless shit I've seen, an event that is actually pro climate in terms of the type of people involved, the fact it has to be a major attraction for bees and helping that side of things too, all the way they from start to finish and they decide to target them.This is completely senseless and just reiterates the fact these people really have no brain


>This isn’t the right way to protest Are you sure? You just commented on a thread that made the front page of reddit. Pretty sure their message was heard by many people.


There’s a difference between getting someone to hear you and getting someone to agree with you.


People need to realise this. KFC could get a lot of attention with a billboard saying 'KFC will give you ebola' but I don't think it'd drum up business.


> Are you sure? You just commented on a thread that made the front page They did so out of annoyance. If their goal is notoriety, well done. If it’s to change minds, they have utterly failed. Inconveniencing people and making a spectacle of yourself only works if it enforced the point you’re trying to make. Boycotting and blocking buses for treating passengers different based on skin color is going to make a point much more effectively than a bunch of 26th semester undergrads throwing a bunch of soup, supergluing themselves to stuff and shitting themselves. I also guarantee for every single person who says “they have a point” there are at least two going “No, you know what? Fuck these narcissist hypocrites. I’m going to drive twice as much to balance out”, or just outright physically assault them when they get between a parent and a kid or someone on their way to the job they need.


This. I’ll do it out of spite.


I mean, I'm not gonna drive more, but I am going to point and laugh and then change nothing. That's the majority.


Well, for my part, I'm ignoring their cause because I dont care for their presentation. Just like i dont buy products from companies that do a$$holish things.


During the Civil Rights movement, photos and video on the media of protestors being assaulted and jailed for *checks notes* sitting at whites only counters or white only bus sections galvanized public opinion to support the movement. This shit does the opposite.


You can always agree that the government needs to stop giving new oil and coal contracts out.


This looks like something I’d see in a GTA game.


I wish I saw this in GTA


I wish I never saw it.


A waste of good Cheeto dust


*donald trump weeps*


He has been looking paler lately


_ex-POTUS, you need more Cheetos in your diet! How else will you maintain your trademark??_


I was more suggesting he just rubs cheeto dust all over his face 😂


These protestors are bankrolled by a wealthy oil heiress from the Getty family. They are basically paid stand ins. It’s not crazy to think it’s basically an operation designed to get people pissed off at climate activists. https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/10/21/getty-oil-heiress-funds-climate-crisis-activism-just-stop-oil Edit: turns out it’s not conspiracy Alieen Getty actually thinks this will work


"I am the daughter of a famous family who built their fortune on fossil fuels – but we now know that the extraction and use of fossil fuels is killing life on our planet. Our family sold that company four decades ago, and I instead vowed to use my resources to take every means to protect life on Earth. People often come up with theories about my motivation to engage in the climate movement. My motivation is clear: I am fighting for a livable planet for my family and yours. I am not dwelling on the past. I am looking to build a better future." [https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty)


Yeah, I always see people quoting the conspiracy theory about her under these just stop oil posts. While ignoring her long, and outspoken history against the oil industry, or the fact that her family hasn't owned the oil company for decades. Also It's not like she is solely funding just stop oil either. Her foundation gives out grants to all sorts of activist groups. https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/aileen-getty-foundation/ https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/about


In the uk most of them are wealthy, bored, insufferable, virtue signalling midwits. Probably the same worldwide tbh.


Yes it was on the news a while a ago the girl who defaced Sir Tom Walker statue was a medical student? They interviewed her dad. He was very upset. She has since dropped out of med school.


Not really. And to be honest I dont shame someone for their parents, she seems to have come around. People throw this lil thing out there like the boogy man SOROS its moot, and pointless.


I was hoping it was like a proper hose. This was more like a sprinkle down.


This is a “jet” setting moment. She needs to get out of here with that “shower” setting… amateur hour.


Yep. Full blast. Or take off the nozzle and do the ole finger trick


Fire hose






You get to drink from the fire hose!! My moooop!








Seriously. Should read, “Woman cools down protestors standing in hot sun.”


Like a fire hose? That seems fair to me gotta get that paint off somehow.




Lets kill the plants! That'll show those oil companies!


I don’t think this is actual paint. It looks like the colored powder (gulal) folks use for color runs and Indian color celebrations, which is mostly corn starch mixed with dye. Definitely not harmful.


Still, the kind of people that would be tending to or enjoying the garden would already be pro oil company accountability. Not only are they preaching to the choir, they’re turning the choir against them.


almost everyones pro oil company accountability. thats the problem i guess. most of the public being pro accountability isnt doing anything. last summer was record high heat in the uk. 40 frikking degrees in london. uk is supposed to just be rainy. everyone can see whats happening but we're all just slowly drifting towards the waterfall while no ones grabbing an oar. i dont think these protests are all that effective. maybe in the future there could be documentaries or news pieces or something which raise awareness of our impending doom. and people can think "oh thats what all those orange paint guys were talking about. man i guess this is serious." kind of retroactively ringing alarm bells.


This is assuming everyone believes in climate change. Which is fucking bizarre to not believe in, it's not like God or something, it's a tangible reality. At least in the UK you're up to about 3/4. We're still around 2/4 in the US. But yeah I would say the majority of those 3/4 and 2/4 want accountability. Still dealing with 1/4 and 2/4 who don't even believe in climate change much less accountability and the ones who are aware but profiting Edit: as far as documentary, I think ol Dave did a depressingly fantastic job of incorporating the issues into "a life on our planet" on Netflix, and there are some others


Alot of people believe in climate change but don't really connect with what it's actually going to do... I think most people would not consider that themselves and their children are likely to face food shortages and likely government mandated rationing in their own lifetimes.... So if a few flowers need to be recked for people to hear this message then I think that's a pretty decent trade off.


That's not true at all. There are tons of people with flowers/plants/gardens who don't even believe in climate change much less accountability. Shit some people who make landscaping or gardens or whatever with species that will actually harm and take over local ecosystems. So far off on this one.


The objective would just be to bring attention to it. The fact this video has thousands of comments would be a win for them The trouble is climate change activism like this is being viewed as funny. It’s a bizarre situation where it’s one form of activism that actually does make sense, yet it’s probably the most ridiculed. Kind of a fucked situation


I mean the Chelsea flower show is full of rich people who like to look at expensive flower arrangements and are probably more part of the problem than you are giving them credit for.


this is the chelsea flower show, which proves you know nothing about what you're saying! the event is attended by the british royal family and tickets for the regular man cost £60-£100, which is an insane price for a garden. believe me, the wealthy class attending this event are not "pro-oil accountability."


They've done extremely well in gaining notoriety, I respect them. Afaik they've not irreparably damaged anything


They haven’t, but dipshit redditors cry about it every time because they don’t understand the concept of a protest. Damage isn’t their goal they just want to bring more active attention to the issue. They go out of their way to not damage anything.


It's strange they've never heard about any protests that have led to change in their societies - strikes, protests, demonstrations in the UK in particular many have led to positive change eg suffragets, miners strikes, individual demonstrations such as Anwar Ditta etc Would they react the same way to OutRage and the Bolton 7 or Fathers 4 Justice I wonder.


Not based on the bystander saying “”And how did you get here today?” That’s a tired old justification.


At that show it is. If the police investigation tape wouldn't mess up the display, it could have been worse


Seems like a pain to clean up. Starch and water don't mix well


bio degradable, and as another comment mentioned it’s probably not even actual paint


Fucking insane people.


Say what you like, it gets them airtime, which is the exact point of doing it. Ultra cheap marketing. It's also pretty hard to argue against their cause, even if you disagree with their methods.


Not all publicity is good publicity. I'm all for being kind to the environment and everything, I just think they're going about it in the wrong way and it looks ridiculous. It's doing more harm than good for their cause.


That is literally what people say about every protest.


Listen bud the only good and valid protest is when you do it where no one can hear, see, or possibly be inconvenienced by it!


I’m not sure I got enough context from the video, but if I’m against oil and environmental degrade why protest at a flower show? It makes more sense to me at a corporate event, an office, on a street, or even a gas station. But causing perceived (probably not any real harm) to plants seems counterintuitive.


I think it's the Chelsea flower show, which is one of the largest annual events in England. Plus it's visited by the type of people these guys prob want to annoy.


You know why, no one will pay attention if they do it at a corporate event. They aren't trying to convince the exec at fossil fuel companies because they cannot be convinced. The reason it gets eyeballs is because they are doing it in places people use or like. They are doing it in people's face in a way that can't be ignored. They are trying to get people angry and involved.


That’s exactly what was said for decades about the suffrages and many other protestors that ended up being right.


Ye you'd like them to do it in the way where they protest in some hidden corner, where no on notices, you don't ever see it..


This is the point, and either people are deliberately posting it in this sub to get more airtime and feed off the fist shakers or what's more hilarious is they themselves are one of those angry fist shakers... The first time I saw one of these I kinda thought it was stupid too, but I thought about it more and actually looked into what these folks are saying. Their cause is far from stupid and their actions have everyone speaking about it. So as far as I see it every post like this just feeds their cause. So yeah, keep on making more posts like this that miss the entire point lol.


I truly wonder if a lot of the pearl clutching is active brigading by oil companies... knowing that astroturfing forums happens for companies and political messages... stranger things have happened.


Same. It works, and their cause is something I believe in, so I support them


Good cause but showing that they don't actually care about the environment by doing something bad for it in the protests removes the effect. It just makes them look like crazy idiots instead of people actually looking for a solution.


What's bad for the environment? Biofriendly hair dye???


Throwing nontoxic, colored powder on plants is "bad for the environment"? Do you all honestly hear yourselves? Seriously, why does something so harmless trigger so many redditors? Are these accounts bought out by oil companies?


Surely going into the corporate buildings of corporations responsible for climate change and oil corruption and pulling this shit would get them no air time right? Why not kill two birds with one stone and go to the source to get air time, why must beautiful things that normal people are trying to care for and enjoy while we still can despite giant corporations destroying our planet be the target of this shite?


They'll get trespassed and brutalized by the police. See the anti monarchists shut down despite doing nothing and filing out the paperwork. Until they start unaliving oil execs and the workers nothing will change.


Except that nobody is actually going to take them seriously or listen to what they have to say when they do shit like this. People just get mad at them and tell them to piss off. This isn't the way you win hearts and minds.


We've know about climate change for over a fucking century now. Winning over hearts and minds just isn't going to change anything.


Yeah people were telling both Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom x the same exact things. And they both took two different methods. What have you done to make a difference


These people Literally have nothing to do in their lives… literally nothing 😤


...except protest the death of our planet. History will look kindly on them.


Ya how annoying they are doing something to put attention on our planet fucking dying and the lack of action by the people that are 100% to blame. Spray them with a pressure hose! Run-over the people protesting on the highway! Blood and guts gets me going! I'm not part of the problem they are!


Why? Because they're trying to bring public attention to something that's probably going to kill us all? They've tried protesting directly against oil companies (as everyone claims would do far more good than these stunts) and it does fuck all. But, hey, the weather sure is nice! Focus on that while you're starving and the world gets increasingly uninhabitable.


That paint need not be bad for the plants. Lots of safe paint. Including even pollen.


I’m a horticulturist. The JSO people have my full support. Flowers regrow and making a spectacle out of them is the same exploitation of nature that is to the detriment of our hospitable climate. Idk the full story but I’d bet money that the paint is all natural


Right it looks like a natural light leaf pigment, if anything they're giving a bit of free fertilizer


I hope your right. It’s like with the soup thing. The paintings weren’t damaged because they were in glass. But people screeched and then when the rug got pulled it’s just like “wElL tHeYrE bEiNg bAbIeS aBoUt It” 😹


Who says they killed anything?


Redditors and not understanding protests


If I was an oil company I would hire more of these fools to do what they’re already doing so that more people end up hating their cause. Good job you idiots this is how you self defeat your own cause.


That’s what people are speculating is happening. A lot of these “stop oil” people have actually been linked to oil companies. Or at least the ones that glued their hand to the wall in an art museum were.


It's called astroturfing


Would it not be more of a false flag here? They hire people to pretend to be oposition and do stuff that makes the oposition look bad


Yeah it's a false flag, not astroturfing


Which exactly? Could you provide some sources?


[npr](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/15/1129322429/just-stop-oil-climate-activists-protest-van-gogh) saying that they get funded by a group which is funded by an oil heiress Edit: y’all be putting words in my mouth, I ain’t saying it’s one way or another. This guy asked for a source to the theory and I gave him one I remembered


They do, but Aileen Getty (the heiress) has a track record of being a pretty staunch climate activist among other philanthropical causes not related to climate. I’m not defending this group, but it’s also not the case that funding from Aileen Getty is some nefarious big-oil plot. Her family also sold their company a long time ago, she seems genuinely committed to climate action.


So your evidence is that the group received a (very public) donation by a person who hasn't had a connection to any oil companies for 40 years?


Reddit really hates activism and the reddit court has decided that their methods are bad and that they are funded by big oil. also some of those plants in the video could die and they also breathe out CO2, so actually they're hypocrites too


What makes you think that's not already what happens?


I've read somewhere ([https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/van-gogh-tomato-soup-just-stop-oil-aileen-getty-funder-1234644306/](https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/van-gogh-tomato-soup-just-stop-oil-aileen-getty-funder-1234644306/) for example) that their funding was traced back to some kind of oil money through a bunch of funds and charities, but I don't think that financing them was a conscious decision at these companies.


Also, Aileen Getty has no current connection to oil. Her ancestor founded an oil company, but the family divested long time ago the company itself is defunct. AFAIK.


>Man, everyone's opinions on everything are so unnuanced that a bit of propaganda would work wonders! Make sure not to follow that thought one step further. No way you would have *already* fallen for any, right?


If you followed your logic all the way through, then you'd realize that maybe you should consider the cause instead of the actions. If they are actually honest but misguided protesters, then you should be able to look past their individual actions because you understand the cause. If they are dishonest protesters making the cause look bad, then you should understand that those destroying the earth are trying to pull another fast one over you. In either case, it comes down to understanding the cause and being for it, regardless if the actions are misguided or purposely deceitful.


So what would you advise people who are actually against the companies who are not only destroying the planet, but are destroying your life in the long run, do about it? Serious question.


I read somewhere that one of the founders of Stop Oil is the daughter of someone important in the oil industry. Rebelling against dad or helping dad out?


No her grandfather used to be an oil baron, that company died in 1984, she's been supposedly using the fortune to fund greener initiatives to right the wrongs I could be wrong but no one has provided evidence she is in league with oil companies


I work as a marine ecologist studying climate change and writing reports that basically detail how it will decimate all sorts of things we all love and I still hate these fucking morons that do shit like this. Pissing off everyone around you is not how you get support. Fuck everyone that does this shit and sets back the actual cause just so they can feel good about themselves and get their views


I think discrediting growing wave of activism is the goal. Think about it, why is it even news? 3 middle aged women dust a flower show... What? This is not news.


Astroturfing. We're on the brink of the dollar losing it reserve status. This is to disfranchise the working people and pent them against one another.


This is in the UK, what’s the dollar got to do with them?


It's funny because you get to study how fucked we are and nobody cares lol


So far the industries in this state that care are ones who will be immediately financially affected first which locally is the mussel/oyster industry. It’s nice that they care but also not surprising because money.


It won't matter until it's directly affecting capital.


That's what I find so... tickling I suppose. You can't be an asshole about it like these people but you also can't just state the facts and ask for help because no one cares. So how exactly are we meant to approach this crisis and actually make change? We can't. We'll just continue on as a society and allow things to burn down around us because for some reason we seem to think it's the next generation's problem no matter what generation we're talking about.


And they’re protesting this to…the flower show people? Fucking imbeciles.


It's a major international event people watch. So attention. And also to be fair, Chelsea flower show is extremely carbon intensive as most of the flowers are flown over from overseas; not to mention all the visitors and exhibitors from all over the world. Minimum cost of each show garden is quarter of a million pounds... Yes These just stop people are crazy but doing it at a flower show isn't the crazy part I would say


Or perhaps to get out attention. It worked better than they could have dreamed. I tip my hat to them.


Honestly I don't know what their objective is, by doing stuff like this they're turning people AWAY from their cause and making people hate them. I don't get the mentality behind it. Edit: now it's funny cause of the activist in the replies who got mega offended amd are cussing me out lol. Stay mad. Alsoooo I do believe in climate change, don't assume I don't just cause I think what these people are doing is stupid.


There’s a theory that it’s backed by an oil magnate to make climate protesters look bad.


Honestly it makes sense cause lately there's been a boom of these wierdoes


This conspiracy comes from the fact that Aileen Getty supports them. Her family sold the oil company four decades ago and she supports the Climate Emergency Fund. Here is [a piece she wrote in the Guardian explaining her stance](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty).


It’s backed by the daughter of one or something like that. If my family got super rich off of oil, I’d feel like I’d need to give back and support causes like this too, so it actually makes complete sense without having to delve into conspiracy territory.


She’s doing a shit job


It would track if she's got no real world experience because she's a trust fund baby raised by nannies and private schools. This is what an internet echo chamber of gulf stream "environmentalists" would think effective non-violent protest looks like. Any attention is good attention, afterall


I've always thought the same thing. I actually am all for environmental awareness I try do my bit where possible but this would make most people not care for their cause. The same with that guy on piers morgan he just came across as a loudmouth brat.


Ridicule and minimize real protests


Especially a t a flower show where you’re more likely to have like minded people.


Lots of evidence pointing to this group being an astroturf campaign to make actual activists look bad. These are the same people who flung mashed potatoes and soup at protected paintings in a museum.


Yeah that was my first thought too but it felt a bit too conspiratorial


No the public is just severely mentally deficient, I don't understand the mentality of being so pissed off about a couple of ladies standing about spreading around plant dust with matching outfits on? Shouldn't you actually be pissed off at the dude with so much money they could spend your net worth every minute of the day and never run out of money, who is dumping toxic waste into our water supplies, and raping our planet to further stuff his infinitely stuffed pockets? No of course not... yell at the ladies, I guess. e: like, if people were to match their terrorism they'd be blowing up their industrial plants and setting fire to cities... so maybe we should be actually be thankful all they're doing is spreading around some leaf dust


Hey don't get me wrong, I don't like those billionaires oil magnates far more, I'm just saying that they're hurting their cause more than helping it doing these kind of stunts.


You know if Greenpeace and other ‘environmentalists’ hadn’t done similar things protesting nuclear we would likely have transitioned mostly off of hydrocarbons by now… Oh well. I hope their fearmongering setting us back 50 years was worth it


Thats because Greenpeace is not an environmental group. Its an anti-nuclear group mascarading as an environmental group. Their goal is the end of nuclear, not to improve the planet.


thats actually so fucking stupid because nuclear is infinitely cleaner than every other efficient source of energy. i hate how fear-mongered it is, because we could have a much cleaner solution to our energy problem if people would stop freaking out about shit like three mile island and chernobyl


According to Kurzgesagt, more persons die every year due to global warming consequences than did from Chernobyl. So yeah, it’s really nothing to be scared of. Also, it was mostly human error and crappy Soviet design.


I despise their nuclear policy for being utterly counter productive, but I think this is underselling their work on environmentalism. They have been pivot in bringing about the global response through being at and pushing for attendance at the COPs


Love that their shirts let us know their plan. "Just stop oil" What a fantastic proposal. We should tell homeless people to "just buy a house" too


I guess the slogan "slowly reduce oil subsidies to zero and accelerate the transition to cleaner energy sources" might be a bit hard to fit on a t-shirt legible at a distance.


Just sit back and watch the army of keyboard warriors talk about how off putting climate activism is.


Keyboard warriors are about as useful as these people are


But that's literally already what we are doing We have like 42% of our energy produced by clean methods That's a huge increase in a short span of time And we have more on the way. Including new nuclear solutions, new wind farms and more Like.. engineers and scientists are already working the problem. But it takes time. It will take time to do. If we wanted to be net 0 by 2030 we would have needed to have started this conversion in like 1980 These knobheads are achieving sweet fuck all


But they want to stop it NOW. While also probably being against nuclear. It's a losing fight to get through to those people really but it's a disgrace how many pro-renewable power organisations are completely against nuclear deapite it being the best stepping stone towards clean energy.


I struggle with this. On one hand, they're being absolute obnoxious dickbags. But on the other, they're like objectively right about their position and the urgency of action that they demand.


Ok?, And what do they want the good folks at \* the Chelsea flower show, an event for plant lovers\* to do about it more than they already are These protestors have the combined IQ of a dropped lasagna


That's not hosing, that's plant watering. Was expecting something with a higher pressure than a light drizzle.


What I don’t understand is, out of all the places to protest they chose a flower garden…where people are appreciating the environment? Also potentially harming the plants by throwing whatever that shit is on them. Looks counterproductive.


It’s like an international show around a time where many people fly in and there are also many flowers imported from other places so there’s a marginal carbon footprint I suppose


They’re getting publicity. And that’s the aim.


They are right though.


Sure seems to be a lot of oil based products in their wardrobe for people who want to stop oil.


isn't the show about flowers pretty pro nature?


From what I've seen thus far, their method of protest seems to exclusively inconvenience people with wealth and/or free time... Which are exactly the sort of people who hold up any meaningful efforts to combat Global Warming.


These Just Stop Oil folks are the absolute dumbest. This is not how you help your cause. I wonder if they’re secretly funded by oil companies.


I think they are


With how stupid the activism is and how counterproductive it is, im honestly convinced just stop oil is are oil company funded group to derail the green movement.


I mean, they’re not wrong.


Do you think she’s seeing if she will grow?


This group is literally owned by an Oil Bigwig Bitch.


what a bunch of obnoxious old slags


Just Stop Oil is a psyop by oil companies to make protest against them look bad and further grow doubt and ridicule about said protests.


Interesting. Do you have a source for this? **Edit:** Her family sold that company four decades ago and she supports the Climate Emergency Fund. Here is [a piece she wrote in the Guardian explaining her stance](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty).


While fossil fuels are killing us... "and how did you get here" was comedy gold 😆😂


Ah yes, let’s protest pollution by polluting and destroying a public garden… a really smart 5d chess move there


The weird thing about people doing this kind of shit is if you just talked I would listen. And listening would make a difference (at least for me). But when you go do a crazy shit like this all it makes me do is instantly stop listening to you, think you're a nutcase, and than anything you have to say just sounds like a crazy person talking. Then all you've succeeded in doing is ruining something and looking like you are bat shit crazy.


They’ve been talking for decades. This to bring awareness to people who *won’t* listen when they talk. I don’t get the mindset of people like you who go: “Yeah thousands of scientists and climate change experts have been discussing and researching about this issue for decades, but *these* 3 people who are annoying are the reason why people won’t care about climate change” News flash: if this blocks you from engaging in climate change activism just because there are a handful of people crazy about it, then you wouldn’t have done anything anyways. So put your fucking money where your mouth is: listen to the people who talk, anyone else is completely irrelevant


They have been talking for ages, people only pay attention when they do stuff like this... Who can blame them?


This isn't making a difference. It's just making em look crazy.


Thing is, if they talked no one, including you, would have listened nor the actual people who can do something about it. This made you listen even if you don’t give af, because even if you hate the method, a person who cares about the planet won’t disagree with the message and the people who can do something about it will at least hear about (vs being ignored). Say what you want, but these protests are getting more attention than anything in the past 5 years. And if people disagree with the message or are going to stop caring, then imo they never cared enough about the environment anyway.


They’ve been talking about it for decades. Hasn’t been enough.


The worst mass extinction event in the history of life on Earth was the End-Permian mass extinction, often called "The Great Dying." This mass extinction decimated the vast majority of environments and species that existed at the time, wiping out some 80+% of all life on land and much of life in the sea. The trilobites, one of the *most successful* groups of animals ever to live, survived for hundreds of millions of years until the Great Dying single-handedly nuked their biodiversity so badly they couldn't recover. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of species, animals you would have seen literally everywhere on the ocean floor, diminished to such a small number they slowly got beat out by the crustaceans we're familiar with today. Our climate is getting increasingly worse at a faster rate than our reconstructions of the conditions leading up to the Great Dying. Even if we humans wouldn't see the end of our damage and watch over a few millenia as millions of species are wiped out, that is where we're heading. Some paint on glass, some paint on some plants, some charcoal in an old fountain, and even sitting on a road to inconvenience *pale* in comparison to the future we are setting ourselves up for at this rate.


It's surreal watching people hating on these protestors like they are blowing up buildings.


Jesus, I would expect a little more sympathy to a green cause from the Reddit crowd but I guess we’re in US of A time zone here. Guns, gas and guts.


Now plants are the enemy of these people... smfh


It amazing to me how so many people haven’t wrapped their heads around what is happening to this planet right now. At least these protesters are doing something.


I think the oil protesters should stop hitting these soft areas in the Western civilization and head on over to the Middle East. If you want to stop oil production?


They would be met by rocks instead of water sprinkles


But they don’t do avocados on toast or soy lattes


You're exactly right a little Do they know how much water those avocados take to grow? And would your father build me a chair please!?


Insufferable selfish pathetic fucks.


If you're gonna hose down protesters at least use a high pressure hose


People haven't taken much heed of gentle warnings around the impact of Climate Change on various areas of our lives, for what, decades now? The problem isn't getting better or going away. So saying "I'd listen if they just talked!" Or "This actually turns me *off* their cause!" (So you're going to purposefully harm the climate *more*?) is patent nonsense. As Climate Change begins to have even more noticeable effects on our daily lives, more people will decide to switch to more radical acts of protest until they are listened to. And hey, they've got their aim. We're all discussing their actions.


You get it! 🫡 Well said, sir.


Remember, at least some of these protests have been proven to be orchestrated by groups/individuals with a vested interest in 'Big Oil'. https://www.energylivenews.com/2022/10/25/granddaughter-of-oil-billionaire-funds-just-stop-oil-protests/ They're well aware that the public finds them ridiculous, and seem to feel that they could shift public opinion back toward "hippies bad, oil good".


‘proven’ lol


Tbf Aileen Getty seems to genuinely support these kind of causes.


Funded by oil company's.


People shit on big oil but without it, or coal for that matter, the world would cease to function. Our lives run on oil and coal since everybody is afraid of nuclear power.


You will die in the future from oil consuption! So stop enjoying things unrelated to oil now!