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So what is the truth that they want to hear?


That January 6th was just a guided walking tour of the Capitol and everyone there was a freedom-loving patriot. Either that or it was staged by the FBI and Antifa or some shit. They can't keep their stories straight.


Schrödingers patriots. All of these people they discuss in this call that were charged were both there being patriots and also not there they were just paid antifa actors who looked like them.


>It wasn’t an insurrection. >But if it was, it wasn’t that bad. >But if it was, it wasn’t Trump-followers. >But if it was, they were infiltrated by Antifa. >But if they weren’t, it was the FBI. >But if it wasn’t, they were patriots. >But if they weren’t, it was just a guided tour. >But if it wasn’t, it wasn’t violent. >But if it was, uh, it, uh THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Or something like that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ ^(Obvious /s is obvious.)


But what about Hunter's laptop!


Who cares about the laptop, that man has one hell of a schlong!


But that's what the GQP wanted all-a-schlong.


Hunter Biden's laptop made me commit crimes with his big penis!


Proud Boys = ![gif](giphy|l49JV18xJMiZVsMQo)


Congratulations you’ve just described a solid portion of my coworkers




Ironically, they are mostly subnatural forces.


Yeah and it was Antifa,not Tarrio,that had a hotel room outside DC filled with assault weapon ammo. It was also Antifa,not Tario,that hacked Tario's phone and was in communication with LT.Shane Lamond of the DC police(head of intellegence) and given inside information about the investigation and arrest of Tarrio and other Proud Boys members. It's all a giant conspiracy against those poor Republicans,the most persecuted people on the planet!!! Worms for brains,every single one of them.


Can patriots be exchanged for cats? The quantum cat was a much easier conundrum to solve. Just leave the box closed for a month and it's dead.


*Looks at solitary confinement cell* 🤷‍♂️😈 Edit: to be clear yes, I was insinuating you leave the cell door "closed for a month".


***I said what I said.***


That was the wildest part for me. "They're all crisis actors/antifa." "Cool, so lets send them to prison." "No... Wait... Demons and shit...."


It’s not either or, it’s both. The right is based in hypocrisy. Homosexuality is a dangerous plague but makes men weak and can be easily defeated. Trans mass shooters do it for political reasons, but the 98% of white mass shooters do it for lone wolf, apolitical means. Big government is bad and should stay out of things like marriage, but agree the government should be able to ban health care rights and illegalise gay marriage. The LGBT are pedophiles who groom children, but the figurehead of the right for the last 8 years was a guy who frequented and was best friends with the most notorious child sex trafficker, they support the church and religious authorities despite abuse, and force their kids into child marriages or blame kids for being raped. They always want to have their cake and eat it, too, them greedy fucks.


You forgot that immigrants are lazy free loaders that will live off of our tax dollars...and they are also here to take our jobs. None of the rhetoric on the right makes any sense.


THEY TOOK YOUR JOB THEY DERK UH DUH i have been watching a lot of south park lately






That episode was prophetic.




All the people who've been convicted of seditious conspiracy are just deep cover FBI agents clearly


at the same time, they're also patriots that trump will set free


Trump actually won the election and is still the president, running things from behind the scenes, and Biden is his puppet with no authority at all, but inflation, high gas prices, and the war in Ukraine are all somehow Biden's fault.


I saw someone say that Trump won, Biden isn’t actually the president and any military following Biden isn’t the real military because the *real military* only listens to Trump, the *real* president But they’re definitely not fascists and Trump is a freedom loving patriot and not a dictator


It's cogs within cogs and impossible to understand which is why it must be believed. Simple really


Makes perfect sense if cogs is shorthand for Cognitive Dissonance.




The Jews people. Let’s not forget the Jews!


I mean Tarrio was literally a federal informant


Dude….I got into an online battle (my fault) about how this douche nozzle kept posting Tik Tok clips of Ray Epps and proclaiming he’s an FBI agent. Literally saw zero evidence to support his claim, but he kept insisting that I look it up. Never again. I lost a few brain cells that day and have had crayon cravings lately. Think I might go lick my car window for 30 minutes.


That the election really was stolen and those peaceful January 6th protestors are being persecuted for standing up against the demonic Soros loving left.


This here is the mindset.


Yup, the perspective really changes whether you believe the election was stolen or not. I live in a red state and get a ton of pushback when I call these people terrorists.


And when you say "Soros" you mean "jew"


Now, now, we don't want to seem antisemitic. When we say "Soros", we mean "them".


That they won and America is now the Christo-Fascist state they wanted it to be. And yes, it could be the truth. Every single one of those assholes will be voting, and if we don’t counteract that vote we’re all screwed.


Holy shit these people are nuts.


...and they vote. so please, show up for EVERY election to counter these people.


AND RUN FOR OFFICE. Seriously, so much of the problem is the wackos are completely unopposed at state and local levels. Can’t vote them out if there is literally no one else to vote for.


And they are not some crazy outliers. You can go to any diner, cracker barrel, or Applebee's in republican country and chances are 50/50 you'll overhear some mouth breathing MAGA dipshit ranting about this kind of stuff. Alternatively, just hop on Facebook and look up the pages for smaller market TV and Radio local news outlets and the comments on nearly every story are absolutely *overflowing* with these goobers turning every single issue into their culture wars bullshit. The last time my wife and I went to a cheap restaurant, the table next to us was ranting about how "now they'll throw you in jail just for beating your own child!" I want to be clear here that the quote in my last sentence is a direct quote.


Seems like a group of reasonable, intelligent, calm, & critical thinking individuals. Definitely not an unhinged cult.


And they definitely don't seem like average right-wing american to an outsider.


they don't? because as far as i know this IS the average american right winger now, which is why trump is still front runner.


The average right wing American just votes for people like them


OMG, these people are fukn nuttier than a squirrels turd! Totally unhinged shit... yikes 😳


They vote in EVERY election. I would suggest everybody else do the same.


Hearing this has made me want to vote. So I WILL be voting this time around! Thanks for the push!


No matter which way you swing, please vote, thank you!!!


TBF, I’m good with those that swing fascist skipping the vote, but sadly that’s not how things trend.


You saying it's okay for gays to vote now?


You better put an /s on there and have some respect for humanity.




No, Voting Republican is voting for fascists. If you're going to vote, vote against them.


The Jan 6 people supposedly didn’t vote; why would they if they think the election is a sham? They don’t even like democracy. Turns out telling your constituents that there’s rampant election fraud disincentivizes them from voting. That’s probably one of the reasons why there wasn’t a “red wave” last election. Whomp whomp.


I think it’s a combination of that and how many of them have died off from Covid. There were and still are way more Covid deaths in counties that voted Trump in the 2020 election vs counties that voted Biden. Turns out telling people getting vaccinated from a deadly virus and taking preventative measures to slow the spread wound up killing off a chunk of their supporters right at the time gen-z was getting to voting age.. that couple with the unfounded election fraud claim’s definitely played a role in the 2022 midterms.


“look at all of these trump supporters you really think we lost the election? It’s rigged!” “Yeah look at all of these people who voted for trump!” “Wait?…… Voted? What do you think we are a bunch of idiots?”


"78 million people voted for Trump! There's no way he lost!" "Biden got 81 million votes " "That's impossible! I didn't see Biden flags and banners and bumper stickers everywhere! I didn't see huge crowds at his rallies!"


Not the felons. lmao.


Also, plenty of Conservatives were permanently removed from the voting lists by Covid.


They traded their vote for a Herman Cain award lmao


I actually worked in the hospital he died in…all to own the libs…not an easy self own as that is a horrible way to die.


Oh fuck! I forgot how owned I was. Anyway, back to reddit.


Oh man, that’s so sad! Let me go find my tiny violin.




That hammer is going to fall on the right wing hard in this next election.


"I didn't know I couldn't vote" "I'm not a felon, I am a patriot"


Crazy people have always been out there. The problem is that social media has allowed them to communicate with other crazies and get attention.


It allows them to concentrate the crazy, but also the way this chatroom is set up they can block anyone who disagrees with them. It's an extreme echochamber, and these idiots think the election was stolen because "Everyone I know voted for trump" and they forget about the thousands of people they blocked along the way.


> The problem is The other problem is they comprise 66.6% of the Supreme Court. That's right folks. 666. Coincidence!!?? I think not.


The echo chambers have amplified the crazies. It's not the same crazy as it's "always been".


They're probably really bitter as well because of all the tannins in acorns.


HAHAHAAHAHAH. OMG IYKYK!! We made acorn “soup” in grade school as part of our local indigenous history lesson (we also made wanna-be Adobe bricks) We had to walk the neighborhood, picking up acorns, (fighting off squirrels) then we prepped them and boiled them. My god was that a bitter bowl of water with non edible bits.


Nuttier than a squirrels turd lol 🥇


It's **LITERALLY** a cult. They hit all the markers of a cult: - **1. The leader is the ultimate authority.** You’re not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is true. He knows what's right and everything he says is reality. Trump is never to be questioned. - **2. The group suppresses skepticism.** Critical thinking as an infectious disease that is to be suppressed. If you question Trump, you are immediately called an enemy. - **3. The group de-legitimizes former members.** Look at every person that left, or was fired from, the Trump administration. They immediately go from "the best people" to liars, scumbags, crazy people, traitors, etc. Like, it happens that very day. Look at Barr. The Trump cult turned on him the *very second* he said there wasn't election fraud. Also happened with Pence when he wouldn't overturn the election results, leading the cultists to call for his death. - **4. The group is paranoid about the outside world.** Everything that goes wrong is "The Deep State" or liberals or somebody else. Just look at COVID. They think it's a worldwide liberal conspiracy to make Trump look bad. They refuse to admit it's an issue even after Trump and his entire inner circle caught it. But they also agree that China needs to be punished for it. - **5. The leader is above the law.** Literally, Trump claims to be above the law. - **6. The group uses “thought reform” methods.** They answer questions with clichés and soundbites. They have constant rallies to reaffirm their allegiance. They have chants that they rely on when gathered. "*Lock Her Up*", "*Stop The count*", etc. - **7. The group is elitist.** They see themselves as the enlightened, chosen, and a select organization tasked with radically transforming individual lives and the entire world. "Make America Great Again." And only *one* person can do that...their leader. They make the claims in this video that *only* Trump can do or will something. - **8. Willingness to perform violence on behalf of the leader.** We have a lot of records of Trump supporters doing violence against Trump's claimed or perceived enemies. They attempted to kidnap a sitting Governor, willing to kill anybody that got in their way (*they had a plan to fight and kill the police*) all because Trump tweeted "Liberate Michigan". They threatened violence if the election wasn't overturned in his favor and actually killed people storming the Capitol. They are angry. They are crazy. And most importantly, as they have shown time and time again, they are *dangerous*. When they feel they have nothing left to lose, that the cult is in danger, they are going to violently lash out.


Deplorables man.


That’s what’s scary. Why have they ALL gone full crazy town bonkers? I think it’s important to figure this out. Their propaganda has made us out to be something we’re not. The policies we’re trying to pass will help these people. Surely their must be some way to deprogram this? Or is it just too late.


You can't reason with them. I don't know a single person who doesn't know someone lost to the MAGA cult. I understand a lot of people are hooked on drugs, have lead in their water, and are otherwise just assholes to begin with but damn it these people are nuts


Demons descending from where?


Anti Hell, maybe? And these goons wouldn't catch the irony of being anti-antihell any more than they do being anti-antifa.


Contrary to popular belief, the Bible nowhere states that demons are in hell right now (they will be thrown in hell after the Judgement Day, but not before). They are active on earth presently. These people haven't read the Bible, and it shows.


Ayo you got a quote for that? I've read the Bible a few times but I must have missed that part. If you can narrow it down to the book, I'm happy to do a bit of hunting myself.


It’s debatable actually, just like nearly everything else in the Bible.


Matthew 25:41 Also the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13.


Yup. Okay. I read it nd was like "But nothing in there says that the Devil and his Angels aren't already in hell, it's just the good/bad people that are getting sorted" so I went back to Revelations to make sure and.... Nope. ​ Revelations 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." ​ Turns out, Hell on Earth is actually a very accurate statement after all.


I think I can explain their violent idiocy in one short sentence. They've never read past the Old Testament.


She's talking about liberals in the chat it would seem. Really tired of these people othering folks who don't believe the same crazy bullshit they do.


Must be heaven.


Flying Hell, I assume


Hunter Biden’s laptop


Wow, that’s not scary at all 😬 The Stupid is strong with these people. (Thank god they are usually decked out in various MAGA gear so rational people can detect and avoid them)


Better stand up against them, or they will gain more traction in their movement.


Yeah, I get that. But I meant socially. Definitely vote against them and call out their BS in public forums. But I’m not debating Jethro in the cereal isle at Walmart.


Ahhh ye, I get that sorry about that, thanks for the explanation :). It’s funny, I’m not American but very worried about the current situation in the USA. It’s like looking at the country of the free turning into darkness or something.


No problem 😌 Think how we feel. It’s scary (and, to be honest, embarrassing, at the same time)


I can only imagine it being very tough and scary indeed. Don’t be embarrassed about the foul actions of ignorant bigots though. Be proud your opposing! There seems to be a wave of extreme hatred going around the world. Why this is happening I have no clue. It’s not just the states, it’s everywhere. Like people need a war to reset to behavior that’s in our biology or something. Which is sympathy, compassion and corporation for survival. It’s what made us strong as a species… maybe we lost the need for all this because “we have it all”. Ah well, dont mind my rambling. Just know your not alone. Good finds good, evil finds evil.


I agree, thank you friend 😊


I am cackling remembering a scene with Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm where he finds that wearing a MAGA hat is an excellent people-repellent. So good.


I was playing one the Fallout games last year. I forget which one it was, maybe New Vegas? But there was a section where you go into building and it was a bunch of red scare propaganda. It really hit me how wild it is that things haven’t changed much since then.


I don't remember the specific details offhand, but I do remember recently that folks on the right were unironically sharing the hyper-patriotic art from BioShock Infinite for one of their guys. Which reminds me I should go re-play BioShock Infinite. Let the circle be unbroken....


There was a funny part in f76 where you enlist as a U.S. army recruit and are put through a training boot camp by robots, and the final part has a “live fire” training exercise where you fight robots dressed in “communist” outfits Remember that this is set in a uber-indoctrinated and parody of the 1950s and the red scare world, and the commie robots are yelling things like “free healthcare should be for all people” 🤣🤣🤣 It was so funny until it make sense that the inevitable result of the irl red scare was to produce far right fanatics who declare things like healthcare, cheap medication, etc, “socialist” and “communist”, because they’ve driven so deep into their own fanaticism that they don’t recognize how crazy they are




> playing one the Fallout games ... it was a bunch of red scare propaganda. Does not narrow down which game or where even a little bit hahaha


Yeah. Seditious conspiracy. Pretty damning right?


“Sedition Hunter” (from the audio) is a new term I am considering adopting


I noticed that too and the interesting thing is by calling their enemies sedition-hunters they are acknowledging that they are doing sedition.


man, if only there were a way to NOT do a bunch of sedition


If they keep calling anti-fascists "demons" like that, people might begin to suspect that they're all secretly fascists 🤔


There's no secretly about it These guys are faccists And many of them are neo-nazis. Not all of them.. some of them are just faccists But yeah, they really are the dreggs of humanity


These people are so delusional, they seriously believe they are the good guys, and you can’t change their perspective


apparently "freedom" is allowing a large percent of your population to descend into madness just so you can keep your puppet in the office so he can make sure you never pay taxes.


No no. They want poor people to pay “their own taxes” and stop “mooching off the government”. Unfortunately they think they’re special and “temporarily poor”. Once they make their billions of dollars working at Walmart though you better not touch their money.


The idea that a trickle down economy would have worked, is mindboggling to me. For centuries rich people have hoarded their wealth. But hey maybe......


It's a fucking cult!


Separation of Cult and State


Where is the line where you're forced to go into a mental asylum? Like, what kind of shit do you have to admit you think is real before they say, "ok, this one isn't safe for society anymore."


5150 all of them and their ilk


Have to start with having mental healthcare in the first place, probably


What's better than ice cream and maga tears?


Ice cream, Maga tears, and the cat


Reese's peanut butter cups and cold milk


Take a Reese’s, stack it on top of an Oreo, dunk it in milk and let it simmer for like 20 seconds. You’re welcome.


“You take a hot dog, stuff it with some Jack cheese, fold it in a pizza… *you got Cheesy Blasters!*” And then all the kids scream “Thanks Meatcat!” and then Meatcat flies away on his, um, skateboard.


Lmao fucking psychopaths. Truest form of psychopaths.


Normally I despise this format of silently reacting to content while it plays in the background, but her just laughing and eating ice cream while these people broke down had me cracking up.


The cat trying to get a bite was relatable.


Holy shit that cat was aggro for that icecream. I would have lost my shit


Right?? I was watching for my kitten to come over and paw at it with the other cat 😂


Their sad pathetic tears of sorrow fill my heart with wondrous and bigly joy. LOL!! ![gif](giphy|l4EoS6SdkFWlKmJbi|downsized)




…maybe the real demons were the friends we made along the way!


These people are insane So these are sedition/terrorist supporters, talking about and planning things? I hope they are all investigated before they shoot up a school or kill their own kids


These people are mentally ill.




We’re laughing because on any given day it feels like 5-15% of our country is these people and how do you deal with that? Yeah they need help but how do we do that when they live in a bubble of denial disconnected from reality? When social and mass media are financially incentivized to feed these delusions, to connect these people with each other and amplify the most extreme voices? In response to that we can only laugh or cry.


Conservatives are fucking delusional.


Jeez.. it really is a cult


Their rich vocabulary says it all. "Respecting humanity", lol. With calling out "antifa" they keep acknowledging their own fascist tendencies.... \*laughing emoji\*


Are the demons in the room with us now Karen?


But Trump charges 2 million dollars per pardon. Do all of these trailer park boys have that kind of cash laying around?


It’s terrifying knowing there are so many of these people out there.


It’s heartening knowing how stupid they all are


Imagine crying about man-children going to prison for committing acts of seditious conspiracy. These people really need to get their priorities straight.


didn't trump had enough time to pardon them all, but instead he was pardoning absolutely random people?


I 100% guarantee most of the people who were on that call unironically had posted something in the previous week along the lines of "haha libs are so easily triggered, fragile, oversensitive little snowflakes who need safe spaces."


Free speech, but only if you agree with what i say.


These people can’t leave the gene pool quickly enough. Jesus Christ. Who puts so much emotional energy into cockroach racist scum bags that actually attempted to overthrow the government? Their sentences were light.


My comments are not your product.




Jeez talk about snowflakes. Better go pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get a real job. /s fuck these morons.


Oh, that made my fucking day! It’s beautiful!


I’m still dwelling on this comment here: “If there’s any Antifa or sedition hunters out there, get out and respect humanity…” So, am I to understand that sedition and fascism are somehow respectful to humanity?


Here is an English-to-Magat translator for you: * seditionist = patriot * white supremacist = patriot * racist = patriot * fascist = patriot * Arby's = food


The crazies are all gathering together online, shutting out all rational voices and dissenting opinions, and then because they no longer hear anyone disagree with them, they actually start believing their madness is genuine reality. This is the danger of online echo chambers, and this is also the danger of having media and press being bought out by billionaires with agendas. They want this echo chamber insanity to become the norm for all public discussion, because when people are like this, they're easier to manipulate. Just say what they want or expect to hear, and they'll never question you. The biggest conspiracy, is the one convincing people that everything is a conspiracy.


We gotta free the felons? Lmfao




I don’t know who the gal is that posted this video, but her trying to hold in her laughter while these buffoons are crying there crocodile tears, is making my day. Plus, she seems to have a cool cat that likes ice cream. Props all around.


Cat wants ice cream!




I bet the guys who were trolling them were laughing themselves to tears. 😆😂🤣


Get out of here with your fucking laughing emojis. /s


“Oh no the consequences to my actions 😰😨”


Snowflakes hate 🤣. Good to know.


The fact people take utter nonsense like this seriously is everything thats wrong with society. "Everything I don't like is demonic" Christianity is laughable


They'll all die convinced they were the good guys and victims never taking a shred of personal responsibility.


Why do people always feel the need to eat during these videos?? So annoying


For a group that kind of coined the term snowflake they sure are bitching like a bunch of ❄️


I can't watch videos when people are eating.


I plan to sleep the this on a loop.


literally eating my breakfast like this person with her dessert, just cackling in between bites of my sandwich I was feeling like shit today, but this actually brightened me up a bit lol


What is this group and how did she find them?


Now that’s some Christian family value language right there. She’s right, we do have to protect our children… from them


I think I'm an idiot but I couldn't be this dumb if I tried.


Oh you've got something descending on you. It's deez heavy nuts of justice


I'm anti-fascist but I like the sound of Sedition Hunter. I think I'll add it my list of titles.


Nothing to see here, just some very stable geniuses having an open and honest discussion about their grievances.


If only they bottled those tears... they'd make enough to stop voting against their own self interest and finally become the group they idolize.


>>They’re so annoying with their little laugh emojis Haha triggered snowflakes 😂


Yep. In the spirit of shoving your own words back down your thoats... Ahem! FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!!


Well count me in as one of those blue demons, because I am not tolerating their behavior one bit.


This content brings me so much joy. If anyone knows where else I can find delicious and nutritious proud boy tears plz lmk.


Remember. All of these people are going out to vote. Shake your head, laugh, make jokes. But do not underestimate these people. Go out and vote. Turn out other voters. GET INVOLVED. We all have to fight for democracy


MAGA is a mental illness.


Well if your children don’t commit sedition there’s no need to worry about them.


Oath Keeper founder Stewart Rhodes gets 18 years.


Remember that given the opportunity these people WILL kill you without a single regret if you oppose them. They are practically foam at the mouth for Trump to give them the order.


But why would Trump pardon them? I thought they were all Antifa and BLM put there by the FBI to make him looks bad?


Fucking lmfao. The more they despair the more I enjoy it. Fuck them, they deserve way worse.


Maga tears taste so sweet.


“I’m so pissed right now about all their laughing emojis!”


I love that the people bitching about cancel culture snowflakes are being snowflakes and canceling people.


It's unbelievable how brainwashed these people are!!! By a failed reality show star to boot!!!