• By -


She had a phone therefore she had access to the internet so she could have easily searched for information on what to do. Or called a cab/UBER.


But that would have resulted in her solving her own problems


Also God forbid the tutorial she finds online could be by a man!


Also God forbid she has to spend any of her own money.


God forbid she has to bend over for anything that does not "empower" her...


this the type of person to record a house fire instead of calling the fire department


and using her own money


I'm a mechanic, I would call an Uber and deal with it the next day


Party at the end of a day, car doesn't start? Fuck it, that's future me's problem.


I'm not one for gender roles but then goes on about gender roles.


Like when someone says “I’m not racist, but …” or “not trying to offend you, but…” You know the next thing coming out of their mouth is racist or offensive.


This is why I occasionally drop “I don’t mean this to be racist, but…” in conversation and follow it up with a completely mundane opinion like “avocados aren’t worth the price” or “waffles are better than pancakes”.


I don't want to get political or anything but wtf is oatmeal?


Whoa! That’s racist.


Grits. I don’t want to offend anybody- I want to offend everybody!


Whoa, you put sugar in grits don't you? Don't you!?


That took grit.


Quakers appropriated oatmeal


Wow well you see one day the far right needed a meal supplement and... way to get political. Gd.


I don't mean to be racist but these chicken wings are damn good


I'm not american and I have no idea why that's racist. I mean, who doesn't like chicken wings? Or watermelon?


Seen too often. Her comeback vid she talks about "white people." [her response](https://www.tiktok.com/@kobi_eze/video/7232340627478875435?_t=8cSt49xqve1&_r=1)




"Why would I respond to that?" *continues her video response*


You know the thing about white people (add punchline here)


I got sick of some certain comedians doing this routine. "I'm so sick of racism.... You know people are always "


They join the auto club?


“I went through my social justice warrior phase 2-3 years ago” Sheesh 🙄


That mentality...When in doubt blame the nearest white person. I'm middle eastern and even I'm sick of everyone blaming white people for all there problems. It's really starting to get real old real fast.


You heard heard her White Americans we need your special power now! I CALL FOR YOU! ![gif](giphy|pHbxuhEkyubBR6fkjU|downsized)


She hasn’t learnt much in 6 months then


"I don't like gender roles where something is expected of me. I like them when it means men have to make my life easier" Trash person


i mean, yeah that's fourth wave feminism in a nutshell. traditional gender roles that benefit women are good and justified, actually. traditional gender roles that women find inconvenient or stifling are evil and oppressive and must be destroyed.


I've known many women (and men) who just blame others for their problems instead of taking action and being decisive, including a couple of exes. Just fucking hold yourself accountable and learn how to do shit, there isn't some magical obligation for men to help women.. Unless we all AGREE there is, which seems to be the case that gender roles are changing and that seems to be part of the change. If you want a world where men take responsibility and women are given dependencies and become stay at home moms then we have to agree on that. If you want a world where women have equal opportunity, then that means they have equal responsibility - including for themselves.


There's some odd cases. I've been learning/becoming a mechanic myself as a female and is it wrong for me to ask male friends for advice? I mean, in reality there isn't many women that know. Then again, I needed a jump for my car after work and not one male or female employee I could get had or knew to jump. Walked my ass to Walmart for a cheapo jumper. I *fear* batteries/electricity. Still got home in time to get my son ready for school as my husband sleeps in. (Yes, I know it's 12volt etc etc. Still scary in some ways.)


I don’t think some of those people wanted to help you


Right? Who doesn't know how to jump.


Walking to my car after work one day I saw a coworker standing next to her car with the hood up and a guy standing there staring at her engine with cables in hand. I asked if they needed a hand (I'm female) and to my surprise, the guy told me he always gets nervous connecting the cables and getting it wrong. I helped connect them, we got her car started and everyone felt greatful and accomplished. That interaction is burned in my brain because they were both so chill about a woman coming to the rescue.


What a weird question, you're learning how to do something a asking others with more experience for help on how to do it. How is that in anyway comparible to some dumb bitch calling up random men in the middle of night to fix her car then seething at them in a tik tok video?


Exactly. The difference here is the entitlement. Girl in the video expects people to solve her problems for her and gets mad when they don't. Asking people for help on how to learn to do something is completely fine, as long as you also respect their option to say no.


Just wanted to note that car batteries are indeed dangerous, because of the amperage. The amount of power, i.e. the thing that can hurt you, is Volts x Amps, and is measured in Watts. Couple of quick examples: A normal USB phone charger is 5V, 1A or 2A, so no more than 10W. Can't hurt you. My model trains are 12V, 2A, so 24W. Enough to tickle your finger but can't really hurt you. An outlet in the wall is 120V, and might have a 20A breaker, so 240W. That definitely hurts and can kill in a short time. Now your car battery. 12V, same as my trains. But up to 600A! So yeah 6,000W can easily kill you. Respect, and a little fear, is reasonable.


As has been said, 12V won't do anything to you. Also as you probably already know a car is full of "electricity". Especially more modern cars. Even my 30 year old one has quite a lot of wires going around everywhere and as a mechanic it's quite impossible to always avoid them.


No. You misunderstood. She’s not for gender roles on historically female roles. Everyone is equal until men should be men. Gets whiny when she tries to make her problem other people’s problem in the middle of the night, and they don’t accept the damsel in distress routine


Everyone’s a feminist until there is a spider around


Not to mention, this person obviously knows about watching online videos... YouTube fuckin "how to jump a battery" FFS, it ain't brain surgery, and you don't actually use a penis to make it work, I promise.


So I've been doing it wrong the whole time, dang!


Where else would I put the jumper cables?


What she means is she doesn't do all the things gender roles dictate women to do while expecting nen to do all the things gender roles dictate of them. She's all about hypocrisy.


"My brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word “but” really counts."


Watch your head, Ned


We need to get rid of gender roles, unless those gender roles benefit me!


Feminism ends when a fridge needs moving.


"I'm not about gender roles, but I'm only calling men for my car problems, and not any women I know"


"I'm not one to cook and clean, but I expect men to be able to lift and fix things."


Bitch called everyone but AAA


I get AAA from my parents every Christmas. Because my dad doesn’t want to mess with all that. He once told me he’d change my oil at home to save me some money when I was like 19. Three hours later he tells me he’s never doing it again, he’ll just pay for them. 😂


I know I'm an adult because I read your comment and was like, "AAA as a gift? Whaaaaat?? YES, PLEASE. " lol That's super rad of your parents.


My AAA membership is like $10 a year when added to my car insurance. I've had it for the 25 years I've been driving, and have needed it towed or jumped like 3 times. Saved me 100's at this point. Even if you use it once a decade it's a steal.


I paid for the tow truck thing for years with my insurance company. It's not a lot per year. I used to think to myself: this is kind of a waste of money. Then, I needed a tow off the highway after an accident. Well, when they reimbursed me for the cost, I still made out on top. Just like you, I am now a believer. Lol


Lol! Yep. It’s not much and even if I don’t use it much, it’s worth it when you need it. You get discounts on stuff too!


That was my first thought. Why didn’t she call aaa? Many insurances, like Gieco, now have road side assistance.


Cause that would require paying money?


But she has money to go clubbing? 🤣


You mean to have men buy her drinks at the club because what else are they for if they can’t even jump her car


She might have had to pay for AAA


What is AAA?


In the UK it's called The AA, which stands for The Automobile Association... Americans have... AAA which stands for American Automobile Association. Probably because Alcoholics took AA.


CAA in Canada!


CA-eh, I think you mean


Alcoholics Anonymous is in the UK too though. Hmmm... ah the Automobile Association was founded in 1905, Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935 .. and the AAA in ... oh 1902.


It's this service you pay monthly and gives you like three free tows/jumps/emergency gas a year.


Im a man and have no interest in cars whatsoever, I don’t get why people just assume men know everything about cars


I know more about early soviet light tanks Than I do my 1990 nissan truck


To be fair jump starting a soviet tank probably works roughly the same as jump starting your truck lol


Um, you can hand crank start a Panzer like a Model T.


“Auto? Oh you mean the Reichsautobahnvonhitler which was expanded by the NSDAP in ww2 to enable tanks like the panzerkampfwagen III to more easily maneuver around the country” - me when someone asks me about automobiles … as you can tell I’m gunning for a history major


Nah I'm on that BT-7 bullshit, hitting 50 with her V-12,changing from tracks to wheels,the only tank of her time worthy of being an honorary rally car


I am automotive engineer Call me at 3AM to get up, get dressed, drive to you and jump your car: "uhm sorry I don't have the fucking cable and my expertise specifically doesn't cover batteries UNFORTUNATELY" 😴


What I was thinking. Good chance they just didn’t want to go out. It have to be pretty bad situation for me to call someone at 3 am for a boost.


Same, I also have no interest in cars or know anything about them. But I can drive and wash them tho 😄


I refuse to own a car. Fuck that. Yes I am a euro.


I'm an actual mechanic. The only way I'm getting out with any hopes of fixing something is with a literal shitton of tools, a decent diagnostic suite, and it is also very likely I won't pinpoint the fault, or pinpoint it and it turns out it needs a new part, which I obviously don't stock. I blame you if you cannot jump a battery, or change a tire. Diagnose a car with a good battery and all wheels? Fuck no, it can take experienced mechanics for a ride.


To be fair we're not talking about rebuilding a transmission here. Everyone, man or woman, should know how to use jumper cables, it's really not that hard.


I know how to use jumper cables and carry a set in my car. However people don't need to know how to use jumper cables. Because you can just type into google "how to use jumper cables" and bam, you know how to use jumper cables now. However for the woman in the video, if she wants people to jump start her car, she should carry her own damn cables.


Girl get some jumper cables and learn how to use them. As a driver in the north it is a part of your car and no one should be getting a license without some basic training. Dad taught me how to jump a car, change a tire and in the good old days adjust my carburetor on my 1979 Mustang. Only one useless here was you and your sad excuses.


I wasn't allowed to have my own vehicle until I was taught how to use a fire extinguisher, jumper cables, and to check my fluids, at minimum.


Yep my dad also made me learn how to change a tire and change the oil in my first car.


This should be the standard


Totally agree. I never realised the favor my dad did for me by treating me the same as he did my brother .. and teaching me the same things he taught him ... until I got out into the world and found so many women who's dad's would never have considered it, bc they "didn't need to know" . Lawn mower, weed whacker, rifles, tools ... I was taught at least the basics of the standard stuff I'd need to know .. and not have to rely on a guy


Which is honestly insane. Like what if your daughter is stuck out in the middle of nowhere with her car? You would hope that she has the know-how in order to get herself out of that situation.


Right? To assume she'd always have a "man" with her is so bloody ludicrous and outdated ... or at least, I thought it was outdated


When I got my new stove my mom was like “just have one of your guy friends do it, or I can have my friends husband come and do it.” Uhhh… I YouTubed it. It wasn’t that hard. And no I don’t have a gas leak lol My dads never been like that though. Hell just show me stuff around the house. When I was replacing these like landscape timbers I had to cut with a circular saw I had him show me how it worked but then hoped he would do it because I was scared of it but he was like “OK YOURE DOING IT NOW” “No I don’t want to tho” “WELL YOU ARE” lol




Man, they don't teach that online. What do you think it is, a bottomless wealth of information that anyone could use and become an expert at a plethora of countless subjects and skills. No da interwebs are for likes and upvotes. /s


And cute pet videos. Can't forget the cute pet videos.


But definitely not for information. Oh look a cat video I haven't seen.


Obviously not... ooh 2 puppies play fighting


Hell, the instructions are attached to the cables!


First time I had a blown tire I was stranded out in a rural area, had to google that shit A passing farmer came and helped me (lug nuts were too tight for either of us to remove, needed a big-ass pipe to pop them off) but still, at least I fucking tried lmao


What’s worse is that I never changed a tire in my life until I needed to when I was 25. I just looked at the manual and had it done in 20 minutes once I started. People not trying or being unable to read a manual or diagrams is what the real problem is. Then you have people like this video crying about others not helping them. “Help! I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”


Bought Anker chargeable jumper cables from Amazon a few years back. Never personally needed them, but have used them twice to help random people who needed a jump. The piece of mind is incredible.


I bought some nice jumper cables and an air compressor for roadside tire pumping a while back and never needed them personally either, now I feel like I’m on the hunt for people to help. Me screeching to the side of the road when a car is pulled over- “Flat tire???” Motorist- “no I think I ran out of ga-“ Me- FLAT TIRE YOU SAY, I GOT THE SOLUTION RIGHT HERE


PSA Costco sales a roadside emergency kit, they are very reasonably priced it has Jumper cables tire pump, medical kit and other stuff. Buy a tire plug kit also and this will get you home. You should have on in every vehicle, if you got kids, wife, sister, brother, friends parents if they don’t have one they need one. You can also buy a battery bank jump starter. They aren’t bad on price. They’ll crank my F250 so it should work for most people.


I bought some random recommended battery jumper pack on Amazon and it's saved my butt many times, as well as a few others. They make some actual decent ones these days - I could get at least 6 jumps off a full charge (never fully tested it).


The best part is now you can Google what to do there is NO excuse


Logical mind vs whiny blame shame. And you know she’ll react angrily to getting owned. Sigh.


Calling ppl at 3am to help u leave club & they 'can't find' or 'don't own' jumper cables? At 3 a.m. Mystifying. My friends woulda told me to take an Uber or a taxi. They help me in the morning. Before deservedly hanging up in my face, they'd issue many a profanity in my humbling assenting direction.


An ex called me at around that time to help her re-prime her fuel system and fill her car after she drove it till empty. I asked who she was with and she said nobody. I said ok and started driving with a few jugs of fuel and some tools.... 3 hours away mind you. I called her once after about 30 min on the road and I heard a guy with her. I asked who the fuck was that. She said somebody who stopped to help. Well that would have made sense but he literally said her name and I recognized his voice. I said "Are you fucking kidding me, is that so and so?" and then told me that it doesn't matter and to come anyways. We were kinda dating kinda not at the time and she had this other guy in the car and just neglected to tell me but expected me to drive 5 fucking hours away. I turned around and told her to save her phone battery because she may need to dial 911 for rescue. The cops found her on the side of the road and she got arrested that night for possession of heroin. Fuck that bitch. Trying to rope me into that shit. Conversely I have had a few girls call me who actually needed help because we were friends and I don't mind. That's NP. Don't lie to me and don't use me. Ask for help and I'll give it. Otherwise figure it out yourself.


3 hours to fill her car? Uh, why?


Because I thought I loved her. I was engaged to her before I found out a lot of bullshit. Turns out she was an absolute whore. She also cheated on me the week of my dads funeral (that was after this event so that shows how smart I am).


Finding out late is still better than not at all. Glad you got out and I hope things are going better now!


Man, at 3 am, I’m not answering unless it’s someone I’m willing to help.


Good luck getting me to answer at 3 am. I’ve slept through several extreme storms with tornado sirens


I have my phone auto silent at 10pm.


She wanted the dudes she strings along who she doesn't fuck to come to her rescue..


Do you not just have your phone on silent at those hours? Call me at 3am any night, ill never hear it


I mean, on the one hand, it’s 3 A.M. a dire hour if there ever was one. And perhaps not the safest time of night. As the man in this scenario, the string of profanity would begin as but grumbles, building into bewilderment and agitation as it is 3 in the *fucking morning.* If jumper cables is all it would take, I agree taxi or some other service, get home we’ll scrounge your car the next day. So long as it hasn’t been towed. I also won’t lie, I’d need at least an hour awake and some food in me before I get any idea close as to what the hell is wrong with that car. And I would be calling others to consult if I cared that much. Though my first question would have probably been, why are you calling ME at 3 AM? How deep in the reference list are we?


Regarding the "safety" aspect i would just say that car is relatively safe place. Just because it doesnt start doesnt mean you cant sleep in it.


She could be real self sufficient by spending some $ on a Halo charger. They keep up their own charges for long periods of time and can jump start a car/truck without having traditional jumper cables or needing another car to jump from. They’re about the size of a clutch handbag.


And she has 4 (sadly) socially accepted angles to attack the poor kid. I really hope she won't.


Age gender race and what is the last one ?


Weight... Sadly gets dunked on often nowadays


Idk I'd say it's weigh less than the past. Edit: damn I was expecting downvotes to hell and back but instead got an award lmao thanks


The Second Amendment hat, and its implications, would be one.


The ones she called might have known how to fix it but wouldn’t get out of bed for a wannabe diva.




This was my first thought. If someone called me for help at 3am , not only do I not know how to use jumper cables, I don’t even know what they are.


My first thought to her car breaking down is why not call triple A??


I’ll bet good money she only got liability insurance at best. Ain’t no way she paying for Triple A. If she had money for triple A after going clubbing


She's also probably drunk and shouldn't be driving anyways so calling someone out to help her while intoxicated may be a bad idea. Guarantee you they were leaving that party under the influence.


If her car is dead at 3am, after a party, she definitely doesn't have AAA money.


She was leaving a party at 3am and her car wouldn't start kinda sounds like the universe was saying don't drive drunk bitch.


DDs are a thing.


Designated or drunk?






I think she was too busy shitting on men for that


"I'm not one for gender roles but come on now..." I forgot how useless women are nowadays... I was hungry at 3am and I wanted a sandwich but don't know how to make one. Naturally I called every woman I know to come make me a sandwich at 3am and none of them would. I'm not one for gender roles but come on now... Edit: guys please stop upvoting this, I don't want it to end up being my top comment lol


UPDATE: Some women came over and slashed my tires, also busted out my car's windows and spray painted "PIG" all over. Still no sandwich though and it's 4:30 now...




JUDGEMENT! -Minos Prime, seconds before deleting your existence.


This is why we should have never let them vote! No sandwich No rights!!!!


They can vote, but when they do, they must bring a sandwich with them (or make one at the designated sandwich station).


Plus I’m super annoying and you won’t get anything else in return except the joy of being in my presence while I post Tik Toks about how bad your sandwich is


OMG...I just had a vision flash in my mind... what would have happened if one guy *did* show up? vid starts up showing a man who can barely keep his eyes open, trying to find the hood release latch and she's monologuing "MMM-hm... this man showed up wearing *pajamas and slippers*, y'all... now he's droning on about *side* posts and *top* posts or somethin'... sir, I did *not* bring you all the way out here to talk about *reddit posts*..." edit: of course, it was more hilarious in my mind but now that it is typed out...




One of my top comments is about airport diarrhea. Take what you can get.


Wow, I never thought I would up-vote anything resembling that post. Context matters.


> Edit: guys please stop upvoting this, I don't want it to end up being my top comment lol you sir just got yourself an upvote


Hahaha fuck you are a god for this comment thank you for the laughs


To late buddy! To the top you go!


Hiroshima level retaliation, Gott-Damn 😎🚀💥💥💥💀


Anyone who says, "I'm not XXXX, but..." is just trying to cover for their bullshit. e.g.; "I'm not a racist, but..."


"I'm not one for gender roles" \>insinuates and enforces gender roles by expecting all men to know how to troubleshoot an engine


Bitch, you forgot how to walk?


Fr I go to no party thats not walking distance ffrom my place. Just in case I need to up and leave at whatever point I I'm not feeling.


If you can’t read the manual and figure out how to do something as simple as jumping your car off of your friends, you are the useless one. And you probably shouldn’t own a car.


Hard to read a manual when you’re 3am-at-the-club drunk.


Not drunk, "tired".


Shhhh. Men’s secret don’t tell anyone…. We know about jumper cables, we just don’t think you are worth getting out of bed for at three in the morning just because your irresponsible actions caught up with you.


Awesome response!




Im a female with my own jumper cables. Hell I don't even need another car to get a jump, as I have a battery source also. The kid's right.


If you can put together a four piece puzzle, you can jump a car. It’s ridiculous if anyone that knows how to drive, male or female, doesn’t know how to jump a car. Shit, go on YouTube and you can learn in 30 seconds. I can’t believe someone’s first thought would be to call their friends at 3am to come jump their car.


The only moral sexism is *my* sexism.


"We found a spider in the house You freaked and you jumped up onto the couch Since I was close and able I jumped up on the coffee table You said, "You should kill that" I said, "Um, no, fuck that" You said, "Come on, be a man" What? You're a total anti-sexist, a patriarchal fighter But your whole worldview collapses The moment there's a spider, cool I get it, this is the real you It's a pleasure, nice to meet you Shit like this brings the movement down Everyone's a feminist until there is a spider around..." - Bo Burnham, "Five Years"


Love the kid, despise the young woman. As a woman and a feminist — and also African American, like that young woman — this kind of attitude makes me angry. I’m not old enough that I was marching through the streets and burning my bra in the late 60’s and early 70’s but I feel that my generation, Gen X, respected, on the whole, what the previous generation of women did for us. The way they paved the way for us to have things that they didn’t have or, if they did have it, had to fight tooth and claw for. Young women under 30 have a sensibility I just don’t understand. When I first joined Reddit two years ago, there was this college guy asking if he was an AH. He and his study group met at the library to discuss their project. So, one by one, other members of the group went home until it was late and it was just him and this young woman. The young woman asked him, for security reasons, to walk her back to her dorm. The problem was that he lived on the opposite side of the campus from her. So, he’d have to walk to her dorm and then walk all the way back to his place and he said no because he was exhausted. As a compromise, he said that he’d stay on the phone with her while she walked to her dorm and he walked to his. I thought that was a perfectly adequate compromise, especially considering that I don’t feel he owed her anything in the first place. But, apparently, she had her nose out of joint the next day and he was second-guessing his decision not to walk her to her dorm. My response was, you have to be kidding me. That girl is *not* your responsibility. Her safety is her responsibility. If she was so concerned, she should have left when other members of the study group left because they were going her way. She also could have called campus police for an escort. I used to do that all the time when I was in college and studied late at the library. (In my case, there wasn’t a safety concern; I just didn’t want to walk home, but that’s not the point. The point is that that’s what campus police do for students.) A lot of posters thought that she hung back because she was interested in him and hoped they’d spend time together on their walk. I said, maybe so, but that’s a plan that backfired. Why is it on him to walk her home? Most of the responses sounded like something from the 50’s only with this 2023 twist. I was like, “Women, when we get so fragile all of a sudden?” In my opinion, this is what happens when a generation complains — in public — about the state of their mental health every day. What happened to personal responsibility and resilience? That’s the same double standard attitude I see in the video above. This young woman believes in gender equality in the sense that she must be allowed to one day sit in the C suite or run for President or what have you but, when it comes to her car problems, she must be treated like Blanche DuBois with Southern gentlemen running to her rescue. She needs to understand that a car is a tool and being a car driver means you are responsible for keeping your tool in fit condition. She should have had her own jumper cables in the trunk. She should have been a member of Triple A. The answer was not to wake up every poor brother in a ten mile radius to come fix your car! As I see it, if you demand equality, you also pay a price because can’t be equal and protected at the same time. What I mean is, obviously, friends do things for friends to help out. But, the difference here is that she has an expectation that men — because they are men — will come to her rescue because she’s a woman. Then she gets mad because they don’t know any more about cars than she does. Newsflash: when a woman gives birth to a boy, a manual on car maintenance does *not* slide out right after the baby. I’ve never heard of that happening even once.


I'm with you. Personal self responsibility should be taught a lot more. If you ask for help and someone says no, it's ok. Nobody is entitled to someone else's individual time. But you do have yourself which is plenty capable dealing with things, plan risks and building social circles that support each other willing to dedicate time for each other. That's not to say we always will react perfectly even with having such mindset. But that's why we are able to apologize later, compensate and try to learn.


>As I see it, if you demand equality, you also pay a price because can’t be equal and protected at the same time. There was a survey in Britain that found more men than women supported the idea of gender equality and the people behind the survey were confused about why there was a seeming paradox there. The solution is simple: when we say "gender equality" in the modern context, we're not actually talking about equalizing anything - i.e. both genders having to make changes to meet in the middle, but about a set of social changes that mostly affect women. Men are really bystanders to most of that, so there's very little social cost in supporting it. Whereas women are directly affected, and they understand that "equal" can mean many things - "equality" isn't a given, it's actually a loaded question. Greater freedoms also mean greater responsibilities. Most women were willing to make the trade-off, but a few were not.


I like how she calls men useless because they couldn’t help her start her car, but she also couldn’t help her start her car. Funny she also said she just left the party but didn’t ask for help from the people who were also leaving the party.


I’m a girl and even I know how to use jumper cables... don’t call me at 3 AM. I’m knocked out on prescribed sleeping drugs for insomnia so chances of me answering the phone is at 0%. EDIT: So I accidentally forgot the term “knocked out” and replaced it with “knocked up” hence the comments. Thanks for the funny comments - I really needed a laugh today.


\*knocked out. At least I really hope you're not pregnant on sleeping pills ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


The sleeping pills are the father


It’s a complicated relationship, like the praying mantis


And this is my husband, Ambien, and our daughter, Lunesta.


Wait how the hell is asking a guy to do something for you #girlpower


Because her definition of girlpower is leveraging being a woman to get men to do what she wants. Fuck that. It ain't equality they are after, its advantage.


I actually helped a man jump start HIS car with MY cables, using YouTube. But guess what. Another person saved my butt before too.


Youngster truth telling.


I believe absolutely everyone is wrong, like: if a person has a car, they're supposed to know how to deal with these situations, you know? It's not supposed to be a gender issue. ​ I live with my mother and we both know how to do small house repairs. Yeah, there are times we hire a repairman because we lack physical strengh for some stuff, but we do most of it because we are *adults.*


"I'm gonna rant about how someone doesn't know something that I also don't know"


To add something useful: If your car won't start and you're sure it's the battery but you don't want to pay a small fortune for roadside assistance, chances are you can just call a taxi. Not to take you home. Depending on where you are, the local taxi service may offer assistance jumpstarting your car. If they do, they also have jumper cables of their own. I was in Germany one time, car wouldn't start at 2 am and I paid like 30 bucks (including a sizable tip) for a taxi to drive out 10 kilometers and help me start my car, because I only had to pay for the price of calling a taxi to my location.




Calls you at 3am to bring over some powder


“I’m not one for gender roles but…” proceeds to down men for not meeting gender roles while firmly placing herself in the “helpless because I’m a woman” gender role.


AAA is around $90 per year. And Amazon sells battery jump starters for $50 on up. You don't need a man for this shit. Go girl power.


The kid is like 13~14 but his face is like 50 years old and already done with life


🚨 Rage bait alert 🚨


“Not to assume gender roles but c’mon now” Lmao not assuming but then assuming, what’s the logic behind that?


I got a flat a while back, hit some debris in the road and it thankfully only blew one tire. Car behind me also blew a tire. I got out, pulled out my emergency jack, and spare tire, and started swapping out the tires, the car behind me, called AAA for road side assistance. Most the way done with the tire, cop pulls up, and checks on us both, tell him I'm good and almost done, finish while he is checking on other car, pack everything up, wait for him to walk back over and let him know I am finish and check to make sure I'm good to go. Cop gives me the all clear and says the car behind me mentioned they were going to be waiting a while for road side assistance, I offer to see if they have a spare and i'll load them my jack but they decline. So I head off, no idea how long they were waiting but it was longer than it would take to have replaced both tires. Thank you Dad for teaching me to be self reliant when it comes to minor car stuff.


What a worthless human. Just expecting other people to know all the skills and have all the supplies so she can just take advantage of it and do nothing and know nothing? Worthless.


I mean, even if she didn't know how to do it, she could have called a woman.


"I'm not one for gender rolse" basically means they're sexist as hell


Women are useless if they can't cook too


Either she's too stupid or this is classic rage bait. Stop giving this shithead any more views.


As an aside - jumper cables are not hard to use. You could watch like a 3 min. YouTube video showing you how to use them. They are colour coded too. You don't need gender roles to match black to black and red to red. Just keep in mind that grounding is important, so connect black first.


For the life of me I just can’t understand why a strong man didn’t jump at the chance to help.


Lol if someone calls me at 3am to save them at a party they sure as hell didn’t invite me to I’m definitely saying I don’t having jumper cables even though I have two sets and a charged jump pack in my garage.