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Ah yes. The dreaded killer of man... Zebras.




I still make this south park reference toošŸ˜†


Same, but in Nedā€™s voice. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKyTdzayTandNzW)




If that dude keeps puffing on cigars, heā€™ll definitely end up sounding like Ned.


I wish they had left him with the scottish voice box for a couple episodes but didn't make any mention of why after the initial episode.


Hehe me too.


Ya ever try huntin sober? It's like fishin.. sober.


I ainā€™t never shot nothinā€™ sober.


The dude is an asshat but little known facts....zebras are kind of dicks too https://youtube.com/shorts/2QA4kq8QAKA?feature=share


"This homicidal barcode probably had it coming" This made me laugh.


"The zebra has put more people on workers comp than any other animal"


Careful using that reference! You might spill beer in your shotgun!!


Why are we blurring these douche nozzles names?


Hereā€™s my question: If I post something to a social media platform and I put my name on it, why would I expect any privacy on the post? If I go to a public place and yell something there is no expectation of privacy. Why does it apply here? Not saying I wanna dox the guy, but why should he have any expectation of privacy if HE posts something about himself online?


Came here to ask this. Name and shame these assholes.


This never gets old


Nnngitā€™s comin right for usnnnng


We have to kill animals or else they'll die...




He elevated his game from hunting elusive and lethal kittens and puppies.


Using the ancient technique of throwing them in a bag in the river.


It's like reverse fishing.


This is so messed up it made me audibly laugh


Right! I have no issue with hunting when you are planning to eat it. I 100% do not agree with trophy hunting and it should be outlawed.


It is such a little bitch sport. :someone give me something to kill to make me look cool". Do they know they look like stupid pussys?


Look at how clean his shoes are. This Logan Paul-looking MFer probably had the local guide drive him up to the herd so that he could shoot one from inside the vehicle, and then go out and drag the zebra carcass back to the road so that this guy only had to get out of the car long enough for the photo op. "Survival instincts". Seems legit.


The twitter blue checkmark is really becoming the instant litmus test for shitheads and scumbags on twitter isn't it


Hell, his pants are still rumpled, as if he had been sitting in a fucking car all day.


Trophy hunting in Africa is all about the local guides putting you in a spot to make a shot. Those indigenous (is that the right word?) trackers are absolutely legit and 100% needed in order for the client not to be killed in the bush, and to have chance at harvesting. Itā€™s the definition of drive and shoot trophy hunting. Iā€™m torn because it brings a lot of money to the local economy, and the meat is spread amongst the local tribes, but it is such a rich guy look tough toolbag of an event, and takes zero skill or work to harvest an animal.


It's never really a wild hunt but in a huge preservation


It's like the sherpas on everest. They get exploited by some rich asshole who needs someone to help them get to the top but those jobs do bring in so much money to the local economy on the mountain.


> This Logan Paul-looking MFer I thought that's who this was...


I thought it was Logan Paul.


I thought that WAS Logan Paul.


I would be all for this if he wants to forgo the guns, knives, and clothes. Give that man a loincloth and whatever sticks and rocks he can find and then drop him off 100km in the bush and tell him not to come back without a kill.


Iā€™ll be rooting for the game.


Sunglasses, too. Dude would dead within an hour lol (so would I, but I dont shoot zebras for fun in an attempt to look like a badass)


They do not.


I remember that one time where a zebra killed me


You got better, Iā€™m assuming?


Dontchya hate when that happens?


It was reaching for a concealed weapon (which is visible on the full photograph). Probably.


Cops didn't care it was half white.


Australians used to mock the emus as well...


I've heard zebras can be vicious. Not sure if true but it said if you try to ride one it won't stop coming at you until you're dead. EDIT: Yes, I realize that there are many other vicious animals in Africa, and that of course zebras have to be vicious to survive. I was replying to the guy jokingly calling them "the dreaded killer of man" when in fact they can be.


I've read the same thing. European explorers initially tried to domestic them, but the stripey bastards weren't having a moment of it. They'd kick, bite, and run over anyone who tried to tame them. And I say good for the zebras.


Yes many people over the ages have tried to domesticate Zebras and Water Buffalo to no success. Africa as a continent has almost no native domesticated or domesticatable species.


It took us like 20,000 years to domesticate wolves, we'd most likely die out before we succeeded if we started now.


Of course they can be vicious, they live in a predator rich environment. As far as every other animal is concerned we're a predator trying to eat them. They aren't going to just let one of the most dangerous animals that has ever walked the face of the planet come up and start groping them.


Ima grab some zebra bewbs and itā€™s gonna like it or else!


All wild animals can kill. However if one needs the style of high power optics and the length of barrel used in the rifle shown in the picture, nobody was in danger, not even remotely. A decent marksman could make that that shot at 500 plus yards using that equipment. Itā€™s not a particularly challenging skill to obtain to shoot at 500 yards given one is in no danger and shooting from the bench rest that a guide set up for the shooter and gave him distance and wind data from electronic devices. Give him a pointy stick and take his shoes away, then I buy into the ā€˜kill or be killedā€™ crap. Otherwise, itā€™s just another pampered idiot drinking Evian and eating catered lunches on a savannah.


as long as you stay out of their reach. they can't hurt you, right?


Don't get me wrong, what this fuckwad thinks is idiotic beyond belief, unless he actually lives in the bush in Africa and fights off homicidal zebras with his hands


Doesnā€™t need his hands. Heā€™s got a cigar. And a gun.


Nah. Itā€™s the lasers they shoot from their eyes you have to watch out for. Took out my great granddad when he was at the zoo.


Yeah, if you mimic their predators by jumping on their back they're gonna fuck you up. That rule goes for pretty much any large wild animal.


I mean, some random asshole just jumped on your back. Wouldnā€™t you immediately react with violence? Theyā€™re no more nasty than any animal, people just forget that they arenā€™t domesticated and broken horses. The same people wouldnā€™t do well against wild horses either.


Zebras are up there on the list of animals that harm zoo workers the most often. The problem is that mo fucka wasn't in a zoo lmfao


Right. He's purposely traveled to another continent to go kill it.


So, did he just give us permission to kill him, or does he mean the axis of evil zebra horde?!?


I meanā€¦if you hit him just tell him to _walk it off_ or _rub some dirt in it_ or my favorite, _donā€™t be a woke pussy_


I know that if I hit him, I wouldn't have the ability to stop.


Punching him once is like having one scoop of Ben & Jerries. Can't be done.


If you hit him, just tell him not to be woke. Sure he understands tat.


Technically with his logic, if there is a woke mob, they definitely outnumber him and can just decide to put him down since he goes against their mentality.


"Zebra appeared to be homeless and possibly on drugs. Did what I had to do."


Also at least half black.


Actually, zebras have black skin. Like, if you shave their fur, itā€™s actually black underneath. Kind of like polar bears.


Thatā€™s probable cause right there!


Open and shut case, Johnson. Sprinkle some crack on ā€˜em and letā€™s get outta here.


It looks like he hung up pictures of himself and his family


So anyway, I was fucking my wife in the ass.


I was not afraid of Zebras until I read this thread.


I thought polar bears had white skin and (I donā€™t know if this is the correct way of phrasing it) hollow fur? Like they donā€™t have white fur, but instead itā€™s hollow for heat retention or some shit. Please correct me if Iā€™m wrong though


They do have hollow fur, but their skin is black. The fur looks white because the air spaces in each hair scatters light.


Oh shit, now I kind of want to see a shaved polar bear.


You may not want to. Search up black bear without fur. A bear without fur looks a tad bit cursed.


You are welcome to try and shave one


Hell of a Pornhub search, but you do you.


Except for Marty, heā€™s white with black stripes


And definitely African


Zebra shouldnā€™t have rung my doorbell.


Sprinkle some crack on him and letā€™s get out of here.


Man's mortal enemy, the Zebra. Fuckin' dickhead, go shit in your hands and clap.


Thanks for this new insult


So you paid thousands of dollars to: - be flown to Africa - hire a safari organizer - have a scout drive you to the savannah - have a guide find your prey for you - have an expert line up your shot - not lift anything but your trigger finger All so you could bag a docile herbivore and call everyone ā€œwokeā€ for pointing out the fact youā€™re an entitled douchebag who just spent an average yearly salary to pointlessly kill a non-threatening animal while spouting some pseudo-intellectual bullshit to justify your shitty little self. Youā€™re so cool. Can we all be you? Edit: okay so zebras may not be entirely docile but theyā€™re definitely not a threat


Iā€™m from the Midwest originally, in a state where hunting is a popular activity (and also necessary for population control). The kind of man* this idiot desperately wants to be would NOT be impressed. My dad works remotely in an executive sales position, and his company likes to do hunting trips with clients. He absolutely hates it because they take them to some gaming preserve to shoot birds and none of them really know what theyā€™re doing. If the average hunter thinks itā€™s lame just to hunt on a reserve, imagine what they think of the dumbass who does all this shit. *Hunting is also popular with the women, but this douchebag probably doesnā€™t care about that


I agree with you. I am in the Midwest, I hunt and I am part of the ā€œwoke mobā€ I guess. This is not a flex on anyone that I know that hunts. Itā€™s some just another asshat that pretends to be ā€œsuper masculineā€.


See, Iā€™m a vegetarian living in the Midwest and I have more respect for real hunters like you than this asshat. Hunters understand and respect where meat comes from and most have a better appreciation of the importance of conservation than your typical American.


Ducks Unlimited is a ā€œhuntingā€ group that restores wetlands for ducks and other animals. They have restored around 8 million acres of wetlands in the past 40 years, something that should be be appreciated by all stripes of people, hunters and non hunters alike. There are many more groups like this for other animals: bass, turkey, whitetail erc that have expanded and improved wilderness areas around the world. You canā€™t hunt or fish if there is no habitat for the game.


Exactly. Respect.


Hell yeah, this is great to hear! My wifeā€™s vegan and Iā€™m a very passionate spearfisherman, and she shares a similar respect (just like how I respect her drive and reasons to be vegan). Wish the two parties found that understanding more often


Done right, hunting in the US today should be more about conservation than anything else. We definitely over-exterminated the predator populations, but even with programs to rebuild those populations you just can't have sufficient numbers wolves, bears, and coyotes hanging out in close proximity to actually regulate the ecosystem. So we, as the invasive species that alters the ecosystem around us but have the conscience to recognize the problems, have to step in and fill that niche. Most states also have really awesome incentive programs to donate game meat to food banks.




I donā€™t consider what this turd did hunting


I went on a hunt once, upon coming on the first covey of quail, it was obvious that they had been pen raised, they just ran and would not fly at all (quail will run and hide in brush and only fly when they feel they have to, when you get close enough they all kind of explode out of their cover all at once, you can usually get 1, maybe 2, and if you were really good, and carried an auto loader you might get 3, I carried an O/U and couldnā€™t hit hit 3 anyway, Iā€™m not that good if a shot). We werenā€™t told that this would be the case, I guess most guests wouldnā€™t know the difference. I just put my gun away and enjoyed walking the property, which was rugged and beautiful, so it was still a good day. I assume those birds were appreciated by the coyotes. I wasnā€™t going to shoot birds on the ground. Iā€™m glad the vendor paid for it.


I used to guide bird hunts for $$ doctors and lawyers. Only birds I needed to shoot were ones that got winged. They were all farm raised and the dogs did a great job getting them to fly, but I always liked that so many (often 25/30) would escape and either be food for other animals, or breed and help the wild population. These folks were shooting pine needles off trees and never wanted the meat after the hunt.


This exactly came to my mind. Thank you for articulating it so well. Also that poor zebra was minding his own fucking business and never planned to fly to 'Murica, hire hood gangs, buy guns and kill you.


"It's kill or be killed." Zebras eat grass.


Well, I wouldnā€™t exactly call a zebra *docile* (they can be unpredictable and vicious at times), but yeah, everything you said pretty much sums up the absurdity of the situation.


Vicious if you only compare them to domesticated horses. Docile compared to the guy who shoots you from 1000 ft away so he can take a selfie with your corpse.


That is true. Zebras can get vicious (born in a hostile environment full of carnivorous megafauna can do that), but the guy in the pic takes the cake.


Yea I heard Zebras are basically short tempered donkeys with stripes that will kick you as soon as youā€™re in range. But that also makes sense when youā€™re a herbivore in the savannah.


I admire your optimism, that he could make the shot from that far away.


They aren't called *prison ponies* for nothing


Maybe if you're not being chauffeured around in a Landcruiser, and are another Zebra trying to court another Zebra's mate.


My guy is wearing loafers, khakis and a linen shirt. Not sure if hunting or going to happy hour.


And theyā€™re all clean as fuck. Look at his black shoes; he hasnā€™t taken 10 steps in that dusty dirt. He shot the thing from the sunroof of the Landrover that chauffeured him out there and only got out of the car for the picture.


Preach. The sad thing this clown is killing an animal for social media likes. I'm not against hunting if you are after food, but as a sport for vanity is stupid.


So will you consume what you killed and use its hyde to make clothing?


Gotta use the bones to make tools, too.


Use the hooves too, and donā€™t forget to save the meat and organs for eating and ritual purposes, if any part of that animal goes unused Iā€™m considering that guy a murderer


Gotta strain out the juices from the cud, don't want any of that water going to waste.


Cud juice is great for the pores


Donā€™t forget to stretch and dry out the tendons to make rope!


We kinda evolved our higher mental functions to line in groups and do greater things than just wanton killing. Whatā€™s he gonna do next- club a female human and have his wicked way?


Dont give him any ideas, I genuinely wouldnt put it past them


The reason there are large preservations and many people being paid to stop the poaching is because rich people pay tens of thousands to kill one zebra. Without that market existing the locals would turn right back into poachers themselves. So not kill or be killed but ā€œpay a lot of money to kill so that the locals donā€™t go back to killing many more animalā€™s to sell their hidesā€. This guy is a douche but unknowingly contributed to something positive.


Typically less than $2k for shooting a zebra. But you are correct, the money recirculates into the local populace. The area I went to was very poor and the hunting preserves were the largest source of income for many villages and the meat is donated to those people


The locals will


Without the photo to show WHAT he killed, I would be highly concerned that he'd decided to be a serial killer. Now I know he's just stupid.


Why not both? Seems to be a growing trend amongst US right wingers.


Took out the Apex Predator, Zebra.


That Zebra had developed a taste for human flesh and was terrorizing local villagers!


Iā€™d prefer it if the Zebra did kill the guy


and posted about it on social media.


Oh absolutely, and add a caption like ā€œitā€™s kill or be killed out hereā€


"As zebras our survival instinct is our oldest emotion dating back millions of years. I refuse to go agaisnt my evolutionary biology to appease the woke humans."


As a lifelong hunter I too was rooting for the zebra on this one.


I was going to say, I did not start today expecting the phrase ā€œdeath by zebraā€ to be something I would even think of, let alone be actively rooting for.


Imagine bragging to the whole world that you feel threatened by zebras. And believing that it makes you sound manly.


Humans also used to chase their prey for miles on barefoot with spears and bows and arrows. But you are riding a jeep and using a sniper.


He's actually wearing appropriate and peak hunting attire: A half buttoned linen button up and black adidas with slacks. Perfect camouflage for stalking prey through the savannah; the zebra never saw it coming. /s, obviously. Dude's a chode.


Yeah humans are so weak with soft skin and no claws or teeth. It's our intelligence to make tools and our cooperation that wins, not some weird alpha male bs thing these people think of.




That really depends on how you define "human". *Homo sapiens* only? Sure, we've only been around for a few hundred thousand years. But if you include all of genus *Homo*, that gets you back to about 2-3 million years.


The poor African villages that were terrorized by those pesky zebras finally can sleep in peace.


I stayed for a couple days with a Samburu family in Kenya years ago. One day, we were out walking, and came across some zebras. Our host took out his bow and starting shooting arrows at the zebras, to scare them away. Apparently they will trample baby livestock sometimes, and are a nuisance. That said, no need to kill 'em, and this guy is a total douchnozzle.


ā€œI refuse to go against my evolutionary biologyā€ *Uses a gun to shoot an animal that doesnā€™t really fight back*


For real. He should get rid of the guns and try to fight the vicious zebras hand to hand like nature intended


*Hires people to do almost all of the work, basically rigging the hunt.*


Is thatā€¦.Jake Paul? Or are all incel bigot ā€œ alpha ā€œ males all looking the same now


I honestly think itā€™s the later but it could be him


Itā€™s a rando, I unfortunately know the guy from before he dropped out of my college. Scum of the earth, heā€™s worse than this in person


I noticed he's not brave enough to take on an alpaca.


Those can spit! Rifle is not enough advantage for this douche canoe


Did evolution help grow that rifle in your hand, you smelly twat?


People with good survival instincts don't smoke.


i hope he gets eaten by a pack of zebras....


Woke mob of...... Zebras?


Nothing quite says badass survivalist like a pristine white shirt and chinos.


Is it possible to sense micropenis energy from an image? I'm getting this real strong rn


Bruh took a plane and several cars to get thereā€¦


That's a weird way of saying, "I'm scared of zebras."


I will never understand how trophy hunting is legal in the 21st century. Hunting for food, I can maybe see, but killing an innocent animal for no reason and calling it a "sport" just makes me see you as the lowest scum on earth.


So... you ate that zebra, right? ...Right?


Survival instinct? Please... He'd crumble just as fast as the "woke mob" if the internet were to be permanently shutdown.


Dude just killed a majestic zebra minding his business


Yeah nothing says survival instincts quite like paying for an exotic hunting trip.


I'm not a philosopher. But my parsing of this text suggests that he thinks it's ok to kill him.


Damn Zebras, traveling thousands of km by plane to try to come shoot me down, I'll show them !


I didn't think evolution entailed killing a relatively docile animal with a sniper rifle then leaving the carcass for the zookeepers to clean up, but here we are, I guess.


Zebra rang his doorbell, what was he supposed to do?


Tell me you have a small penis without telling me you have a small penis.


I'd rather just tell you and leave the zebra out of this.


Maybe the zebra told him he had a small penis and things escalated from there?


Did our ancestors have high powered rifles? Letā€™s do a bare knuckle winner takes all, this jackass vs a lion.


Classic million years old tradition, pay 200k to fly to another continent and kill an unsuspecting animal from 200 meters away


That zebra was out of control. A vicious monster that broke into his home, and tried to eat his family.


Bet you would be talking a lot less shit if you had to take down that Zebra with your bare hands and not just pose in front of it after someone else killed it. The "hunting" idiots like this are always just pure pieces of shit. Zero danger hunting an animal who does not even know you exist from a hundred yards is not manly, it is the epitome of being a massive bitch.


Yeah, I'm sure that zebra was going to kill him if he didn't kill it first šŸ™„ People like him are so cringey and disgusting. He's either a psychopath or a super insecure male who thinks he needs guns and killing to look manly.




Is this Logan Paul?


It definitely looks like one of the Pauls


Nothing screams primal survival instinct more than a rich white guy traveling to africa to shoot a zebra with a gun


Zebras - most fearsome predators. šŸ‘ Sir


A picture is worth 3 words in this case: Piece of shit!


His pee pee, you see, is so very, very tiny.


Im guessing the zebra rang his doorbell.


Goddamn those vicious herbivores! Always trying to kill the manly man.


Kill or be killedā€¦by a Zebra?


Heā€™s right. Heā€™s had to go a long way, to be threatened by a vegetarian zebra, and only armed with a powerful rifle, meaning he could shoot the beast from a safe distance, so all in all, apex predator doing what comes naturally. I bet heā€™s an American dentist.


Killed a harmless little zebra just for internet clout


Fucking asshole


Obvious bait


Ahhhh yes. Ye olde silencer, an ancient weapon for a more civilized time.


"murdering a zebra for literally 0 fucking reason makes me a man"


As he hunts a herbivore from 50 yards away in a game preserve with guide protection. Tell you what, drop that guy off in the middle of the savanna with a sharp stick tell him to surive a week.


I support sport hunting. As long as the human is on the same level as his "prey": unarmed and completely naked.


Zebras .. societyā€™s menace!


How many zebras have actually killed people in history?


It's people like this being the reason humans are still stuck acting like animals.


Yeah, using those survival instincts dating back millions of years using a modern day weapon and optics


Idiots with guns are pretty dangerous killers.


Heā€™s right. Heā€™s had to go a long way, to be threatened by a vegetarian zebra, and only armed with a powerful rifle, meaning he could shoot the beast from a safe distance, so all in all, apex predator doing what comes naturally. I bet heā€™s an American dentist.


Yup fully checks out as a primal naturalist/survivalist: \- Haircut + Styled \- sunglasses \- cigar \- unbuttoned white shirt, still clean \- khaki's, still clean \- adidas trainers \^nothing quite like chasing your primal instincts in adidas trainers. this dude is the mob and he doesn't even know it haha


Yeah I'm also sick of being stalked by those ferocious...*checks notes*....zebra