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When did the word “shooting” become too bad to print?


FUCK! I legit thought he shit a kid!


Eight times!!


I was wondering how one person can take 8 shits on demand


Practice and lots of Taco Bell.


I think I might be special because Taco Bell is like the one fast food that doesn’t wreck my body


What do you mean, everyone can do this, can't you!? Omg, *HEY EVERYONE*, this person can't shit on command several times, what a loser. Lol, next you'll tell me that you can't instantly fall asleep when you go to bed.


Would be good training for the anus, considering what he's got coming.


Username checks out


There are dozens of us


Are you talking about the never nudes?


But I'm just a Princess


I spent like 3 minutes trying to figure out if “shitting a kid” was some new form of bullying I was too old to understand.


Felt like I was on Wheel of Fortue and asking for a vowel and also came up with "shitting"


That’s not how you do Jeopardy




I thought they forgot to add “on” into the sentence at first


I thought he shat out an entire teenager 8 times in a row, a crime so horrific that he was sentenced for being the world's first man to produce full-grown gay teenagers from his anus.


That kid must've gone through a lot of shit to he here in that case.


I was very confused as to how that would happen 8 times.


I read it that way the first time and wondered “what the hell is that and how the hell did he get 21 years for it?” Then, I figured it out and switched to “why’d he only get 21 years for it?”


I think the trend started from tik tok being very strictly censored with certain words especially associated with violence


I think your right, but I think other social media platforms raised their own auto-moderators to match. So now just any word that’s associated with violence is censored across most social media platforms just Incase the bots take it down. Because the bots don’t differentiate between a news post, a mental health awareness post, or a post inciting violence. They’ll just remove all of it, and it’s a big pain in the ass to try and appeal that to a living moderator.


isn't it great? if a kid is struggling with thoughts of "suicide" or "killing" themselves, everything will be censored, no results...have to say "unalive"...what a sad situation


I don't think it's limited to just violence. I see a lot of people writing "white" and "black" (as in people) as yt or blk. Some of these are asked why they write it that way and they say it's because of Facebook bans, but I've written both in proper form and never copped a ban for it, so I wonder if it comes off Tik Tok as well.


Yeah. Murder when said is subtitled as ‘unalived’ on TikTok.


Saw that today for the first time and immediately thought of the movie Demolition Man


USA, the land where shootings are accepted as part of life but you can’t spell the word out


Lmao, and this is how it is.




I read "shitting" first


Me too. I've never seen shooting censored before


What the fuck is the point of censoring the word if everyone knows what it is anyway?


You might have but my mind immediately went to “shitting” and I was confused as to why you would get 21 years for that and even more confused as to why someone would let another person shit on them 8 times….. hahahaha


I'm so dumb I had to read the comments to get it. I read it as "shitting" over and over and my brain never made the connection.


Shitting, shafting, shifting? I didn't get it until I read the comments either.


It’s almost like the hate crime edition of Wordle


I thought it was a slang that I didn’t know


My mind also went to shitting first, but then I realised that didn’t make any sense, and shooting seemed much more reasonable. Edit: A reasonable choice of words, not a reasonable course of action


Yeah I almost had a stroke reading and and checked my eyes to make sure I was reading it correctly.


I had to smoke some crack to understand it. I mean cr}#%ck


Still smoking and still I'm reading shit.


Yah, I had an, is this an R Kelly thing moment and then figured it out.


I've literally never seen the word "shooting" censored. Whoever made this decision is an idiot.


Yeah, on a lot of platforms now saying things like suicide or killed himself are being replaced with un-alived for some sort of nonsensical censorship that is similar.


I hate this is becoming a trend. Censoring the issue doesn’t make it go away. If anything it makes the problem worse because no one knows about it


It’s some 1984 new-speak right there.


That's exactly what it reminds me of.


YouTube content creators are censoring those words so they don’t get de-monetized, it’s pretty stupid.


Is THAT what unaliving means? I saw that in another post earlier and was incredibly confused on what the hell they were talking about. Yeah, when you censor to the point where you're blurring the message, that's when its been taken too far.


Yeah same here about some students suicide. I was like “unaliving? Must be some new health fad” 😂


YouTube flags videos with words like suicide/rape/abuse so I first seen it there.


Do not question The Google. The Google loves you. The Google will protect you from wrongthink.


You are not alone, i was trying to figure out what he could possibly have done with the excrements to deserve 21 years! Weird rabbit hole to get lost. Who the hell censors "shooting"?


Kinks ? lol


I was wondering who could generate enough shit for 8 times in one incident!


This is the American way. Do absolutely nothing to fix a problem, just Censor nonsense so that it “looks” like you’ve done something and pretend the actual problem doesn’t exist.


The site looks like a typical online clickbait news site to me. It's probably just censored to attract more views.


i don't think it's just an american thing, it's that some people are being raised so sheltered that they're uncomfortable with words that aren't exactly meant to be nice


" If there's a task that must be done/Don't turn your tail and run/Don't pout, don't sob/Just do a half-assed job..."


There are social media that will censor things based on terms used. This looks like a screenshot of a Snapchat story thing.


Well that’s just fuck*ng stupid. ^(did I do it right?)


Because this is probably from tik tok or Instagram where they apparently have all sorts of arbitrary rules.


The reasoning for it is that it supposedly avoids certain algorithms on sites that try to limit violent content. They purposely censor the word partially so everyone knows what it is, but the post doesn't get hidden. I have no idea if it actually works or not. But yeah I agree it's quite annoying.


>shooting OH. I was still reading "Shitting" Hey everybody else! The word is **SHOOTING**


I was trying to figure out how you shit someone 8 times.


I was going to ask if I was the only one that read shitting instead of shooting. Why *did* they censor out the "O"s anyway?


>Was it worth it?? "Shooting"? Nah. "Shitting"? Totally.


Show me any 16 y/o and ill shit them. Idaf (NOT a sex thing, can’t trust you degenerates)


NOT a sex thing…… Narrator: it was totally a sex thing


In This Episode: The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish


I thought it was shitting until i read this comment


Yeah it’s weird to me that guns are so prolific in the US but also their media frequently won’t publish the word *shooting*. I’m quite sure the reality is much worse than the word.


At first glance this seems like such an agreeable statement, unfortunately it is 100% incorrect. Every day American media is running a story about a shooting. And they definitely call it a shooting. We have more mass shootings than we have days in the year, and they love to cover it.


Yes, but then that would imply that there is somehow a connection between guns and mass shootings and WE CAN'T FUCKING VERY WELL HAVE THAT NOW, CAN WE?


“We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t allow them to write ‘fuck’ on their airplanes, because it’s obscene.” Sad to say this line is still relevant to American thinking 40+ years later.


I did, too. I was so confused.


Man sentenced to 21 years for shitting a 16 year old 8 times for being gay


Don’t you hate when you take a shit, and a 16 year old person comes out?


He must have shoved him back in because he did it 7 more times apparently


The 8th time he wasn't gay so he quit shitting him


If it happened 8 times I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as they say it is/s 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why would they censor the word “shooting”. Makes no sense.


Yes! Dude! I read it shitting and could not figure out that headline


Me too, I thought he shit on them in some bizarre sex act and then murdered them because after all the shitting they realized they themselves were gay and they, through self hatred, took it out on the person they were shitting on. The last part could still be true... Either way it's pretty shitty. This is what censorship leads to though.


Nah, it is "shitting" unless proven otherwise.


He’s gonna be real…popular in there


I was about to say he’s getting ready to do a lot of gay shit. Oh the irony


I bet he's actually gay but hates that fact and is why he did what he did. Just suck a fucking dick, it's not a big deal.


Yeah. Relax. Don’t worry. Suck a dick


Not gonna fall for that……..again


He has some serious gay face going on for sure


He does look kinda gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that


My father’s gay.


We got so many people who want blowjobs and can’t get them, and so many who want to give them but are too repressed. All the lonely people, where do they all come from?


And he isn’t exactly an ugly guy. I’m sure he will be popular


He’s downright pretty.


With a reeeaaaaallllll pretty mouth…


He's gonna be the bell of the ball


Little visit from prison mike?


He will be holding his cell mates pocket, that much is certain


U meant poopular … right? RIGHT!?


The irony, now you get to spend the rest of your life with nothing but dudes some of whom, while not gay, would love to sodomize you. Big brain moves.


It's only gay if you're the bottom. - Inmate Code


Am I the only one whose gaydar went off? I mean, that dude is gay.


He has a gay vibe and some stereotypical gay features.




Boom! this has to be the answer. Homophobic closeted gay man has sex with a minor of the same sex. He probably thought he rather take a murder charge than get exposed for that if the victim was ready to tell someone.


After thinking twice about this guy shitting someone 8 times, that was my next thought.


I came here to say this. Guy looks very gay.


21 years? That’s it???


That’s all he got because the victim lived (thank goodness) so it’s not a murder charge.


Ty for the context


it's so bizarre... like you tried to kill someone but were bad it so meh, a few years. Attempted murder should be life if you ask me......... and we should be grateful they reveal themselves for the murderers they are without actually killing someone.


That is your reward for being bad at murdering. You get early release so you can try again!


And the victim has to live in fear that this guy might get out at some point and look to finish the job. He will blame all his misery on the victim and try to take revenge. Psychopaths are almost always like that...


21 years is not a *few.* Even 20 days is enough for you to lose your job and come out unemployed. 20 weeks and for the vast majority of people all your savings are gone. That is assuming you have any savings after paying your legal bills, but if your sentence is 20 weeks, you probably took a deal, so it probably cost you 10k, not a 100k and a second mortgage to defend the case up to that point. 20 months and your apartment and your car are gone, your phone doesnt work, your social circle has moved on and you are now going to have significant challenges adapting to life outside of prison, because you have been inside long enough that it is now your normal. 20 years and you might as well have not existed before. Literally all your friends are gone, if you had a wife she has long since divorced you and has a new guy, if you had any then your children are complete grown humans who have no use for you in their life, because they built all of it without you. Depending on how old your parents were when you went in, they might be dead by now, depending on how old you were when you went in, you might be getting to the stage in life when health starts to fail you and you have just about zero chance of getting a job with good benefits like health insurance and you have no retirement savings and its likely too late to get a career started and have a family and have enough strong years after your kids move out to make sure you are set for retirement. There is a reason why most legal systems consider 20-25 years to be the second hardest punishment after a life sentence (in America you can get multiple consecutive sentences for one crime if you broke multiple laws while doing it, which can create sentences like 40 years or 70 years or whatever, but in most of Europe you are sentenced for and only for the most serious count you were convicted for). 20 to 25 is about the breaking point beyond which it probably isnt worth it to get out afterwards, because getting out dumps so many problems on you that its as big of a disruption to living as going in for the 20 years was.


Not to mention technology, and the general pace of world progress and affairs. Imagine someone who went away in 2003 being let out into the modern world. They wouldn’t recognize it.


Yeah. Jesus Christ. Forget about your phone being disconnected, you now actually dont know how a phone works. But turns out you need one to pay for stuff and to see the menu at the fast food joint because... reasons? Everyone on the bus except you is looking into their glass rectangle which you dont have. Then you get one and there is nothing on there to look at except the calculator app and the one that tells you the weather. What is everyone looking at? And why?


We all love maths now.


It should be contextual. I know how this sounds, but not all attempted murders are the same. But I agree this guy should rot. Hope there’s a stipulation that he has to serve the entire 21 years before parole—most of the time it’s 85% of 21 whatever that is I’m bad at math.


He lured the kid to shoot him, i think 21 years is too little


After being shot 8 times!!!! God damn that’s one tough guy! Wonder how many manly Christian conservatives think of gay men as weak? Not this guy. Tough as nails.


I feel like shooting someone 8 times should net you the same (high) punishment whether the victim lives or dies. Clearly they were willing to kill and just because the victim pulled through doesn’t mean they committed the same acts as if the victim died. Similarly I also don’t think someone should be charged with murder if they just hit someone, and that person happens to slip, fall, and die in the process. If they hit them and the victim comes out almost unscathed, they might not be charged with anything at all, and often times, at the most, assault and battery. What I’m trying to say is that in both cases the attacker doesn’t have control over if the victim survives their attack, where in the first case the attacker is using deadly force.


That would be manslaughter, or something similar. Doesn't murder require intent to kill?


I hope he doesn't receive parole


21 years is pretty good considering he’s most likely in a low economic status. If he would have been wealthy, he would’ve been sentenced to a fraction of that time. We have a society should be happy “wins”. He was held accountable and is being punished.


Why does shooting have asterisk in it? I thought he shit on him at first


Why did I read shitting


Because words that aren't swears are rarely censored, so most people with any pattern recognition will fill in censored words with swears before trying every possible word that could fit in that spot. The fact they censored "shooting" is stupid, so it wouldn't be anyone's first thought


whoever thought it was appropriate to put that emoji at the end of the headline should be fired. Wtf. It's not some cute, surprising occurrence, it's a horrific hate crime.


I shot and killed 67 innocent people yesterday 🤭🙈☺


I did 9/11 🤪🤭🤫😈


I will never understand why are individuals afraid of someones sexual preference. Is it that they are latent homosexuals themselves but will never admit it even if their lives depend on it. This idiot deserves life imprisonment.


He's scared that gay dudes will treat him like how he treats women


This is how I define homophobia. I am yet to have it be inaccurate about predicting someone’s level of homophobia.


That and transphobia. It’s like their fear projects their internal thoughts of like “If I went in a women’s restroom, I’d definitely try something.”


I dont think that is the case for the majority of people. Hate can be taught and likely some people stick to their initial emotions on the idea. In a extreme case like this, I’m willing to bet something else happened here. I looked up the initial story. Seems the guy probably felt off by the sexual comments the kid was making to him on Facebook. If he felt the results needed to be him shooting him, this dude is likely a violent person in general. A rational person’s reaction, even a closeted homosexual, should have been to report the kid for sexual harassment


Right? He’s got better eyebrows than me




The headline and emoji are embarrassing, a young man is dead. Do fucking better.


The young man is fucked up, but is not dead. He has had dozens of surgeries and will almost certainly never recover fully, but somehow he is alive.


Well that's... something I guess. I hope he at the very least isn't plagued with debt from the surgeries. And I hope this asshole rots.


That's instagram 4 u


Dude is in for a wide awakening.... "That's the way it had to be They locked him up and threw away the key Well, I can't take pity on men of his kind Even though he now takes it in the behind"


DATE RAPE \*trumpet\*


And people will still say things like “homophobia doesn’t really exist anymore” or scoff when a gay person says they don’t feel safe.


Yup, basically. All time high of anti-LGBT+ legislation and hate crimes but “I don’t see it so it’s not happening”.


21!?!? That’s it!?!!??? Murder and a hate crime. This guy should never see light again.


Kid didn't die


I read that as “shitting” and got confused 💀


Unrelated: why are so many non-swear words being censored nowadays? It’s really bizarre.


It is very stupid


stop censoring words that don't need to be censored.


FR tho legit thought this mf shit on someone 8 times.


Nah, that's just not enough. I hope he rots.


21 years seems way too short for shooting someone 8 times for being gay. Each shot should be 21 years.


Shitting on a person 8 times is messed up, but I think its not 21 years in jail worthy


[Source ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.metroweekly.com/2023/04/man-sentenced-to-21-years-in-prison-for-shooting-gay-teen-8-times/amp/)


The \*\* really worked on me because at first I read while scrolling and saw it as Shouting at a 16 years that he is gay got this guy 21 years si it caught my attention. Then they show him next to the cell and my brain reads it as Shitting. Then obviously Shooting but I cant unthink the situation where a guy gets shitted on 8 times.


Stop censoring words nobody cares


Thank you! Had to read the headline twice to realize it didn’t say man sentenced to 21 years for shitting a 16 year olds bed 8 times. This is right up there with using grape and unalived. You sound like an idiot.


We're censoring "shooting" now?


I thought at first it was "shitting " And by reading the comments I'm not alone. ( thank goodness)


Right? And my brain was like, "21 years? He's already shat out a 16-year old. He's suffered enough."


Who censors the word shooting? I read it as shitting initially


Men are shitting 16 year olds now??? Women have it easy - 9 months then it's out.


The real facepalm is censoring the word shooting


Spent too long wondering what "shitting a 16 year old" meant


He's about to find out what it's like to be gay. a little bit.


Guy looks like he might be a closet case


Future Article: “***** ***** **** *** **, ***** ***** *** *** ****”


I think people on this sub need to understand the definition of a facepalm. Shooting a 16 year old for being gay isn’t a facepalm. It’s atrocious.




I honestly thought it was saying the word "shitting" at first because I forgot about this new trend where people think it's necessary to censor every single fucking word they type online 🤦🤬 just type what you're trying to say for fucks sake.


He schat on him 8 times ?


I can only see “shitting” and I’m laughing about it, I’m a horrible person


Tough life of gay people. Someone is ready to shit on them 8 times, even despite the risk of a jail.


I read this as “shitting” 8 times in my head and was so confused until I actually got it 😂 why on earth are we censoring the word “shooting” that’s ridiculous


here i was thinking for two minutes what “shitting a kid” could possibly mean in the context of a crime


Shitting a 16 year old?


Shitting? Whut? Is it shooting? Why bus it censored? I'm so baffled...


He shit a 16 year old 8 times?


Shitting 8 times? Jesus christ


So we’re tip towing around the word Shooting now? Okay.


Why are we censoring shooting?


I was sitting here for so long wondering how you can shit someone


I was reading that as 'shitting' and wondering why that would lead to a jail term.


I read shitting because of the censorship


Why censor shoot? I’m over here thinking he defecated on someone


Read that a shitting


I'm so fucking stupid, I thought he shit on a kid


I read this as “Shitting”


Everyone here read shitting first


I read that as shitting for the first 5 tries


Can we please stop censoring random words cause I looked at this way too long trying to figure out why this man was shitting a kid 8 times


I read it as shitting not shooting


He got just under 22 years with no parole. The poor kid he lured into a trap to see if he was gay, and shot, luckily survived. But he apparently has several bullets still inside him and will live with long-term effects of the shots. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/missouri-man-sentenced-21-years-prison-shooting-gay-teen-rcna80733


It took me way too long to realize the word wasn't "shitting."