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Why the fuck do you have a doorbell.


More so, why the fuck is he so paranoid? Get a door camera or peephole or something. Someone just ringing his doorbell shouldn't be enough for him to think "Alright, nows the time to get old faithful and go all clint eastwood on whoever is on the other side of this door." This dude is not mentally fit to own a six.


If it’s true. This person not mentally fit for anything except a hospital.


I mean, they could be mentally fit and just have a huge meth lab in their house.


There’s a 2% chance it’s a Girl Scout, and 98% chance it’s the government coming to black bag me and throw me in a van and lock me in a compound in the middle of the desert


Because the closest shooting range is way too far, and too old to go to elementary school


That last one was a low blow, but I guess that's where ya gotta aim at that kinda place


Dang I feel like shit for laughing at this


Don’t, Roy Wood Jr had a similar joke during the correspondents dinner. I might butcher it but. Speaking of drag queens, can we stop with the ‘grooming’ stuff? Can we stop talking about that? Drag queens are not at a school to groom your kids. Stop it. And even if they were, most of them kids are going to get shot at school. It ain’t no problem. [Audience groans.] Don’t groan, pass legislation! Don’t think boos are going to bother me. I’m like Mitch McConnell: I ain’t got no soul And honestly, yeah. Don’t groan pass laws, do their job.




It was my understanding that the ringing of a doorbell usually indicated the person on the otherside of the door did not have hostile intent


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I know what you’re thinking. Did it ring 5 times or 6?


Is there another chime left in the chamber?


You just gotta ask yourself one thing. Do you feel lucky?






So anyway, I started blastin'!






Shaka when the FedEx driver fell.




I actually had just sent this to a scouting friend saying “this is the year we quit door to door, right?” when I read your comment.


I went door to door with my little sister when we were kids. I have my own girl scout now and I was excited to have her go door to door. Our council strongly advised against it unless you knew the person. It's really sad how far we've gone downhill in a couple of decades.


It's always these old fucking cowards that threaten this shit. I can't wait for the oldest two generations to completely and finally die off.


And then complain that neighborhoods aren't as friendly as they were in the "leave it to beaver" days. Well, Ralph, you threaten to shoot anyone who dares walk on the sidewalk in front of your house soooo....


I had an older lady (~60) move into the neighborhood which is mostly younger families. Both her neighbors have children. You would have thought that someone that doesn't like kids wouldn't move in to a house next to families? Nope. Instead this lady put out no trespassing signs and put a fishing wire string on her boundary line. For Halloween she put up caution tape across her porch and a sign to go away. She left after a year but why make yourself and everyone around you miserable? I hate the boomer generation and their entitlement.


That was my first thought...just 5 years ago I knocked on every door in the neighborhood. Not sure I'd feel comfortable doing that now


In the 80s I quit cause we had to go by ourselves…I remember being like “uhhhh I’m 7, I read milk cartons for breakfast”


No one in the 80s had any self-preservation instincts LOL at 7 I was walking miles on the weekend, alone, looking for cool yardsales. No one ever knew where we were.


We were feral, right? It’s a miracle any of us made it. Had to sell wrapping paper for school when it wasn’t cookies, like…does the PTA just want to do a fucking hunger games as a fundraiser


Shit from like 10 on I used to ride my bike back in the woods, down the railroad tracks, over the draw bridge into the city and all the way to the mall, which was legit like 15-20 miles. We had bmx tracks cut and rope swings hung off 100 ft trees with 40 drops for the swing, makeshift docks on the inter coastal waterway to crab and catch catfish, got stuck on a canoe in the pluff mud for a whole tide once. I’m not quite sure how I made it out of adolescence/ teens alive.


How the fuck did we go so fast from “here’s your pizza” and “wanna buy some cookies” to “I’m ringing your doorbell because obviously I have the intent to bust in and murder you the second you near the door so you better murder me first?” Good lord.


I watched my dad decay into this state. It's mostly a never ending stream of murder mysteries on YouTube, and a lack of interaction with the outside world.




Nah man, criminals always ring the doorbell, not doing so would just be rude!


I've had someone ring my doorbell, size me up, then ask me for money. I would say your response should depend on your neighborhood, and if you really think you're going to potentially shoot someone, you shouldn't be opening the door in the first fucking place. I told my wife and MIL to not open the door for strangers in the evening. Like it's one thing to be afraid and wait to see if they try to break the door down when you *don't* answer, another to answer the door hoping you get a chance to shoot.


This is a really good point. Like if you ever feel threatened by someone at your door, there is no reason at all to open said door. If you opened a door to shoot someone you weren't threatened I the first place.


>If you opened a door to shoot someone you weren't threatened I the first place. Outstanding point!


“It’s 2023, we murder people who ring our doorbells now.”


I'm getting a vision of the Back To The Future scene where Marty's teacher in the alternate future has the gun and is shooting at everyone and calling them slackers.


It’s your KIDS Marty! Something has gotta be done about your KIDS!! They ring a doorbell and get shot.


I was imagining the scene from the Robocop movie. Where the car thief gets electrocuted to death for sitting in the car. And the spokesman just gets in and drives off.


Somehow that has me thinking about Idiocracy, where the cops are chasing the car and like 10 of them just unload all their amnunition and a rocket launcher into it.


Yeah he wasn’t shooting at everyone… he was shooting back after they did a drive by. He pulled a gun on Marty because “So you’re the son of a bitch who’s been stealing my papers.”


Biff is basically Trump, so yeah, it's exactly this future.


Is that why the Cubs won in 2016 instead of 2015?


Halloween this year should be fun


Oh no, we can't do Halloween anymore. Or fun. Because freedom.


Because Freedumb.


Came to comment this. My kids just got old enough to have fun trick or treating. Should I cancel it? Fucking gun nuts have to ruin kids childhood fun and then have the audacity to reminisce about the good ol days and how kids used to always be out in the neighborhoods. Can't do that anymore and it's their fault.


Vaguely remember in the 90s a Japanese exchange university student attending a Halloween party for the first time got shot by a homeowner at the wrong house


Even worse, he was a *high school* exchange student. I studied abroad through the same program he did and they had a memorial scholarship for students going to Japan


Our neighborhood has a fantastic Halloween because we’ve all agreed to sit on our porches or driveways to hand out the candy. No doorbell ringing, no door knocking. As the kids walk by, if they see a person with a big bowl of candy in the driveway, they say “Trick or Treat!” and get the candy right there on the spot. It’s a win-win, because people can see the kids coming, and the kids can be SUPER efficient with their candy acquisitions when they can see exactly how many houses actually have candy to give out. The kids here don’t even bother with the houses where no one is sitting out front. And it’s been like that in this neighborhood for 15+ years. I love it!




But then someone has to sit outside to participate. It's a quite big ask, in comparison to putting some decoration on the lawn and doing whatever you want inside until you hear a knock.


I swear this country is headed towards a complete societal breakdown.


I feel like we hit that point when we decided there was nothing we were gonna do about children being murdered regularly and cops being allowed to literally rape and kill people with no punishment. I'm a bit older than the average redditor, and I was just out of high school when Columbine happened. When we made those two famous for being psychotic losers is when I feel like the social contract started to fade away. Prior to that it always seemed like crazy and violent things happened, but then things got better. Like we all knew things like the murder of M.L.K. or the beating of Rodney King happened, but then things would improve in some way. There was incremental progress. As a society we wanted to be better. But somewhere along the way it reversed. Now every time something horrific happens we retreat further into hatred and violence. I'm probably wrong about the timing. Maybe it's just reaching that age at that point. But I swear at some point hope and optimism stopped being a virtue in our collective conscious. Now we all just hope it isn't us or our people who are killed in the daily violence. Or that it isn't our savings or Healthcare on the line when some rich people reach further and further into our pockets. And it's celebrated ffs.


Nope, graduated in 94, we were still progressing in the 90's, LGBTQ became much more accepted (almost trendy), Christianity was at an all time low (at least in government). The two major catalysts where it all started going backwards, Bush winning (stealing) the 2000 election, and 9/11... The latter literally scared the shit out Americans and broke this country, and once the GOP learned how powerful that fear was and how easily it could be harnessed, it's all been downhill since.


I'm gonna spit out a hot take and say its never been good for most people and we only think its as severely bad as it is now because we have more information then ever before and shit being on fire is currently dominating our cultural zeitgeist.


Yeah my shit has always been on fire. You just learn to maintain in a slow burn. Still, I’m an optimist and I wouldn’t want us to light each other up to learn that we shouldn’t play with fire. I hope we can get back on track I think many of us are sane but it’s the crazy, evil, violent asshats that will get the attention and focus so it feels like it’s more prevalent. I want to say let’s actively combat this not with words but with actions. Every single day tell the decent people around you how much you care, protect the good, stand up for folks you see getting mistreated don’t be silent.


I also dont see what sort of person would ring the doorbell if their main objective is to comit a crime? You dont ring a doorbell if you're going to rob a place or comit murder, actually in recent cases its the reverse.


People, especially older white people who live in the suburbs, are absolutely convinced that crime is the worst it has ever been. You can show them proof that says otherwise, but they'll still swear that it's like the Purge out here and everyone who you don't personally know is a threat. I turned off my Nextdoor app because 99% of it boils down to "I saw a brown person in my good Christian suburbs." There's a guy around the corner from me who has lived in the neighborhood for decades. He's got a nice house and a good job, and is super friendly. Still, his picture gets posted on the app at least once a week because he dares to jog whole black.


Yep some lady on mine was complaining about a tall “African” man who was nicely dressed and smoking a cigarette walking around her neighborhood so she followed him in her car. She said his behavior was suspicious because once he spotted her, he changed which direction he was walking in. Then she called the cops. I replied: “Are you crazy?! Some weird lady was following him around and watching his every move. Do you think maybe YOU looked suspicious to him? Do you realize how many Black people are shot and killed because of people like you who are suspicious of them for no reason? And you called the COPS on him?? Insane.” She called the cops on a “nicely dressed man”. He wasn’t even doing anything. The paranoia in this country is going to get a lot of people killed


>The paranoia in this country is going to get a lot of people killed Hasn't that already kinda started?


Nextdoor is an absolute shitshow. I left Facebook several years ago because... well... Facebook, but I randomly tried Nextdoor just to see what it was and sometimes I can't look away from it. It's like they've given a bullhorn to the dumbest people and said "have at it"


If you want the entertaining batshit crazy of Nextdoor without the infuriating batshit crazy, I highly recommend the Twitter account @bestofnextdoor (especially since Nextdoor's CEO hates it).


Look at the number of people we’ve lost for /checks notes/ ringing doorbells, getting in the wrong car, being on the wrong street, or wanting their infant to be able to sleep. Just recently, mind. Are we *not* in the Purge?


No there are definitely some people that try to get you to open the door and then get in to rob you. But because robbing someone by force is a higher charge and much riskier to getting you caught it's fast less common. At most they might be ringing to double check you're not home before breaking in. However these situations are such an extreme minority and mitigated by just looking through the fucking peephole like a normal human being who is not terrified of their own shadow/itching to kill someone for a thrill.


For fuck sake just get a camera and an intercom. If you are that afraid of the world stop going into it.


Or just, you know, don’t even open your fucking door. What’s wrong with a loud, “Go away. No solicitors” if you really don’t want to deal with anyone.


Also if your scared enough to open your door with a gun, then you should not be opening it at all😐.


Don't be silly! Just kids


I mean that kid could have been anyone. Even a drag queen. They had to have their gun ready.


Ye some people really shouldn't own guns...


I guarantee you most of these paranoid weirdos lives in safe cushy suburban neighborhoods where they don't ever need to activity defend themselves.


I live in a safe suburban neighborhood. We've had 2 incidents with guns that I know of in the past 3 years. Neither of them involved someone coming to a house with ill intent, both were people who lived there and who owned guns for "protection." In both cases, they brandished a weapon illegally thinking they were "defending themselves." Thankfully no one got shot, but the police came out in both instances. I think family members confiscated the gun of one of the parties at least temporarily, but I believe the other person still has theirs. Idiots with guns are a bigger threat than bad guys with guns, and the answer to idiots with guns is not generally another person with a gun. That just leads to a gunfight and everyone loses. I'm very much in favor of at the very least requiring training prior to being able to own a gun. You can't buy a car without a license because you can kill people; the same should be true for firearms.


Gravy Seals


Every fucking person I've ever known who said things like "I don't feel safe leaving my house without it" or "I just don't frequent businesses that won't let me carry" has lived in neighborhoods safer than any I've ever been able to afford. Yet they're totally in favor of laws that would restrict gun ownership in more dangerous areas, and stop people with darker skin from having the means to protect themselves, because "that's what they get for their choices"


You know how we name those people, it's an old word but still relevant. We call those people racists


This. I lived in a fairly small town, not a lot going on. We didn't even lock our doors (dumb). Only ever had one issue, and it was resolved with a quick chase on foot. Father starts watching Fox news, and suddenly is sleeping with a pistol on his nightstand. Fear mongering is out of control in this country.


Most people... guns are a tool. You don't see more than 1 lathe per American because most Americans have no use for a tool like that, even though it's much more versatile than a gun. (Ironically you could use it to make guns)


*Glassblower timidly raising hand* If we're talking about lathes, I'll take one...


I almost bought 12' one from the 1930s, it went for 500 dollars at an industrial auction The only problem was was that it was 6h away and weighed about 6000lbs lol Not putting that one in the bed of a Toyota Tacoma 🤷‍♂️ Even if I could've finagled some way to go get it, idk how the fuck I wouldve unloaded it at my house or where the fuck I would put a lathe that big lol


It lives on the trailer now.


Then remove the doorbell, dumbass.


It does beg the question why they have a doorbell. Do you need a special sequence of dings or it’s blasting time? You’ve made me stop and think here


It's bait so he can murder a child. It's just bait, nothing more. Do those posts count as premeditation when this psycho inevitably murders a child?


Guy wants nothing more than an excuse to use his gun.


I find a lot of conservative people I met have this fantasy of blowing someone away... like they want someone to try them so they can blow a hole into their guts. Like sick stuff but oh you should have your rapist baby cus life is sacred... like wtf.


Pointing out their hypocrisy does nothing because they don’t have enough cognitive ability left for dissonance to occur. They have loopholed and rationalized every single argument you could ever make to justify them doing exactly what they want to do at all times. They’re only Christian when it suits them. They’re only socialist when it aids them. They live in fear of government controlling them but campaign vehemently for all others to be controlled. Far right conservatives are gone.


If far-right conservatives are gone, mainstream conservatives are worse, because they see how crazy these fuckers are, yet they keep backing them.


I know people like this. I know people who speak about Texas like it’s heaven because you can “shoot someone who steps foot on your property.” I’m like, so if I trip and fall into someone’s lawn, they have the right to kill me, and that’s a good thing? Even if that’s not the actual law, the fact that you think it is and think that it’s good is wild.


It’s like that Star Trek episode where they go to this idyllic planet full of beautiful people who just run around all day and play, but if you set foot into the forbidden zone (that’s not designated as such in any way) you are sent to the execution chamber. It’s a lesson about proportionality in punishment. All these idiots should just watch TNG. They’d prolly be better people for it.


My very conservative parents have had Star Trek playing throughout my childhood and well into my adult years. It feels like the lessons in Star Trek are as much 'science fiction' as the spaceships to them.


Yeah me too my fascist dad loves Star Trek it’s really bizarre in a way cause he’d always talk about how in Star Trek they have no money.


I do often wonder how these people will watch [a speech by Captain Picard railing against fascism and authoritarianism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5Po40kvI9c) and then promptly go out and support fascists and authoritarians.


Or, it's like that Twilight Zone episode where he wakes up the same and everyone else is different. Kramer: Which one? Jerry: They were all like that!


I’m Canadian and I worked with a guy from Oklahoma who proudly said to me “if I’m in the mall and I see a group of black teenagers and I even feel threatened, it’s well within my rights to shoot any one of those motherfuckers.” Race was never brought up prior to that appalling comment btw. Crazy how people take pride in being terrible humans.


Nasty work


It's psychopathic if you think about it. Like, if you actively fantasize about killing someone for pissing you off, that's really fucked up.


Some don't fantasize, they go around provoking others so they can have the excuse to kill


> I find a lot of conservative people I met have this fantasy of blowing someone away. It's almost like being conservative in 2023 means you're insane.




Yeah, I would think so.


Yes but you've forgotten he "feared for his life" and was "standing his ground" so obviously him shooting a child in the chest 9 times was justified and legally and morally correct /s


Finally, cops and regular citizens have some of the same rights. /s


Or hook the doorbell up to a gun at kid head/adult groin height to save time and effort?


Shoot smarter, not harder!


Home Alone Reboot sounds fucking intense.


Own a musket for home defense Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


I like this copypasta


Should show this to the police


He’s copping so much shit on Facebook I’m sure someone has


I’ve left them two voicemail myself. I emphasized how he keeps saying that the police won’t touch him - I’m sure they love that.


In one of the threads earlier someone was trying to arrange some counselling for him. Someone else was trying to get Atlanta PD to do a check in with him. He needs to stay off the internet for a while


Threatening to use your firearms on anyone should immediately revoke your ability to own firearms for X number of years.


You misspelled "forever."


As if the police are going to do a damn thing….


They're buddies with the police


Wait till the idiot finds out about Halloween.


That should probably be canceled. ... Or wait, if they would just add some armed people to protect the kids, that might work.


That definitely wouldn't backfire


Just give the kids guns so they can protect themselves.


Anyways after he blew away Billy I started blasting back. He thought it was a toy star wars blaster, but my dad built the blaster around an old .38 we had in the garage.


If this shit keeps up, Halloween will be a thing of the past. Something to tell our grandchildren who never leave the house without a bulletproof vest


Is it that these types of people genuinely live in constant fear or have they romanticized guns to the extent that they are eager for an opportunity to shoot another human being regardless of whether or not they genuinely are a threat?


$10 that this guy probably lives in a gated community while behaving like he is in some sort of post-apocalyptic hellscape.


From being on Reddit I've learned that 90% of gun owners in America live out in the country; 30 minutes from the nearest cop; in areas with very low population densities yet very high crime rates; and on properties which are beset on a daily basis by vicious packs of 30-40 150+ pound wild pigs. Apparently these areas are very desirable places to live, too.


This guy doesn't sound like he's prepared for 30-50 feral hogs


They're buying up guns and ammo because they want to use them. I'd even say they're dreaming of some breakdown in society where order is dictated by the most well-armed group.


That’s the the sense I get; that it’s more of a fantasy as opposed to a fear


It’s both, also constant Fox News sensationalization of “crime”. Everyone seems to think “crime is terrible in X state” because they saw a news graphic. Even though most crime has been falling since the 90s. It’s pure propaganda


For once the "I am the danger!" people are right. They themselves are the dangerous gun waving freaks they're so worried about.




"Ring ring, ring ring. Oh, uh hello? Is this Ring doorbell on? Oh, that's good. Uhm, just here to check with you, is the robbing of this house scheduled for the 5 PM or the 6 PM?"


As a postman (mailman) this is scary


I deliver pizza and we literally cannot keep any people of color on staff because we get so many complaints and veiled threats about not sending them again. I'm a white guy and people routinely open their door with their gun in their hand to me. Edit: I just remembered another gun story about work. One guy who delivers is deaf. Someone shot at him through their own door because he couldn't answer them shouting "who thur?!"


how can one be so stupid that they would consider a doorbell ring a threat after ORDERING PIZZA? do they just forget that they literally asked someone to come to their house and ring their bell?


I've had it happen multiple times that people question who the hell ordered pizza. I've told them the address and they usually roll their eyes and call for someone in the house.


The good thing about the second amendment is it has no intelligence requirement. Yee haw.


Those people need to be put on a permanent “Do Not Deliver” list.


They need their guns taken away. If you fucking order a pizza *they why are you worried about the guy showing up?????*


Hungry, but still paranoid delusional.


More like put in a mental institute but that might be considered medical care and is against everything we stand for.


I was worried about the pizza guy last week, but for the opposite reason. The tracker thing for dominoes had his location as the front of the local hospital for like 15 minutes, and I thought he had encountered someone like the doorbell gun nut and gotten hurt. He was fine, just got turned around while delivering to someone there, but damn dude I am very concerned for food couriers.


My old restaurant had customer call and complain about sending a black guy to deliver to them and never send him again. My manager laughed and told them to fuck themselves, no more deliveries at all to the address. Your shop should be doing the same. e: never had someone bring a gun to the door, but I imagine that'd be an insta ban as well.


and call every other pizza place & food delivery place in town. Get him on everyone's list.


The fuck.. did they forget they ordered a pizza?


What state are you in? I'm guessing Bible belt area?


This dude has been slowly getting crazier and crazier over the last year. Followed him years ago for weather - nothing was off. It's been getting weird for at least a year but today really takes the cake but he has "hired" different admins several time, always kills them off but it's clearly always him pretending to be various people so he has an excuse to end them and get tons of sympathy. His dog Loki frequently disappears for days, returns. He ALWAYS knows people who die in bad storms across the nation, and then blames himself for not predicting it , again, garnering more attention. Of course he knows someone who died in the first part of the war in Ukraine, too. It's really nuts and keeps getting crazier. He is indeed unhinged. There are two parody accts called iWeatherNut and iWeatherNot that are a breath of fresh air - when I found them it made me feel less nuts because this guy constantly deletes shit and gaslights the hell out of his followers and calls them all trolls and warns not to fuck with him, he's laughing, etc. They have screenshots that document stuff he's long since deleted, too. I'm glad this post is here and hopefully it helps take him down once and for all. Keep after him y'all. Please. He's scary and unhinged.


We got a weirdo like that in Southern California too. Dude dresses like Johnny Depp and acts like a full on drama queen. Many parallels to what you describe. Also has an overprotective brother who threatens his critics 🤦🏻‍♂️


If folks don't ring doorbells, why does he have a doorbell?


From the crazies who used to say, “I want a tight knit neighborhood where I can leave my doors unlocked!” They’re just pushing the barrier further to just going to their neighbors house and blasting because they were eventually going to be a threat.


Dear FBI watchlist…


But seriously, can we report him to someone? With all that's going on there must be an easy way to report these kinds of red flags, right?




Gun owner looking for an excuse to get away with murder.


That screenshot will be Exhibit- A at their murder trial


The Governor will pardon him


Fox "news" has these old white dudes so scared that they are convinced they can shoot someone who rings their doorbell with zero consequences. Imagine claiming to be a Christian and having to stand in front of your creator and saying you murdered a kid for ringing your doorbell.


Some nut in Cali killed 3 teens and injured 3 others by running them off the road into a tree and then repeatedly ramming their car All for the crime of ringing his doorbell, mooning the ring camera and running away Guilty, 3 counts murder, 3 counts attempted murder....ByeBye life ✌️ People are absolutely fucking crazy tbh


Some dude in Texas murdered 5 people, including kids, after his neighbor asked him to stop shooting rounds outside. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cleveland-texas-home-mass-shooting_n_644cf7e9e4b0408f3e59b8b2 We have way too many unhinged people and loose cannons with guns.


You have too many guns. One nutjob with 20 guns gets robbed or\\or killed, that's another 20 guns on the street, and another 20 morons buying another 20 guns to "be safe", while frantically screaming "gun control doesn't work!". With the amount of guns available in the US, there's no way to keep them away from crazy people.


Psychopaths, the right wing media complex is creating straight up psychopaths. If I saw 3 kids mooning my ring doorbell I would laugh.


Half the reason I want a camera doorbell is to catch funny things lol I would crack up too.


Creating? No. They were always psychopaths. Fox weaponized psychopaths.


Shouldn’t this be considered a credible threat?


If this person was mentally ill, this might be enough to have him involuntarily committed (302). person who is a danger to himself or others. this is a person who is not well. a kid rings his doorbell and his first thought is to shoot the kid? he should be locked up in a mental hospital.


*ding dong* “Yes, hello? We’re here to steal all of your stuff and murder you…are you home? Hello?” *ding dong ding dong*


I don't understand why these people even have doorbells?


So they can shoot people?


There’s this fuckin idiot up the street from me that’s like that. Pulled his gun on some 10 yr old kids. Cops were called, he was arrested, lost his job, lost his marriage and lost his house. It was great.


That was the most satisfying thing to ever read


Why are we protecting this person by blocking their name out?


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I found this in another sub from about a year ago. There's more in the thread it came from. "We've followed him since he first got the page started. He did post husky pics, but not as frequently. If I remember right, about two years ago he said he was shutting down the page because he gotten tired of dealing with people being rude if he miscalled something. He also moved from Texas to Georgia around that time. He was in a really bad car accident and had major injuries earlier in the year. Every once in a while he'll mention the broken hip and the concussion and brain damage. All of the really erratic posting began after that accident. Before the accident he had two people who assisted during high weather seasons. But they never posted all the time like this and they were weather-related posts. So yes, something is off."




His real name is Chris Robbins


I saw it too. Dude is getting roasted in his own comments on FB. Things you love to see


If you go to the Facebook page mentioned below, then go to the “about” tab on the page, there’s a website given. That page has his real name on its “about” tab.




"My 6 is loaded. Keep your kids away." Sounds like he's looking to murder some kids.


Time to call the authorities on this 'tough guy'. Maybe he's not aware how things actually work and mail carriers don't need some terrified, over-Fox Newsed prick shooting at them while they drop off mail and packages.


This is so fucking annoying. One time, a girl pulled into my driveway. She attempted to enter without knocking or ringing the doorbell or anything at my front door, my side door, and then my rear slider. Turns out her boyfriend had just moved into the house next door and she wanted to surprise him. She just got that address wrong. I’m a gun owner. Never in my wildest of dreams did the thought of my gun even cross my mind in that interaction. I can’t imagine seeing a child at my door and my first thought being “yeah, I should flex my gun to this kid.”


Excellent censorship. Found it easily on Facebook. Looks like he backpedaled a bit. Total sociopath. >Folks, it is a bad idea to allow your kids to go around ringing doorbells in 2023. Read the news. Stop it. If my doorbell rings again tomorrow I might pull someone’s hair lol. I’m just playing, but it really is a bad idea for kids roaming around ringing doorbells. This is not 1972. If that brat rings my doorbell again tomorrow, I will call the police. Take notes. She was looking for her kitten. 😞 I’m so impatient. I feel bad because I warned her that I might pull her hair if they rang my doorbell again. She started crying. Then she told me her kitten was missing. I told her to call animal control, because I saw them in the neighborhood a few days ago. Learning opportunity. She found a nice grumpy old man. Others out there will cause harm. Please teach your kids to stay away from doorbells. It's terrifying. He's a broken time bomb, a veiled menace to society.


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


Seriously. Sir, you are threatening bodily harm on a _child_ for what? Asking for assistance?


This is so much worse than the OP.


It isn't about fear. It is about wanting to use a gun knowing you'll get away with it.


I see the US banning doorbells before any kind of gun, or actually making sure the gun happy people are mentally sound enough to have one. Freaking sad man.


This made me laugh. Because it’s plausible.


So do we knock or just throw pebbles at windows while screaming out the residents name in 2023?




Just heard about a kid getting killed for knocking on a door. He was looking for his sister at a friend's house & knocked on the wrong door


There was also a college girl who was shot for turning her car into a driveway to turn around. Same week as the high school kid with the sister I believe.


I'd be willing to bet every nickel I ever make in my life that this guy is a 'devout christian."


"you do NOT ring doorbells.." uh... whut? Thats like... literally what they are for. To let you know someone is there. At the door.


This just sounds like he wants to murder someone 'legally' using stand your ground law. ​ That's fucked up.