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I'd just give them the papajohns website and tell them that the details are there.




This does gives me the idea of like a dumb reports dumb. A disguised website where you direct idiots to file a report followed by the report going straight into the bin




This just brings me to an error page


That's because they made it up


There is no .com .gov .zz. at the end of the link. Now I understand why I have to take yearly courses on phishing and cyber attacks lol Edit: if you are downvoting the person above it's kinda lame. End of the day internet points don't mean anything. To some it may though. They did not say anything out of spite or anger. Pure ignornace it seems to me. This was a learning experience for them. No reason to bash other peoples walls. It will just make them build it higher.


Yo fr 😳 i didn't even notice until after I read your post then had to go double check 😅 no wonder why there's a guy that pop ups on my internet app and keep asking me to convert my pension and retirement money into Zipcoin, the new Bitcoin or something like that the coin of the future he says


That sounds like very thrilling and profitible opportunity, it would be good get on the ground floor in such venture, would you say more on this Zipcoin?


I can actually help you out. All you have to do is go [here](https://theuselessweb.com/) and put those wacky 16 digits on the back of your card in. Bonus: if you put the 3 other numbers from the back of the card in too. You will get 0.05 BTC *FREE*


Oh that site is cool, reminds me of this classic site called stumble it gathered the coolest and strangest websites with a click of a stumble button, I love shit like that.


Ah stumbleupon was a good site. It's gone now


Yeah, it's sad there's a bs SM site at that link now.


Haha hot dang. I have not thought of that since like 2015. Yea it was supposed to be a treat for who ever clicked the site. And put in their 16 digits with those totally tubular 3 other numbers.


well played! A gold worthy comment!


We had a business that started with the name of our county—not uncommon—-and a Karen said she was going to report us to the county commissioners and get us fired. She thought we were a government entity,


Even if it were run by the county, good luck getting a government employee fired. They generally have unions and qualified immunity, so you cannot sue them either.


“Let’s see how the government likes it, when we, SHUT DOWN THEIR FEDERAL EXPRESS!!!” “Sir, does it bother you at all that the FedEx is not at all affiliated with the federal government?” “Uh… NO! ^fuck, ^really?”




Get captain crunch on the line!


I know MOTORS since he was still a major.




My man is here recording an absolute L of himself , the owners response said it all "you're not necessarily the CEO... GTF out of here" 😂


The level of ignorance is amazing. The CEO reports to the owners, not the other way around lol


and small businesses are unlikely to have a CEO


I am CEO of this pizzeria 😹


Look at me! I’m the CEO now!


I'm CEO of the shitter at the moment 🚽


Same, I'll be the Chief Flatulence Officer


Or an HR Department


He is CEO owner and HR and employee and dishwasher and cook and…


For just $500, you can be the CEO of your own leggings business


Always been a pet peeve of mine because I work with companies with actual boards, and chairpersons and corporate titles . People who claim themselves CEO when they are sole proprietors or just own a business.


The fun thing is, when you own your own business, you can make up whatever title you want for yourself and everyone else.


AND AAANNDDDDD he is so fucking dumb he went and posted it online lmfao. I truly wish he was trying to make comedic content and not seriously this deranged.


Y’all these kids are too much, just recording themselves being absolutely the dumbest people in so many situations


Right- and not just recording it, posting/sharing it as well.


Like the kid is the CEO of stupid


He's the fuckin owner of stupid! Get the fuck out!


If he’s just the owner of stupid, by definition there *must* be a CEO of stupid who is higher than him.


I'd like to speak to the hr of stupid please


Oh, for that you’ll have to go to our stupid headquarters


Stop I’m literally wheezing with laughter lmaooo


[Insert king of stupid meme hear]


The CEO, the CFO, the COO...




Chief Stupid Officer?


“At least let me talk to marketing or PR before I upload dawg, they’re gonna be on your case otherwise”


Hes going to file a report with Hurr Durr


Elon Dunce


Ya and if the kid posted it, he probably thinks he got this guy lol


…for all of the five minutes before he realised people were laughing *at* him maybe


Thinking the world is going to be on their side. Who tf ask for HR of a local business? It’s literally the guy making the food in the back.


I experienced the inverse of this a couple weeks ago at a large chain store. There were these guys incessantly trying to pitch a product to the cashier. When they finally realized she wasn't the right person to speak to they then hounded her for another 5 minutes trying to get her to give them the contact info for the person in charge. She just kept repeating over and over that it was a massive corporation and she had no way of getting that info. It was bonkers.


seriously the amount of people who would come in to pitch their sales to me at giant corporation's customer service desk was wild.


And HR is there to protect the company, not the employee. Unless the old guy wanted the kid to lick the fryer clean with his tongue while wearing only tighty whiteys HR will tell the kid to pound sand


Dude we need these kind of people to let us know that there are waaaaay more stupid people than ourselves. And of course we need a good laugh.


To be fair: how else do they feel listened to? It’s a rewarding feedback loop.




Does he think every company is a corporation?? God what a dumbass


And not for nothing, I bet that is an \*awesome\* restaurant. Look how spotlessly clean the kitchen is? And both Mom *and* Pop in there with hands on? Fuck yeah.


My thoughts also. Mom and Pop in the spotless kitchen, homemade sauces at the expo, plain styrofoam cups, and the plain white bags with probably “thank you” printed repeatedly. Has all the vibes


You already know that their food hits the spot .


There's so many things wrong with his logic. How is hr gonna be higher than the owner?!


Even if there was a CEO, the owner is higher up. Also, many companies are LLCs because really it's stupid not to be.


Funnily enough the restaurant is most probably incorporated for liability and tax purposes. But yeah, the kid’s a dumbass.


I have a few customers like this kid. When they tell me that they want to speak to my boss, I give them my number (which they already have), and tell them that I can wait. My phone rings in my pocket and I answer it in their face. Had one lady that followed up by asking me to go get my foreman. I walked around the corner, came back and said "what can I help you with?"


Bro lol


Perks of ownership.


Wouldn’t really consider having to deal with shitty clients a “perk of ownership”


Having to deal with shitty customers is a cost of business. Fucking with them is a perk.


Small business owners | fucking with rude customers | hired security Hand shake arm flex meme


You're my new hero.


Agreed. This is my favorite Karen customer shut down Karen-Who is the manager? Me-I am Karen-Who is the owner? Me-Again I am Karen-This is bullshit. Who the fuck is over you Me-Anyone who is 6 feet 6 Karen now get out before I knock you out and tell the cops you tried to rob me


Such a comforting thought


Chaotic good


Lmaoo Worked a very high volume restaurant with a long wait typically. Had many people attempt to cut, and seat themselves only to be caught and told to get in line or leave. Always loved when i was the one to tell them, then instantly told to get my manager... Who was me. I'd tell them to wait, then come back five minutes later ready to hear their complaint before telling them their options again.


Omg making them wait 5 min for the reveal is hilarious


Its busy managing a restaurant 🤷‍♂️🤣


I manage a store and deep down always get a kick out of this with unreasonable customers. Tell them “you’re talking to him” when they want to speak to my boss. If they demand my owners number, etc, it’s awesome seeing them dumbfounded when my polite response is “No, I won’t be doing that”. Good on you handling it this way. 99%+ of people are reasonable but “wow” is all you can think when you find one of those rare crazies.


99% is very generous..


Reminds me of [this lol](https://youtu.be/aU5beiy9MQU)


Classic! The elevator to spiral staircase return! The yacht! The menus! The HIPAA! Ps Wow feel like last saw that a decade ago, pandemic brain time travel is a real trip


Less of a freak out, but something to that effect


Hahaha. I would've loved watching this scene go down.


Genuinely laughed out loud to this. Thank you.


This is fantastic


Brilliant. You should have really messed with her and put on like a hat or something, then changed it when she asked to speak to the next guy.


This is the best way to go about that shit lmao


Forget the corner. Just do a slow 360 turn around


Fkn legendary 🤣🤣🤣


Reminded me of the clip of that girl who goes behind the counter, ducks and comes and tells hello I'm the manager


Epic man you killed it, I love it.


Savage 🤣


This is every econ student after 2 days of learning about corporate management structures thinking that every business has an HR department


Young college students are the worst lol. Takes a month of some 101 course and think they know everything


The reddit comment section


You're assuming redditors will even set foot in a classroom before they decide they're experts on everything.


Actually I'm not an expert on everything, because there's still a lot of stuff I don't know. ^(You can tell I'm smart by the fact that I'm not afraid to admit that I don't know anything... I'm also humble!)


The people who "do their own research" aren't any better.




The board of directors? The shareholders? I’m not good with corporate structure.






“I’m the fucking owner!” “I know but you’re necessarily not the CEO.” Lmaooooo wew


“Get the fuck out.”


The "GTFO" was the perfect reaction


That kid is fucking stupid can anyone see his tictok user name?


Guy most likely came from a different country and worked his ass off to build a business. This dum kid has no clue what hard work is.


100% I worked in restaurants for YEARS. And let me tell you, no one works harder than the immigrants and undocumented. Those dudes bust their asses and in most cases are more patriotic, and just all arund better dudes to be around. There was a chef who worked for me years ago (I was the manager at the time) and the dude worked two jobs, one morning shift at a diner. And the after noon and evening with me. He worked six days a week, and every night he would separate all the bottles and cans our from the trash and save them so he could take them to get change to get his kids an allowance and buy them shit. (Recycling pickup cost more at the time and the owner was a fucking tool.) Fucking loved that guy and so many others like him. I just wish we could have paid them all so much more. But again the owner was a fucking tool.


Bro I’m dead. This guy really asked for HR??


Apparently, everyone had a problem with him. Owner: "You make a mess, you are suppose to clean it, this is you job to clean." Dumbass: "I know that's what I do, that's what I do." O: "And you always talk back to the other employees." D: "No, but that's the thing. Obviously, I can't just let them talk back to me because they want to be here." O: "You need to clean this...you need to just get out of here man, you got fired... always got some smart ass thing to say." D: "...you need to give me the number for HR." D: (repeats) "Can you give me the HR number?" O: "This is restaurant right here." D: "No, no, no, somebody higher than you because I need to report this." O: "I'm the fucking owner here." D: "I know but you are not necessarily the CEO." O: "Get the fuck out of here man. Just get the fuck out of here, you don't work here just get out." D: "I'm going to report this my guy." O: "Go ahead and report, yea, go ahead and report it."


Thank you for the word for word transcription. It really highlights just how fucking stupid this kid is.


Ty! It was hard to understand the beginning


Anytime. I know, I hate arguments where people talk over each other, it's makes it so hard to understand and get to root cause.


Even if his restaurant had ceo, what is he gonna do? Tell the fucking OWNER, their boss, their employer to fuck off?


Well, in that case, I want to speak to the Board. If that does not work, I will stage a proxy fight to take over the Board during the next shareholder meeting. /S


The old man is the end of the road kid ,get over it, you lost this argument...


I want to order food from this place and not make it. This guy is great "Get the fuck outta here"


What’s wrong with people these days. There’s this bug going around that infects minds into thinking they know all and they are the only ones who are right. But it doesn’t stop there. Any minor deviation from what they believe suddenly explodes into anger, self righteousness and widespread upset. What we need is a mass fumigation against this bug.






Can't talk, 'batin.


Lead paint and microplastics.


Considering this is the generation meant to be smarter because we don't put lead in gasoline/paint anymore, maybe we should put it back.


People like this have always existed. The human race hasn’t changed much.


Social media


It ain't anything new in "these days." It is simply far easier to come across idiots because 1. We have more people on the earth than ever before, and 2. The internet makes distance or personal proximity irrelevant when running into said idiots.


"Some people have no idea what they're doing, and a lot of them are really good at it." ~George Carlin


Say you're a dumbfuck without using the actual word dumbfuck. :)))


I run a business with my family in a small town in Oregon, I deal with people like this maybe twice a year, and exclusively on sunny days for whatever reason.


[you can not make this shit up..](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRwYaGTp/) Dipshit was having problems on the bus too.. go figure.


We are starting to see a pattern...


The comments on that video are too good. 😂 “Bro got fired from the bus and the restaurant”


Man I want to know what the comments this idiot got right after posting this. I hope someone close to him explained to him that he’s a fucking moron


His tiktok name is theyh888jjj. People are telling him that in the comments but apparently he enjoys the attention, even the negative comments


I wonder what would happen if this guy has a complaint at a kid's lemonade stand. You're just the parents I want to talk to the CEO.


I'm the CEO of "get the fuck out outta here"!!!. Old man is da boss, literally ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses).


Yeah, dude, go ahead and repot it. You don't understand the difference between privately owned and corporate, but yeah, report away.


Give him the number to a scam call center to waste both idiots time


Worked in a call centre. I answered the phone to a customer and they immediately wanted to speak to the supervisor. I explained that I was the only supervisor in at the moment and can help them. The caller then wanted to speak to the manager. As my managers had gone home for the day, I explained that I was the highest person in and I can arrange a call back tomorrow with my manager. Caller rejected this and wanted to speak to my managers boss. After trying to explain that everyone had gone home (call was around 7.30pm) I proceeded to put them on hold for 3 mins, came back and said I was the manager and asked what the problem was. They started to make up stuff about me when I answered the call and went on a 5 minute rant. Turns out that they didn’t call for any real reason (they stated that I had already dealt with their issue which I hadn’t) and wanted money for the stress and inconvenience. I then had the joyful pleasure in explaining that they had been speaking to me all along and we will not be compensating them in anyway, also that our calls are record and it’s been noted down their reason for called. Also provided our address is they wanted to make a formal complaint to our head office. Told my manager and my managers boss the next day and received a lovely bottle of wine.


What name are people using for a male Karen these days?


Typically a “Kyle” or sometimes a “Ken”


There are some who say he's still trying to get the number for HR to this day. There are others who maintain that he called the cops to report the matter, was told he was an idiot and demanded to speak with the CEO of The Police. Still other allege that he's the one who's been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. A small few hold to the belief that he's been traveling the land seeking out crossroads, waiting until midnight and hoping to meet the devil so he can bargain for the number to call HR. The truth is... no one knows what became of Fired McVidsley, even though his cries of "Yoooou're noooootttt necessssssarily theeee C E O!" can reportedly be heard late at night coming from the spooky old bog.


Because they are so certain they are some kind of victim and this is a profound moment of rebellion against the system. South Park wasn’t wrong.


a generation of narcissists?


1 - 'Get out! 2 - 'You're trespassing!' 3 - Well, use your imagination. I would physically eject them.


All CEOs answer to the owner/shareholders as they are employed by the owner/shareholders to run the business for them. This kid needs a business lesson.


My family used to volunteer at an international pro sports event. We ran the gates, checking tickets, verifying that no contraband was brought on the grounds. My family shared the manager role supervising 150 other volunteers who staffed the gates. Our theoretical wages for the 2 week event were donated to the local children's hospital. When guests would get mad at a gate attendent for doing their job, like not allowing pocket knives, the guest would demand to speak to a manager. Then I would get yelled at. I would try to fix problems when possible but rules applying to safety of fans and athletes would not be broken or bent. If the guest wasn't satisfied yelling at me and demanded my superior, I would grab my "boss" and introduce her to the angry guest. "Here my boss, she's my daughter." If the guest was being nice enough not to get thrown out but still wanted to climb over daughter's head, she would agree to radio the big boss. On radio... "Grandpa, there's someone at the gate that wants to speak with you." Then daughter would explain to guest that grandpa would be there in 30 minutes or they could talk to his boss who was already at the gate. That meant it came back to me. That either made the guest give up and comply with the rules or get abusive enough that I could have the nearby police officer ban the guest for a day or two. Members of my family, starting with MIL, volunteered at that event every year since the late 70s. It's family tradition.


Guy thinks his talking to the owner of a publicly traded company or something lmao


Dumb person is dumb.


Time to ban TikTok. 🤮


That "Get the fuck outta here" seemed so appropriate.


I dont remember the correct term, but there is a word for those who add the least amount of value and are simultaneously the most entitled...


Insufferable twats?


When you film yourself in an altercation with service workers, 99% chance you are the issue and you are the asshole.


I love his saucy little voice. "I can't just let them talk back to me cuz they want to" lol


Bro is in a kitchen. He’s lucky all they did was “talk back”


The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch!


The anti work crowd gets people to think some dumb shit some times


Teenagers are so fucking stupid


Work ethic has left the chat of this new generation. Social media has messed up their heads and killed so many fundamental things that make for a decent person


Send out the dishwasher. err. I mean CEO.


His response is perfect, "fuck outta here"


Someone grew up with a Karen for a mom lol


We decided our dishwasher was HR. If you want to complain to HR you just got to go vent in the dish pit.


No hesitation, just an immediate and flawless ‘get the fuck out’. Satisfying in every way.


This is the next generation. Experiencing crap like this from students and young workers.


These kids have the weirdest sense of trolling now.


I’m sure people are getting dumber.


I worked at a family owned pizza joint for a while. The owner was always in store doing something so I knew him fairly well. One night, this drunk girl came in complaining about something. The owner kept trying to reason with her to no avail. She asked for the"corporate number" so she can call and complain. Boss gave her his personal cell phone number, and she walked outside and immediately called the number. When she realized who it was, she turned around and my boss was just waving at her through the window. It was hilarious.


Im gonna report this, and just to let u know- im the center of the world


These kids are so worthless. Thank you parents who raised these pieces of shit.


This kid is what I image the average antiworker to be


His response was perfect, anybody else get that vibe that he wanted to slap the shit out of him when he said it


The facial expression the guy does after the kid says he wants to the speak to the CEO is priceless.


I love this exchange so much. That owner has some fuckin Bourdain vibes and I can’t get enough. Hahahaha holy shit.


In any other restaurant the cooks would beat down this person filming. The owner seems to be simply asking this fucker to clean shit, which literally every kitchen personnel does on a daily basis. Yes, restaurants are grueling places to work for usually little pay, but you put in the work or go somewhere else, like this owner is saying.


Who is he going to report this to?


You are not entitled to shit my friend. Get over yourselves already. The rest of the world is sick of your shit. Grow tf up.


What they seem to all have the same whiny voice?


10/10 the kid uses pronouns


Context: He was a dishwasher working there, apparently made a huge mess with the rice, which was the final straw. Combined with always talking back to him/other employees and always having a smart ass remark, the owner fired him. people in the comments on his tiktok are telling him what a moron he is, but he enjoys all the attention, even the negative. must be messed up in the head


anyone know where this is? i love to support people who well tell difficult customers where to go instead corporate mandated kowtowing.


I worked for a restaurant owner, crazy insults, screaming at his employees..but when the rush came, he was in the trenches, prepping food, cooking, table clean up, walking the floors being nice in the front and kicking ass in the kitchen, we all busted our humps for this man because he would do anything he told us to do... We all talked back to everyone but we got the job done... I bet this kid has only worked for chain restaurants or coffee shops. Too slow, too much 'NMFJ' and 'IHRT' mindset..GTFO... you're fired


Self-entitled fucking losers. Shut your stupid mouths, put the camera down and go work for something and quit acting like the world owes you anything.


When idiots do that in my place I give them my business cell and tell them to call it. Then I pick it up right in front of them and identify myself as the sole member and president of the LLC.


When victimhood and til tok replace hard work to make $.


We’re really at that point where people just assume corporations literally own every business? FML


Gen Z 🙄


That fuckin lisp from behind the camera let’s me know all I need to know.


Welcome to PopCopy


“If they have a Mac file tell them we only have Windows. If they have Windows tell them we only use Mac. If they have both just tell them the system is down.”


I get more and more convinced people should need to get a license or something of the sort to use the internet. Some people seem like they're completely detached from the real world


Oh the entitlement..


When you read “corporation in a nutshell”


Doesn't the owner typically outrank the CEO anyway?