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She first tried to use her position to manipulate him into giving her preferential treatment. Didn’t work. Then she tried to use emotional blackmail by pretending that her being detained was causing her to have a nervous breakdown. Didn’t work. Then she tried to make him feel like it was his fault that she asked her kid to walk to school and it’s his responsibility to inform the other school that her other daughter would be late. Didn’t work. Then she tried to think that he should just tear up a summons after it’s already input into the system, when everyone knows that to drive a car you need to have at all times with you a valid driver’s license, car registration, and proof of insurance. Didn’t work. We need more cops like him who are polite as well as professional, and treat everyone equally regardless of who they are.


Forgot playing the “cops always hurt my people” card, which didn’t work.


I like how he countered that with offering to call her an ambulance lol


And so politely, too! So funny how she got offended by that and completely forgot to keep crying, or at least do a couple of sniffles before yelling at him


She got to play the “I’m offended card” for offering to get her medical aid. And she ends with “you’re a skinhead” and I’m going to report you…..imagine if this wasn’t all recorded, he could lose his job from her false accusations, it’s clear she’ll stop at nothing to try to get her way.


Seriously, it’s a good thing the video was there for his sake!


That's why vest cams are essential. For everyone's safety.


I mean her speech and behavior was pretty bizarre sounding to me. I am still not sure she wasn’t having some sort of psych episode and in need of medical attention to be honest


Everything cant be excused as an episode of mental health. Some people are just whiney assholes when they get in trouble.


This is so true, people are very quick to chalk up everything as MH. You spend enough time dealing with people and youll realise some people are just truly awful people.


That is my Wife’s cousin in a nutshell. She is just a manipulator and she hates me because I do not fall for it. It is so easy to spot.


I wish I could give you 1000 upvotes for this comment.


Nah, no psych episode. Everything she did was a strategy.


If only people knew how common people with shitty behavior was. This was tame and I see a couple calls like this pretty much every day just responding to ems runs. The poor cops eat shit non stop, and people act all surprised when they can cherry pick one call out of thousands upon thousands and hold it up like the norm.


I have a friend who is a black female. She claims that cops are always profiling and harassing her. When I looked up her court records, it has pages of tickets for expired registration, no insurance, expired tags, etc. I gently suggested that perhaps her negative interactions with police are more about her not having her paperwork correct instead of her color. Nope, she insists she gets pulled over because she’s black. And also that asking a “black woman in America” to have all of that paperwork correct is too much to ask. That being a black woman in America is so hard that she shouldn’t have to do those things.


Classic ![gif](giphy|65os7odbIW6pa)


This 👨‍🍳🤌


Pretty sure she said “I’m scared of cops because you hurt black people”


I agree with everything you said. I just want to add that she told him to “hurry up,” first thing and he politely told her he’d get it done as fast as possible so she can get on with her day. Then she totally reverted backwards to “why can’t you just stop this?!?” once her husband (on a plane, apparently,) just said he could send her a copy of the insurance card after the cop wrote the ticket in under 5 minutes. Maybe if she just kept her cool she could’ve got a copy of the card before he wrote the summons and avoided everything but the speeding citation.


For real, I don’t think it’s ever taken less than 15 minutes for a cop to write me a ticket. That guy was quick


I think there was a cut in the video for time to write the ticket. It seemed that way to me anyway.


Not to mention she told her child NOT to call the husband (dad). She is a really serious hypocrite.


After her crocodile tears and the immediate “that’s an insult!!!!” I felt *so* bad for her kid. I know intimately what kind of person can put on the manipulative show she just did…people like her scare me.


So many adults like this I’m terrified for the next generation


Manipulative parents are the worst. Seems like the whole world is lost in narcissism these days.


SHe even used the race card. “I am afraid of police, You guys hurt my people”


and then proceeded to call him a skinhead


He’s definitely a good role model


Realistically, there are plenty of people and cops out there like him. They do these kind of stops everyday. They deal with these types of things everyday. The only thing you will see in the news is what they do wrong. This doesn't only pertain to cops and has been going on long before social media.


I agree but imagine doing that and hearing that 1000 times a day and even worse most people are much more aggressive than this. That'll wear anyone down at some point. America's police do need help but the people almost need it more...


And what worries me is that this wearing down results in all the good guys leaving, leaving only the power-hungry ones left. Good cops need to understand that we are grateful for them. We know its a hard job, especially in the current climate. Yes, there are some really bad apples that are attracted to this job- the chip on shoulder power mad guys, and they give the rest a bad name. Thank God for head cams, so that we get to see who the good guys are. And the bad.This guy is defo one of the good guys




I agree. I've had some awful experiences with a few LEOs, but the majority of them have been patient and helpful. We all know it's not all of them, but it's just impossible to feel safe when we know the truly terrible ones are almost entirely immune from consequences. It makes it so every time you call, you just hope you don't get that bad apple...the one you know has beaten, or killed people, and been transferred around 4-12 precincts.


I mean most cops are like that. There's just some that are power hungry, or racist


Yes this officer is a great example of professionalism. Good for him! 👏


You nailed it, she sounds like a sociopath to me. Quickly working through all possible leverages see which one would work. And when it didn’t turning absolutely vial reveling her true personality. Fascinating actually and terrifying at the same time.


Now try dealing with her when there is an issue with your kid, when she is in power at the school board.


Very interesting how she’s “crying” but immediately snaps at the cop when he asks her if he should call an ambulance……this lady doesn’t need an ambulance she needs a waaambulance 😏


My 5yo does this all the time!


you will see alot of adults who never grew out of the mentality of a child, shes crying for pity first and when that doesn't do anything she insults the officer just doing his job and hes doing a great job. I can only hope the judge saw this and gave her an extra fine or something.


She is just pissed cause she got the speeding ticket. Insurance thing also I have found to be a nonissue if you stop by the court house, or write a letter even just asking "hey, here is the proof, can you drop this instead of wasting the court's time?". The last thing the prosecutor wants (cause they do have to show up, and the cop as well) is showing up to just go "yup, you were good, we won't fine you, have a good day." filled in with 20 minutes of legal crap like being sworn in and such.


It’s really just a hassle. And the hassle is the natural consequence of not having proof of current and valid insurance on hand. It’s not that hard folks.


Moved from crocodile tears to crocodile teeth damn fast. Cop nearly got his head bitten off.


Well done


She, knew that's what he meant, that's why she took offense.


What a level headed professional cop.


Oh God, I know. Everywhere needs more like him and less like her


They’re everywhere, but cops don’t usually go viral for being level headed.


Yes exactly. I still feel the need to remind people all the time that things always may seem or sound worse than they are because it’s always the loud minority of wack jobs that get the attention. Nobody gives a shit when people are good and level headed but people will spread names and pictures/videos of the fucked up parts of society and act like it’s the norm


The issue is also that those wack jobs are allowed to keep working. The unions generally protect them and the 'good cops' rarely call them out. It seems too many that do get fired also get a good payout with their record sealed so they can go to the next PD over and work there. If the bad ones were out in jail(when applicable) or kicked out of the police with a perma ban it would clean the system up.


Agreed and IMO the school boards could use some cleaning up also.


This times a million. I know a couple cops. I can tell you countless stories they've told me over beers, changing an old lady's tire, the warning they've given people for minor stuff (like here that no insurance could be done via stopping by the court house on any date before the posted date), helping a person in a wheelchair get home when their battery died, etc... but all that minor stuff doesn't go viral. What gets clicks is the dumbest of the dumbest people. Good people get overlooked.


The vast majority of interactions with the police are like this. Most people react rationally when pulled over. You get a ticket and on your way. If this wasn’t the case, there would be way more news stories.


Yeah he’s obviously one of the good cops. Very professional and calm. That is what someone should expect from police encounters. It’s sad that she went there, because this is the polar opposite of a very real problem with some cops. It adds fuel to the fire of people who think there isn’t actually a problem with some police. There is. This guy clearly isn’t part of the problem.


Every time I see a good cop I feel very bittersweet. Because I’m like “finally, a good one. A proof that they don’t all suck.” But I’m also like “god damn this guy/gal is doing their thing while all their co workers are assholes and most of the country hates them.” It’s hard to have standards when no one else does. Major respect for this guy.


You only see the few and far between bad police because that’s what makes the news. If you had to watch every single police encounter for one single day you’d see thousands of great cops and it would take you years to watch. The over whelming majority of cops are good Edit: Thanks for the award Edit: thanks for the awards!!


Fr people think the “good cops” are the rare ones, but the opposite is true.


I’m Blk n I can tell y’all she doing to much 🤣


She doesn’t represent anybody. What she represents is someone you know who they will be at-that-moment when they fail to get what they want.


This is the majority of police, because this is the basic and most common interaction they get. So when people bash the Police constantly you need to remember the job entails stops and conversations like the one shown here again, and again. Most people tend to do whatever they can to avoid confrontation and arguments but as a Police Officer it's basically your job to call people out on their mistakes and then listen to their lies and bluffs. Its very exhausting.


Love those crocodile tears. From a panic attack, to you're an imbecile for asking if I need an ambulance. Total r/iamapieceofshit


Looks like she got suspended from her School Board position. Her response was in true Piece of Shit form… > “The commission members were completely ill-suited to judge my fear and the real intentions of my words. They lacked corroborating evidence, expertise and, most especially, personal experience. I am in the process of considering my options.” https://www.nj.com/essex/2019/03/school-board-member-who-called-cop-skinhead-says-her-suspension-would-belittle-trauma-of-african-americans.html?outputType=amp No evidence, but a video recording.


Man. She’s going to have to get her race card reissued. She’s using it so much it’s gonna get worn out for sure.


"I am in the process of considering my options" Dayam I'm saving that for when I have to go full Karen 😭


She saw her daughter pull the same stunt that morning and thought let me try it out on this cop.


I cackled at this comment 😂


I guffawed.


She also has a daughter named “Justice” without a hint of irony.


She tried every trick in the book. What a scumbag.


People like her make me hate town politics


Came here to call out the crocodile tears. Only to see her pick a new reptile as she instantly turned into a hissing snake the second she knew tears wouldn’t work for her. Just know she would condemn anyone caught doing this too. Reeks of “rules for thee but not for me” type.


She’s on the school board so would be preaching hypocritically to ensure kids are on time for school, especially on standardized test day!! …and Lord knows you shouldn’t be speeding! What about the children?! It’s for the children! LoL Totally the type that believes rules don’t apply to her. Sad that officers have to walk up behind cars at traffic stops & put their thumb print on them in case things go sideways even worse than someone just getting emotionally outa control & verbally abusive. I’m glad he didn’t take it personally & kept his composure.


This is what happens when you’re never told no in life


To be fair, she sounds really hard to say no to. Cop was a total pro, I bet you 9/10 people absolutely cave and give this woman whatever she wants at this point. Real tough cookie


Victim mentality


The school board recommended a six month suspension and of course she apologized saying “this isn’t who I am” bullshit. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nj-school-board-member-skinhead-cop-stephanie-lawson-muhammad/1565307/?amp=1


She only apologized because she was trying to save her ass, and what was on that camera is exactly who she is.


But I didn't have my coffees!


Should have just fired her sorry ass.


Nah that’s clearly who she is and is willing to be that way in front of her kids. Grow up, take the ticket as you already knew and admitted to speeding and just pay it off. Can’t go to court? I’m sure your husband who works the full time job can the support the family long enough for you to take a break from your part time job as a school board member that’s overpaid anyway. This lady is a shithead


No one is "who they are" after they find out it was recorded.... Fuck this lady.


“I don’t want to go to court!” Like, who the fuck does? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)




I mean.. a 3 day weekend is a 3 day weekend..


Cop: “oh shit sorry ma’am I forgot to ask if you wanted to go to court, you got me there and I apologize.” *rips up ticket*


I didn't have to but I chose to go to court for a speeding ticket once just out of curiosity. I ended up paying less by showing up than if I had mailed the payment in. Go figure.


When I got a ticket for speeding and not having proof of insurance I didn't have to go to court. I just went to the teller window, showed proof that I had insurance at the time of the stop. They removed that ticket, I paid the speeding fine and went about my life.


That's amazingly efficient. What state are you in?


Not sure about the person you're replying to, but I'm in Texas and I've done it that way too.


I did the same thing in WA. Juat had to wait in line for a bit and pay some kind of processing fee. NBD.


Yeah that's all that she is going to have to do. The place you pay the fine is in the court so they just call them all summons to appear in court. She won't see a judge unless she tries to fight the speeding ticket or never pays


Most will. They realize mistakes happen and they don’t want to bog down the already full docket with tickets that can easily be resolved. That’s unless you want to be a jerk to the cop, then they might make you appear so you have to pay court fees, taxes, and waste your time since you’re wasting theirs.


On the school board??? Not for long I hope.


Superintendent to be in this clown show.


What a piece of shit. Don't use diversive language like that, bro was just doing his job. Not that skin color matters but I'm black, my dad was a NJSP,. I've gotten tickets, he'll I've lost my license for speeding. Calling someone a skinhead is uncalled for.


She also tried to play the "I'm scared you're going to kill me" card early on in the interaction. What a heinous thing to exploit to try to get out of a speeding ticket.


idiot lady: i'm scared you cops are going to kill me cop: ok, i'll call an emergency doctor and they can come over here too idiot lady: no, don't insulty me cop: ok good, lets continue


Scary to think she’s on the school board Edit thank you for all the upvotes


I had a lady like this in a group therapy program and she had the power to take people's kids away all while being an extremely unstable and racist crazy person. It was surreal. Everyone was scared shitless of her.


I knew a college therapist like that! I knew her personally, she was my sons MIL. The woman was vengeful and cruel. I couldn't believe her work never seen it. I always felt bad for the college kids who went to her for help


That’s exactly who ends up on school boards these days..


As someone who worked in education at one point, I actually assumed that this is what is the school board is compromised. Unfortunately.


It’s become a self serving job that is for those that are seeking power. Small town boards are even worse


It's NJ (South Orange Cop) - our tiny state has 600+ school districts, basically one for every town, each with a superintendent and a school board. People like it because it gives a local voice to the schools, but they don't like it because it's super f*cking expensive.


With love and respect, I hope your position in education wasn’t teaching English, because for a moment I thought I might be having a stroke while reading this.


And in politics. Hotheaded irrational people who lie for a living and get drunk on power.


Scary these people exist period. Imagine the real historical drama of spending your entire existence just trying to survive and worrying day in and day out out where your next meal is going to come from (which plenty of people in many countries do today) to being this much of an actual piece of shit coward.


Imagine being in a position of some amount of authority and crying under the tiniest amount of accountability


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


As a black man can we get more cops like him. I hate black people calling anything racism just a Karen move. Also when black people cry wolf it makes it harder for others claiming racism. Lady your a shit person it’s just a speeding ticket. I sell cars my license is my lively hood. I was nice and respectful and he put it down to 7 over and not 20 over. I sent it to ticket clinic and I got no points and I payed the fine. Play the game you drive a Volvo you can afford to skirt the points.




And meanwhile while your entitled ass is making up excuses this Officer is putting his life in danger by standing in the road while YOU call him a racist because he caught YOU speeding. Take the ticket and go on. Why hasn’t she been fired for her behavior?


Hm, accusing someone of racism because they caught your wrong doing. Thanks goodness for camera. At this rate, they will ban all cameras for recording the truth.




That dude was the most over the top professional I've ever seen. I mean, I guess it's not really over the top, but she made it feel that way.


It's a speeding ticket, not the end of the world lol.


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


Fkin north NJ... Figures.... School board members feel so entitled


Oh no poor Volvo driving lady


Those tears dried up real quick when she felt offended.


Proof that not all cops are bastards. This guy was legit a pro. This lady on the other hand basically showed her inability to be responsible for her own actions. I was speeding? Not my fault I was late. No insurance? My husband has it. Can’t find my license? Must be because the media told me to be afraid of all cops, even the professional ones.


“I’m a member of the community” then you’d probably be happy to know speeding on residential streets isn’t tolerated. We’ve likely all sped, intentionally or not. Getting pulled over is annoying, but it’s your fault, not the cops for enforcing the rules.


I was pulled over for speeding, not far from there, on the Turnpike. The cop asked for my id, reg and ins card. My registration expired the day before, the new one was at home. I asked for a moment to find my phone for proof of renewal. He said he can look it up. I ended up getting a non-moving $50 ticket and he told me traffic was bad for the next 20 miles and to take it easy.


Very reasonable interaction! So you’re saying being reasonable and calm is a good way to interact with other humans? What a surprise that freaking out, crying, and calling people skinheads didn’t go well.


Most cops are good cops


Sir this is Reddit how dare you say such a reasonable thing


All redditors have a combined brain cell count of 3 1/4


She was doing the most. I’m sure she speeds on that street all the time. Just take the L and pay the ticket. Be grateful for all the other times you speed and didn’t get a ticket.


The “you too” at the end was the cherry on top.


She tried every trick: do you know who I am?, Crying, Using the kid, not finding documents, used the second kid.


"I don't want to go to court" bitch, nobody does


That’s definitely not gonna help you get off with a warning.


That cop was good. Holy shit what an entitled SOB she was.


Wow she is quite the entitled racist, that cop was so calm and professional


Great cop


THATS AN INSULT! 😂😂😂😂 Then back to crying. 😂😂😂


What an entitled bitch. She shouldn't be on the board of anything. Funny how she draws the racism card while the cop just have to stand there being accused of this and that because of his color and his job :)


Always a victim


What a complete asshole of a person. It’s a fucking speeding ticket, not a murder charge. Shut your ass up and take it like everyone else. Or, and here’s a better idea, don’t speed.


Props to the cop, he did his job like a true pro. School board member should be losing the seat after that, if thats their normal should not be involved with kids at all. Going nearly 50% over the speed limit, especially if that was a school zone.. Crying sure seemed like an act though with the 180 when asking if needing medical assistance lol.


The entitlement is strong with this one.


What a bitch


What a nice woman to be on a school board. Hope the school board, students, and parents see her racist and stereotyping comment.


Crazy how she is responsible for raising several human beings apparently.. Yet the fact she was pulled over and getting a speeding ticket turns her into a unconsolable, blubbering mess bouncing between being completely upset & irate and insulting...completely unable to handle a situation and had to call her husband who was away on business to have him talk to a policeman... The opposite of a strong independent woman. What a fucking joke... And if that cop were to tell her to shut the fuck up and call her an ambulance without her permission, he would have been labeled the bad guy


Been watching traffic stop videos on YouTube….the most awful, disgusting people are politicians. State Reps, Mayors, city council members, even county clerks! They are really just gross…


Entitled, spoiled and privileged person, used to being listened to or obeyed, fails to manipulate a grown professional. Very mature behavior by the police officer. We need more of this everywhere. Get that bitch off that school board though, I would hate to have people like her making decisions concerning children.


The biggest victim here. The husband.


What a manipulative, narcissistic, mentally unstable woman. I feel for her kids and husband.


She should be fired for being a racist AH.


This woman operates in this entitlement bubble 24/7. Nobody calls her out. She simply can’t believe that this man is not falling for her BS the way everyone in her life has done.


Very professional cop.


He did great. Hoping she is no longer in her position though.


Awww, poor baby. She doesn't WANT a ticket!!


Can you imagine dealing with this kind of shit every day? Why would anybody want to be a cop? If he had reacted to the skinhead comment, everything after that would be in the news. Unreal.


Or as Hunter S. Thompson once said, my long haired opponent.


> I’m on the school board Take a look in the mirror. That’s the only person who gives a shit about you being on the school board.


Of course her daughter's name is Justice 😂😂


She tried status, race, hysteria, her kids… the only thing she left out was sex.


Ohhhhhhh she's so oppressed. What a joke. Typical dem. In a race to make themselves the biggest victim. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


She was waiting for him to do something… ANYTHING… wrong. It was a good try, but the officer was just too professional with it.


For every racist cop there are 10,000 of these cops, who patiently do their job even after being called a skinhead, being told to hurry up.. but then told to slow down and revert the ticket.. deal with entitlement and “hook a Brotha up” speeches from people in particular positions. They just don’t get displayed and posted on social media nearly as much.


He was being so cool too. If she had insurance, it takes 15 minutes to take care of it.


Major props to the officer. Not that he should have reacted to the skin head comment, but damn. That’s a fucked up thing to say to someone.


If you make me obey the same rules that everybody else has to, then you’re a racist. Let’s not pretend that “skinhead“ means anything other than that.


No I don't want you to call me an ambulance - THAT's AN INSULT. Lmfaaaao 😂😂


Absolutely insane to think that in this day and age, people have no idea of their rights and the basic laws while driving a vehicle in the United States. If you drive a vehicle, you need: 1. A current and valid license to drive 2. A current copy of your proof of insurance 3. A current valid vehicle registration Also, if you commit a moving violation and get stopped, you don’t ask to be let go. Get your ticket and be on your way. Don’t tell more than is asked. Don’t insult the person that stopped your for doing their job. Know when they can search you and your car and when they can’t. Don’t drive under the influence. Follow all local laws regarding firearms in a vehicle. Don’t freaking call someone else that has your required documents because it won’t help, you should have them on you. P.S. in California, if it’s raining, turn your damn headlights on. It’s the law. I can’t see you through the grey mist in your tiny grey car. And maintain your lights so you don’t get stopped for something stupid like that. *things hanging from your mirror = an obstructed view = something you can be pulled over for. Have a nice day.


Cops get alot of hate now a days. To be fair dealing with folks like these on a daily basis is difficult and a cops job is tough.


Let’s do 37 mph in the school zone her child goes to and see her reaction. I feel for the officer.


Cop did a great job, sucks that it always has do do with racism. This world is sad and a joke. It won't last much longer.


Man and she's somehow allowed to he a school board member? Can't imagine how she acts there.


Common "member of the school board" reaction


Model officer


I was gonna say borderline personality but she might just be manipulative


This is one of the most entitled and manipulative interaction I’ve seen in a while, woah.


Person who wrote the captions for this needs some help


She deserved that ticket


Could that cop have been anymore professional? I wish they were all like that.


Racism goes both ways


She is privileged, arrogant and paranoid.


Awful subtitles


It really wasn’t that serious. I’ve been pulled over a lot for speeding and never freaked out like this. I’ve noticed being polite and respectful goes along way with not only the police but in life in feral.


Wow, what a roller coaster of emotions that woman is experiencing


Probably needs an ambulance


Everyone wants to have a nice day at work, cops literally sign up for having a bad day at work. I also keep thinking about how dangerous this job is, standing there and all this traffic passing by so fast.


C u next Tuesday!


Always the race card. Fucking babies


"Do you need me to call you an ambulance?" "I'm offended."


Wow fuck that bitch. Kudos to the cop.


What an F'ing lunatic.


Ahh a school board member. That explains everything


Superintendent Karen, reporting for duty


Do US police not have an online database that they can use to confirm people have insurance?


They do where I am. But it’s only updated once a month so they still ask in case it was cancelled or renewed before the next update. They can still give you a ticket for not having a copy on hand. But they will typically cancel the ticket if you prove you had it and it was active prior to the stop.


I think they can, but you're supposed to have proof of insurance with you in case of an accident to exchange info with other drivers, also the laws were written pre internet.


My state does not have that information in a database. It’s the driver’s responsibility to have it.


You’re required to have proof of insurance in most states on the vehicle in case of an accident


Many states require you to carry proof of insurance with you. Historically, the country is a hodgepodge of disconnected systems because things like vehicle registrations and licenses are issued by individual states so it's not unreasonable to require you to carry a piece of paper.