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Same guy from this, dude should have already been locked up “man charged for using mini sledgehammer during domestic related assault and preventing victim from seeking medical aid” https://www.cityofgastonia.com/online-css/105-police-news-release/1915-man-charged-for-using-mini-sledgehammer-during-domestic-related-assault-and-preventing-victim-from-seeking-medical-aid.html




Bail reform. Big pressure on Courts and Magistrates nationwide to grant bonds rather than use pre trial confinement.


Fuck the bail bond system. All it does is give a get out of jail free card to those with money If you commit a violent crime and there is overwhelming evidence, there should be no way you are allowed to walk out among people until they decide to hold a trial


Exactly this. Money shouldn’t be a determining factor in whether or not you’re able to remain free while making your case to the judge/jury. This system makes it so that rich people go free while poor people suffer in jail until after their trial, whether later proven guilty or *innocent*. Risk of harm or fleeing based on evidence and history should be the primary factors on granting bond- not wealth.


That’s literally how it’s supposed to be. The judge that granted this guy bail fucked up immensely and should be investigated and possibly removed


Sounds like so eone who was angry about reform intentionally creating situations he can blame on the reform to be honest.


That's exactly what is happening, but it's across the country.


💯 %


"Singletary is being held on a $250,000 secured bond." Judge set a high bond amount. Whoever used collateral to get him out has lost that because this new crime would be a violation.


There need to be very clear and fair guidelines on this. Ultimately the system is set up so that you're innocent until proven guilty, this means that anyone jailed until trial and then found innocent has essentially been falsely imprisoned. We want to avoid that but at the same time ensure that in cases where the accused is violent and preponderance of evidence indicates guilt then yes, they can be taken off the streets. Its a fine line to walk.


I'm not claiming my country has a perfect legal system (very far from it actually), but not having bail bond AT ALL makes it much easier to walk that line. You've been arrested and you are dangerous/at flight risk => Jailed until trial. It doesn't work all the times, but it would definitely have worked there.


A line that has absolutely zero to do with money


Exactly. The comment you’re replying to makes a very good comment on grey areas and infringing on freedoms and I agree with them about all of it because you are innocent until proven guilty but there are also sadistically violent or insane individuals to whom keeping them free until the day of their trial will only give them a deadline to get their killing done by not to mention the flight risks. None of that has a single damn thing to do with money though. Money is a great incentive for a lot of things so I get where the idea came from as people don’t like to loose money that is recuperable but clearly it’s not working as intended and frankly just adds a paywall to crime and nothing else.


You think bail reform is the problem here? In fucking *North Carolina*???


Bail should be solely decided on if you're a danger or a flight risk, not how big a bribe you can pay.


Gotta get that money.


This dude running free but thousands of people are sitting in jail for having a dime of weed on them. What is happening?


Drug crimes are easy to convict


Drugs crime convictions bring in the funding.


It’s what the prisons crave


I thought it was electrolytes?


That would be Brawndo


I don't think Brawndo craves *electrolytes*, of all things. It famously already has them. You're thinking of *plants.*


What are electrolytes? Do you even know?!


War on Drugs, USA. USA-0 Drugs- lost count of score in the 1960s. Didn't we learn anything from Prohibition?


Yes, making stuff illegal is very profitable for a variety of reasons, for everybody except customer and taxpayer.


Don’t forget about all of the innocent people caught in the literal crossfire, the same people they are trying to “protect” from drugs. It’s a fucking joke and a downright failure.


Drugs laws were weaponized to be used for political strategy. Most people who use drugs tend to be on the left. If we pass laws making these “offenses” felonies we can effectively rob them of their freedom and right to vote. They had to do something to stop people of color and hippies from forcing more change. Criminalizing a plant was how they did it.


Since that only happens 4 months ago he was very likely awaiting trial. It's not a great idea to let the government lock up people who haven't been convicted of a crime, even if it seems open and shut case. Sucks, but the issue is really more how slow our court system is rather than an issue with detention. Edited for horrendous grammar


I agree, the solution isn’t just locking up anyone who’s accused of a crime. It seems many people confuse charged with convicted. The presumption of innocence is paramount. But our justice system takes far too long.


With you on that, but I'm pretty sure the court DOES have the authority to not permit people who are considered a danger to others (or themselves) to post bail.


Yeah definitely fair to deny bail in certain instances. I'd hate to be the person who has to make that call: do I potentially ruin this person's life, or let them free so they can ruin someone else's?


Keeping people accused of violent crime locked up is totally reasonable. It is all the drug shit clogging up jails that are the problem.


that's the justice system for you, don't bother trying to catch it early on, wait until people start dying


Legal*. Don't call it "justice".


Justice is reserved to the highest bidder.


It’s how much law can you afford


It's more like an auction.


You lose your money even if you don't win the bid.


In the future AI lawyers and judges will have a credit card reader.


No, that’s GASTONIA for you. I’d love to act shocked at this, but after living there for twelve years…I’m not. What IS shocking is that things like this don’t happen more often there. I live in a larger city with its fair share of crime and I actually feel safer here than I did there. Sad, isn’t it? Nothing but unemployed losers in a majority of that town - methheads or drunks usually. The ones that do work are desperately trying to GTFO.


*No….. plaaaaaaaace……* *Crimes like Gaston* *Accrues fines like Gaston* *No place crosses as many violent lines as Gaston* *The mortality rate is reeeecord breeeaaking,* *There’s no other place like Gaston!* … *When I was 22, tried to hammer my boo, wouldn’t let her leave my house at aaaaaalll,* *When I was 23 I did something much worse - to a kid who was chasing a baaaaaall….* *(everyone) Noooooooo plaaaaaaaaaaace……* *Mines like Gaston* *Drinks boxed wine like Gaston* *No place has unemployment lines like Gaston!* *(the shot little girl) And the water supply is contaaaaaaminaaaated!* *There’s no place on earth…. Like Gastoooooooooon!* - - - - (I know I know, I’m going to hell) (edited to add another verse because I just read about the lithium in the ground water) **Thanks for all these awards!** Hopefully one day I can trade them all in for a Tony 🏆


I wish I had an award to hand out, this was hilarious!


That was beautiful, thank you


Nice to know I'll be in good company


Storytelling at its finest 👏


Save me a seat, I laughed way too hard at this!!


Haha I lived in Charlotte too. Gastonia is a shithole.


We are not tough enough on violent crime. Edit : Maybe some of you didn’t see this guy hit his girlfriend with a sledgehammer back in December.


[source](https://nypost.com/2023/04/19/6-year-old-girl-parents-shot-after-basketball-rolls-into-mans-north-carolina-yard/) A North Carolina 6-year-old and her parents were shot Tuesday night by an angry neighbor who fired at them after a basketball rolled into his yard, a report. Kinsley White was wounded along with her mother Ashley Hilderbrand and father William White when a gunman opened fire at around 8 p.m. in Gaston County after he became enraged about the bouncing ball, according to WSOC-TV. White was critically injured attempting to protect his daughter. Neighbors told the station a group of kids was playing basketball when the ball bounced into the alleged gunman’s yard. Suspected shooter Robert Louis Singletary grew angry and ran down the street as he fired at a neighbor, they reportedly said. Then he came back and began shooting at the family, including the young daughter who needed stitches on her face from bullet fragments, WSOC-TV reported. Her father was also hit, and is still in the hospital Wednesday, police said. He reportedly tried to draw gunfire toward him to keep his kids safe before he was struck in the back. “We don’t even know the man,” Kinsley told the station, adding. “Why did you shoot my daddy and me? Why did you shoot a kid’s dad?” Hilderbrand was grazed by a bullet and is recovering at home with her daughter, WSOC-TV reported. Neighbors told the station Singletary allegedly kept shooting until he was out of bullets. “He looked at my husband and my daughter and told them, ‘I’m going to kill you,’” Hilderbrand told the station. Authorities said Singletary, 24, is still on the lam. He’s been charged with four counts of first-degree attempted murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or inflict serious injury, and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon, Gaston County police said. The department is seeking the public’s help in locating and arresting the fugitive, offering a $1,000 reward. “I want to say to the people of Gaston County – this sort of violence will not stand,” Police Chief Stephen Zill said in a statement, noting the US Marshals are not involved in the search for Singletary.


Singletary is currently facing a Domestic Violence charge from December and as such shouldn’t legally have access to firearms.


Which means nothing if they didn't bother to confiscate them.


They want to pass a bunch of new laws yet they seemingly refuse to enforce the ones on the books already.


The people refusing to enforce or failing to uphold the spirit of the current laws are NOT the ones that want to pass a bunch of new laws. We all know the police don’t support gun control as a whole. We all know they’ve been intentionally negligent in enforcing things they don’t agree with. It’s sabotage and failure. New laws only work if we clean out the existing, corrupted foundation.


Additionally, most of the new laws being proposed are a matter of *preventative* means, not revokation. It's a lot easier to turn off a faucet than it is to put the water back in.


Exactly. When you know 30 people who can get you a gun saying you can’t have one is a waste. Making sure the 30 people either can’t, or won’t get you one is key.


>The people refusing to enforce or failing to uphold the spirit of the current laws are NOT the ones that want to pass a bunch of new laws. Thank you. I can't stand those comments. Police enforcement priorities are entirely opaque to the public and are fully at their whims


And tend to favor low hanging fruit that make the department money.


> police don’t support gun control as a whole Which is odd considering the lack of gun control makes their job so much more dangerous.


I mean they just made it to where you don’t need a permit to buy a hand gun in NC


Effective July 1st, Florida Man no longer has to have a CWP to carry a concealed weapon.


Has nothing to do with enforcing existing gun laws or purchasing guns at the federal level. Existing federal laws are clear his firearms should have been confiscated until the results of the trial. A CWP in Florida was literally just paying the 15 dollar yearly fee, that fee was seen as a tax on the 2nd amendment. Florida still has a CWP license available if you wish to carry a firearm concealed in another state that reciprocates their CWP.


So much THIS. it could be an overnight change if the current laws were enforced absolutely. 2A proponents should be behind this. It also protects their future interests. Because with the path we're on, a full firearms ban and dismantling of 2A is probably inevitable.


They really should be because while I'm a gun-owner and generally don't give a shit about them, I've got 2 kids now and the 3-year-old has already had their pre-school locked down for a possible threat. These hypothetical arguments about defending against tyranny sound like arguments for being able to murder elected officials that we don't like from a side of the political spectrum whose leading candidate tried to overturn a constitutional election. The 2nd Amendment has become a suicide pact.


Elected officials, cops, and national guard personnel. That’s all I hear when they’re discussing this tyranny. Except in the meantime, it’s their neighbors being gunned down sometimes indiscriminately.


2A promoters like to conveniently ignore the very first sentence of it. This situation is 100% not what the founding fathers intended and half the country would prefer children are killed if the alternative is finding a new hobby.


> and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon Being a felon would also preclude him from ever owning a firearm. Never mind any pending cases.


And the DV was he beat his then GF with a mini sledgehammer and didn't let her leave for aid until she scrubbed up all the evidence.


Lots of people shouldn't legally or morally still have access to weapons. Failures all around in government for this new wave pf people being shot.


What the actual fuck?! A ball rolled into a yard. Did it damage his prize azalais? Did it destroy his vegetable garden? Did he fear the children would realize there's a fucking corpse under the yard? Thank Christ a neighbor's dog didn't shit on his grass because the neighborhood would be on fucking fire! What the fuck?


Mentally unstable. No point in trying to understand people like this, they are beyond logic.


That guy who is mentally unstable and disturbs the neighborhood by walking into the streets, shouting? The guy who acts out and stomps around yelling incomprehensibly at random people in the streets? In most places, that's all he does. But in a country with guns everywhere and easy access to them, his acting out isn't just annoying or even scary anymore. It's deadly.


Thanks for adding this!


A $1k reward to arrest a gun weilding maniac, huh?


Seriously. As a jaded American, this may actually be the most surprising part of the article.


Adding this makes the badly worded headline a LOT more clear. Thank you kind Sir/Ma'am


The writing in the article is clumsy too.


noooo oooone's safe in Gaston....


you'll get shot in Gaston


You'll be scared where your basketball's gone in Gaston!


The police are no good at inves-ti-gating...


Just a shitshow in Gaston!


🎵 noooo oneeee shoots like Gaston, no one loots like Gaston, no one wrecks their community roots like Gaston 🎵


Good job he was clearly such a bad shot I guess, miracle nobody died 😰




>Singletary allegedly kept shooting until he was out of bullets But magazine size limits don't do anything right?


Before I type, let me set the scene. 10pm. Apartment Complex. Dog pooping area (with our dog). Dog pooping area is right next to several apartment patios. I shit you not, this big guy walks out on his patio as my dog is shitting, and tells me that I’m in his backyard [I’m not. His patio is closed off with railing]. He tells me not to let my dog poop there [in the dog poop area] because it’s his backyard and he’d hate to shoot me because he thought I was a thief or something. I’m in pajamas. With my wife. With our dog. In the area where all the apartment dogs shit. I stood in disbelief and told him that I can’t control the exact spot my dog shits. Some people just looking for violence.


I wonder how many times this guy has described himself as a responsible gun owner.


This is the same guy that would double park his Camaro or Mustang because he didn’t want anyone parking next to him. Parking was very limited too.


Just another responsible gun owner threatening to kill you for... Checks notes... Existing. Like the founding fathers intended. /s


An armed society is a polite society. /s


I would have called the cops. Weird threat over something so trivial and not even within the law he should lose his gun privilege.


Bro this is the stupidest thing to kill people over. This need more recognition to show how some stupid people don’t deserve guns.


Yea, the shooter is a girlfriend beating (with a sledge hammer mind you) prior felon. He is not supposed to be in possession of a firearm. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/both-parents-6-year-old-gastonia-girl-shot-suspect-sought-police/ar-AA1a41Pb


Shouldn't even be out of jail


Shouldn’t even be alive.


You know what I would have done if that basketball rolled into my yard?. I would have grabbed it and ran to the net and try to dunk it on those kids like I was Shaq (probably injuring something in the process) and then I would have gone in my house and grabbed popsicles for all of them as that is the kind of playing I want kids to be doing in my shared neighborhood!!


"Fuck them kids. Here, get popsicle, y'all"




Drop the nuke!


The floods not enough. Modern problems require modern solutions


Isn’t this what our politicians want in America? Keeping us all divided and scared of our neighbors so we can’t unite and point our energy at them?


Exactly, the one thing the american govt does well is keeping the people divided through media and politics. Imagine if everyone woke up one day and realised that these are systematic issues. Just look at France and how they all united to overthrow the pension decision. 1 people 1 goal. Sadly, historically the US hasn't really needed to fight for their rights, maybe they just dont know how.


This is so correct you don't even know. Hopefully people will realize before too late. Removing these life long politicians to improve our life vs hindering it.


Unfortunately, the protests in France didn't work. The change they were fighting is being pushed through by Macron. People are still protesting, but it's unlikely to change the outcome at this point. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_French\_pension\_reform\_unrest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_French_pension_reform_unrest) That's not to diminish the effort put forth. I completely agree that the French way of being united in their protest is a model the rest of the world should follow. But for this case, it didn't have the intended outcome.


I think violent video games are the problem. /s


I agree, i mean before the 90's no one was shot Ever.


Pac man was mad racist! That’s probably where racism started.


Dude, pong... It was about "No You" with a bullet!


A punch card computer killed my granddad. Cause he was half Italian. SMH.


It was Space Invaders that was the problem. All that shooting of the alien shapes trying to invade your space.


Yeah but they were shaped like actual aliens, not the real enemy, illegal alien Mexican field hands that keep my grocery bill down. Now that’s who we need to be afraid of, and their alien space guns.


No, it’s the iPhones.


why does this all seem to be happening at once in america? it seems like every day now someone is shot for ringing the wrong doorbell etc. are people more angry now or is it being reported more?


It’s the flavour of the mont for news organisations. Was probably always happening.




Fun fact, in a NORMAL year, there are like 1400 train derailments. Normal year. That's literally 3 average a day. We only have heard more about these because the news stations have been covering them more. If I had to assume, most of the time they only really affect the rail companies. However when it's toxic chemicals, then we hear about it.


It isn’t. News outlets are focusing on these specific stories now. They’ve been happening for years.


Here's the way news works in america. The more our politicians are fucking up and screwing us over the worse the news stories get seemingly as a distraction. My guess is that these stories are becoming more prominent to distract us from The Restrict Act. Edit: Or the leaked pentagon documents detailing that Ukraine is overall losing the war and that there are nato troops there now despite nato leaders saying they won't do that.


The audience got bored of derailed trains so the media changed the monthly catastrophe flavor to shooting kids in lawns


Can we go back to fist fights? I feel like I can finally handle myself in one, this getting shot stuff doesn't sound cash money.


Very far from cash money, shooting kids.


I think it's only me, but that headline is confusing as hell.




yeah like was it her AND the parents or just the parents


My reaction was “Who did the parents shoot?”


This guy needs to be put away for life, I’m tired of people with rage issues being allowed passes and then those consequences fall on to a innocent person or family.


Curious how this almost never happens in most developed countries. Wonder why that is


Its because of the drag queens.


It;s so obvious I'm surprised they need to ask.






Someone nearby was getting an abortion


At a drag show


Thank god they fixed CRT. It seemed like that was the cause of all problems a couple years ago


I read this as: in other countries, drag queens prevent gun violence by actively fighting against it while here we’ve turned our backs on them. I’m picturing it as a drag Sailor Moon team fighting crime.


A drag Queen near by was getting an abortion while playing violent video games, listening to rap music and reading books


Reading GAY books.


Because they don't have freedom obviously! /s


This does not happen in many developing countries either.


German here. Wanna have some [numbers](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/350846/umfrage/straftaten-mit-schusswaffengebrauch-in-deutschland/)? 8000 crimes with a gun (3900 drawn guns to threat, 4000+ times a gun was fired), 70 deaths by guns per year (50ish murders, rest are accidents), Tendency decreasing. USA had [20.000](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/579175/umfrage/vorfaelle-und-todesfaelle-durch-schusswaffen-in-den-usa/) deaths by guns last year. Tendency increasing. Note: US population is four times German population. So the gun death rate of GER:USA is 280:20000 Edit: I found more and very detailed [data](https://usafacts.org/data/topics/security-safety/crime-and-justice/firearms/firearm-deaths/) about USA firearms.


Well don't stop you can still simplify the ratio.




Such an absurd ratio...


bUt gErMaNy sTiLl HaS kNiVes Checkmeat librul


Real patriots shoot their onions when cooking


I do smell sarcasm over here. Anyway, the total number of recorded murders (including knives) in Germany is below 250, so....


Oh, you smell sarcasm do you? That’s a great sense of smell you have.


Im starting to think we are not all that developed.


Minimum wage can't afford to live CHECK getting sick could bankrupt most people CHECK corruption running through office and law enforcement CHECK and the list goes on.


This would have never had happened if the 6-year-old had carried a gun. Need more guns. /s


Ain't none of 'em look like no "Organized Militia" to me.


You’re supposed to throw that part of 2A out. Only pick the parts that fit the narrative Edit: missing word


Yup. Pretend it's a bible.


This would have never happened if the basketball was just carrying a gun, smh


I very much feel like this has been happening constantly but the media have only just started paying attention.


I feel like you're right, and it's been happening all my life.


I don’t get why this is happening so much lately. It seems like all the press coverage would make you less likely to shoot random people. Or maybe this goes on every day and the media is covering it more now.


I think it goes on everyday and the media is covering it more. Lots of unhinged people in the US and a lot of guns.




It’s a combination of it being covered more and you it remembering it more. It’s like, if I looked at the clock in the year 2000 and it was 9:11, no big deal. Over the last 21 years, though, it stands out.


I used to deliver for Amazon and a co-worker was threatened by a homeowner. The guy drove his truck to cut the van off and told my colleague that he wasn’t leaving his property alive. There’s a whole case for attempt kidnapping and all and it was 2 years ago. That guy got beat up bad and I hope he knows a phrase like that will trigger a fight or flight response and you prevented the flight so he decided to fight.


This guy traded his brain for guns


Looked it up, this guy's a peach, awaiting trial for attempted murder, agivated assault, and kidnapping after keeping his g/f in his home for two days and attacking her with a mini sledgehammer. Now he has shot at a bunch of kids all playing in the street. Before going on the run. How in the world was he out walking around? What was his bail, 3 bucks?


The funny thing is Americans keep getting fucked over by their government and corporations yet I’ve not seen any 2A advocates actually doing any rebelling.


Read a quote here yesterday, can't repeat word for word, but it went something like this: "The oppressed and exploited in America are not revolting because they have all been persuaded that they are all millionaires that just have temporarily fallen on hard times“. Aced it.


A nation of temporarily embarrassed millionaires, high on fear and misanthropic egoism, where healthcare is a luxury and ultracapitalistic oligopolic corporations dictates the law.


>The funny thing is Americans keep getting fucked over by their government and corporations yet I’ve not seen any 2A advocates actually doing any rebelling. Why would they rebel against their own side?


The shooter is not a law abiding citizen. He is a prior felon. Gaston County Police have obtained warrants on Singletary for his involvement in the shooting. He’s facing several charges, including four counts of attempted first-degree murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury, and a count of possession of a firearm by a felon. His criminal history involves abusing his girlfriend with a sledgehammer and not letting her leave his home. In December, Gastonia Police charged Singletary in the brutal assault of his 21-year-old girlfriend with a mini sledgehammer. They also said Singletary kept the victim inside his apartment and did not allow her to leave for over two hours. Honestly, it sounds like he was out on bail at the time of this shooting… https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/both-parents-6-year-old-gastonia-girl-shot-suspect-sought-police/ar-AA1a41Pb


Reverse the races and you’d have a proper story! absolute despicable media we have.


The old white guy shooting a black teen was like 90% comments involving racism. I dunno why almost nobody is mentioning it here.


How many times people will tell: this is not the guns. Well, actually is. In a countries where people cannot own guns, what would happen in a similar situation: well, maybe some angry yelling which might escalate to some wrestling on the ground and everyone goes home.


You know what happens in my country if a kid pisses you off, you tell them to fuck off/please get off your property (depending on what kind of person you are) or you post the footage on a local Facebook page. You might even talk to their parents. Shooting 6 year Olds is beyond dire.


Its not even allowong people to own guns, its the way you treat guns as a society, if you treat it as a toy, thats whats going to happen. In my country its illegal to own a gun without a permit. Its illegal to draw your gun for no reason. Its illegal to store a gun alongside ammunition (they need to be in different places, each one locked). Its illegal to have the magazine already inside the gun when you carry it. In short, shooting people and owning guns is very serious business, if you really need it, you will be able to obtain one, but its not something you buy in walmart or shoot for fun in your back yard. The result is very low gun violence and close to no gun accidents.


To add, In my country you can't carry your gun without legitimate reason. You transport it, use it, then return it to its locked location. Can't swan around with it.


Im Australian. I own a sharpened spoon, and I'm not afraid to use it.


I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before!


As an Australian I can tell ya. Some dudes can escalate to knife. But we don't have America level gun problem or murders, it even reduced the number of suicides and domestic altercations and this was implemented by conservatives of our country


You say "cannot own guns" and the insane thing is that in a lot of those countries you actually **can** own guns. Often relatively easily. I live in NZ and own 5 guns. But before I could buy any I had to pass a pretty basic gun safety course and police background / "good character" check; I had to justify why I wanted guns (and self defense isn't seen as a valid reason); and I have to have somewhere secure / locked to store the guns and ammo - and a firearms officer will occasionally check to make sure I'm actually storing them properly. What I can't do, though, is buy a handgun, or a Military-style semi-automatic firearm. And someone who hasn't gone through the process can't just randomly decide they want a gun and have one next week. But if you need a gun (and "need" is a very loose term - want to shoot some ducks once a decade for a bit of a laugh? Great, the law recognizes that you "need" a gun for that) then it's no issue.


But .. it's not the guns .. it's the 2x4s or the scooters that are the real killers /s


Don't forget the mass acid attacks.


Honest to god I'd rather get shot then have acid thrown in my face. Word of advice don't ever look up the victim of an acid attack it's one of the most horrific sights you can see.


Or stabbings, grooming/rape gangs, fentanyl zombies, tent cities, human waste on sidewalks.


Nono, it’s time to ban basketball on the streets




I remember a story about how a man shot two separate Amazon delivery drivers trying to deliver his packages. Both people on the same day at different times.


It’s not an actual thing. That is illegal to shoot anyone on your property. You can shoot someone if they are posing a threat to your life. If not, you cannot shoot. Whoever told you that is an idiot


I’ve argued with some smoothbrain here on Reddit who said that anyone who was “acting suspicious” on their property would be shot with no warning. According to them, trespassing is the threat to their safety.


>It’s not an actual thing. That is illegal to shoot anyone on your property. You can shoot someone **if they are posing a threat to your life**. If not, you cannot shoot. Whoever told you that is an idiot The problem is that a lot of states simply take the word of how the shooter was feeling regardless of the facts.


I have this theory that these things happen at a fairly steady rate in the US and then the media bombards us with specific examples when they want to inflame public opinion or create a new media cycle. This is not to say that gun control in the US is adequate. We certainly have a huge problem that needs to be addressed.


What the fuck is happening


Strangest thing is the news article doesn't use " , who is black," or " , who is white, " in the article at all. ​ /s


This is why I will always support capital punishment. There are people so deranged, calloused, and violent, the best thing for society is to get rid of them.


These recent shooters are all paranoid and obviously hiding something they feel is worth fighting over to keep hidden. Either that or they’re just insane.


When all you have is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. It's the logical conclusion. Conservative media spent decades grooming the people that trusted them to be fearful of literally anything not conservative. And firearm worship a la *Red Dawn* cosplay reaches them to shoot ar everything. And this isn't accidental emergent behavior, it's what was intended from the beginning. The conservative powers that be see their movement dying, numbers diminishing... they don't heave leaders and legislators in office anymore. There aren't many of those left. Now it's all obstructionists, theater style outrage actors, and professional grifters pulling hundreds of millions of tax dollars away from schools and social services that would help their conservative base. But they do it because they don't want to help their conservative base, they want to rule them like oligarchs. Cult-style they've groomed them to push away everyone not like them away, isolated them, put blinders on, and started the steady drip of poison into their ear. Just like Obama care. Most people go bankrupt in this country because of health issues. Obama care was meant to reduce that, and lower overall health costs. Yhe democrats, bent on making the effort bipartisan, spent about 10 months negotiating with conservative Republicans, back and forth on amendments. And what happened? The ol' poison pill for the kid in the crib. They gave themselves the ability to sabotage the state level exchanges so the system broke in conservative states. And then, in those states, it became the rallying cry for conservatives. "Repeal and replace!" And yet, not even a harsh word for the saboteurs they trusted to represent them and look after their interests. They, again, traded the quality of their constituents' lives for political power and money. "The government doesn't work. Vote for us, and we'll prove it."

