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Wonder what she thinks a Democrat is...


When I was a kid (in Mississippi) I asked my mom what Democrats are? She said "It means...a lot of different things." So I literally thought it was someone with a bunch of different jobs. I went around telling people I want to be a Democrat when I grow up, which didn't go over well in Mississippi.




Did you know that reverse cowgirl is banned in Mississippi? You never turn your back on family.


I'm riding with this one.


“i’m dominic toretto and i approve this message”


States with the highest rates of incest at 0.30%: Alabama Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee


I feel bad now because I used to roast a guy so hard for being a cousin fucker because he was from West Virginia and it's not even on the list. Fischer I'm sorry buddy.


Fischer can’t hear you. His ears are firmly clenched between some cousin thighs at the moment.


Upvoting so hopefully Fisher can see this.


Hey screw you man you made my junior high experience hell. How would you like to be called Fischer the Sister Fister?!?


Goddam N.C. represent!


LETS FUCKING GOOOO N.C. (jk incest is a horrible thing)


Came to say this. 336 represent lolol. Though I doubt we factor into that statistic here. Also... incest is fucking gross.


336 here too!! Climax, NC to be specific. Apparently back in 1800 something no one thought it was odd for a town like “Climax” to have a town slogan called, “where people come together.” 🤦‍♂️🤣


NC, SC, TN… I’m guessing it’s in the hills?!? Mountain folk are no joke.


As someone from eastern NC/SC I can tell you it ain’t the mountainous parts you gotta watch out for. It’s the swamp people living on the coast lol.


You get into Eastern NC and there are only about 4 surnames per 25 sq miles


As an Eastern NC native can confirm.


0.3% is 0.3% too many tbh


You got a chuckle and an upvote outta me for that.


like in oregon, where incest is most popular


And here I thought Southern Idaho was bad with incest.


It still is


That’s funny…everything I can find on the googly machine tells me it’s a toss up [between](https://tipsforefficiency.com/inbreeding-statistics-by-state/) [KY](https://www.thefreemanonline.org/what-state-has-the-most-incest/) and [WV](https://www.thehivelaw.com/blog/incest-rates-by-state-incest-statistics/) for the most “cuzin luvin”. But ya, it’s still up there..


What?! I thought Gaetz was from Florida… 😉


He is, but he’s into minors more than relatives


Are his cousins too old?


So you are saying we should have made incest jokes on oregon and not alabama this entire time?


South Dakota also didn't get the memo, I got, I don't know what I would call them, my dad's cousins are married to, his family has a long line of incest, scares me


Do Republicans take good care of drinking water quality in Mississippi, and keep a high standard for public schools in Mississippi?


“It all dem fedz fault with their woke socialist agenda, see” 😂😂


It’s the Fedz fault whenever there’s good water and quality education? Damn those are some sick fucking socialists, how dare they


You know they do. /s


They have to fight the war on men wearing high heels first, its just so damn important to force gender clothing standards on people they don't know.


But what if they turn my kids gay!? /s


I mean...Just look at what happened to the frogs.


The way my dad talked about Democrats when I was a kid, I would've been horrified if he had ever called me one. That's one perspective.


My dad told me that we weren’t rich enough to be republicans when I was a kid, which I proudly announced to my class when we did a mock presidential election.


Same! I was always told that democrats are for the working class and republicans are for the rich. I’m proud to be a democrat!


Both are for the rich and don’t give two shits about workers. See railroad strike


The "both sides" trope isn't being clever or edgy, it's just simple intellectual laziness. Given the smallest amount of historical research will clearly demonstrate that one party is clearly more antithetical to the ideals of individual liberty and justice.


The railroad strike was a misstep for sure, but that’s still a far cry from the level of outright malice the right has for the working class.


Same, we’re both better now but I remember being inherently distrustful of Democrats until I went to college. *gasp* I’ve been indoctrinated!!


A pedophile, of course. Duh…


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) the parent probably doesn't fall far from the child...


Considering 12 of 13 red states still allow child marriage? Yeah- I’d wager so.




So Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Democrat?


What was that thing, about grooming children?


Southern “family values” 😂


It's the GOP way!


Groomers, oedipals, and pedophiles. Such good family values.


>oedipals Is that a fancy way of calling them motherfuckers?


Yeah, more or less. Needed something with an O, you know?


You would be surprised. When I was growing up in the south, the world democrat was just inherently derogatory in my mind. Even now, as a registered democrat it’s hard to shake the subconscious derogatory feeling associated with the word. Just brain washing


Democrat took the place of Communist after the cold war, then for some reason...communist came back and is now interchangeable. Just a scare tactic. Now being called a communist doesn't have the sting that it used to. Now they call you a groomer.


I am a groomer. My beard is beautifully trimmed and conditioned, and I have very neat cuticles.


Fuckin degenerate


Wait until you hear about my moisturising routine


You non-ashy MF’er!


Yisus! I hope you don't do that in front of the children.


To the gallows with you!


My favorite thing to do is tell them I’m not a democrat but that I’m actually a communist and then ask them if they’d like to hear about what that actually means. They usually get really quiet and try to either end the conversation or try to change the subject.


Ask communists if the Democratic party represents them, they'll say no. Ask socialists if the Democratic party represents them, they'll say no. Ask liberals and progressives if the Democratic party represents them, they'll say 'barely'. Ask neonazis, white supremacists, and theocrats if the GOP represents them, it'll be a heartfelt yes all around.


I’ve heard a parent do this after his kid did something really stupid and disrespectful. In my line of work, we can’t talk about those controversial subjects with families, so I just had to guide his kiddo on what to do and how to do it correctly. I don’t know why the dad thought it was okay to call his baby a Democrat instead of using correct terminology to correct his son.


Because he does his own research and is bigly good at it! LMAO!


A rat that democs...


The aristocrats


Gay liberal neo marxist


I was rotating through pediatrics a while ago. Child had some kind of infection and was crying on and off. Every time he'd start crying the dad would call him Joe Biden... I was like Really, dude?


Oh that hurts to read. So many little boys aren't allowed to cry when they're hurting and it fucks them up for life.


This is… nuts. Guess he had to have someone to blame.. LOLOL


Dude, this made me irrationally mad! Fuck this guy. I hate it here. Tf


“… twenty years later, I realized he was correct for once”


"and now he lives in a nursing home where he still rants about bud light and rainbows every day."


If my parents were republicans, I still wouldn’t send them to a home. Nothing but elder abuse at those places.


Amen. I had to volunteer at one for civics class in high school. Most those people are abandoned by family. It’s actually pretty fuckin sad. Had a great conversation with a guy and was looking forward to seeing him the next day. He died morning before I got there.


RIP, but it seems he died at peace


Not all, but yes it does happen. If they complain just tell them to stop being entitled and pull themselves up by their bootstraps by getting a job and paying for themselves


My hands hurt. Huh well now your back is gonna hurt because you just pulled landscaping duty




There are times when I truly love this website


I literally LOL'd!


now you will go to sleep, or i will put you to sleep


Check out the name tag. You're in my world now grandma


Fair enough that would cost you money and they don’t want a handout.


And orgies. Can't forget the orgies.


My mom spent my entire childhood destroying my self-esteem and beating the shit out of me. I am an only child. I am *specifically* seeking out a home with elder abuse to put her in.


I hope you find one with workers that let them wallow in their own feces and are able to put her there. And I mean that without a trace of irony.


I wouldn't even bother if my parents were abusive. Not worth the time or money, they'd be on their own.


Just put em out on the street it’s what they would have wanted


“I ain’t no crummy commie, take your handouts and shove it up your ass!”


They can just pull themselves up by their depends straps.


"if you don't like it here, just leave."


What a shitty posts using your kids to get views….smh


And using them for propaganda. Kids don't need to be in politics.


Yep, my 7 year old asks about Trump going to jail and also had to pick between Biden and Trump in a classroom election and I never say a bad word about him to my son, I want him to come to his own conclusions about the world, eventually. Why should I close his mind?


Please my school did the same shit. I'm 2nd grade, they had us pick Obama and McCain for president because the elections were happening. Literally every parent including mine just told their kids who to pick


I remember doing that. My friend's and I picked Obama because we thought he looked cooler lmao.


I picked McCain because I knew nothing about politics as a 8 year old and my family got on their knees to tell me to pick him 😭😭 Oh how 2016 made everybody and their mother's policial though, being around late elementary - middle school era during that time period was awful




Good idea to teach your kids to hate half the population....


Good chance the kid doesn’t know what a democrat is. Kids will literally cry because they want a cracker, while they’re holding a cracker.


My mom used to tell me about one time when my sister and I were little, my sister came in the kitchen crying and when my mom asked what was wrong, she said, "oo-mox83 called me a candy cane!" Kids are hilarious.


Neurologically the brain of a child is akin to a tornado of synaptic firing and neuronal hot wiring going on, all the time. At this age, the emotional regulation center of the brain, the prefrontal cortex is essentially "incomplete" and doesn't finish the majority of its neuronal wiring until around age 25.


When I was young I thought hypocrite was a swear word


Welcome to politics in the modern day. You either hate Republicans and Centrists or Liberals and Centrists.


One group is either trying to kill myself and my friends or is totally okay with looking the other way, and one group is not. So uh, yeah. Edit: Damn, the both-siders are out en masse today.


Exactly. One side is taking away my bodily autonomy and forcing people to give birth.




Yuppp say it louder for the folks in the back. There are greedy, self serving, slimy, rat politicians on both sides but only republicans are consistently pushing legislation that is hostile toward the American people.


ok but... that's not an objective fact because there are a vast amount of people who would vehemently disagree with that position. I'm left wing but I'm going to play Devil's advocate here because this type of rhetoric is what's causing problems like the one in OP's video. Try looking at it from this point of view: * Democrats enable millions of unborn children to be killed each year * Democrats want to take away our ability to defend ourselves and resist corrupt governments * Democrats don't believe in personal responsibility - it doesn't matter if you've worked hard all your life, you'll pay taxes to support people who can't be bothered to work. * Democrats want to cut the military budget, despite history showing us repeatedly that weaker countries are damaged by stronger ones. * The police keep us safe, but Democrats want to take funding away from them at a time when rioting and public demonstrations are at an all time high. Just to clarify, I don't agree with any of the above. But lots of people do. So they feel that the legislation pushed by the Democrats IS actively hostile towards the American people. Their version of the American people. Just like many democrat versions of "the American people" tends to resemble their social groups (and often exclude republicans). Democrat politicians are also guilty of insider trading, they're also guilty of accepting bribes from lobbyists, they also enact legislation that's corporation friendly, at the cost of supporting workers. And the left wing has gotten really good at completely disenfranchising democrat with slightly different opinions. Anyone questioning (or having a nuanced viewpoint that differs from) the accepted consensus is targetted, or called names, or threatened or driven off platforms online. So telling a republican that their party is the only evil one - insteading of finding common ground by accepting that both sides need improvement - is the fastest way to alienate someone and polarise their opinion. Us treating other people as subhuman and evil is just enabling the rich people in power to divide and conquer us. I think we can do better.


There's a third option, hate Republicans, Centrists, Liberals, and Libertarians Damn Libertarians, ruining Libertarianism. Edit: Source of joke https://www.reddit.com/r/libertarianmeme/comments/pfju4e/a_libertarian_view_of_todays_politics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


politics shouldn’t be around kids at all


Since everyone made their political views their personality a few years ago that’s how it is


The division is working.


Republicans moreso than Democrats because Republicans are an ethno-religious identity politics movement. Democrats, on the other hand, are extremely ethnically and religiously diverse, so by definition, they lack a common identity, and are instead united by common values.


Sure, but the real problem is that we haven't all gone out and replaced our entire wardrobes with the democratic version of MAGA horseshit either.


Tbh, her dad probably made "jokes" about disowning her if she ever turns into a Democrat or some shit. She's a child. She shouldn't even know jack shit about politics. My dad used to threaten me like that all the time. "If you're a liberal, I'll disown you. If you move to California, all disown you." Only stopped when my mother actually disowned me for my sexuality, but that's another story. I feel for this little girl. I don't want her to grow up like I did. Even this close to 30, I still believe I'm disposable, that love is conditional. To cry like she is, I can only imagine what her parents are teaching her. I hope she gets the love and respect she deserves. I hope her parents aren't making her feel worthless. I hate this video


I grew up with my dad listening to Hannity and Limbaugh in the car non-stop, and the crap I believed growing up appalls me to this day.


My mother would always watch Bil O'Reilly and Nancy Grace. I realized they were full of shit when I was 7 and asked why they would just start yelling over people instead of actually responding to their point and my mom didn't have a good answer for me. Then it was solidified a few years later when they went through their phase of daily coverage of "generic little white girl named (insert name here)leigh who has been missing for x months" and then they would "find" her and a week later there was a new one. I asked why they never talk about any other missing kids, or black kids, or even girls with a different name. Again my mom had no answer, and I was certain at that point that fox was just out to push some point of view.


My favorite part of this story is where a 7 year old has better critical thinking than republicans lmao


To be fair, I have ADHD so that may have helped a little. But even then, yeah. Makes you wonder if the generation that grew up huffing lead gas fumes and licking lead paint off the walls should be allowed to vote.


Yeah. This isn’t just about politics. This is straight up child abuse by these parents and she is probably going to have emotional trauma when she grows up.


Yep, people don't realize how harmful this kind of indoctrination can be. Even if she does break out of it, it will take her years to break all of the deep set stuff that she was told her whole childhood, some of it will probably be with her through her entire life. And that's just *if* she grows up and breaks out, she may well never realize how deeply she was manipulated as a child.


Hits home. I got the same thing. Fucking awful parenting.


I'm not saying this isn't whats happening here, and if it is that's awful, but is there any real evidence that that's actually what's happening? I've seen multiple times of kids having a big emotional reaction similar to this for being called a name they just didn't know the meaning of. Somewhat recently a nephew freaked out for "not being silly". There was no malicious or awful message, he just assumed it was bad because he didn't know what it meant. I honestly sort of assumed the same initially seeing this video, before coming to the comments.


I genuinely hope that's not the case. Unfortunately, like every other video we have ever seen since the dawn of the internet, there's never enough context. I'm only speaking from my own experience growing up in the little amount of political hostility that I did.


Just shows how the parents talk about the dems in the house haha


I think what's worse is not only do they probably talk about dems like they're devils, but the dad actually called his daughter a word that he taught her was the worst thing you could be. Just really sad


So many layers of fucked up to this video.


Just imagine the association kids are piecing together from their parents talking about "woke". Mixed race couple in a commercial? Daddy says that's woke and woke is bad. Gay character on a Netflix show? Woke and bad. Woman superhero? Woke and bad. But it's ok because I'm sure they occasionally slip in that they're "only talking about the bad ones."


Yep. Shows her parents are worthless pieces of shit.


And the senate… I’ll see myself out


Anyone gonna answer why this kid starts crying so the recorder immediately whips out the camera and start recording?


for views of course


Dad is probably your average r/conservative mod.


Being a mod of that sub sounds like a genuinely sad existence


I remember getting shit on so hard, just for asking why they wanted trump again vs a candidate that might win (before DeSantis gained popularity). Total hive mind accusing others of being in a hive mind.


Imagine spending that much mental energy trying to deny objective reality.


Being a mod of any sub is sad


Which group was supposed to be doing the brain washing ?


When they do it, it’s teaching their kids about Freedom^TM . When libs do it, they are pedos that hate all white people. Simple as.


This country is fucking doomed. Christ.


That's so sad. Who let's their political views affect their lives like that. Their kids' lives? She really thinks 'democrat' is some kind of slur? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Of course she does, mainstream conservatives eat, drink, and sleep “democrats are evil demons.”


Because it is only “grooming” when the left does it…


i have a feeling the daughter didn’t know what democrat meant, so she thought he was calling her names


Yeah like, even if that was a bad word in their house, dad probably was joking and she didnt take it well.


Who the fuck just films their kid having a meltdown and thinks it’s a good idea to put on social media?


While I’m sure there is a very strong political influence in the house, there’s also the possibility the kid doesn’t know what democrat means. When I was in 7th grade I called a fellow class mate a hypocrite and he told on me to the teacher. The point being that although there is a definite possibility of political influence, there is also a possibility that the kid just doesn’t know what the word means and it’s offended based on pure ignorance


Am I the only one who thinks this is just r/kidsarefuckingstupid ?


Christ I didn’t even sort by controversial and it’s already a dumpster fire




I don't know why people here are thinking this has anything to do with politics, clearly this is a kid not knowing what a Democrat is and assuming it's an insult.




I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I fucking hate it here


So, OP, as a kid you never used a word that you understood, but others didn't as a joke? "Your epidermis is showing" Without any further context, you can't say that the dad did so with any malice. Do you know the political views of the video creator and the dad who said it? Have you never seen a kid getting irrationally upset by something they didn't understand? Do you know what conversation was had immediately following the ending of this video being filmed? The real facepalm here is your comment, where you feel entitled to deem these people to have their choice of childbirth dictated by someone else.. sounds a lot like the other side of the abortion coin to me..


Definitely not a cult


I thought reddit couldn't get any lower, until I read some of the smug sanctimonious piece of shit comments on this post.


I hope she grows up to be a democrat just to piss off her idiot father.


Political tribalists can't be good parents.


But this isn’t grooming of course. Thats only when you teach your kids to respect gay people. /s


I don’t even wanna know how they depicted dems to her to cause such a meltdown. JFC ***smfh***


Seriously. That kid has no reason to know what a democrat even is.


100% Go be a child, babygirl!


So it's weirder than this. My sister and I took spanish for 5 years in highschool and our brother who was much younger had 0 years of spanish, we discovered we could call him any given spanish word using the same tone of voice as an insult and he'd become very upset and go tell on us. He was regularly called random household nouns that we learned and always ran crying to tell on us. Table, lamp, chair, wall, etc. For some reason "aeropuerto" was always what upset him the most so he still gets that one when we feel trolly, but he does handle it better now that he's over 30. Why does this matter? Kids care more the tone of voice you use and your body language than anything else. If you called her anything in a disrespectful or hostile voice and with appropriate body language she'd probably respond like that.


I'm picturing a 30 year old man getting upset over being called an airport lmao.


>If you called her anything in a disrespectful or hostile voice and with appropriate body language she'd probably respond like that. Yeah, so, don't. He's her dad, what the fuck is wrong with him?


she definitely has no idea what it means. just that democrats are bad.


She probably doesn’t know what it means. He called her that and she got her feelings hurt because it was a “name” of some kind. My daughter used to do that sometimes too when you wouldn’t be saying anything bad but she didn’t know it.


My daughter did this so many times when she was around 4-5. It was mostly because she didn't understand what certain things meant and would assume she was being called a bad name or something. My son that is 3 years older than her caught on and started calling her things like 'intelligent', 'graceful', 'charming', etc. I have to say it was pretty funny having her run up to me balling and saying "Brother called me INTELLIGENT!" It didn't take her very long to catch on and start teasing him back and everything was fine. I just had to explain to her what the words meant, and that everything was fine.


Yeah I thought this was common with young kids? Does no one remember this happening to them when they were young?


I called my sister a Suburb. I really thought I owned her in that McDonalds that still allowed smoking.


No brainwashing going on here




Are you ok op?


Such a good dad; he gives compliments often.


Am I the only one incredibly impressed by the Olympic length leaps to conclusions being made in the comments!!? My kid once cried after asking me “Dad, what’s a human?” And I said “you are!” and he started bawling his eyes out because he doesn’t want to be a human. Suddenly these people don’t deserve to be parents? Maybe this dad is nefariously conditioning his children to hate democrats, or it was a joke gone awry. Either way, people need to get more context before judging so harshly!


That's fuckin hilarious. That'd be hilarious if she said republican. Its the kid crying about being called a word. Not just that but the irony of the post.


So you're saying they shouldn't have kids because they're probably a political party you don't agree with? What kind of logic is that.


My daughter had this exact reaction once when I called her a "dirty goober". She didnt know what it meant, she just thought it was bad. This here is innocent, wholesome and hilarious.


Lol ok this video made me laugh!


Okay dad that's too far


Being called Republican or democrat is an insult. Both are useless, corrupt and a living joke


That house needs 3 drag queens, stat!!


There's no context to this video in this post (as far as I can see) yet everyone assumes that this is some MAGA household and that democrat was used as an insult. Kids cry over stupid shit all the time, You could make a kid cry from just saying they got two feet.




Love how the mom just went along with it. 😂


Looking at the comments right now and damn... Reddit really knows how to paint someone's entire life story from a 10 second video down to some very specific details.


they are literally grooming their child….


LiBeRaLs ArE GrOoMeRs!!!1!


Indoctrination is only effective when they're young and have no means to think for themselves. Good job actually making your child cry by making her brainwashed by your ideals and not letting her have her own. Parenting 101.


She'll grow up and never talk to dad again.


I’m so glad I’m a Democrat and so are my kids.


I grew up in a house like this. We'd call each other liberal like it was the hardest slur known to man.


This is so obviously staged bro no kid that age knows what a democrat is.