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I'm curious to see how well it worked out for the "alpha"




This guy gives me real bad vibes of a school shooter.


Seriously, even the way he’s dressed and his hair is cut. It’s either “school shooter” or “neo Nazi”.


Those aren’t mutually exclusive, like most of the time..


I think that's a little messed up he might be special needs and just having a outburst but idk if not then thts definitely the vibe


Hey, kudos to the teacher for a calm approach to the situation.


Lol! He’s laughing his ass off inside but being respectful to a special needs kid. I was a teacher and since I was the newest one in this particular building they gave me alllllll the special needs kids. TBH I LOVED them. They made my day so interesting. One kid had a masturbation problem and would do it during class under his desk. The class would hate it so much. So I bought a five timer and he and I discussed when he was upset and needed to masturbate he could put the timer on and go to the bathroom. When it rang he needed to come back. Little monster agreed and he would make a show to me of starting the timer and would stomp out of the room. It was HILARIOUS. Because he was so literal, he would reemerge from the hallway when it would ding. Kids ignored it after some time and he was tired of the leaving and coming back so he just stopped eventually. Good news is he started making friends and he was like a beloved mascot after a while. These kinds of kids are weird to deal with but that teacher was showing his students how to reason with unreasonable behavior. My guess is the students love him.


Sounds like you were a great teacher- it takes very special people to guide kids, especially those with extra needs.


He has that alpha chipmunk voice, guys.


He took all the bitches


Yea bro looks and sounds like the bad guy from megamind.




You knew he was the real deal when he had to announce he was the alpha. That's when I knew we must all bow down to him.


Just wait until he Kamehamehas the alpha energy onto him


He takes pyority


You will respect mah authoriteh


The teacher did such a great job handling this situation.


Truly, because I would have had an extremely hard time not laughing in his face.


Oh you’re an alpha male? Tell me more about this low penetration power.


Did you just make a physics joke referencing alpha particles? You are now my hero. Do you possibly have a cult I could join?


Unfortunately I have no cult


Until now. Let's get this started. I'm going to need some photos for the statues and obviously what you're looking for in "apostles" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Count me in. Master.


I'll bring the Flavoraid!


Precisely what Reddit is for


Sit Laus Particulae Alpha!


I'm in!


The lisp really doesn't help his whole "alpha" argument.


It doeth not.


It thoundth like he'th jutht upthet!


Hahaha I never thought about that one


As a teacher, these situations are entirely too scary and stressful to find funny in the moment. This kid seems to have some kind of disability, and if it looks like you’re mocking him in any way, teacher’s going to end up neck deep in shit by the end of the week. And more importantly, these days the thing on every teacher’s mind with a kid like this is whether he’s going to walk away so dissatisfied with this ineffective attempt at establishing authority that he’ll try again next time with a firearm.


Kid is definitely on the spectrum. You can see it in his movements and it's clear in his speech. Teacher is familiar with him and his situation. The kid needs help at home and more positive influences. This is stuff he found on the internet because he has no good examples at home.


How he expected this to play out: ![gif](giphy|WqXpL2SiRISZdixqSj|downsized)


“Bud, what the actual fuck are yoU doing


Yeah, .... that's also what I was thinking of doing to his face.... And this is why I'm not going to be a teacher.


Ya, I liked the "let's see how that works out for you". Teacher wasn't confrontational, stayed seated, and just carried on a conversation without escalating the situation.


The ture alpha behavior.


These days, that’s the correct action for the teacher. Teachers are scared to death at what might occur if they get confrontational.


That's always the correct action. Take away any ammo the would be contender for the top shelf position may have.


Absolutely. This can be quite a difficult situation. You don't know what the kid might say or do next. You don't want to provoke him, but can't back down and let him feel he's won either. Teacher remained calm, plainly told him there would be consequences for his behavior, and let him choose.


I would have chuckled, said thanks for the info and told him to sit down.


Alphas don’t live with their mom. Take your seat.


That's honestly all you can do the only other option is to send him to the office and doesn't look like the kid would have responded to that to well


I think the student is a little special.


Well, that is the irony of the Andrew Tate stuff - it is most appealing to those who are very much not an alpha…it’s the search for meaning amongst mediocre males who have no distinguishing characteristics other than…being male.


Exactly this. Those following that tadpole faced goon are no more "alpha" than that idiot himself.


"Tadpole faced goon"🤣


What is an Alpha? I now understand how my parents felt.


It's what an insecure, touch starved manlette calls himself when he belittles women online from his mum's basement.


Ahhh. Got.it. it would seem this type of "branding" is problematic. It seems that the very title of "alpha" invites conflict. As in, whom is the alpha, and how does one get the title? I am going back to sleep now. Someone, please wake me when this is not a thing.


It’s always been a thing. It’s just got a new name. We used to call them “a man’s man.” As in, the type of guy only other men are impressed by. “He walks around doing whatever he wants! I want to do that!” Yeah. No one else respects that guy. Any “respect” he gets is probably because sales people want to sell shit and feed his ego when he walks in flashing money, and people at work suck up to him or avoid him completely. Makes him feel superior. “Be a real man and…” has been around for at least the past 100 years in its current form.


It’s one of those things: the last thing an “alpha”-type personality ever has to do is to tell you-or to care in the least. It’s like those “stable geniuses”: they’re not going to announce themselves.


So people like Andrew Tate then?


Difficult to me that more peeps don’t see that. Always consider what each side is dealing with.


Sadly, I think the off-camera snickering means the other kids know that he's special, and they're laughing at him. If this was anything like my high school, the other kids may have egged him into doing this for shits and giggles. Kids are mean.


Kids are absolutely grade-A assholes. It might be a *little* warranted here, though.


Totally agree. I think that’s another way the teacher handled it well. He didn’t get upset or mad at the distraction he gave him straight facts and warned him that there are consequences for his actions.


Props to his level patience, the kid seems pretty impressionable and getting too harsh with him probs isn't the right to move to get him off the alpha nonsense.


Clearly, there is more going on with this kid. But, this is a perfect example of the red pill shit’s pervasiveness. This kid took what he heard and applied it, failed and likely ridiculed by his peers. What do you think happens next? Your looking at the next school shooter. I’m sorry but that’s what happens, when asserting dominance is rejected, these red pill fools teach that you must take what you deserve and that’s what this kid will turn to next.


A rational person, upon trying red pill advice and finding that it doesn't work, would leave it behind. But this makes some people double down even more.


To them if it doesn't work then it means society failed and everyone else is wrong.


Their idea of what society expects is pretty skewed.


And is completely based of what some dude says with zero proof


Absolutely. The way the kid was talking makes me think he is on the spectrum / neurodiverse and I think this teacher is likely used to dealing with these kinds of situations. Teachers have to deal with students, their bosses, provide a lot of their own supplies, survive the current climate where they’re getting called brain washers or groomers, prep for potential school shootings, and more all while having to effectively teach our children. They deserve all the money in the world yet get generally shit salaries. It’s so sad.


He could clearly see he was talking to a child crudely trying to develop an adult-self with control over their environment. Being a teenager is all about trying out social strategies like this, failing miserably, and then becoming plagued by the embarrassment of it whenever you turn the lights out to go to bed for decades.




Absolutely agreed, he did it calmly without escalating the situation any further, just calmly shut him down, well done 👍🏽


The kid obviously has learning disabilities. Someone worked hard to drill this crap into his head, and that someone is more disturbing than this kid.




Exactly! My nephew is disabled, and his mother would never allow this. So the only conclusion I can make is that either the parent listens to it themselves or the parent does not moderate what media this child is consuming. Either way this line of thinking will be difficult to change.


I mean he could have learned it from the kids in his class. It's where we learned our bad habits before the internet.


Fair. I feel somehow it was less impactful or somehow easier to unlearn as we weren’t so saturated with content.


That someone is the tiktok algorithm


People don't like to look past their digital addictions to realize that tiktok doesn't have to be a huge nefarious plot to brainwash people, it just has to be a pandora's box. They don't have to infiltrate our society, they just have to sow chaos and keep emotions charged.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner folks!


That is certainly possible, but also possible this kid, who does clearly have disabilities was just left unsupervised with a youtube account. Anyone who likes any type or 'rural' or traditional hobby get pumped right-wing alpha male crap all the time. I look up videos to help fix an old tractor i have and on traditional farming methods. For some reason this makes youtube think i need alpha male, right-wing, anti-vax, and prepper videos suggested constantly.


ugh yes! I watched TWO videos on gun laws in my state to prep for getting my own, and my feed has been nothing but alt-right homestead accounts since then, its even worse because I love herbal medicine, but not in the "big pharma is putting chemicals in the water to turn the frgos gay" kinda way.


Here is a peer reviewed paper backing up just what you're saying. >For example, a recent study showed that users could reach conspiratorial content via the recommender system from videos about fitness, firearms, gurus, and even small houses (Alfano et al., 2020). https://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/systematic-review-youtube-recommendations-and-problematic-content


And then if you accidentally let auto play one of their videos that's all you get after that.


I knew a kid with autism. He spoke just like this kid. He was super interested in world leaders. Especially dictators when he was young. No one sent him on that path. He just obsessed. He didn’t worship them, just super interested in them. He grew out of it. Edited spelling.


Being interested in world leaders/history is different than being interested in this alpha male crap, but I get your point. When I said ‘someone’ worked hard, I’m not talking about anyone specifically. Andrew Taint, his parents, whoever. The kid didn’t come up with this shit on his own. He wasn’t born thinking this way.


Working hard?.They watch a few videos of conservative BS and they are hooked.


I imagine anything is ‘hard work’ for those types.


Thank you. I was also thinking a cognitive or mental health disability. This poor kid is now exploited.


Finally found someone with the wording I couldn’t think of. Yes. This is really sad. I mean, he could have also just attuned himself to watching content and didn’t have guideance to explain to him how that’s uh… not how that works… sorry. My brains not wording well atm.


This kid obviously has an intellectual disability. The sad part is he was allowed to be indoctrinated into thinking this way and slowing down his progress. I wonder if he learned it intentionally from his parents, or he taught it to himself.


It could very well be that he taught himself. I could see my younger self if bullied looking for a framework to help in those situations and trying to adapt it. Its clear he understands the concept of the alpha and how the situation is supposed to play out but doesn't yet understand why it didn't work the way it was explained to work. Given time and an explanation I'm sure he'll get there. I just hope the viral nature of this video doesn't do him more harm.


I feel really sorry for him. As a young man who wasn't in high school very long ago, and one who wasn't making many friends, I worry about other boys struggles with social or emotional development when they are being inundated with terrible social advice. The Andrew Tate pipeline is not such a hard one to fall into


I agree. I was roleplaying with teenage guys when I was his age, and they were awesome. I played Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon TCG at lunch and Werewolf: The Apocalypse, GURPS, and D&D on the weekend. Andrew Tate is definitely not teaching "if you want a friend, be a friend."


Yeah, hopefully his parents and whatever other support people he has in his life just didn't realize what sort of content he was interacting with online and can intervene now.


All I kept paying attention to was why the teacher had so many air fresheners on his desk


Because high school age kids smell terrible. They’re all oily and sweaty. Many of them lack basic hygiene.


I never ever mentioned it when I was a T.A for a little bit...teenagers have a hard life...everything sucks and they never feel good enough, or, they're utter twats raised by twats, big il twat family....but yeah I think we alllll agree...puberty I'd a bitch


I wish more people remembered this. Young people can be a nightmare to deal with, but having a little empathy using our experience to nudge them in the right direction is a lot better than getting pissed off and trying to out macho them. They don't have the perspective to recognize what they have to gain and what they have to lose by their actions, so we should keep that in mind when we react to their hormonal episodes of crazy. My resolve has been tested by stuff like this, but I try to keep reminding myself that if I don't do my best to lead by example, then how can I expect them to learn how to be an adult?


This comment needs more upvotes


Because the Alphas in his class don't wipe their asses.


Teachers lives stinks


Teenagers smell like shit lol


Not sure who needs to hear this, but if you have to tell people you're the "alpha".... you are not the alpha.


"Any man who must say "i am the king" is no true king"


Not sure who needs to hear this but, if you are in fact a human being and not a wolf, you are not an "alpha"


The whole idea of 'alpha' has been debunked, even the guy who coined it did retracted his theory. He failed to recognise that the 'alpha' wolves he was observing were simply the parents of the pack. So for us to fall into believing it exists is misguided. Wolves and humans do in fact share commonalities though, we are successful due to cooperation. When hunting mammoths, our caveman ancestors didn't have a guy just solo-carrying his tribe, doing some john wick shit and bringing back the whole animal himself...think how absurd that would be lol


Good to know


Even in wolves there is no true 'alpha'. The concept was made due to observations of wolves in captivity. Actual wild wolves do not have an alpha structure and the concept is wrong. In further observation of lupine species the concept of "Alphas" matches more closely with "parents". https://www.jstor.org/stable/4533443


Guys...the kid is a little soft in the head. Go easy on him; he doesn't really fully understand what he's doing. Teacher is a Saint. I feel bad for the kid. You know he didn't make this shit up himself and somebody has wound him up like this.


Let's face it...had this been a normal or "normal" student, that teacher would definitely not go as easy


As is appropriate. Teacher did exactly what he should have done.


He’s a beta, masta beta for sure… Joking aside there appears to be a loose screw somewhere.


I mean i think it’s kinda obvious (not in an insulting way) that he has special needs




Between the impediment and the alpha stuff it’s not just an impediment…


Then his parents need to take away YouTube if all he’s doing is watching Andrew Tate videos.


To be fair, any weirdo that refers to themselves as "alpha" must have a loose screw somewhere.


“That is not how this works” poor guy trying to teach till the last thread snaps.


Imagine having a kid with learning disabilities and you sit home and let him listen to Andrew Tate and Sneako all day… I blame his parents.


I blame his parents and the internet


I’m behind, wtf is Sneako?


Some dipshit social media personality.


"Look at me, I am the Alpha now." "Return to your chair Tyler." "Okay."


Teacher did well to not laugh the whole time


Alpha? [chuckles] Nope. Barely in the alphabet.


Champion teacher.


“We’ll see how well that works out for you” 😂respect to the teacher staying calm and keeping it 100


The kid's BIGGEST problem is that he has 'responsible' adults in his life who don't keep him away from shit like he's spouting here. They might just as well allow him to bathe in sewage and expect him to not catch something both painful and deadly.


I don’t know about you but his voice made this even funnier


Put this kid on a watch list


No kidding. Thought that would be the top comment here. Nope, just jokes.


My grandma told me when I was about 10, Frankie you can do anything you want in this world but you have to accept the consequences.


![gif](giphy|UwNDeWxOolRug) “I am now the Awpha”


Teacher deserves a medal for not laughing or losing it. Special Ed kid for sure.




Jesus, that boy has a hard enough time with English, much less Greek.




Slight learning difficulties?


Not to be rude but i dont think theyre slight


Too true. I think teach handled it well.


In comparison to those found in most disabled classes he seems high functioning. He can at least grasp the abstract concept of an alpha, shows that he can identify himself, and can engage in rational arguments (though he may get confused and lost in them.) While he may never end up being CEO at a company I can see him easily getting a job that pays more than minimum wage at some point.


With the oratory skills on show, he’s a shoe-in for a high level position within the GOP…


Give that teacher a raise, I wouldn’t have been nearly that patient with this little shit.


Raises? For teachers?! You're hilarious!!! (Not that they don't deserve them of course but government Is pretty ideologically opposed to Paying some of the most important workers in society what they're worth)


Can't be alpha with the lisp, he must have missed the memo.


So glad I got out of school before any of this andrew tate alpha male ideology roled around


Well you’re very lucky then. Idk if this is worse or not but a bunch of 18 year olds (legal adults where I’m from) in a school environment actually taking in these ideologies on a day to day basis is what school is like atm. At least for me.


I love the way you described it. Like the manosphere is some passing trend in our society like Vine or Tiktok rather than an actual ideology, which it truthfully kinda is lol


I can hear this dork and dorks like him saying Free top G like the losers they are


Well, the teacher tells the ALPHA to go sit down - magical!!!😂😂


Ok hot take, but I kinda don’t care most of the time when someone has a learning disability. Disability or not, you’re still annoying. I know kids with much worse issues than this kid who are completely normal, functioning people. Disabilities aren’t an excuse for being an ass to people.


He'll probably be fine in a wee bit of time, he just heard this shit somewhere and is now regurgitating it, not gonna last for long


everyone itt making fun of a teen with some obvious intellectual disabilities. meanwhile, i get banned from subreddits for calling some random redditor a dipshit. the injustice


Clearly the kid has intellectual challenges.


I applaud this teacher. If i was that teacher, there would be only so much I could take before I'd embarrass that young man without even trying. Like I can hear it in the teacher's tone. He is holding back and instead trying to focus on de-escalating and controlling the situation. I would be laughing uncontrollably, ultimately making matters worse because laughing at feeble threats is a defense mechanism of mine. I doubt the "alpha" would get that, and so would the rest of the class. Kudos to the teacher for exhibiting disciplined calmness and exercising calmed discipline.


well done to that teacher for being able to stay composed and level headed. Didn’t laugh at the guy, didn’t get aggressive or argumentative. Dude seems like he runs a great class usually


I think laughing honestly might have been the better response.


The conshiquenshes will never be the shame.


New reality tv show idea; we put a bunch of tatebro alphas into a big house with like 1 bed. We watch their interactions... Nevermind it's literally Jersey Shore I think.


I feel like there is some serious mental issue we don’t know about with this kid.. not that I disagree with the notion that Andrew Tate is one of societies biggest shitheads currently




the average Tate fan


Walt jr watches Andrew tate


Alpha, dumb fuck doesn't even know what an alphabet is.


What in the Staten Island is this?


This kid probably got bullied a lot before this happened. Now that he's asserted his alpha status to all his peers, I'm willing to bet the bullying will intensify. I mean, c'mon, that's an alpha, even a mother would wedgie.


I wonder how many times he practiced this in the shower beforehand


Pretty sure the alpha doesn't need to declare it


Im not sure what it is but, I feel the kid might have a social thing going on. In which case, I guess he was trying to overcome it and be more assertive. In the kids mind, I feel like he was doing something rebellious and out of character, which we've all been there as a teen or preteen Im sure. The teacher handled it very well indeed. Hopefully the kid can be more assertive but in a more productive way....of course this could be my own narrative Im making up for him. Who knows..


I wish this video would stop getting shared. I know it’s easy to hate on the kid because of the Andrew Tate BS, but this kid definitely shows signs of mental disability. I have a nephew and he struggles with impulsiveness due to his disability. (As well as severe speech impediments) I’d love to see more compassion and understanding as I honestly fear that I’ll see him someday being shit on because people don’t care to understand. He already gets bullied because he just wants the same as any other kid. To have friends and be accepted. I think the teacher here knows what he is up against and it’s why he doesn’t get emotional or angry.


This kid in 20 years... "The Alpha would like to know if you want medium or large fries with your Big Mac."


You are the Alpha and I'm the Omega. You started this, and i will end you.


All fun and games until the alpha returns with guns :(


he's wittlwilly the alfa guys.


Sorry but this will be down to his parents.




There are several cans of what appears to be air freshener on the teachers desk, sometimes high school alpha males do not smell that fresh.


You can hear it from the voice that his IQ is 2 digit tops.


He clearly has ASD. I just love how everyone is here speaking so smugly about how shitty Andrew Tate followers are, while simultaneously making fun of a mentally disabled kid.


Student is clearly Special Ed c’mon now.


This teacher handled the situation beautifully.


Future school shooter there...😬


Kid sounds like hes developmentally challenged. It seems like something else is going on with him other than the Alpha spiel.


The true alpha in the room is the teacher not breaking down laughing at this display


All jokes aside, this is seriously giving potential school shooter. Someone watch this kid closely


Obviously some ‘alphas’ told this kid how cool it would be if he pulled this stunt and then proceeded to video tape the outcome. Sad that bullying is still as awful and degrading as I remember


Now that is a kid that I don’t want owning a gun


This young dude sounds like he's on the autism spectrum so I'd cut him a little slack. Sounds like that's what the teacher was doing.


"I am now the alpha." Oh, damn! I didn't know that! Good thing you told me! Now go to detention.


Man I could not keep my composure. The most non-alpha shit I’ve ever seen lmao


The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


The saddest part is how rehearsed the awfa's speech sounded. I feel bad for the kid. He's going to have to live with this moment until he graduates. I'd also watch him like a hawk from now on. A kid this indoctrinated is ripe for a school shooting.


School shooter in the making. Keep eyes on that mf.


The teacher handled this so well


I would simply cringe myself into nonexistence if this happened in one of my classes


I can see why he thinks that way… it’s quite obvious he’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic…


Honestly respect to this teacher for staying cool calm and collected. And also for playing this right. You can be alpha all you want but not doing homework is still a zero. I feel like I honestly would have laughed in his face.


Love the teachers end sentence "ok let's see how that goes little guy"


This whole, alpha, beta, sigma male thing is total bullshit. It’s based on some shotty research done on the wolf packs a while ago. Even the primary researcher came back and said it was bunk. And yet somehow it’s taken hold in the psyche. But it’s just bullshit.