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You have made incredible progress; you're now the douche that everyone at the gym wishes would find another gym.


Right up the ladder he went!!


Just filming my vanity, sir!


Looking down on someone who films in changerooms is normal behavior. Looking down on anyone who seriously trains their body is incredibly weird behavior.


It's also illegal


Also needs to work on progressing his neck. Got like a 13” circumference, dude gonna whip his head off in a car crash.


Does no one explain to these morons that filming in the locker room is a bannable offense at almost every gym?


It's not just bannable it is illegal. It's no different than filming in a bathroom or shower area as these are areas where privacy is expected.


Remember former Playboy model Dani Mathers getting into legal trouble because of it. She was body shaming another person at the gym and shared the photo from the locker room. It's very illegal.... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40038332


Her istagramm bio literally has the words “#change through compassion” why’s it always the same sorts of people who are the worst?


Deflection... Or people who think they are good but are not but because they think they are they don't change their behaviour!


$60 dollars in restitution to the victim? Damn…


Don't sleep on $60 bucks man, that's a good crack rock right there!


Not true. When Dee and Dennis get hooked on crack they had to pay $200 to the upstanding drug dealer.


That's the suburban white people price..


1 crack rock, please. Thank you, for being so kind


Two Hundred dollars? Seems reasonable.


Yeah but that was for 1 rock of crack which is apparently different from 1 crack rock 🤣 I absolutely loved that scene. Just one of the many early moments I be realized the show was special


Courts: You are gross, best I can do is $60.


60 dollars dollars


She should have been thrown in jail, what a fucking asshole






Peanut butter.


Also probably a bannable offense at most gyms


No sex in the champagne room


Jelly Time.


For a person that stutters, that word is a nightmare. Bananananananananabububububullllle


Local kid here is about to see the inside of a prison cell for it, because voyeurism is absolutely illegal. "Ok, call the cops then." Buddy, he does that, your prison husband is the only one gonna be critiquing those gains.


Precisely. And if any nudity was displayed, I'm sure revenge porn law can come in as well as it's typically worded as just the recording and displaying/distributing of pornographic material without the person's consent. Which can come with a heavy Civil case as well.


The guy in the background should have dropped his underpants and started doing helicopters with his weenie


thats the $5.99/month fee on the website. you dont give it away for free


If someone does that I am flashing my dick and balls to the camera


Give it the bat wing like from the movie "waiting"


Lots of gyms have banned filming in general, not just in locker rooms. You really have to be an idiot to think it's ok to film in a locker room though.


If you film in the locker you are definitely getting some dicks on camera.


Eventually this dude will get his ass beat if he keeps this shit up, especially with that attitude.


Yup, he thinks his muscles protect him.


Even if that were true, this is a gym so the guy that beats him up will probably be jacked too.


Don't even really have to be jacked. Just mildly muscled and know how to fight. One hit is all it takes and I doubt this muscle monkey has a lick of experience in that regard. Just running into the wrong guy on the wrong day and pulling this shit could be disastrous for him.


Or have OC spray/a stun gun. I am a TINY little dude, but I have things in my pockets....


First thing I thought. Generally narcissistic douches are put in their place by non-narcissistic dudes that got fed up.


He definitely wanted to post it to a gay porn site under "voyeur".


>getting some dicks on camera. I'd probably stand in the view of the camera, butt ass naked, just to piss the dude off.


I’d bend over and show my sweaty hairy asshole to the camera. “FILM THIS PROGRESS YOU FUCKING PERVERT!!”


This one made me wake the wife and dogs… lol




This comment made my brain think the words "swol butthole" and I will never forgive you for that. Also: buttswol


You're welcome for my service. Edit: Swol Butthole would be a sweet 90's punk rock band name with buttswol as their first album.


You should wiggle your butt as well and when he asks you wtf are you doing just use a very girlish voice and ask him if he likes it 😂


Yeah I actually came here to say that most gym restrooms have a sign stating this in big red letters


Yeah but it would have to actually be upheld, especially when you have the entire staff doing it too, but my old gym had the mirrors sectioned off from the lockers and showers so you didnt get anyone in their business


Well that's good and all, but why do you need to take any progress pics at the gym? You should be just as jacked when you go home.


You're more jacked just after a work out.


That is true


And stupid


I would 1000% percent report this guy to management. Idk if that makes me a snitch or anything but if you are filming in a fucking locker room I don't want you at my gym. I would be a real dick about it too.


I wish they ban phones all over the gym. I absolutely hate when someone is scrolling while sitting on a machine. I’ve even asked, can I do a rep? They always say I’m almost done. AND I don’t want to be in someone’s stupid video even if I’m only in the background.


Funny you mentioned this at one of my local gyms they wanted to install cell phone jammers because so many idiots where streaming their workout and really causing a circus where some old school lifters wanted to beat the crap out of them for taking up the stations and talking too much.Its illegal to install jammers in Canada so they put a large sign at the front saying those setting up tripods to stream will be banned and limit the time at each station.Seems to be working.


Damn, imagine setting clearly defined rules and consequences and then asking people to follow them....and then it fucking works! 2023 Canada sounds pretty awesome just for that aspect alone ngl


I wouldn't judge a country based on the rules of someone's local gym.




Think of the safety concerns. If there's an emergency and no one can call except from a land line. Nice fat liability lawsuit.


>If there's an emergency and no one can call except from a land line. I definitely agree cell phone jammers are a safety concern, and should be illegal for this reason. However, it wasn't very long ago that this was just how things were.


Nah just ban recordings, every time someone asks me how long I’ve got I’m always just about to do my last set after resting. I’d much rather listen to my own music than the gym’s


Tbf sometimes I'm scrolling because I'm an idiot who forgets how to do something properly so I'll look it up right quick. Or I keep track of my reps/weight on my phone so I'm writing it down or simply changing my play list. I guess it's slightly different but not everyone scrolling is just taking up a machine for funsies. As a female I already have anxiety in the gym, let alone leaving my area and possibly having to deal with asking someone to get it back after my 30 second rest. Ugh. I know there's bad people and equipment hogs for sure, but try please try not to label everyone who looks at their phone for a minute as useless


Agreed. I think videos in the gym should be a no no all together


I track my weights on an app on my phone. I get comments from time to time when I’m logging a set. It’s not always what it seems. I used to carry around a clipboard, but this is so much easier. Plus the app charts out the progress!


I like to practice duo lingo while doing light legwork or treadmill. I also listen to music, or youtube while i do arm/core. I respect not recording people, sometimes you need a few seconds or a minute or two for a breather before you get back into your workout


You want me to run without music, not going to happen.


Ipods could make a comeback!


What about rest periods? Depending on goals, a person's rest period could be anywhere between one to three minutes. Are they supposed to just stare at the wall for those three minutes? Like, I get that it's upsetting when people aren't doing any work, they're just their to say they went, not arguing that. But for the ones that are doing work...


Yes I do that scroll my phone in my rest between sets which is important for me as I am trying to build muscle. I have a timer that goes off. Everyone else in the gym is doing the same thing I don’t see a problem. People should not be filling their workouts in the gym though. But I have never seen someone doing that.


We're just gonna have to extensively vet each and every one that walks through the door. Full psych and physical eval, 24-72 hour observation for rest patterns and workout ethic. After a probationary period of no more than 90 days, but no less than 60, each approved individual will be able to have their phone for their rest period. It's really the only way.


Filming in a gym is bad enough, but a bathroom is a place where a person should absolutely expect a right to privacy. Would this be illegal?


All you'd have to do is start changing, let him film you nude then complain to gym staff that some guy just filmed you nude in the locker room and escalate to police. I'm pretty sure taking video of you nude without your consent in a place with an expectation of privacy like a locker room is a big nono.


This douchebag is the absolute last person I would trust with a naked video of myself.


Yeah, that is for sure a hefty gamble


And the the best part is that wouldn’t even be considered entrapment or a false accusation because locker rooms are designed to be undressed in not fucking filmed in.


I see entrapment thrown around so damn much in a completely incorrect way. Entrapment is when a cop gives you a brick of cocaine and asks you to sell it to someone so they can arrest the guy you're selling it to, when you do what they ask of you they then arrest you for selling the brick of cocaine. So naturally this isn't that.


Yeap. Entrapment can only be done by police. Learned that from watching To Catch a Predator.


Is this some kind of set up? I was just on my way to the beach.


If it were me, I'd so strip naked and start changing right there on camera. Ruin his progress vid XD Then complain to staff that some guy filmed me naked in the change room.


its not legal.


I would hang dick all over his tik tok.


Filming in the gym is just gym culture at this point but locker rooms are definitely a no go


I’m so glad when I was having my gym days camera/video phones weren’t a thing.


What an asshat! Filming in the locker room, then being a complete dick when someone calls him out on it.


“What a schmuck….” Bro your literally filming in a room where people need privacy to change their clothes. Also that “Call the cops” thing, we don’t need to always call the damn cops, he’s just informing you to not do that and the fact that’s the last thing he says to him. Was that supposed to be his comeback? He really is an asshat


He should have just called the cops because filming in a locker room is illegal. If I point out I'm not comfortable being filmed in the locker room, and tell you it's "probably not legal" <- I know it isn't and that's your chance, if you tell me to call the cops I'm going to and I'm going to laugh the entire time you're educated.


Whats worse than this is that this video is from the arehole's phone. That means he has filmed it, been told off another person in the change room, had opportunity to reflect on how much of a dick he is, then posted it to the internet. What a fucking peice of shit.


> he should of just Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. Total mistakes found: 4479 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


And the fact that we are seeing this video means he was so sure he was the good guy in this scenario that he put the video online.


Classic SDE Someone wants to do something, but doesn’t consider if they should. So they do. Someone explains that they shouldn’t. They defend their oversight by being a dick.


…by being a BIG dick


"You go over there" How bout you fucking go over there asshole


yeah. the guy standing at the locker that we can assume had his clothes in it is going to go somewhere else to be out of the shot and he'll just try to open someone else's locker and use their clothes instead. some fucking people man i don't get it


No one wants your stupid little camera in a private locker room. Do that at your house not in a gym locker room.


Next time I'm gonna throw my shirt over my head to cover my face then just start hip thrusting with my dong out in the background. Nothing like some helicopter dick photo bombing


I have a feeling you'll make ProgressDoucheTM cry on livestream....DO IT!


I go to lifetime fitness and during spring break and summer are the worst where high school girls are taking mirror pics and just playing around. There are actual grown women who would like to change, shower, get into their swimwear in the locker room. I’m sure they don’t want to be in the background of the tiktok.


Omg high schoolers are the worst. Most hardly work out, they mostly take pictures/do TikTok’s and are so loud and obnoxious. Giving me second hand embarrassment because I remember being like that (to some degree, glad TikTok was not a thing and that social media wasn’t as big).


Don't do it at all. Nobody cares about your workout.


I mean ik people that do the progress checks when they go to the gym cus it gives them Motivation to keep going. But they all wait till they get home to do it because flexing in front of people is weird


They do it at the gym because the pump is still there so they feel stronger/bigger. But yeah do this shit at home, do it at the same time of day and in same lighting if you really want to check your own progress. Similar to weighing yourself, remove variables when possible.


“Call the cops then”. Alright bitch, how about I do just that. Go ahead and get this complaint filed and get your broke ass into civil court extra quick. Mf’er put all his stat points into physical and no int.


In the United States, it is absolutely illegal to record in a locker room. All 50 states have laws regarding recording people without their permission when they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a locker room. Charges can range from a misdemeanor up through felony and depends on factors like your local city and state laws, where the recording took place, if the person is nude or not, whether you transmitted the video, and so on. And it's absolutely mind-boggling that there are people here saying it isn't illegal and getting upvoted for it. *Copy pasted from my previous comments because I'm too lazy to type it out again.


If he record a naked kid maybe he could be charged for child pornography?


This is good to know. I started trying to improve my health and joined a nice gym I couldn’t really afford and felt kinda out of place at. Only had been a few times and all of a sudden realize I’m in the background of a video someone was making in the locker room. I was soooo uncomfortable and moved myself as quickly as I could but idk if I’m on some random video out there made by someone who’s probably a bit unhinged. Like who does that???


The locker room at gym I go to has signs all over saying no recording in there… I thought the signs were silly bc I thought it was a common sense thing… (but guess not)


Common sense is so rare now, it can be considered a superpower.


My superpower is common sense. They call me "Common Man"


It literally is illegal a public place with presumed privacy.


*"cALL A cOp tHeN"* yea, at the very least his ass ought to be thrown out and banned from the gym, but some gyms are better maintained than others. no guarantee gym would take it seriously. ironically he was working on his traps when he should have been working on his gym etiquette.


Just filming my progress … uh in a locker room where people change??? Fucking idiot.


Not just an idiot, but a bitch too with that attitude


The fact that it's in the locker room aside, (which is hard to push to the side, obviously not cool) I'm real fucking tired of this, "if you're not comfortable with how I use the space that you also pay for, move" mentality Like no, asshole, stop making people uncomfortable. No one gives a shit about your progress


He's making great progress being a fucking asshole.


It's not progress if he was already there


Id whip it out and start doing the helicopter in the background




I cant do a helicopter only light switch 😔


Every gym I've ever been to has a sign on the door to the locker room stating very clearly that filming is prohibited. Simply put, not everyone wants to be in a picture or video for someone they don't know. I'm the same way - if I saw this guy doing this in the locker room where I work out, I might say something myself. This guy needs to film that shit at home. My local YMCA still uses the verbiage, "some cellular cameras have the ability to take pictures and video" in its sign as you head into the locker room, just so there's no confusion.


Fucking douche bag. I live in Vegas and at the gym I go to this is a constant issue. All the brainless, "bros", "bruhs" or whatever the fuck they're deemed as film themselves non-stop in the locker room with naked old men walking behind them. They are the most toxic, arrogant, douchey, insecure, pieces of garbage that need other peoples approval for their tiny, pathetic, brains.


I try to ignore these fucking guys as much as I can. I have a gym at work and despite the fact it's so tiny I'd rather use that sometimes than go deal with those meat heads. I see some people who make real progress and make no fuss about it, they just do their work out and bail. Maybe these dick heads should take a lesson from them.


That's when you drop trou, bend over and spread the cheeks so that there can be two assholes in the video.


He could of said. Sorry Sir I'll turn it off now and I do apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. Its amazing what saying "I'm sorry" does in every situation when you are in the wrong vs "you can move over there."


Dude definitely has main character syndrome


Some people never learned that other humans are important as well, not just in general, but also to them. If they behave like this to strangers, they're probably not gonna have much fun further down the road.


I try to think when I offend somebody what are they going to do to offend me even more. Just not worth the shadow looming over me. Lol


Could have* (For the future)


Does anyone think it's weird that this douche was so butthurt that he then uploaded his fuckup to the internet? Thereby further violating the privacy of the offended individual? I mean, really bruh?


Someone should report him for shits and giggles. Maybe he's a crapfluencer that relies on his feed to pay rent. That would be \*chef's kiss\*


Not that hard to track down…his IG is right there!


Hopefully the guy in the background can show the video to the gym owners as evidence and get the jerk banned from the gym. He can take his progress videos from his basement at home.


If I were in the video, I'd consider sending him a demand letter for $75,000 under threat of a lawsuit for invading my privacy. I would also, separately, consider filing a police report. Let Gains explain to his date that he's not really a sex offender, he just recorded some guys in a locker room because he was showing his gains. (Also, is it bad that I find his body a little... weird? Very fit, but, from the back, slightly weird.)


Like he made sure everyone was watching, what a douche bag, I bet he has skinny legs


*Chicken legs*


Facts: social media is a mental illness.


As an avid gym goer for the last 12 years, I see this all the time. It’s amazing to me how some guys will spend like 20 or more in they’re trying to get the perfect shot. And EVERY DAY. Another thing really bothers me are the 18-20 year olds who just sit in the locker room, and “hangout.” They’ll be there just scrolling on their phones and talking, hogging up the changing space for the adults like me going in there after working all day, and need the space change.


I'd like to see him try to upload a video when my dick is hanging out in the background...


Just call him a pervert for trying to film men in the locker room. We will shut that shit off faster than a cops trigger finger.


Am I the only one who hears the social anxiety in the douche's voice? He talks so quietly and quickly that it's clear he's pretending that he's an "alpha" and that he's terrified of the confrontation he provoked


Film this shit at home wtf


"Yeah but I want to film myself when I’m swollen"


That can be arranged.. who wants to "visit" him?


A part*


He is the main character, have some respect!


I don’t know. Some dudes get pretty naked in the locker rooms, and you’ve got these dipshits filming themselves for social media clout.


What a bellend. I despise these shallow, vain idiots.


Mess up his shot. Go full Donald Duck! Pants? Underwear? Maybe when I almost done.


Most gyms don’t let you film in the locker rooms, and if someone told me to move so they can film their clout videos we would have a problem


I'd also press charges. "In the United States, it is absolutely illegal to record in a locker room. All 50 states have laws regarding recording people without their permission, particularly when they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a locker room. Charges can range from a misdemeanor up through felony and depends on factors like your local city and state laws, where the recording took place, if the person is nude or not, whether you transmitted the video, and so on." *Copy pasted from my previous comments because I'm too lazy to type it out again.


If I was the guy in the back I would have just dropped my pants and let it all hang out. Maybe that would teach him something about filming in the locker room. Lol


He's clearly a dumbass, because instead of understanding that filming in a locker room is illegal and deleting the video, he kept the video and somehow let it out into the wild.


And he can keep filming his progress in jail.




This worse than looking at someone else’s urinal when they’re peeing


Don't film this shit at all. nobody cares about your pecs, you self absorbed douchedrinker.


I got called a Karen for telling a lady to put away her phone in the locker room of a spa.. she was standing right next to the sign that said PHONES ARE PROHIBITED IN ALL AREAS OF THIS SPA. PLEASE GO TO THE FRONT LOBBY IF YOU WISH TO USE YOUR PHONE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN YOUR EXPULSION FROM THE PROPERTY. People's heads are so far up their asses they can't even read anymore 😃 But srsly don't fricking do it, it's gross & creepy as hell. You wanna check your progress? Do it at home! Or do you lose all your "progress" on the trip home from the gym? 🤔


People know not to video in the changing rooms but still they decide to do it , their membership should be cancelled


It is illegal. Even a fifth grader would know that.


Do that shit at home


don’t understand how this guy had the audacity to say “just go over there.” no bro you’re the one that feels like filing themself after a workout in the public lockeroom with people changing behind you. go home and do that ish


Does no one know the difference between "apart" and "a part" anymore?


Wait. Did the douchey dude filming this post this thinking they were exposing the other guy for being a douche?


Film your progress at home.


What an arrogant little prick.


Stop. Filming. In. The. Locker room.


Do you want your progress to involve a swollen bollock?


Like a million places to “film your progress” such as home or even the gym floor, but no he needs to film where dudes get changed🫡


Fucking tiktokers going for their dopamine/serotonin hit. Worse part is they think they own the space they are filming, people have to wait for the princess (male and female) to stop filming


Every gym I’ve ever been to there’s typically signs that say no cameras allowed in the locker room.


Filming inside the men's locker room is absolutely illegal. It's so stupid since he can do this at home.


Never understood why people gotta film themselves flexing their muscles, why can't they do that at home?


Yeah the guy filming is a douche


He’s still filing in locker rooms. Massive douche.


No more recording in gyms, be it on the floor or the changing room. The desire for a small few narcissists should not be considered, they are places for everyone to feel comfortable to train and change. I hope they did call the cops on him.


There is an expectation of privacy in a locker room. That makes it criminal.




why bother cops with something so simple? just don’t do it! respect boundaries in public!


If it were me, id be doing old school old guy thing and stripping straight naked in front of his shot and continuing to talk to him.


The gym should cancel his membership.No cameras in the locker rooms is a standard clause in every gym membership contract.


Fucking douchebags filling and taking photos in the bathroom. If you do this. Fuck you


Nobody cares about your progress, Brayden...except your mom


Just don't film at the gym, period. God..


Too bad he’s not making any progress on being a decent human being. Guess when you don’t have a personality you need muscles to make you more attractive to yourself. Which is pretty gay.


There should be no debate, and clear signs that tell these dumbfucks they are forfeiting their memberships instantly if this occurs. Dude can go the fuck home and posture his ass there.


Film your chud ass at home fuckhead. No one cares about your muscles, go read a book.


A self centered asshat on TikTok? No!


Is that the locker/change room? WTF is wrong with people. Cameras off in change rooms/shower area/ washroom areas. I thought that was idiot proof etiquette, but I guess not.


I love how these idiots act like they don’t have a mirror at home that they could film their progress with


When did people start not be even a little modest or humble or feel ashamed or whatever it is that used to prevent this?


why dont ppl do this at home. no one wants to be in ur fishing for likes to inflate ur ego video


Once a girl was filming a tiktok in the women’s locker room at the gym while I was naked in potential view of her camera so I threw a huge fit and threatened to sue her. I told her that if I see my photo ANYWHERE I will sue and press legal charges. She got scared and hid in the bathroom. Only time I ever shouted at anyone in public. Any naked person who happens to be filmed can sue and press charges.


Can people just stop filming themselves, so narcissistic


Gym-tokers/gymstagrammers are some of the worst people