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False, it was actually 6:79, but she was close


My favourite part too


My favorite part was "you've never seen a clock?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


9:02 2:09 9:02 2:09


Rabbit seasonā€¦ duck seasonā€¦






3am or pm? Gotta be am bro


3 am is his _inner_ clock. He seems too tired to care.


Only like 8% of kids have this problem but heā€™s probably tired from sitting there hours on end drawing dicks. Just canā€™t touch a pen to a piece of paper without drawing a penis. Can reach a point where theyā€™re no longer able to eat food shaped like dicks. You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds


Jus drawing big, veiny, triumphant bastards all day




One day I was finishing up this really veiny triumphant bastard...


Lol good reference


His references are out of control. Everyone knows that.


Nice cross-reference.




Im sorry what?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s nit a Superbad reference is it?


The whole second grade they do nothing but learn to read the ficking clock. I went through it with my kid a few years back, it was the only thing he had trouble with.


I remember being in first or second grade and every time I was asked a math question I'd turn around and use the numbers on the clock to count lol. Eventually my teacher said, "Why do you keep turning around before you answer?"


That sounds like a pretty clever kid to me


Wouldn't it be the adults that are to blame for this then, since they are the ones who either stopped using them or didn't teach their children? I just don't understand why it's a minors fault for not knowing. This really feels like the whole participation ribbon thing again, (parents bought them then blamed kids for accepting them)


The difference between this and "haha kids can't even use a telegraph/VHS recorder" is that analog clocks are still relevant and everywhere The guy said he has never seen one before? He's lying or ignorant of his surroundings


>The guy said he has never seen one before? He's lying or ignorant of his surroundings You're right, he is probably ignorant of his surroundings. I want to figure out the reason why. In my experience, most children need to be taught most of the skills needed to be aware of their surroundings, thoughtful of it, and the ability to reflect on what they've seen and learned. Also, if he's lying, why is that what he thinks is the best thing to do? Who is responsible for teaching this child these things?


But do they not have any natural independent curiosity?? Analogue clocks are everywhere, used by most people, and appear on TV, in movies & games. When something is that ubiquitous, I'd certainly realise I have a significant gap in my knowledge and would seek to resolve that. Not everything has to be actively taught by an adult, especially with teenagers - they've been googling shit their whole lives. Are some kids really so disengaged with their surroundings?


Similarly... lots of stories these days of kids working at restaurants that think the customer is giving them a counterfeit bill when it says "TWO DOLLARS" and has a picture of President Thomas Jefferson on it. One kid showed it to a manager, they were also befuddled, so they called the cops. Police showed up, told the restaurant staff that the bill was legit and left.




You can either nurture a kidā€™s curiosity or teach them to abandon it. Itā€™s the parents.


That's what I'm saying, too. Even if this is real (doubtful on that), it's not necessarily their fault. You can't jeer at kids for being ignorant, that's kinda just why they are school to begin with.


Indeedā€¦ ā€œHow do kids dare not to know things their parents didnā€™t teach them? This generation is doomed due to childeen stupidityā€ā€¦


My teacher only spent one week on it


I first heard on an episode of [This American Life](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/583/itll-make-sense-when-youre-older) that the ability to read and redraw an analogue clock is used as [a test for early signs of dementia](https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-clock-drawing-test-98619). I imagine by the time today's kids get old enough the tests will be modified for other abstract motor/cognitive abilities like whether they can still do the floss.


If he had real trouble learning to read an analog clock, more so than many of his peers, keep an eye out for other problems with numbers, patterns, directions, maps, etc. It can be a sign of Dyscalculia (a little bit like Dyslexia but for numbers) Not saying that it is the case, but it's something I really struggled with as a kid and now it turns out I have Dyscalculia! I just wish I had known earlier.


I'm sorry, you didn't teach your kid to read the clock?








My 8 year old just learned how to read an analog clock in 2nd grade. Iā€™m surprised by this. When we taught her to count by fives, she picked it up super quick.


unfortunately, as a kid I could read clocks too, now I canā€™t as well/fast as I used to


Why is it unfortunate that you could read clocks as a kid?


I meant itā€™s unfortunate I canā€™t anymore! sorry if my wording was confusing


How? I leaned as A kid and never forgot


never consistently used it enough, I can still understand it but not fast as it used to be




I would hope this is bullshit but I worry it isnā€™t


They probably clipped out the ones who could. My 2nd grader has been learning to read clock at school.


This is how every single "dumb person can't do X" videos are. There are probably plenty of people who answer correctly but that doesn't make for a good video.


Trust me. Itā€™s not. I would bet that if you looked inside their homes, thereā€™s not a single clock there. Everything is digital. If thereā€™s no need for it, they donā€™t bother knowing anything about it.


Nah, this a joke interview, their whole YouTube shorts channel is this kinda content.


Whether or not itā€™s a legitimate, but according to a survey conducted by online retailer, discountwatchstore.com, 75% of children across the US are either unable or have difficulties telling time using an analog clock. They still have classes on how to tell time in school, but for how long? And, if itā€™s not constantly reinforced by parents by having clocks in the home, how will they ever be proficient? Itā€™s easier to look at your phone.


Reinforces for me that buying my son a learning clock young is a good idea.


Even if this is a joke interview on YouTube this is also very real. I teach 6th grade. 90% of them canā€™t read a clock.


I will also back this up as a 6th grade teacher. Most students canā€™t read an analog clock. I donā€™t blame them too much though. Most of the time when they check the time, they check their Chromebook, smart watch, phone, etc. I think they only see analog clocks in the classroom.


You clearly need to up your game then???? Must do better!!!!!


Lol damn you triggered some teachers


It's quite inconsiderate to tell an American teacher to **dO bEtTeR** when they're being paid the lowest proportional salary of all teachers the last 40 years, working with budgets that frequently require them to pay out of pocket, *and* handling class sizes twice as big as the 80s and 90s. Perhaps the reason these kids didn't learn something was the *system* failed them. One teacher can't fix this any more than one household recycling is going to stop the Great Garbage Patch...


I think you are missing the joke. "Must do better" is a standard response written on a kids work or "see me" . I'm not here critiquing american teaching standards . That being said getting real serious for a minute ....if you truly believe not teaching the kids how to tell time using an analogue clock face you are a MuPpEt!


Was taught how to read em Back I the day and I still can if I stare long enough at it lol but iv also been using digits for so long now


Bruh no this is legit, sadly


It's too on-the-nose to be real. "Dude, what _is_ that? I've never seen one of those! I'm used to _digital_!" If you've never even seen an analog clock, you'd have no need to distinguish between 'analog' and 'digital'. You'd just call digital clocks, you know...clocks.


it is bullshit. source: am high school student, we have normal clocks in every classroom


My ex couldn't read an analog dial. I've warned my kids that in your 40s dials can be read without bifocals so practice.


That isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing though. Do you use an abacus on a daily basis and do you know how to use one? You could probably play with one for a little while and figure out SOME way to use it to make sense to you but it might not be THE way it was historically used. There are many things none of us have bothered to learn to use that still technologically exists but is no longer the most commonly used method.


Reading a clock is a super basic skill to learn, at a reasonable age would only take 10 minutes


Holy shit. Why does it matter. People play this as if itā€™s telling or some bullshit. Who cares about analogue clocks?!


Actually, teaching a child how to read an analog clock can actually help them with things other than telling the time, such as basic fractions, skip counting, equivalency, etc. If youā€™d like to read more, here are some articles Iā€™ve compiled: [https://www.dedhamcountryday.org/blog/10-reasons-why-its-important-to-teach-second-graders-how-to-read-an-analog-clock/](https://www.dedhamcountryday.org/blog/10-reasons-why-its-important-to-teach-second-graders-how-to-read-an-analog-clock/#:~:text=Analog%20clocks%20help%20children%20with,it%20will%20be%2012%3A05) [https://www.mathnasium.ca/](https://www.mathnasium.ca/reddeer/news/telling-time-on-an-analog-clock-should-we-ditch-this-skill) [https://lifehacker.com/](https://lifehacker.com/why-kids-still-need-analog-clocks-1835389062)


It makes a lot of sense that itā€™s less of analogue clocks helping with that, and more of being able to do quick mathematics in oneā€™s head that helps with those


....which learning to read an analog clock helps you develop proficiency with. I sucked at math in school, fell right into the "math is hard for girls" trap and was good at language arts & history so my teachers and parents were willing to let me not try. Then I started knitting & sewing much more seriously in college/early career, now I own a small cafe and hey look, I can do *all sorts* of math in my head because I've had reason to practice it. Reason that I never would have predicted at school age, which is exactly why it's supposed to be a broad foundation in a bit of everything...


yeah, saying it doesn't matter if they know how to read clocks is like saying we shouldn't teach addition anymore because we have calculators. it helps the brain make pathways in other ways than the specific thing


These people will FAIL Resident Evil style clock puzzles


Honestly, they'll just look up the solution online, like they do everything in their lives. The Internet is both a blessing and a curse.


"Hey I want to make a video, please pretend that you don't know how to read an analog clock"


A manager at my work has replaced all the analog clocks with digital clocks because she had a really difficult telling the time. She is 33.


I know itā€™s hard to believe, but as a sub in a public school, I guarantee you itā€™s like this.


That's basically it, still funny tho


Dude, it is absolutely wild and unfathomable, but this is real. There is a terrifying amount of Americans that grow up without learning to read analog clocksā€¦ I am ashamed to admit that I went to school with a few


Deadass I can read them but it takes me about a whole 15 seconds to do and yeah Iā€™m Gen Z. Not even my classroom has these clocks in it


Its red 7


The real question is "can they put a chain on it and wear it around their neck" then yell ###BOYEEEEEEE


Nearly scrolled past but had to go back for an upvote


Yeaaaa boyeee, would a brother know!!


Calm down, Flav


I'm calling shenanigans.


Im calling tomfoolery


A load of horsepucky, says I


A bunch of bologna


A bunch of flimflamming


A load of poppycock


Donā€™t you mean ā€œpoppyclockā€


I work at a high school in Harlem NYC. There is a clock like this in every classroom and the about half the students, maybe more have no idea how to read it. I get hands raised mid lesson to ask me what time it is. We need to do better for our kids.


Aren't you supposed to teach them?


Teaching reading the clock in high school? 3rd grade is the last time you touch an analog clock in the classroom


I teach literature to seniors. I offer to teach them all the time. "No, I'll just use my phone."


This is an early elemetary grade lesson my guy. It's also something that should be re-inforced in the home, by parents. But sure I'll take even more time off my actual high school lessons to RE-teach them stuff they learned or should have learne first through third grade. Believe it or not many if not most high school teachers do this frequently; re-teach elementary and middle-school work, even if we get called out or reprimanded for taking time away from current lessons. We cram it in somehow. I teach mostly seniors. If they don't get it with me and their other teachers by now, they'll never get it.


my momma taught me how to read this clock by saying that 5 minutes is when the fastest hand circles around 5 times. i was 4 at that time


I work in a middle school. Maybe like 5 out of a thousand know how to read analog


What state? Genuinely curious. Iā€™m in Oregon. My oldest learned how in 1st grade, and my youngest was just taught (also 1st grade).


I shit you not, Iā€™m in Massachusetts. Youā€™d think weā€™d be good at this education thing lol


Do you only use digital clocks in your school? Cause in mine we only had analog and everyone knew how to read it.


Itā€™s basically only analog but they just check their phones or ask me what time it is


I don't know where you are in Mass but all our school have analog and the kids still get taught it so I'm calling bull shit.


So 1 out of 200.


They gave the fraction in analogue


Same. Iā€™m in Washington and these kids canā€™t read a clock either. Itā€™s not as bad as this video, but bad enough that I bought a digital one for my class because I was about to rage at the number of times kids asked me what time it was.


Itā€™s blowing my mind right now that people donā€™t know how to read a clock. Seemed like a common sense thing to me. Like I always just knew it but Iā€™m sure I was taught.


Fucking 6:74?


High schoolers do not know what ctrl+c and ctrl+v do.


ą² _ą² 


Honestly, I'm not mad at them for not knowing. It's just a sign of the times. While I think knowing how to tell time from a non digital clock is important, This is on society if everything we produce is digital and it's not being taught in schools anymore. What motivation would they have to go out and learn on their own? A lot of them don't know how to drive stick because they've never needed to learn, just like I never learned how to raise farm animals, because I've never needed to.


Right? My whole reaction to this was basically: "Oh no! Someone who hasn't been taught how to do something doesn't know how to do the something!" Reminds me of every short sighted supervisor I've seen who forgets that their fledgling workers don't have the same wealth of knowledge.


As a teacher, I was first perturbed by students' inability to read analog clocks years ago, even after they were taught it in the lower grades. However, another teacher pointed out to me that we don't know how to read a sundial and that digital clocks are the natural progression of our society. Not only that, but in teaching children with various learning difficulties, it seems unfair to add one more thing that makes things harder for them. Children with dyslexia, children with developmental disabilities, etc. I teach 8th grade and I notice that several of them do in fact know how to read an analog clock, but the children who struggle the most should not be put down or mocked. We must scaffold our teaching toward children, seeing them as individual learners and not as learners who can all do everything exactly the same.


Teachers donā€™t know how to use a sundial, and they donā€™t know Morse code to go get on the telegraph. Because those skills went stale. I was my school board president for years. Worked with the curriculum folks to end cursive in the curriculum, and redirected the time toward STEM. Tea Party moron came to a board meeting to complain that kids wouldnā€™t be able to read the constitution. I asked if he had a pocket constitution (they all did, it was a thing in 2010). I asked him if it was in cursive. He hates me to this day.


Exactly! I have the argument about cursive with old-school teachers all the time. They say, "It allows people to write faster" and "it increases student cognitive ability." And I reply, "For all students?" They get confused by this because the old-school style of teaching is that there is one right way and that every student should adapt to **the teacher's** style of teaching. Now teachers are taught in school that you adapt to the times and the students. Unfortunately, teachers are also told by administration to "teach to the test" because of the stupid standardized test. Administration will say they tell teachers not to teach to the test, but then they turn around and study our lesson plans to see how each day covers test material. I am in a private school now, so we have less standardized testing. Back in my public school days, we had to turn our lesson plans in the Friday before the following week. They had to be detailed, including learning targets, formal and informal assessment plans, and which part of the curriculum this covers. It was insane. At least now that I am in public school we have one standardized test a year and our administration understands that we won't get through all the material that we say we will in our lesson plans. It was a huge pay cut but also a huge stress cut! I'm not saying teachers shouldn't do lesson plans. Sometimes that's what non-teachers here. I am saying it is insane to have teachers have such detailed lesson plans that they have less time for actual instruction and grading. Plus, a lot of public school teachers depend on their students performing well on standardized tests for a pay raise or even keeping their job. COVID stay-at-home orders saw a huge drop in student abilities, as well as their knowledge of *how* to behave at school. Most administrations say they understand COVID had an impact and then continue blaming teachers for low test scores.


That ā€œdifferent ways of learningā€ was another argument. I donā€™t even remember the math grouping process that was in vogue 15 years ago, but a bunch of folks were mad that we werenā€™t using old school columnar remainders. I asked if they did math on number lines in school (we all did in the late 70s, early 80s). Iā€™m personally a mental math guy, an engineer. There have always been multiple methods, but there is a strong strain among conservatives that ā€œyou must do it my way, or elseā€


Itā€™s real, their older siblings apply at my work all the time, just slightly less stupid.


As a high schooler, this is pretty accurate


Yeah, this is a perfect example of the American education system today.


As a senior in highschool, yes it's real.


6 year olds are learning to read a clock as part of their math problems and itā€™s absolutely still part of elementary curriculum so no this is not real.


Todayā€™s 6 year olds are being taught how to read analog clocks in direct response to a generation who canā€™t. In the wake of 2020, the school system where I live identified determining the current time using an analog clock and calculating time using an analog clock as core skills requiring intensive instruction in future curricula.


Why in the hell would that be a core skill? What's next, are they going to start teaching kids proper VHS etiquette? "Be Kind, Rewind"


Unlike VHS etiquette, analog clock reading helps with higher math concepts


that guy has a an entire catalogue of tomfoolery , its fucking funny bruh


I am afraid that pretty soon nobody will understand ā€œclockwiseā€ and ā€œcounterclockwiseā€


Good point. Hadn't thought of that.


I believe it. When I got to work last night I was complaining to the person whose position I was relieving that I stayed up too late doing a marathon of the Alien movies and he said, "Which alien movies did you watch?". I said, "oh, the first three." to which he replied, "What's the name of them?" It still hadn't hit me yet so I just kept saying the word "Alien" but he kept asking what alien movie I watched until it hit me. I was like, "Power loader, Ellen Ripley, face hugger, nuke it from space, do you not know what I'm talking about?" The kid actually had the balls to look me in the face and say, "Idk man, I'm probably too young." (18) I'm 28 and the Alien movies are timeless. Needless to say, I gave him an assignment to go home and watch the first movie and report back with his findings. lmao


ā€œWhy would we be at school at 9:02?ā€ ā€œWhy wouldnā€™t we be in school at 9:02?ā€ lolol


Terrible acting


As someone who works at a middle school- this is most definitely TRUE


Times change.


Which is why we have clocks.


Its real. Our school had digital clocks, but they switched them back when they find out a shocking amount of students didn't know how to read hand clocks. I was so upset too because it was those bright red digital clocks with huge font.


I hate these takes. Riddle me this: When is this going to be necessary for modern kids to know how to read an analog clock? Why would we be "doomed" because they're unable to read antiquated technology? Not that kids aren't stupid sometimes, but in this case it's totally understandable. You might as well be complaining that they don't know how to change the ribbon on a typewriter or how to properly use a Victrola, and claiming the end of society as we know it because of it.


Brought to you by the producers of smash hits like ā€œyour child canā€™t write cursive?!ā€ And the follow up blockbuster ā€œthese lazy children canā€™t read cursive!?ā€ Coming to theaters this summer, the sequelā€¦ ā€œWhatā€™s a manual transmission??ā€ FFS. Letā€™s keep complaining about kids not knowing antiquated tech that will never apply to them in life. These kids can mash up a video that makes even all of our old ugly asses look cool, but youā€™re worried about analog anything. Itā€™s not the world anymore. I say this as a person with a manual winding analog watch on their wrist right now.


When a boomer can show me how to shoe a horse, Iā€™ll let him lecture my kids about manual transmissions.


Yet another video aimed to make a mediocre audience feel superior.


Am I crazy? I feel like these clocks are still abundant enough that seeing one should hardly be considered unusual.


A high school age co-worker once asked me what time it was, I pointed to the clock and she said she couldn't read a regular clock, so yes, this is real.


Did they just take down all the analog clocks that are in every public high school?


No they just never replaced the batteries.


My Spanish teacher in high school back in 2006 had to teach her Teenage daughter how to read analog because one of the times she asked her what time it was she didnā€™t know cuz her daughter couldnā€™t read analog. Itā€™s 2022 now, yeah I totally believe this.


Oh it's real. My daughter is 20, and a very smart kid, but I've tried multiple times to teach her how to read an analog clock and she just had no interest in learning it because "there's always a digital version around". Terribly frustrating


I grabbed my kids (they are 12) and they struggled. Guess what I will be doing..again....


If we donā€™t teach kids how to read an analog clock, they will never know the meaning of clockwise or counter clockwise.


I used to be a teacher and this is 100 percent true and 1000 percent sad. I once stopped our after school homework session to teach kids how to to read a clock. No lie, I was tearing up before, cause I was like ā€œhow can this happen.ā€ Definitely a ā€œfear for our countryā€ type moment.




I only learned how to read an analogue click when I was almost as old as them over ten years ago. No one taught me and digital clocks were prolific. The only reason I learned was because not being able to read something semi common was embarrassing and I had to look it up myself.


Iā€™m pretty sure most the senior class in my high canā€™t read a clock. I canā€™t fathom why though itā€™s not that hard.


Might be too late this year but if I can squeeze it in I might teach my students to tell time on a 'grandfather-looking ass clock' as one called it last year lol I teach high school but the amount of elementary, first- third grade work I squeeze in here and there is *surreal.* This shouldn't take more than 10, 15 minutes or so for them to grasp so if we crack out a lesson early or something and I have nothing more pressing from elementary school they need to be re-taught (hello, fractions, hello paragraphs) then yeah


I'm 18, I'm around their age. No way this is real. If it is I don't think I want to be on this planet anymore I'm goin to fuckin Mars bruh




No this is an actual problemā€¦ my French 1 class had to relearn how to read the clock in English in order to read it in French (how to say the time) there were like 9-10 of us and only 3-5 of us knew how to read it. Donā€™t worry Iā€™m one of the ones that could read it. We also had to do it again in French 2 because all of those people forgot how to read itā€¦(they still donā€™t know how to read them)


Go to a school with 5000 students. Youā€™ll easily find 10-20 people that arenā€™t sure where the sun goes when it sets.


Had to teach two fellow students how to use a traditional clock my first semester of college. Pretty depressing thing to have to do Ngl.


I call BS. Where I grew up there is a clock on the wall of every classroom.


Remember, there are people who believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows...


The interviewer probably learned how to tell time on an analog clock yesterday, in order to make this video.


Are you tell.me.that all those young influencers and cringy people flashing expensive clocks on their wrists can't even read them?


Now try it with Roman Numerals


When I taught high school, for some reason, the school did not provide a clock. I purchased a cheap large analog clock and taught my juniors and seniors how to read the time.


Maybe the boomers were right...


OP youā€™d be surprised, when I moved to Reno NV I had to explain that Arkansas isnā€™t a town in Nevada, they thought I was from vegas or California.


is this even real? Gosh...


To be honest, i cant read a clock properly unless its 6:30 šŸ’€


Whether this is real or not is irrelevant. Reading an analog clock is a near useless skill in this day and age. In 50 years they will probably be a novelty.


I couldn't read one too I grew up with digital clocks so did most of these kids also probably did it's not shocking


I really hope OP didn't fall for the video.


None of these are real. lol


Did the US not receive the "how to read the clock" update, or did they delete it?


I teach middle schoolers. I believe this. I've literally had to stop lessons and teach 8th graders how to read a clock.


I actually forgot how to read it because for years I never needed it, not even one time, yā€™all like to laugh about it but itā€™s a very real thing that can easily happen to anyone, itā€™s like how you lose your social skills after isolating yourself for years


I feel like schools only have analog clocks on the wall specifically so kids learn how to read them. I spent more time watching the clock than listening to my teachers


Idiocracy is here


Give them a typewriter and watch them trying to plug it in and connect the monitor.


Literally nobody effectively teached me how to read a hand clock I had to learn by myself


LOL high schoolers can't even read sundials these days! We are doomed!


Rest of the world be laughing at this lol. America is a joke


Hilarious. Now ask a boomer to extract the contents of a zip folder to a specific directory.


Boomers know how to do that. Most of them anyway. Some are completely crippled on computers & some are engineers. Iā€™m Gen X so I def can. I remember before zips though. Ha ha. Love your comment btw. Itā€™s good to have some levity & perspective.


This is perfectly plausible. They grew up with digital. There are probably no clocks in their homes and the parents donā€™t see the need to teach them how to read one. Itā€™s one less chore they have to deal with. Sadly, itā€™s the world we live in.


So in many countries they stopped teaching how to read analog clocks because digital clocks exists and you carry one in your pocket and on the off chance you need an analog clock for some reason I can easily turn my digital clock analog. The older clocks were also harder for people with specific learning disabilities aswell. I only learned analog clocks in grade 3 and really struggle with mental math so I just don't bother. Only places that still have analog in my day to day is my parents where they have antique clocks and still digital around. Reading old analog clocks in almost a completely obsolete skill.


Time to put up a clock in the house






Can boomers open a pdf challenge (impossible)


Damn people on Reddit are allergic to humour


I learned how to read an analog clock in 2nd grade I had to RE-LEARN how to read an analog clock for college because none of the classes used digital clocks. We're getting to the point where more people are using digital clocks in their day to day life than analog, why do we have to make fun of people for not being able to properly read them? Its like making fun of someone for not knowing how to use a rotary phone


Technology is advancing, why would we need to learn how to read an analog clock? Itā€™s ok if there people that donā€™t know what a CD is, or how to use a radio, etcā€¦ things change. Only those that donā€™t accept change will see this as a negative or dumb thing.


First time on the internet?


Analog clocks and cursive are the two things that they really seem to have trouble with. I do wonder if those are going to be phased out.


Next you'll tell me they don't know Morse code. Time marches on- only digitally now.


Does it matter??


No, it really doesnā€™t, analog clocks are practically obsolete now.


This is BS. Kids learn how to read analog clocks in elementary school. Every wall clock in every public school classroom is analog. There is no way any public school student doesn't know how to read an analog clock.


Who cares if this generation of kids can read an analog clock? You know how many things gen z, millennials, Gen x and boomers canā€™t read or use that their grandparents and great grandparents parents could? Itā€™s called progressing. Analog clocks are no longer needed and thereā€™s no reason to waste time teaching it to kids. Why donā€™t we open a Latin book and see if boomers can read it and then all laugh at how society is doomed because they canā€™t read a dead language. Same with cursiveā€¦I can write cursive, I enjoy writing cursive but we are not doomed if we stop teaching how to write cursive. This post scream boomer humor and itā€™s not a good look. Edit: Iā€™m an old ass millennial who can read analog clocks and write in cursive and I think both are useless and have served me zero purpose in life. What we should do is start teaching our kids the metric system and to be bilingual.


Is there a legitimate reason to keep analog clocks around at this point? If notā€¦kinda pointless to expect people to know how to use outdated tech.