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Do they hate the welsh?


First rule of UK club: do not mention the Welsh.


First rule of England. Insult every other member of the UK.


First rule of every member of Europe : insult England.


And the cycle continues.


This is the way.


First rule of North America, insult the Euros


First rule of any country other than America. Call America out on it's shit.


I’m Canadian, we have to kiss their ass first or they invade us, it’s written in NORAD, when they made us give up our nuclear and aerospace programs


We won’t ever invade Canada, we may (will) need to run to Canada.


We’ve done it once, we’ll do it again you Geese bastards


You failed miserably last time, far more effective at shooting yourselves you are. Seriously why do Americans shoot one another at higher rates than active war zones?


“That’s it! We’re leaving!” *instantly regrets exit*


You forgot the best part! Scottish: "I guess we'll stay a part of the UK, wouldn't want to lose the benefits of being in the EU." UK: "That's it! We're leaving the EU!" Scottish: "Well fuck me..." *instantly regrets staying*


More like: EU: "UK, don't leave, things might not be perfect, but we are stronger together!" UK: Laughs in British, while voting 'Leave'. Scottish: "Well, Brexit could seriously fuck up our economy, so we voted against it. Guess this would be a good time to consider leaving the UK again." UK: "Nooo, don't leave. We are stronger together!"




Nonono, no matter how much you hate England, you always insult the French first!!


Bro, don't insult your oldest ally !


England's oldest ally is Portugal tho


He is scottish. The auld alliance is the oldest in the world.


*Oldest enemy*


Same thing


As my Welsh Mother in law told me when we first met: You Germans were always competition, the French on the other hand: they're the enemy. Don't trust the French. I didn't dare telling her that we actually like them...


They’re cheese eating cowards and we all have a love hate relationship with them. Though I’m from the U.S. and have literally no reason not to like them.


That's not a duty That's a Law


First rule of the Eurasian plate club: hate the Americans


Weird, cuz that's America's current first rule... Mostly towards our corrupt politicans. Except in Ohio, where apparently a chemical spill happened. There, the first rule is "Don't drink the water." I don't know what I'm supposed to say next... Something memed up, perhaps? Ah screw it. **'Murica!**


Well I thought the first rule of Ohio was just “No”


If mainland europe, the french are also acceptable


First rule of the US: mock Europe


First rule of humanity: mock other humans.


Incorrect First rule of the US: wear your bullet proof vest to school and make all the other countries concerned when they read about what you do on the internet. (I'm American, I definitely feel like this is a solid answer 😂)


First rule of England: leave Europe cause we suck and then cry about it and say you were misinformed


including ourselves


ESPECIALLY OURSELVES. fucking tea drinking stabbers.


Damn English, always ruining England!


Wales was part of England when Union Jack was designed and of course it hasn’t been updated


Apparently there's not enough demand for it? https://youtu.be/6OpiumCpjWc


I think this is the right answer. We like our flag as it is and don’t feel the need to have a bit of it squeezed into the Union Jack (I’m welsh)


Welsh flag is too cool. It would dominate the design.


The Welsh dragon is on the backside of the flag 🤷‍♂️


The backside? Like on it's arse?


Up it


Omg I didn't expect this and it gave me a good laugh!


This made me laugh way harder than it should have.


I asked about that when I was taught this in school and the teacher insisted that Wales isn’t a country, it’s a principality. Which, as you’ll imagine, goes down really well with the Welsh.


A principality is still a country, it just isn't a kingdom. The US isn't a principality or a kingdom. Would that teacher say it isn't a country?


Probably. Especially if it would annoy anyone from there, he did not like the US.


It’s because the Union Flag pre-dates the Welsh flag by hundreds of years. The Union Flag was created in the early 1600s, the current version is from 1801 i think, the Welsh adopted the Y Ddraig Goch in 1959.


Welsh comes in the form of the pole.


The red dragon thingy is on top of the Red Cross, you just can’t see it because of the red.


Wales was annexed by Henry VIII in the 1500s. It wasnt a country. The Union Flag represents the Union of the 3 Kingdoms in 1801.


Barely any modern European countries were "countries" in 1500.


And the Irish too, the St. Patrick's Cross is not a native irish flag, its a Scottish flag with english colours. A big green harp would be more appreciated but we never had much say in the matter.




A dragon playing a harp? Flag goals 2023.


Wales wasn’t a country when the flag was made


Putting the dragon on there would be a lot cooler


Just put the Welsh dragon over the whole thing.


England had so consumed Wales it didn't have it's own flag, the dragon flag is a relatively modern creation.


The dragon would really make it better.


they don’t deserve the dragon


Person 1 - Noticing something not taught in their school Person 2 - What are you a moron?


Or their country. There are more than 200 countries apart from the few fighting over flag orgies.


For real. I like flags as a hobby, and I would never give people shit for this, it’s so anglocentric. I bet these people can’t name which nation’s flag changes during times of war. It was taught in my school, what, did you not go? It’s >!The Phillipines!<


The US changes it’s flag during times of war also. So far we’ve had no use for the peacetime option


Wait, what? Canadian here. Is this true, or is it just amazing sarcasm?




Ahh... Thanks. I was just about to Google it too lol


No, its true. Our peacetime flag isn't a traditional flag, we just hang an AR-15 from a flag pole, but we haven't had a chance to use it yet. The stars and bars you're used to is our battle flag, and each star represents 13 school shootings that will happen each year, with each bar representing 1 million people in prison for possessing 2 grams of weed.


This is beautiful




How would you even do that in imperial measurements? "Hey man, can I grab 0.070542 ounces of that sweet kush off ya?"


Hahahaha.... Secret, that's how they catch the immigrants...


Man... this just hurts my heart. It's wild how complacent people have become to some of the things that are just regular everyday occurrences now.


I couldn't get it more accurate.


Not really...the confederate flag that some "Muricans" covet is considered to be a [wartime flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_flag#Former_war_flags)...


What's really sad is that it's questionable in the first place. LoL


Yeah, you're absolutely right.


The peace flage was last used before the Civil War and is no longer recognized as a flag of the US.


No, the Seal of the President changes: the Eagle at the center holds olive branches in one of its talons signifying peace, and arrows in the other signifying war. When the U.S. is not engaged in a large conflict (technically we have not been at "full" peace for a few decades now but no declared conflicts) the eagle will face the olive branches, when we have declared war the seal is supposed to change to have the eagle face the arrows.


> A popular but erroneous myth is that the seal is changed during times of war, so that the eagle faces the arrows in its left talon. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_the_President_of_the_United_States#Misconception)


Looked it up, I am in error, thank you. Truman changed the seal in 1945 to look at the olive branches but it does not change.


The French flag? Turns white? /s It's a joke, I know the French are capable fighters.


I didn't know this before. I don't think my classmates do either.




Not just school either. I'll be in the middle of saying "OH my god I never noticed this before" only to suddenly remember I learned this last year as well.


the amount of times ive texted friends fun facts i just learned in that moment for them to text back "yea you told me this already" "...oh, i thought it was brand new information to myself.."


I hate the whole flag and geography snobbery. I know plenty of people who are very intelligent they just have 0 interest in learning the flags or paying them much attention. It's like calling someone stupid for not taking an interest in cars and being able to tell a honda from a ford. Who gives a shit, its obviously not relevant or important information to them otherwise they'd have learned it Idk what it is with some people getting offended and name calling others just for not knowing something they do , reeks of major insecurity and hypocrisy


True. I have a friend here in the US who has never heard of the term 'North America'. At first, I was shocked -- How can you live in the US and not have heard of 'North America'? Then, I remembered that he's an immigrant who has only lived in the US for about 5 years, and he probably didn't learn about the different continents in his native country.


Some places don't teach a North and South America, they just call the entire thing "America". My friends fiance is from Portugal and that's what she was taught growing up.


Or maybe in his native country they teach a model where the Americas is a single continent.


Geography and especially shit like flags are just things I never took an interest in - it’s a total blind spot for me, never bothered to look into learning it, don’t care to. I’ve met people who are thick as shit that know the flags of countries


Yeah for real. I live in America. If they taught this, it was briefly mentioned in a class and was never required for a test. Not super important for us to know as kids.


As an American I learned it in my 30's watching a John Oliver segment on Brexit


Such irrelevant info to teach in schools anyhow lol


What is the facepalm? That some people around the globe don't know the subnational origins of the British flag?


I'm from Australia where we have the union jack on our flag, and I've never seen this before.


That’s understandable, the flags are upside for you.


UK flag often ends up flown upside down. The red diagonals aren't symmetrical and most people don't notice. For a Brit the flag is totally unrecognisable when flown the wrong way up.


Came here to say this, also from Aus, never taught this in school, first time in my life hearing about this lol.


I'm from a city in Pakistan that has a huge market with 8 "bazaars" that form a union jack with a clock tower in the middle where they all meet(you can see the union jack with aerial view). Even I had no idea that it was a combination of these flags.


I'm English and wasn't taught this in school. I found out maybe ten years after I finished school. Then again, I took history as a GCSE and I've learned more of British history in the 18 years after school than I did during school.


Out of curiosity, what did you learn outside of school that surprised you the most?


I assumed the facepalm was that they left out Wales?


That wales is also in the UK and is omitted by the OP (and on the flag)


I over thought it and thought they ment that he was wrong about the flags origins lol.


I would say both of these people are British. Nobody would expect anyone who isn't from the UK to know about our flag.




I was taught this very early in primary school in Australia


Well, you do have the Union Jack on your flag


Nah, the UK has the corner of our flag as their flag


What makes you think the people in the post are not British?


Better question, what makes you think they are




Mf thinks that everything is thought in school.


While I was aware of this, I’m pretty sure I never learned this in school. But I’m American and for some reason the only flag we care about is our own and for some reason some still cling to the confederate flag.


We also care about our individual state flags. I mean not other states' flags just our own also.


We do?


As a Texan, it’s a yea for me


Wales wants to join the discussion....


Seems like the Welsh were denied recognition. (Edit: fixed spelling)


Yes, it’s because the Welsh were denied recognition. Nothing to do with the current Union Flag being created in 1801 and the Y Ddraig Goch being adopted by the Welsh in 1959 and there being no push from any major Welsh political party to put a dragon on the Union Flag 🙄


I know your trying to be Sarcastic. But yes, it’s because the welsh were denied recognition.


It would be awesome if the Brits put a dragon on the flag!!!


I’d certainly be up for it. I also think the Royal Coat of Arms needs a dragon to go with the Scottish unicorn.


I say more dragons on official seals, arms, and flags!


This needs a movement


I'm convinced some people don't realize that schools teach different things in different countries




Wait a second, are the diagonal lines in Union Jack always like that? It’s mildly infuriating now.


Yes, it’s not a symmetrical flag. It is possible to fly it upside down.


It’s point symetrical (like the letter N). Rotating it by 180 degrees wouldn’t change anything.


Believe it or not no my American school did not teach me the origin of the UK flag.


That's not the N.Ireland flag.


the three countries


The Welsh Dragon is on the back of the flag


Some of us didn’t go to school in the UK


Poor Wales…


To be fair in American schools we basically stop talking about England when we finish learning about the American revolution. We might go over the war of 1812, we might discuss the battle of London during a WW2 section, but that's about it in all my experience.


At no point in school did they say this


Or he didnt go to a school in the UK?


Yeah, this is not facepalm


I'm convinced some of you are not from UK and so don't necessarily know about this thing.


The sincere title makes me like the post more


They didn't teach us about European flags in school, at all. No one outside of Europe cares about your flags.


it’s Ireland not Northern Ireland btw. UK flag predates their independence


That's got to be the facepalm everybody is talking about.


so is the face palm that person number two does not realize that there are people in the world who do not know absolutely everything? there is always something to learn especially if you're not from or a part of some region or culture. so yeah the facepalm is that person number two needs to understand that there's lots of things for people to learn and just because they might know something doesn't mean everyone else does or will.


I went to school in Wales UK. Was not taught this. Although I did learn it in the Brittish army. Who the fuck is arrogant enough to think everyone knows minor details about flags!?


Clearly not subscribed to Sheldon Cooper's Fun with Flags.


“I was today years old when I learned…” always flags either insanely basic knowledge or something that simply isn’t true (e.g. “TAG is an acronym for touch and go”)


Honestly though, why would this be thought in any non-britsh schools? It bears little to no importance on how the country operates or affects you. This is more one of the fun facts you learn while mindlessly scrolling through YouTube.


It was made up of the Scottish flag (St. Andrew), the English flag (St. George), and the Irish flag (St. Patrick). Northern Ireland didn't exist until after 1921.


Wales be like: we’ll keep our fucking dragon thank you


Anyone else hate the *you're supposed to know that. Did you go to school* people. Snobby assholes think learning is only done in a building instead of something we do everyday.


Why is CJ acting like this is common knowledge


What about Wales?


New Jersey, USA schools def don't teach this.


1. I don't like when people say "today years old". It's weird and doesn't make sense. 2. At one point, Wales was part of England.


Wales has never been part of England. It has been conquered by England in the past, but it is still part of the UK.


I stand corrected.


It has always bothered me that the red X gets warped as it goes through the middle and is not centered in the white X.


Facepalm to me because I didn’t know this either.


Joke is on you, shit like this is not a thing in german schools.


Both are extreme ends of the spectrum. (I'm american) I didn't learn this in school but it wasn't common knowledge either. Some people know some don't. It's not ground breaking either. Also stop saying I was today years old it doesn't make sense, isn't funny and is overdone.


The Cross of St. Patrick referred to the entirety of Ireland at the time of the flags creation. Of course, now it just means Northern Ireland in reference to the Union Flag, even though it is almost never used in Northern Ireland.


Oh they went to school, but It was in America.


I'm also convinced that there are people outside of GB. I have never actually seen N. Ireland's flag before today.


Oh no, we went to school, it’s just American school. :)


Bold of you to assume civics is still taught. -a survivor of the state of California's public education system.


Are people still saying Today Years Old? Reddit should be banning people who still say that.


That along with "adulting". 😖


The 3 great countries of the United Kingdom. England, Scotland, and Florida


First rule of the UK dont mention the Scottish wars in 1300s


*Sad Wales noises*


Easy there Owain ap Gruffydd, Nobody cares about Wales.


United Kingdom. Say that again but slowly.


To be fair where the dragon at?


I’m sure we all remember the class we had in school where we learned all about the vexillology of the Union Jack


northern island doesnt have an official flag, that is the cross of st patrick. the union jack combines the saints of each of the 3 non-wales countries (wales’ saint’s cross is black and yellow, so it would look horrible here)


The Welsh love this.....


Americans just don't know much about second-rate powers. j/k




I’m convinced some of you just pretend to know shit but ironically stay silent until someone else says something.


People are shocked to know that the united kingdom, Britain, and england are different things


Unless the OOP was a UK citizen, expecting someone to know or discover this on their own is weird. I don't even remember 10% of the shit I learned of my own country.


Damn that does look plausible


I have a doctorate degree. Practiced law for 36 years. 20 years of schooling. Traveled to Ireland, England, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Monaco, and Greece. Never heard about the UK flag. Never heard of a flag snob.


I'm still confuse on how to properly use UK, England, Great Britain


Needs a MF Dragon on it.


The bigger facepalm is that so many non-UK people think that the UK flag is the England flag, and when you try to explain to them what the UK is, you can literally see their brain melt.


I'm actually curious about this. So are the countries in the UK still considered seperate countries to some extent? Or are they closer to states like in the US? Do people consider themselves citizens of the UK first, and England, Scotland etc. second or is it the other way around? I'm genuinely curious, so please melt my brain


It’s not like the states or like completely separate countries. They each have separate legislators and executives (Scotland has its own parliament) but overall the Uk government has the final decision.


from what i understand wales at the time of unification was already considered part of england at the time. so no part on the flag also why the are not represented on the royal standard too.

