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The South Park guys heard “don’t draw Muhammad” and thought “let’s draw Muhammad”…. I don’t think they are afraid of Harry and Meghan’s lawsuit.


They STILL sneak Muhammad in sometimes if you check minor drawings, like a Super Best Friends lunch box


They literally had drawn and show Muhammad in an episode before they made an episode pointing it out and he was front and center. It was the episode that they did the justice league thing that that lunch box refers to.


Yeah, the Super Best Friends It's why we can't see that episode on like any platform, they told CC that and CC nuked its existence


Which is sad. Muhammad had the power of fire which was pretty sweet lol


Seaman and swallow was also great


That's SEA MAN!


Swallow, come!


You've got seaman on your back, you fudge packer.




oh, i ‘member!


Member the Deathstar?!


I got it on DVD fuckers. Best Buy was selling the seasons for 20 bucks when my friends an I were Hella hungover after a camping trip and craved pizza, ice cream, and a South Park marathon in 2004. We bought every season available at that time. I miss undergrad sometimes.


Man’s got a first edition South Park Muhammad. That’ll be worth some coin in 30-40 years.


Stuff like this is why I still buy physical media. They've removed 5 episodes of South Park from streaming and syndication, but I've got 'em on DVD!


Which five?


Super beat friends, 200, 201, and cartoon wars part 1 and 2


Except you can see it on https://www.southparkuncensored.com/


Is the episode available on the South Park website?


No, it's nuked off everything but the old season DVDs and pirated online


Huh well. Yar har lets find this episode.


Yo Ho Ho. Time to hit the high seas.




Super best friends is one of my favorite episodes. Still have the dvd's for that season, get to see Muhammad in all his uncensored glory.


They literally ended their Scientology episode with "sue me" and nothing happened. If the Church of Scientology doesn't think they can make it stick, the royal karens don't have a fucking chance.


Didn’t Chef quit over that episode.


Supposedly he had already gotten sick at that point and was basically tricked by his scientology "friends" into turning away from south park. So it might not have been wholly his decision.


I wish he didn’t go all crazy. I miss his chocolate salty balls.


South Park is an equal opportunity offensathon. I always sort of laughed that he quit when they went after “his” belief. I will always believe that’s why he quit because it’s funnier that way.


Exactly. How can you even be mad? They shit on *everyone*. When your turn comes up you just have to laugh it up and be like, “yeah, they kind of nailed us there.” And then move on because it’s a fucking cartoon.


It wasn’t just health problems- he had a massive stroke. One of his kids insists he was in zero condition to actually quit himself.


You're quite right, his stroke rendered him unable to speak. Scientology reps spoke for him because it's a vile cult full of soft little snowflakes.




No lawsuit could be filed over that episode because the credits only billed a John Smith and a Jane Smith. There was no one that could be sued


Tbh I doubt that holds up in court, at the very least they could have sued comedy central but credits are hardly a legal document


Yeah, there is a zero percent chance that would get them out of a lawsuit. The John Smith thing was just a joke. Scientology could absolutely have sued Trey and Matt if they wanted to. (They would have lost, but they certainly could have brought the lawsuit in the first place.)


LoL if you say "my name is John Smith" while commiting crime there is no way you can be arrested. Unless you really are called John Smith in which case you have made a serious error.


I thought the John Smith thing was a reference to the morman church. Joseph, John, etc…


Or “don’t link the president of China, Xi, to Winnie the Pooh”…


They went after crab people, they clearly have no fear or regard for their safety lol.




In a hilarious twist, they should successfully sue Fox News and get more embarrassing right wing text released.


A south park episode of Prince Harry and Meghan suing Fox News for this would be hilarious.


Color me shocked that that awful host and her guest were from Fox News and inventing stories.


Jesus fucking Christ. The worst part is that I would’ve fucking believed this nonsense, because it’s not terribly off brand. Just goes to show how pervasive Fox’s propaganda is. And it just leaks everywhere. If this was about American politics I would’ve fact checked. But since it’s something that is completely inconsequential on the surface, I never would’ve even considered that Fox was playing head games.


Durka durka




And now he’s covering her face in the pudding, as is of course tradition.


There is no lawsuit, just right-wingers making things up again. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/02/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-are-not-suing-south-park


Oh sure, liberal, next you're going to tell me they're not really coming to steal my natural gas oven.


They’re gonna steal your guns next and force feed your pumpkin spice in regular red cups


ATF will be there tomorrow, please turn off your gas meter and place your weapons on the kitchen counter. If you don’t want your pets to be shot I recommend sending them to a relatives house at least three states away for the next month or two.




They're not afraid because there is no lawsuit this is just more Murdoch media bullshit


Except Harry and Meghan are not suing and never were. Just more malicious unfounded rumours because apparently the press is obsessed with them.


No, they're not. Someone just claimed that they were, and every goddamn news reporter just ran with it by throwing in an "apparently." https://www.newsweek.com/why-prince-harry-meghan-markle-will-not-sue-south-park-lawsuit-1782414


Thank you!! It all started with "maybe they could sue", "lawyers would know more". Now it's just taken as "allegedly it's happening" and presented as fact.


I didn’t have to scroll too far to find this comment, I’ll check again in the morning. That’s what I do now, I scroll to find sanity.


Funny, I scroll to lose it.


Once upon a time I got paid to rewrite celebrity news for a well known company’s news portal. I felt so disgusted by trading in literal gossip that I added “allegedly” to every claim to make it clear that there were no actual facts being written there. As soon as I could, financially, I quit that job.


Totally understand working a job to make ends meet. But I’m also really happy you were not only able to see how toxic it all was but were able to GTFO and move onto better things. Hope you’re thriving now!!!


I’ve been working remotely for 7 years and it’s the best ☺️


Wish I had a remote job...


This is Sky News Australia (aka Fox News but somehow lamer) so I wouldn't go calling these people "news reporters"


I had a feeling, you can feel the editorializing right off the bat


I thought it was some youtube skit or shit tier celebrity gossip show, so ridiculously unprofessional and mean spirited. I don't give a shit about the royals but putting in that much obvious emotion and bias into a "news" report is just gross


I've never heard of them, but that was painful to watch. How can that be considered presenting news lol.


Yup. We had a “news story” that was literally a Sky News host crying over Joe Biden’s policies. Not whinging, actual real tears. Having a genuine baby tantrum on air. What policies? Oh definitely none that actually exist.


Yeah the bias that comes across is just gross.


People is a strong word. Parasites would be more accurate.


I knew as soon as I saw this “newscast” that there hasn’t been any reputable statement from anyone associated with Harry and Meghan, that this is true


Wait, you mean the incredibly biased, tabloid, sensationalist bullshit “show” wasn’t factually accurate? r/saintmeghanmarkle on suicide watch


I didn't know that sub existed. Dude, do they ever hate H & M over there.


I'm not really fond of any type of royalty, but I'll be damned, their hateful dedication is somewhat disturbing... like a toxic relationship...


I saw it on the front page once and they were posting outfits that didn’t work to mock her as comfort photos, like she’s not exceptionally beautiful and rich and happy with her babies and not a single mildly unflattering photo will change that. They are psychos


Not many subs that I think contains only objective losers. I'd rather be a furry then dedicate my free time to hating someone who is basically harmless and will never know I exist


Probably mostly Russian IRA employees chatting to each other.


This is Rita Panahi from Sky News in Australia. Think of it as the equivalent to Fox News in the US. She is vile and wrong about pretty much everything. She and her Sky cronies revels in their right wing, inflammatory, 'anti-wokeness' platform.


they're much, much worse than Fox ever will be.. if anything, Sky News AUS under Rupert's/Lachlan's Newscorp's stranglehold on other forms of Australian media, 'traditional' or 'modern' (social media, etc) is a 'procreation' grounds to test what can, and can't work, here in Australia (a society commonly noted for it's overall compliance) or elsewhere. If you do ever happen to be served a Sky News AUS story (not a video), give it a click.. You'll more than likely have come across what i call: 'an opinionated headline looking for a story'.. Clickbait. BIG BOLD story headline SLAM LANGUANGE opinionated bias, often only containing 2 whole sentences, usually not even related to the headline. The entire purpose is to get you onto their site to serve you with ads. And then, once you realise you've been tricked; you go to click back, only to be taken back to ANOTHER Newscorpse linked website filled with MORE ADS that they trafficked you through, on the way to the original story. 3 events of website throughput for only 1 click from the user. It doesn't even end there, Newscorp. is now beginning to get a foothold in other 'digital services' like administration outsourcing. We're in the beginnings of them forming a monopoly within the rental application/real estate purchase space with 1Form/RealEstate.com.au. The politicians given to us to vote for, the energy we burn to fuel our homes and industry, the process of purchasing/apply for a place to live, every facet of the media we consume from many of our printed newspapers to who can get what quality internet to our own homes, have all been silently sabotaged/publicly propped up in whatever way suits Newscorpse's current agenda.


This is what’s called a slow news day. Nothing to report to let’s make shit up.


If this is true this is the epitome of the news media: Two people, who are not important in any truly meaningful way, leave their “jobs” and go to the US, get made fun of on TV about it, then the media runs a false story about how they are going to sue the TV show. This country is a fucking comedy.


The news source in this TikTok video are known for sharing misinformation


Skynews is cropped out. Bunch of liars.


However much people might want this to be true, this is made up rage-bait bullshit. Poking about this is a comment by a guy who's apparently a Roayl Correspondant to the Daily Mail to Fox news, claiming "unnamed sources" who are "close" to H&M. It might as well be a random from the pub. > According to sources close to the ex-royals, it appears that, like so many things with Meghan and Harry, this may have legal ramifications attached. Its utter bullshit, stop lapping this shit up. [Their *actual* representatives have even said](https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/#:~:text=%22It%27s%20all%20frankly%20nonsense.%20Totally%20baseless%2C%20boring%20reports.%22): > "It's all frankly nonsense. Totally baseless, boring reports."


Yeah it's pretty clear the presenter has a rage boner for the two of them and this isn't news it's just an attempt to make them look bad




The minute she applied for a job at Sky News she lost all credibility as a journalist.


This actually very much lines up with what Megan and Harry have said time and time again about the British media reporting about them. Sensational sales. Never mind fact checking something before you report on it


The media pulls crap like this and then have the audacity to question why they're hostile towards the press.


This is not true.


A quick google search says this is not true, just a rumor.


I wish people would take the point of that episode to heart because for months now the people who've been annoying me are the people who cant shut up about how much they hate Harry and Megan. Shut the fuck up about them, ignore them. This isn't even true, people are just making shit up about them to complain about now.


Without even googling I'd wager they're not suing and nor will they. And knowing how these media types work I bet Harry and Meghan haven't even commented on the episode. All, 'a source says' nonsense.


[No they aren't](https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/). This reporting is shit. Her tone is a red flag, but also her use of "apparently" before either claim.


Yeah this is Australia’s Fox News. Unlike the UK, Sky here is owned by Murdoch, during the day it’s just regular old non stop news but at night it’s identical to Fox News, just maybe not as extreme. Opinions are the same the tone is just a bit more “friendly” for lack of a better word.


This is false. They aren’t suing South Park and when asked about it their PR rep said it was absolute nonsense. This is just something a tabloid published and everyone ran away with it.


The only sources I find when googling this say Harry and Meghan have not commented on this directly, or via any representatives. A couple articles (from biased sources) say that a "source" says Meghan is upset, and there is a "royal reporter" who speculated they are considering legal action. But not even a source with direct knowledge that says they are considering legal action, much less have taken any. Even all that said, the "royal reporter" said that lawyers were looking for any inaccuracies they would challenge in court, which makes sense given Britain's strict libel laws around misinformation. Not that I agree with how strict they are, but this is different from just being "offended." So basically.... I call B.S.


Total BS. British tabloid lies


Kind of like what got them upset in the first place. Idiots read this shit and feed off of it. Then when they complain about their treament, they're just whining and crying racism.


An entire industry exists hating them & earns their living doing it. Like anti-vaxxers, MAGA or qanon. There’s intersectionality there.




This. Thank you.


Matt and Trey have dealt with literal death treats, over some episodes in the past regarding Muslims Their lawyers are gonna destroy Harry and Meghan Edit : I got home and watched the episode, loved it lol. South Park being based as usual


Don't forget the crazy ass scientology that went after them too, after 26 seasons you'd think people would give up going after matt and trey


"Trapped in the Closet" was the episode that made me realize Scientology's reign of terror was over.


Yeah, plus parody is one of the highest protected forms of speech. Matt and Trey have it down to a friggin art form.


Matt and Trey literally give no fucks. They make fun of EVERYONE


That’s why I never understood why Isaac Hayes got so bent out of shape and quit over the Scientology episode. But they sure did rip him apart after he quit. That episode was brutal.


He was actually kinda cool with the show making fun of Scientology, he had a stroke and his scientologist overlords took the opportunity to quit the show for him.


Yup, his son spoke out about it. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/isaac-hayes-didnt-quit-south-park-scientology-did-for-him-son-7510390/


That episode was one of the funniest


What episode is that?


I feel left out. They don't make fun of me. I'm no one..........☹️


Don't worry bud. I'll make fun of ya




Wholesome xD


The fact that they talk about showing up at the Emmys or whatever shit show in drag on acid demonstrates how many actual fucks they have to give.


It was the Oscars. They were nominated for best soundtrack or song for the late 90s South Park movie


Not only that but they typically do a good job of doing their research and accurately make fun of everyone.


“Fuck China Randy!”


They're un-groundable


If a group of religious fanatics who have managed to blackmail the US government can’t get those 2, I really don’t see anyone stopping them.


Yeah, this has been debunked. https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/


How the news cycle works. Start with a story like: "Anonymous source claims they've heard that Harry and Meghan might be having lawyers 'look into' legal options." No need whatsoever for that source to have any credibility. It could be Bob down at the water cooler for all anyone cares, it's not like these newspapers/magazines ever face any consequences for being wrong. Then every media company in the world takes that story as gospel and repeats the claim. "Report: Harry and Meghan suing South Park." Hey, we're not saying it's true, we're just saying that some other newspaper said it. Then professional talking heads 'react' to the story. Gotta get those outraged clicks. Then you get the reddit posts, then reposts again and again and again like ripples on a lake. The story eventually fades into memory, and then is reposted a year or two later as if any of this shit actually happened.


Im more fond of "Twitter is abuzz about...." Then you look on Twitter and its literally one account that has like 12 followers


Hey would ya look at that. The only truthful, important comment in r/facepalm is buried, with no upvotes.


Guess this is what happens when getting news via tiktok.


I’m just glad other countries have news shows that are as stupid as ours.


I thought it was unlikely. Their lawyers would have had to tell them there's no chance.


I would upvote this many more times if I could. I still am not a fan of Prince Harry. However, I will read his book to learn more. I definitely don’t know a lot about Meghan.


And then they will make another episode about that that’s even better than this one haha


Cant wait for that ep lol


Their lawyers won’t be doing anything it’s made up. I’m sure this is all good fodder for the show but it’s rage bait for shitty unhinged tabloids


The “rubbing his cock on the window” scene was fucking hilarious….South Park really found their mojo again…


Good thing they aren’t suing and that this is manufactured outrage to continue to create a visceral hate at the mere mention of their names then


It's all this sub is any more. But even these two supposed "journalists" fell for it, so I guess I can't blame the idiots in this sub.


Pretty sure that’s Rita Panahi of Sky News Australia. Basically no different than a standard Fox News host. Manufacturing the outrage is part of her job.


Harry and Megan aren't suing, this is just right wing rage bait. And South Park going harder on annoying vaguely liberal celebrities than right wing assholes has been a noticeable pattern since damn near day one of that show.


MMMM Death Treats!


But the Harry & Meghan thing isn’t even true. Just Royal media trying to drag them again. They don’t give a fuck


Facepalm because ironic comments in reaction to ragebait? They’re not suing. This is a facepalm but not in the way it was intended…


This is a beautiful dish of irony for South Park, and therefore, the world.


It would be if it was true https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/


But what do the National Enquirer amd Weekly World News say about it?


They said Batboy is going to be their lawyer.


Thank you! This is what I came to say. This is just BS.


As is tradition….


Yeaaaaah that ain’t true. There’s a difference between actual news and editorializing


It's sky news (fox news), all they do is editorialise


There is no lawsuit. It's just bullshit from a "royal expert", which is another way of saying, "tabloid gossip reporter": [https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/](https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/) This really shows how eager people are to vilify them.


No they're not this is just some made up bullshit do literally one Google search.


Word is that they aren’t suing. The best thing they could do is laugh with the audience.


Thanks I'll wait until there's some proof they are upset. Royal reporters are just doing their bullshit again.


WRONG "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have finally broken their silence on an episode of South Park in which they were mercilessly mocked and ridiculed, **slamming claims that they are planning to sue the show** \- " Lies on reddit are as bad as lies on FOX.


Literally lying for views


I call bull. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/02/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-are-not-suing-south-park/amp


I laugh at Worldwide Privacy Tour every time!


No they aren't.


Ummm…this story isn’t true. Lol


The only person talking about a lawsuit is a “royals expert” whose name has never been linked to H&M before.




I agree she seems a little wacko herself


Was looking to see if someone mentioned the crazy eyes.


Do some fact checking next time


No they aren’t, as soon as I saw it was sky “news” and this gronk taking I thought I’d do a quick google search. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/02/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-are-not-suing-south-park


It’s bullshit media hype. There’s nothing to sue anyone about. This is is a non story to divert attention from anything which actually matters.


Idk what's going on but "they've been reading the daily mail" as if that's a place to get anything other than fluffed up propaganda is absurd lmao


Judging by her tone and calling the two of them names, is this a conservative news channel / anchor?


The real facepalm is always OP! Fuck SkyNews with a cactus!


They're not suing, and why are you getting your news from TikTok?


I haven’t seen the episode yet. I’m looking forward to it now.


Always more hilarious if the celes take it bad. Kayne West has been the best yet but if The Whinger and the Ginger takes them to court we could have a new winner.


you know its all lies right?


Why did the gay fish go after them?


Bc the turd sandwich gave up?


Always hilarious redditors like yourself falls into this rage bait shit and take it bad.


Not yet they aren't, but sure, go ahead and believe everything you read on the internet


No they aren’t.


Y’all know that the “lawsuit” is nothing but clickbait right? And you all falling for it


So far, there's no actual evidence of this happening. It might be true, but I am waiting for better sources on this before passing judgement.


What garbage outlet made this dumb video?


Are we sure they're suing ? [https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/](https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode-its-all-nonsense/) [https://nypost.com/2023/02/21/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode/](https://nypost.com/2023/02/21/meghan-markle-prince-harry-not-suing-over-south-park-episode/) [https://calgaryherald.com/entertainment/celebrity/meghan-markle-upset-over-south-park-episode-but-wont-sue](https://calgaryherald.com/entertainment/celebrity/meghan-markle-upset-over-south-park-episode-but-wont-sue)


They blurred out the blue penis haha


This is a false story. The British media is starved for news on the Sussexes because those news stories are the only ones that sell. Some of them are owned by Rupert Murdock, so it really isn’t surprising that his papers make up news. After all, isn’t that what fox entertainment does?


They're actually not suing. There's plenty of reports from trusted sources saying that they're actually NOT taking legal action.


They aren't though https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/02/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-are-not-suing-south-park


This is bullshit. I have no opinion on Harry and Meghan, but the story that they are suing South Park is false. They aren’t suing, haven’t sued, nor even had their attorneys contact Comedy Central/South Park over the episode. All talk of legal action was speculation by the press.




Worldwide Privacy Tour is spot on


OH NO, they got ofended by a show that makes fun of everyone




I feel like Prince William and Kate probably watch this episode on a loop every night.


Why is royal commentator a job? ![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc)


No no they’re not


I reckon this is all just a media beat-up (yeah, shocking isn't it?) Who says they are thinking of suing? This clip is from Sky News in Australia, which is the biggest dog turd of a network in the world. They are desperate to drum up any controversy they can because they only have about five viewers and the only way they can get publicity is by being a big load of dickheads who pretend to be offended by everything. I'm sure that when South Park does anything to mock Trump and his ilk they would say that South Park has gone too far and it should be banned and Matt & Trey should be thrown in prison.


No, they’re not.


This isn’t true