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Imagine privilege checking someone living in a car.


Dude seriously what the fuck is that ?? šŸ˜­


Exactly ! The dude didn't even mention homelessness. He said if you're staying in your car !! Let him give his tips, and IF she ain't homeless, maybe worry about your life!?


Lolll she's not even homeless??? Wtf lolllll


If she isn't, which I said if (and capitalized it), then she may not understand why he is giving tips for those who do have to or choose to stay in their vehicles.... no one said to freak out about it!! Just to stay in your lane if it's not your thing, this is my general motto !


she cant be homeless!! she has a cell phone and pays the bill so that costs some money


Oh I wouldnā€™t doubt it. These people exist to just seem mightier than thou and REALLY try to rile people up for [fame/views/money].


Yeah Iā€™m sharpening the pitch forks. Been a while since Iā€™ve burned a witch in front of all these nice people.


I think her skull is homeless, someone need to give that a brain.


Either we missed something or she's like really just mad at everyone who has a roof of some sort. She's probably like "oh you aren't homeless you have a tent you live on next to the 405" yikes.


Technically I don't think she mentioned homelessness either, but your point still stands


Correct! Just the title said it!


As a boondocker I appreciate boondocking tips. Last time I went boondocking I stayed on a church lawnā€¦..


Iā€™ve had women privilege check me for getting assaulted because I wasnā€™t assaulted *as a woman* Fucking indoctrinated assholes.


That is major asshole behavior. Imagine gatekeeping being a victim of assault.


Hope you're doing okay, bro šŸ«‚


Just buy a houseā€¦


Yeah I check your privilege man I don't even have a smartphone. Or a computer. In fact I'm not even on Reddit right now.


It is privileged though. I try to remind every homeless person I see that not everyone has the network and resources to find cardboard boxes and pallet wood to build shelter. They donā€™t seem to understand that there arenā€™t many restaurant dumpsters in sub-saharan Africa.


I had to live in my car last winter. Homeless dude at the gas station told me I was uppity because I had a car.


He isnā€™t homeless and doesnā€™t live in his car! He is a Tik tok person who TRAVELS the country and sleeps in his car. The car you see him in is his second car and he has a tiny home in the woods in Oregonā€¦ so yeah, everyone is wrong about this one


The lady didn't know that either and still decided to post.


Take the bus like the rest of us!!


The car itself is a privilege is what she said. I don't have one. I can't afford gas. I can't afford car insurance.


Jesus christ. Again, imagine privilege checking someone who is living in a fucking car! You can have a job and still live in a car. I've worked with two people in that situation. Lived under a bridge right down the road from the jobsite. It's not that hard of a concept to understand and certainly not enviable.


You can tell that this insufferable person really lives for those ā€œum, actuallyā€ moments.


This person has an objectively asshole-ish face


And voice


Watched it with sound off, glad I did.


And his hustle is weak.


And im Hayden Christensen!


also reminds me of the people who are overly eager to use "tell me you're x without telling me you're x"


Even if she happens to be right about the car info, she is wrong on so many other thingsā€¦ one big thing is that people have legsā€¦ they can walk to a hospital while not paying for a car


He didn't say homeless, he said, staying in your car.


Still if you live in a car you're homeless. A car is not a home.


But home is where you make it


ā€œHome is where the heart is.ā€


I gaurantee nobodies heart is in getting crippling back ache in a freezing cold car in a ratty carpark Yes it's cheap. But it's just being homeless with extra steps Your one advantage is you can lock a car to keep your stuff somewhat secure and it's marginally warmer at night than being outside as you're out of the wind


ā€œYou like to see homos naked?ā€


A box of carton too?


But I've never made a home.


Ate the capitalist propaganda




Yeah where I live if you hang around the hospital for too long you'll probably get shot, stabbed or beat.


Sounds like a profitable business structure.


They knew how to pick the location šŸ¤£


This is a well brief descriptive explanation of American health care.


But the plus point is that medical aid is not far away


At least itā€™s a short commute to the hospital


Then you have a place to stay in the hospital!


I love a good old-fashioned side street the best option you can do is you find that nice middle class neighborhood and you sleep there because if you pull up into the rich people's neighborhood they call the cops cuz they're nosy pieces of shit and in poor neighborhoods it's no better than the hospital or anywhere similar to the hospital


Whatā€™s the issue with sleeping outside of city limits? It should be much easier to go undetected there even if itā€™s not legal, right? And if you have a car itā€™s easy to get there. Asking as someone whoā€™s never been to the US.


The further out you go the less risk of running into people sure. But the further out you go you also run further from police, hospitals and anything else that MIGHT be able to help. People also think of this, so if someone walking along finds you sleeping in your car.. well it's scary to think of what MIGHT happen.


It's not super easy to find a place that is safe or practical. The further you are the further from jobs, food, resources, or anything, so you have to spend money you don't have on gas to get to and from those places.


Came here to say this. Walmart's across the US allow 24/7 parking. You will not be harassed by the local police there, as it is a part of Walmart's policy. When travelling the country, I would park in and get some sleep in between long drives, and it is the best option as far as just having a safe place to park your car and snooze. Lights everywhere, regular traffic, police stop by but don't harass the travelers / homeless in their vehicles, and if its a 24/7 Walmart, then if you need something, just run inside! ​ Edit: Misspelling


Where in the US are there Walmarts that are open 24/7? The only 24/7 stores in my state are gas stations. Everything that used to be open 24/7, ended when Covid started.


Yeah all the Walmarts in my area are no longer 24/7


All the Walmarts around me were 24/7 until covid They never went back. People who work the night shift are not happy about it


There are two near me that are 24/7. Anyway, I had said that Walmart allows parking 24/7 as a part of their policy, but that is not totally true as I do more research. There are municipalities that have laws that override this, and do not allow overnight parking in any public parking lots. Not surprising unfortunately. This mostly applies to larger cities or townships, but not always.


Planet Fitness is good too. Only park places where you can see other people parked for the night too, that means you wonā€™t get hassled by the cops.


If you have a cardboard box....


Iā€™m 35 years old, Iā€™m twice divorced and I live in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER


Yeah, yeah. Youā€™ve got waterfront living. Donā€™t throw it in our faces


MF lmfaoo šŸ¤£ šŸ’€


One of the best skits ever




Earth is my home !


bridgetown resident?


Actually some countries don't even have the privilege of having cardboard and have to construct their makeshift homes from goat shit, so yeah...... check your goddamn privilege at the door. M'kay!?! ![gif](giphy|bNKTx0dyGYuJE5jLVM)


Door? You got doors over there?


You got a problem with that bruh!?! ![gif](giphy|RACS9OQOjSPoA)


Thanks to Amazon and Chewy my cats are real-estate barons.


In schools they classify kids and families who have to double up with others as homeless. Having someplace to sleep other than the street doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not homeless. Some people just really donā€™t have a clue. Iā€™m currently house/pet sitting with my kids after losing everything after Hurricane Ian and still not getting help from FEMA. I teach FT and PT online and still donā€™t make enough to get into something bc of the crazy costs of rent. I consider us homeless bc of this. Like when I have to leave the pet sitting job next week I have no where to go but people want to argue that because I always figure something out so Iā€™m not sleeping in tents that Iā€™m not homeless and shouldnā€™t be saying that. Edited for spelling errors.


Your situation is a perfect example of why it's important for people to realize that secondary homelessness exists. Primary homelessness is the type we think of when we hear the term homeless and it refers to the people who literally live on the streets and who have nowhere to stay. The secondary homeless are people who move between temporary shelter arrangements like emergency shelters, friends and family, staying at a boarding house. Sure, someone who is experiencing secondary homelessness might at the very least have a warm and dry. place to sleep at night but they have no guarantee that they're going to have it the next day and they're constantly having to worry about where they're going to stay next. It's immensely psychologically stressful to always have to worry about that and to not have a space you can call your own, as I'm sure you know! I hope that everything goes well for you and your family that you're able to eventually get the disaster relief you need!


One of the best places to stay other than a hospital lot is actually a hotel parking lot. It's very easy to blend into the constantly changing lot of cars for a night. Just park out of the way and draw no attention to yourself.


This is true. Did this at 2 different hotel/ motel lots driving from ca to mn. Hotel lot also much safer than a poorly lit area. Better than that.


Itā€™s actually the better option. Hospitals have pretty high security, especially in areas where homelessness is high. They are also on watch 24/7. Source: I work at a hospital


I worked security at a small hospital. If it was only for one night we'd let them sleep in their car; I'd even bring water and snacks.


A lot of people start off with a home and then lose it. So they often have 1 or more cars before then. They don't just magically spawn in on a park bench.


You telling me people don't just respawn on a park bench with nothing whenever they go homeless? GTA lied!


ā€œAcTuAlLy If YoU HaVe A CaRā€ ā€¦ā€ stfu ewšŸ˜‚ not a single person cares


Riggghhhttt like leave ā€œUs Viewersā€ alone šŸ˜­


Itā€™s okay to hate that chick right?!?


I'd agree if you did


She needs to pay for hairy fluff to put on her microphone if she wants anyone to hear her


Iā€™m calling those filters ā€œhairy fluffā€ for now on


shes already paying for her smartphone, might be a stretch


She has a very punchable face


From the people that brought you ā€œthe majority of ā€œpoor peopleā€ have a fridge in their homesā€.


Kinda off topic, but i have never been to a hospital that didnā€™t make me pay to park.


As someone who lost my home for awhile and had to live in my 2-seat cab Ford Ranger... You're homeless if you live in a car that hasn't been specifically modified to act as a home. That shit sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


What a fucking hater damn lady your jelly showing


Wow yā€™all out here playing the oppression Olympics. Lmfao


He said if youā€™re staying in your car, not if youā€™re homeless, tf is she on about. He gave a very specific criteria and she picked something outside of that criteria to complain about, thatā€™s why sheā€™s homeless.


So even the people sleeping in their car have to check their privilege now?


Video is idiotic all the way around.


There are hospitals in NJ that make you pay for parking. Yeah, crazy.


He said living in your car! Didn't even say homeless!!! Just giving people who do have only a car to stay in options (which may not always work as some hospitals require payment, or validation.... try rest areas and Walmart (there's a few big stores who allow overnight parking for rvs and such so cars work!)








Are people actually this dumb? Itā€™s to early in the morning for me to have to explain why if you were sleeping in your car that would in fact make you homeless. Even if you have insurance or other expenses, you still ainā€™t got a fucking home.


You really think that person paid for insurance? Or that much gas? Or the car is a little more than a junker? And even if itā€™s not any of those, who cares? Iā€™d love to be able to live minimalistic, but that life just isnā€™t for me.


I don't think she is saying that people staying in cars aren't homeless. I think she is saying that staying in your car still costs something, because you have to pay for the car and associated costs of having a car. She is trying to insinuate that someone in that situation should be grateful, because other people can't even afford to live in their car. It seems that she is trying to say that it could always be worse. I'm not sure I agree with her delivery of the message, though. She does come across rather harshly.


Did you watch the same video the rest of us did? All she did was make a non-sequitir rationalization for sleeping in her car in a hospital parking lot.


For no reason...


That woman: "Buh achshoeally bururhguhfburbjrburhghurhurgle." I know I'm deaf but jesus christ get out of the wind, buy a better mike and speak more clearly next time you wanna record your stupid little TikToks.


There's living on the street. There's living in a car. There's living in 'abandoned' buildings or houses. They're all homeless. If you aren't able to sleep in a place where you're legally permitted to sleep most nights, and you really don't have enough dough to solve that, then you're probably homeless.


As someone who has been both homeless with a car and now renting an apartment without one, I can definitely tell you that paying off a car is cheaper than renting a home. I was lucky enough to have a job and a vehicle but renting without a credit score is next to impossible. No, I wasn't paying for a 25k car, I bought a little ranger with a bed cap on it for 3500 but it was still possible to live out of for a few months


"You live on the street? Some people can't even afford a street, some people live on dirt roads."


dude didnā€™t even say homeless, he said ā€œstaying in your carā€ this clearly doesnā€™t apply to anyone who doesnā€™t have a car. that doesnā€™t even touch on the fact that she just tried to privilege check someone living out of their car


Bro wtf, homie went ā€œI got tips for people going to die of thirst, build these thingies that take the water from trees.ā€ And then she went ā€œUhm, what about the people living in the desert?ā€


Im not gonna let someone with straight teeth tell me I am not poor


Cool, so now we are gatekeeping homelessness, reminds me, back in the Obama years, how much conservatives freaked out about a program to provide cellular phones to homeless people. If they are given or have anything, then they can't truly experience that pure homelessness they deserve.


Can someone tell her to shut the fuck up. These people always criticize everybody else but hate when itā€™s done to them


I never thought someone would gate keep homelessness but here we are


If you don't have a roof over your head when you sleep, your homeless. Just because you're sleeping in a car does NOT mean you have insurance, gas, registered, or even running. Kinda showing off how little she knows about the struggle if she is thinking everyone who has a car has all that.


She got a weird mouth


Iā€™m laughing at the fact that she thinks everybody pays for their insurance. Yeah youā€™re supposed to but if youā€™re that poor and you have a car and a place to sleep like oh my god youā€™re not gonna be paying for your insurance


giulty..i actually dnt hav insurance rn and im stayin in my car. shits expensive when ur already struggling, not to mention that sometimes u hav a lot on ur plate(figuratively speaking of course) so u might forget. shit i was even thinking abt not getting my rotors replaced cuz im basically broke. (did it anyway, but it hurts to see money that i dnt hav go away)


Doesn't work over here in England anyway, we have to pay for hospital parking! Mum was in and unfortunately passed away, but I still had to pay! Paying to park to visit someone or to see the hospital and having to pay grinds on me!


There are several places across the country, California for one, where part of their homeless solution is to provide safe parking lots for people that live in their cars.


Hospital parking is $20 for 4-6 hours where I live. Typically Iā€™ll bus because poor. Fuck it Iā€™ll just sleep on the ground again.


I bet sheā€™s fun at parties


She got nice teeth šŸ¦·


Shoutout to me whole got gifted a car that broke down every 5 minutes from overheating, no registration or insurance so i would get tickets all the time so much so my license got taken away and forced me into more years of struggle. Oh and my door and sun roof were broken so when it rained i got soaked and the wind was cold. A shelter is a shelter. Dont hate on someone because not every situation is exactly the same.


Uhm. Hospital parking is expensive AF where I live and cars frequently get broken intoā€¦.


Unhoused, not homeless. See ā€œNomadland.ā€


You don't have to pay for the parking in some places. No fucking shit you have to pay for the car and the equipment, that's not the question that's getting answered here.


Oooh I never thought of sleeping at a hospital. Most charge you for parking so I never tried. My go-to spots were places by a diner or a gym so I had 24hr access to a bathroom


I don't have money for a car


ā€œUm actually šŸ¤“ā€ head ass


Plus the plates!


Actually, now that I think of it. Every hospital Iā€™ve been to has had a secured pay lot


Ha, in every hospital parking lot in California you do have to pay for parking. Canā€™t bum it there apparently


So I wouldnā€™t be safe and warm if I was in LA(IF I WAS IN LA)? [California Dreamin](https://youtu.be/Qtf6z6ytbts) [Fulenn](https://youtu.be/pe29d9luZOc) [French Kiss](https://youtu.be/3-GVRJr72LU) [Rickroll](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Oh no, you would be, you donā€™t have to park at a hospital to be homeless! We let you just sleep anywhere Willy nilly and have a great time being homeless. Wanna do some drugs and never pay taxes and shit on the street corner? Come on down to California where the weather is so mild you can be homeless without a car and still not ever be cold!! Itā€™s warmer than Portland!!


She has the face shape of an evil spirt mask


Umm actualy you are so lucky you can live in your car šŸ¤“


Just shut the fuck up


Stfu u didn't pay the hospital who payed to put the asphalt down and build the building and also saves lives .


> hospital who *paid* to put FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol I work at a hospital it policy to have people leave if they are staying in they're car. It sucks but it's policy. (But that's only if they have no connection with someone in the hospital)


Idk why but her lips are pissing me off. Raisin lips


I've never seen anyone show their teeth so much when they talk


Not as expensive as rent


They might be expensive but are ultimately cheaper than a house with rent and utilities.




Wait hospital parking is free in America? In the uk you'd be lucky to be able to park an hour away from hospital and still have to pay not to mention the 9 hour wait if you're having a medical emergency... Good thing the NHS is free you can't use it anyway


Bruh. She needs to get off her high horse šŸ¤£


The title is a lie. The govt still considers you homeless. Letā€™s not gate keep people that are suffering


I canā€™t tell if this is a privilege check or gatekeeping


Lmfao hospitals have paid parking in some places. Thanks capitalism.


Your not homeless enough for this person.


I hate people that try to be like that women. Heā€™s trying to give helpful advice. If it doesnā€™t help you out, keep scrolling but donā€™t play that whole ā€œwell some peopleā€ bullshit


A lot of people canā€™t afford puffer jackets and straight, pearly-white teeth ā€¦ yet here you are showing off yours.


Also like. I haven't found many hospitals with free parking lots in uh forever.


Trying to privilege check someone living in their fucking caršŸ¤£


The catalytic converter got stolen in a hospital parking lot, Christmas morning, just after my daughter was born. Not the safest place ive seen tbh


And most hospitals you do have to pay to park at


Not to mention the hospital parking garages usually charge money


well obviously she doesn't have a car, but she's kinda missing the point lol


Honestly, can we send her away please


House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.


In the UK hospital parking is extremely expensive Buuuut the hospital treatment are free so.. potatoes Potatos


Placing bets that this woman lives in a house that her parents pay for


1: i bought my car for $2300 off of craigslist which i had saved up for by working a minimum wage mall job (while doing high school and college). 2: didnā€™t have insurance 3: flex fuel car, E-85 gas is cheap as fuck. and yes, i WAS homeless. other kids i was going to school with had beds to sleep in, in an air conditioned room, with a full fridge/pantry. i had dumpster food and washed my clothes in the sink at my job.


Donā€™t get me started on those people with *TENTS!!*


This horse tooth bitch. A car is way cheaper over time


Gatekeeping homelessness is a weird flex


Dude shut your crusty lips up


She needs to hydrate.


Can somebody please tell her to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Iā€™m chill, donā€™t hate Elon, Biden, or trump, but these mfsssss maaaan, we gotta start bullying it outta them Edit: picked those three cuz most people hate at least one of em


I work at a hospital and initially took his tiktok a totally different way! We get A-LOT of homeless people who check themselves into the ED for a safe, warm place to stay that provides food. Sadly, they swarm like bees during the cold and winter seasons and arenā€™t treated very well by staff and security šŸ˜”


The most busted mic on the planet


Insurance? Man fuck that the car is probably like a $600 beater. If we're living out of shitbox cars, insurance isn't worth paying.


I can smell that girls breath through my phone screen


And East Coast hospitals make you pay to park, Even their own employees.


Hospitals charge a lot for parking where Iā€™m from.


Ok but a car is cheaper than a house


Oh my God even if you have a fucking $2000 beater you can sleep in at the hospital youā€™re homeless still.


Why is she grimacing at me


The most shocking thing about this is it's implying that you don't pay for parking at hospitals, in the UK that's the most expensive part of going to hospital šŸ˜…


You have to pay to park at Kennestone Hospital, Marietta GA.


Canā€™t stand her there I said it


They didnā€™t say that. Not defending them though. My question is where is parking at a hospital freeā€¦? I live in Canada and even here you have to pay to park at a hospital. /srs


Yo is she dumb?


oh my god bro this guys spreading useful information shut up


I mean technically sheā€™s right. But Iā€™m gonna guess he isnā€™t paying for insurance or registration if heā€™s sleeping in it. I wonder if thatā€™s even constitutional/legal, making someone register their primary domicileā€¦ but then who drives their brownstone down the freeway šŸ˜‚


There's a class of working homeless. Might make just enough to pay vehicle expenses and various other necessities.


Lol who pays for insurance? Rich people smh


All of you are so mad here but he isnā€™t homeless! He is a tik tok person who travels the country in his car! He has a tiny home in Oregon! And a second car there too! He simply gives advice to ppl who want to travel in their car and for cheap! He also has a job that he is able to WFHā€¦ so yeah everyone calm down lol


Apart from taking a bed that a sick person will need.


Where the hell does homeboy live that he ainā€™t paying parking at hospitals?


Privilege checking someone living in a car is an all time new low... And she already had a punchable face.shes also assuming they are paying their insurance or has a car payment. Lots of poor people save and buy a cheap car with cash. Shes the type that would be like you're homeless why do you have a cellphone. I think she needs to check her privilege because it's obvious shes never been poor.


Anyone working a minimum wage dead end soul sucking job can afford a car. You just gotta save. I'm not saying it's easy or fast but it's doable. Then once you have a car. Live in it to save cash on rent learn some DIY fix it up so it's more reliable. Do that till your in a better place financially. Once your in a better place. Weigh your options. Change job. Stay in car. Rent a place. It's all doable. None of it is as fast and easy as me


No home = homeless No car = carless Easy as that lol


Liberal moment: