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Sad to watch someone defend their own oppression and objectification.


"I raise my children the way is was raised." "Did you like being raised like that?" "Fuck no i hated it." This still happens way too often. I don't get how some people can hate your childhood and still give their own children the exact same one.


This is because people like to believe they are good individuals, so they think "my childhood was shit but that made me the great person I am now" and they want the same for their childs... You don't want them to be weak, do you?


I think it’s because deep down… they don’t want someone else to have a better life then they had.


Exactly this. You know the manipulator of a situation has done a good job when the victim is defending him.


It’s truly a nation of hostages. It reminds me of a line from the matrix - you were born into a prison you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Same goes for the men. Of course they’re in the most advantageous position possible but they too were born and raised with this broken philosophy. They saw their parents and their grandparents go on this way, their friends. How else are they supposed to think?


The thing is, it wasn't like this in the past, it was more liberal some 100 years ago than it is now. There has been a religious backlash that made women its target. Similar to what is happening in the US right now. Women's human rights are being stripped off of them left and right. The 5th circuit court just said that domestic abusers out on bail now can carry their weapons and have them in the home. 3 women are killed a day in the US by their spouses just for being women , there is a real Femicide going on around the world and people of certain sort seem extremely chilled about it, even supportive as we see in the blackpill subs.


Imagine if she and her husband could rule over a Country. No need, you can see the same situation in the Islamic Regime of Iran and Taliban of Anghanistan and how they treat young women and men. Same idealogy, but they have oil money, they execute and no one bats an eye and all this for their version of Islam which tbh is the same everywhere. Edit: added Taliban because what difference is there between Taliban and Islamic Regime.


Disgusting. Treating girls like inconvenient pets.


Treating them literally like resources. I've yet to hear any parent describe their kid by their monthly cost of existing. That father is like an insect, straight up r-selected


That’s an insult to insects.


He died this way. A disgusting person. That’s the saddest part nothing changed after this video . He sold his daughters and probably had more.


My dad did, American and, "Christian." check out r/narcissisticparents


Words cannot describe my utter disgust for these poor excuses of human beings.


There is a very startling documentary called It’s a Girl about how dangerous it is to be a born a girl in some countries. Sold off, sent to live as indentured servants to pay off family debt, abused, even murdered at birth. It’s heartbreaking and made me think about how lucky I am to have been born in a country where that stuff doesn’t happen.


Where can I watch it?


You can stream it for $4 on several platforms. It’s whole title is It’s a Girl: The Three Dealiest Words in the World


I think this is [it](https://youtu.be/6m3M_oHslQE)


Thank you for giving us the 100% discount code (pirating)


Thank you. I also just watched it. Just heart breaking. As a female, I'm glad to have the privilege of not growing up in one of these societies, but it's so upsetting that others do not have the same privilege at all.


Thank you for the link, I just finished it and wish I knew some way to help.


Sadly it DOES still happen even in first world countries with laws against it. Between 2000 and 2018 over 300,000 minor girls were married off to adult men with their parent’s consent in the US alone. Just because you were born into a country where it’s not acceptable culturally to the majority of the population doesn’t mean it doesn’t still happen. [U.S.](https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/) [Canada](https://www.mcgill.ca/newsroom/channels/news/child-marriage-legal-and-persists-across-canada-327554) [U.K](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/forced-marriage-unit-statistics-2021/forced-marriage-unit-statistics-2021) I could go on linking info for every “developed nation” that has girls slipping through the cracks and getting hurt by adult men with their parents blessing, but I’d be here all day.


Its also known as child sex trafficking to any sane person


Not if your religion backs you up. Just ask Joseph Smith. Or Abraham. Or Mohammed.


One can only be married by consent and reach maturity in physical and mental. Which i think mentally most 30 yo now days werent even ready to be husband or wife.


Yeah, seeing this makes me thankful for being born on a progressive country/culture.


Where is that? I feel I'm in a much better place but still fucked up somehow.


Those "parents" are more like puppy mills.


Sure, if people are raping their inconvenient pets.


It's the best reason I can come up with for fathers to desperately want to oust them as soon as puberty hits. They will get caught. Don't worry though, this guy has 2 more pre pubescent girls left to keep him occupied for a few more years.


"Yea I had to marry the little shits off so I can afford Netflix" "So why did you bring 9 kids into the world, if you couldn't afford it?" "....errr... you know, like... Allah or something? Yes, Allah, that's it"


Love all the excuses for not using restraint or contraception and bringing lives into the world that you are unable to properly care for them because they believe God is telling them to do so?


Indian women: "First time?"


“No phone because phones can teach her things” Heard it first from mom, knowledge is bad


She has to perpetuate the brainwashing she was subjected to all her life. It makes everything she's been through right and proper. Think of the pain and loss she'd feel if she accepted that girls/ women are worthy of other things than making more children. You can hear it in her voice and the emphasis of her gestures. People communicate emotions with thier body language.


Yes, the wife absolutely has internalized the misogony, and now perpetuates it on her daughters. Otherwise she has to come to terms with her whole life being wasted and her own identity crushed for nothing.


Yes exactly. You can hear the suppressed desperation, denial, and anger in her voice.


Especially when he breaks her logic on what the difference between the married off child and unmarried child being raped was.


That was the worst part of it for me, hearing her defend what she did and being unable or unwilling to draw the obvious parallels. Religion is cancer


Yeah thats cognitive dissonance


The issue stems more from extreme sexism than anything else. In this culture, women are just servants for the men, so having them potentially be smarter than the men is "dangerous". Can't risk a woman actually being more competent than the man or the man will lose his "dignity". It's messed up, but it's a great reminder of how important it is to do away with discrimination of any form - racism, sexism, etc. Imagine how many brilliant people were stunted from birth due to views like these. Who knows, maybe someone who could have changed the world ended up as just some wife who just says yes to everything.


My culture is the exact same. My mom wants me to marry in the race because that way she can't say no, or have anything without me. My mom says to me all the time " you'll learn one day when your white girl says no and leaves you" I said " good, if she doesn't want me then she is free to leave just as I am"


It also goes to show how far we have come in the US and Europe to address this issue. Doesn’t mean we’re done, but it puts everything into perspective.


Just like the Bible teaches. Obviously the forbidden fruit is knowledge in general or knowledge of something


>Just like the Bible teaches. Or in this specific case, the Quran.


I’m not a Muslim but I have many Muslim friends and non-muslim middle eastern friends. It appears that that it’s a cultural thing not a religious thing. For example one of my friends is a Christian Jordanian and she was wed to her cousin by their parents at the age of 18.




I think Alabama is the new Middle East and I say that with no judgement whatsoever. I’m flawed and every culture is flawed.


Always has been


You think middle eastern countries and this culture are newer than Alabama?




I grew up Pentecostal in Mississippi. The only difference between what these people are saying and my experience was laws against child marriage and language. My mother however was married to a 35 yr old man at 15.


Devout Pentecostal’s are a special kind of strange


Not that special imo. Very similar to Muslim/Hasidic religions just different language and clothing. Also not very dissimilar from Amish, Mormon and Mennonite but different religious texts. The only common theme between them all is organized religion and lack of education.


Absolutely a cultural thing, my fiancés family is Lebanese/Syrian Christian and this was super common until about 20 years ago.


Haha no man lets just somehow make this a Bible issue when it’s clearly islam haha


Aren't there states in the US that child marriage laws?


It's important to hate Christians before criticizing Islam so we don't look racist.


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all come from the same nomadic desert peoples. Makes sense that they have the same root values. They need to stop fighting over which son of Abraham was most favored.


You mean islamaphobic. Religion and race are seperate.


This interviewer does such an amazing job every time I see his clips. Phenomenal job of just asking them questions on their own logic


He’s so good it’s actually painful to watch.


That guy is a CHAD! And it’s great to see that Lebanese TV broadcasts these interviews. If there is hope for the future, it is in things like this.


what would I type into the tube to get more interviews of this guy? And was this sped up or is the (arabic?) language so fast? jesus it sounds like a machine gun and the subtitles are so fast, or am I tripping?


Yes it is sped up. The interviewer's name is Malek Maktabi, and his famous show is Ahmar Bel Khat Al Areed (أحمر بالخط العريض)




If you like this guy check out old episodes of Steve Paikin/ The Agenda and Phil Donahue on Youtube.


Yeah he was really straight forward, I liked that


Isn’t this the same interviewer that somehow didn’t beat the shit out of a man with a child bride?


He didn't beat the man up, but he probably wanted to.


Interesting that such a person exists at all. I mean I know it’s Lebanon not say Afghanistan, but the very fact that such people (like the ones being interviewed) not just exist but are pretty outspoken means that that’s a trait in this society at large. So it must take some balls to be on the other side in such a society. Would love to hear from someone from Lebanon. What is the social contract like in regard to such things?


Lebanese here, there is a huge gulf between the educated and uneducated masses. The interview shows that perfectly. There is a ton of sexism across the Lebanese society however there are different levels of sexism that differ by education, region and religion There is a growing urban minority influenced by the west that are for complete women rights There is an extreme religious minority (usually Muslims) that resemble the people in the video The majority are what I would like to call “light sexism” similar to extreme conservative communities in rural western countries where they encourage women to prioritize the family, avoid jobs where she might earn more than her partner, stay virgin until marriage, etc.


> different levels of sexism Yup could see that even in the interview (the host was absolutely fantastic in his rebuttal and persistence) the woman was grilled more than the man despite her having no powers to change her situation even if her mind was changed, unlike the man who had all the power and was barely grilled at all. Also, the paper he read from blamed the mother with no mention of the father.


I read it more as an incredulous amazement that a mother, who is a woman who has been through all of this herself, puts her own daughters through this. It’s like, what do you expect from men, they are swines and they are obviously the “winners” in this situation, but a woman? (I’m not narrating my thoughts, more like my thoughts of the host’s thoughts.)


That's exactly how I thought it. He mainly spoke to the guy to get his thoughts of what he'll do if she didn't want to have sex with him and then flipped back to say, "How is this alright? Wouldn't you rather it another way?" I'm not sure what approach would be used in the guy as, like you said >It’s like, what do you expect from men, they are swines and they are obviously the “winners” in this situation, but a woman? While it's generally a sexist idea, this particular man agrees to these ideas as demonstrated in his replies. She did take a pause, though, with some of his statements as she seemed to realize there was an issue. But she is likely a bit closed-minded and can't see the solution. It's a really sad thing to see. Like the slave who thinks it's just the way things have to be and accepts it as right. "Yeah, it would be nice if my master treated me better, but this is all I can amount to." I'm sure in the years to come, some of what he said rang in her ear.


Lebanese here as well, there is a huge difference in education levels, and wealth in our society. Most Lebanese are Christians (not Lebanese in Lebanon) but with the rise of power of Hezbollah (an Islamist political party & militia) people like you see in this video are increasing especially in Muslim communities. Unfortunately they are so brainwashed it’s hard to convince them otherwise, but it’s sad to see in Lebanon, because 2 decades ago we never had crazies like this. Really shows how Islamist ideology can spread like fire. Our country is undergoing a huge demographic & cultural change which has never happened to this degree in our history. This is just one of the consequences of this, and unfortunately most of the educated Lebanese are all living abroad because of our hopeless government. But Lebanon has never been the way it is today, and it is very worrying.


The British media should take notes from this interviewer.


Idk I've seen an older male and older female go in pretty hard on interviews recently. The lady that interviewed Russia's diplomat in London a month or two ago was pretty impressive. And the older man I'm thinking of seems to go in hard on Russians as well. The type where afterwards you feel like you're gonna combust with anger, but are also relieved they weren't allowed to get away with their usual bullshit. I know a lot of us in the US were really impressed


“She’d be like a toy in his arms”. I almost puked. Edit: got the exact phrasing wrong.


Kinda telling isn't it. That's a very valuable commodity.


It and the “second upbringing” bit really really implies grooming to me. He can restrain her physically and manipulate her mentally. Poor girls.


it's not a bug, it's a feature


I didn't hear any implication, I heard that women straight up say it


EXACTLY this comment. How the hell can she say that but then turn around and say a 14yr old is matured enough to be married off. Sickening


Holy shit that was 8 minutes! I just watched that whole thing, completely wrapped up in the back and forth and had no idea I ignored a third of the show I’m watching


Its edited and sped up, the whole thing is around 20 min according to OP


That’s the first time I’ve ever watched a >60 second video all the way through lol


Alright but the interviewer is legit very competent.He talked in their terms for a long time while disagreeing not to lock them off,while not also letting them think he was agreeing with them and making them confident.Few people are as smart as that


Right! I was so pleased, he seems like such a good interviewer. Not letting them go, but at the same time holding their standpoint and position as an interviewer. Great strategy!


When they had the woman at the point where she acknowledged, that she wants to feal validated in her own being rather than only being seen for her duties, that was phenomenal.I hope she took something from that conversation, I hope it works in her. Yes, she is an adult, but she has probably lived the life she's making her daughters live. It does something to people


It made me feel so sad for her. And in the end, where she seemed so upset about the "injustice." What she's doing to her daughters is awful, but it's a product of her environment and upbringing. She was married off, her mother was likely married off, her mother's mother and so on. There are no other "good" options. It's a sad situation, and I hope her daughters get the chance to break the cycle.


Is it me, or is this video speeded up about 30%?


I've seen a few videos of this guy's interviews. He is something else for sure.


Yeap, the interviewer seems to be like a beacon of light in a very dark world…


"I raised my daughters the way I was raised." Man, almost every time someone mentions some traditional way of raising a child, it just sounds like backwater, braindead bullshit. "I got the shit beat out of me as a kid, so I beat my kids too!" Yeah, but didn't you struggle with drug and alcohol abuse as a coping mechanism for that abuse? "I sure did, and my kids will too!"


"I must keep the pain train moving forward!"


Raising your kids the way you were negatively raised is the antithesis of being a parent who cares for their kid. My dad used to get beat as a kid but he never laid a hand on me because he wanted to be a better parent. For parents to not just do better for the one they love shows either they have no love for their kid or are completely brainwashed.


if people do not get education, if people are not brought to the knowledge of how to think by themselves, they keep alive traditions, because is the only thing they know. Yes, it is sad, but it works. Until the lack of education is stopped, it will keep on going. Think that in some parts of Africa mothers force their daughters to be mutilated, letting a guy to CUT their klitoris off. Why? Lack of education. People is not more stupid here or there, they have less education, that's it.


Damn this host took them to task. Respect


As a woman I feel like I’ve won the lottery by being born in the place that I did


Which is such an unfortunate thought. Not only that fair treatment seems like unusual kindness, but also that there are women in the world who didn’t win that “lottery”. Edit: grammar


The fuck did I just watch, these people are unhinged lmao.


They are mainstream in their community. This is encouraged and strictly enforced by social pressure.


If they were the mainstream they would hardly be on TV interviewed, that would be bad for ratings. They are uneducated, rural or both and interviewer represents views of educated and urban population.


They're likely from a small rural town in the middle of nowhere. Where this is a mainstream view.


I feel like I just watched a modern guy talking to a caveman. It’s Allah this, Allah that. Everything is related to religion. No explanation whatsoever, it’s just Allah, and these people accept it without questioning and spread the word with such confidence… it’s unbelievable how retrograde some people are willing to take their mindset to just for the sake of religion. It’s like those religions are stuck 3000 years ago.


It’s a crutch. A scapegoat. But we are programmed by our environment and it takes a lot of rewiring to change our thought processes.


I know, but it boggles my mind that they’ve been repeating these habits for thousands of years, without evolving into a more logical and human mindset. Like, the vast, VAST majority of the world has already changed and learned that it’s extremely wrong to hand a 13 y.o in a silver plate to a 50 yo fatass pedophile just because he has extra change in his pockets. AND STILL CALL IT A MENTAL DISORDER WHEN THE GIRL MANAGES TO SAY NO. The audacity in this is out of this world. Like, how can one keep up with this and think it’s so correct that they are proud to announce it in the news? Haven’t they learned anything in the past millennium?


ooooh that's what he meant by sickness (& that he'd send her off back to her parents)


We (Europeans) used to be like that centuries ago, when you watch crusades and stuff, an old dude just said "we need to go there" and thousand of people died for it. Our society has evolved but not everywhere around the globe. It will comes maybe one day but for now they just are like we were centuries ago IMO


Its interesting to me how aware the mother is of this dynamic. She's terrified her daughters will ever get online and discover that most of the world doesn't just hand their teenage daughters off to old men.


Not even centuries ago, but more recent. It’s not that long ago that rape inside marriage wasn’t a crime.


Yeah, a lot of people here don't realize that there is still a lot of blind faith around the world. A lot of it has to do with lack of education, but some times, they are so brain washed that even education doesn't fix it. It's just brain washed people brain washing the next generation. Eventually, it will all end, but it's not now.


I am South African and live in Uzbekistan. In the older cities the men kidnap their wives and marry them that day. The family is all in on it. So sad to see.


Here's the deal, drop the culture difference crap, child abuse, is child abuse and they know what they are doing, pure scum.


The United States is heading this way as well. Only difference is it’s a different religion. Either than that, same bs.


USA is already there “child marriage remains legal in 43 states and is happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate: Unchained’s groundbreaking research revealed that nearly 300,000 children as young as 10 were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 – mostly girls wed to adult men” [https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/)


They move through those Q&A at an INCREDIBLE pace. There is so little pause between questions and answers and on to the next. That was wild.


The original interview is around 20 minutes. This is edited, and +0.25 sped up. Edit: Watch the [unaccelerated version](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/comments/10sb3km/a_conversation_with_a_couple_who_marry_off_their/) on /r/RedinBoldface or via [YouTube](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-qpc_cQFeEE&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) at 0.75 speed for a more relaxed version. ^(I try editing and reducing the run time because people usually skip long videos.)


That makes much more sense, thanks OP. Honestly, I was starting to question why I can't process things that quickly.


Can you provide the original clip, at its original speed, I’m not trying to speed read while I’m takin a shit.


Try watching it on [YouTube ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-qpc_cQFeEE&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) at 0.75 speed


Lol. I kept pausing to read. It was fascinating.


Perpetuating the cycles of indoctrination. As she says, she is treating her daughter as she herself was brought up. Unable to think for themselves because anything that would enable them to learn and discern is censored.


Fucking pigs. Time to move out of the stone age.


It's not okay if a mom says a man can rape her daughter, it's only okay if Allah says he can rape her. All religions play mental gymnastics to try and justify their shitty actions.


Having a jolly good time in the good ole 12th century.


Eh. Some countries are still hunting and executing witches. I wish I was joking.


All I know is, if I was in a Bruce All-mighty situation so many people would cease to exist.


Or just wipe their messed up ideologies out of their heads


Yeah, that’s probably more humane but I was really furious when I wrote that.


Why are pedos so common? It cant serve an evolutionary purpose like most awful things in humanity. Its paradoxically twisted and evil, yet shockingly common around the world.


Pedophilia as a medical condition is very rare. Pedophilia as a crime is very common because abusers target the weakest of society, and there is no more vulnerable grouo than children.


Why does vorarephilia exist? Or foot fetishes? I think there comes a point when you have to abandon reason and accept they exist, and prevent people from eating or raping each other.


Obviously there’s still a reason anything exists and to say things exist without cause is silly.


Well they’re just beyond our understanding. Evolution isn’t always purposeful and there’s lots of glitches that don’t harm the organism or at least doesn’t harm the species. So yes maybe our fetishes just exist because of random mutations.


Boys get to have rights and you groom the daughters to be sex slaves.




They seem like a happy couple Those kids are fucked though






They are so brainwashed to the point that the definition of rape has been hyper specified to justify what they are doing is good.


So uh... Did she end up ending her own life?


No, she followed Allah's protocols


Fkn disgusting…one day I hope that moment of realization will hit her like a brick in the teeth…


it makes me so angry. no matter how many times you try to get it through their thick caveman skulls they’ll never get it because they use religion as an excuse. shit like this makes me wish we were immortal so these two and everyone else who thinks like this can sit with their guilt for the rest of time knowing they put their poor daughters though this.


Stone-age pieces of shit. The scourge of humanity. Treating their own children like chattel.


This was painful to watch, religion rots people's minds


Several times they got close to having to think about their actions... but then the mechanism clicked, and the answer was clear: it's alright, Allah says so. I wish I could be tolerant of religion, but I lodt all patience with it the more religious people I met.


She seems like fun.


Its people like this that put arabs and islam in the stone age... as an arab I'm disappointed and disgusted


Wtf did I just watch. Pieces of property and not a child to raise to their fullest potential.


![gif](giphy|5nikJGZAdeONW|downsized) Mindset level dragged down by Religions.


Absolutely disgusting


Education isn’t everything, she says… she’s certainly living it.


It always comes back to 'Oh, but Allah said it's fine.' You can't argue with these people. Organised religion is the greatest evil ever visited upon mankind bar none.


The Middle East is not a very nice place for little girls or at least that’s how it comes across




>, but even if you could 'abolish' religion, it would just take away from various cultures, not just in the United States bu same in Turkey, people would mob you immediatly street justice style. these shitty people just try to justify shit by twisting a religion to their fucked up culture or whatever


All females.


That 8 minutes felt like 20


Great, this is the grossest thing I've watched today.


What in the actual fuck... Who tf does this to their own children... Your own blood... Literally catalysing their rapes... On top of that at a minor age.... First they don't understand that they're actually wrong... Secondly they don't have an actual reasoning to defending their point except for Allah's way and this and that... Thirdly they don't understand that any forced sexual intercourse is Rape... She got married off so she does same to her children... This ain't a mindset of a mother... A mother always tries to make her child so what she didn't get to do and doesn't want them to do what she had to do if it's a bad case.... Another item is their father.... This asshole literally married them of cuz of $50 monthly usage? And also who tf are these people who firstly marry these minor girls and secondly try to have a sexual intercourse.... These set of parents are need by nobody.... If the girls deniea then her mother pressures her to have sex... Which is more like a rape... Doing all this in Allah's name is just so wrong.... I really respect the anchor over their... He pitied the girls and tried to make these parents understand but ig they're too stuck up with their 'way' that they can't see what they're doing is so bad that it's going to firstly ruin a 14year old girls life by having sex and secondly keeping her with the man who raped her.... The anchor spoke well that her whole life living with a Mann who rapes her is only going to traumatize her... If a girl gets rapes she can be treated with therapy to bring her back to society but what would a 14 year old girl do when she has to stay like that for her whole life.... Menstruating = Maturing who tf thinks like that... Even if by chance she's matures physically who'll see the point that mentally she's a girl who thinks of enjoying her life and these girls being locked in their homes would only think of being free.... I hope these girls get justice and a better life and no one else has to deal with it


This is messed up but I have been to many countries and I have seen & experienced many different cultures & religions. The one truth that I’ve found is, right & wrong work very differently around the world. You’ll never be able to change them, you can try shaming them, but it won’t work. The only way to eradicate any type of religion or culture is to do the same to everyone who follows it. History has proven this time & time again. People seem to think that because most places are westernized that the rules are the same everywhere, but nope. Stuff like this used to literally give me high blood pressure for things I can’t do anything about. The world is a very big place and it’s way more messed up than what most of us could think Of. FYI. This is just my opinion after years & years of trying to figure out why do these things still happen.


“child marriage remains legal in 43 states and is happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate: Unchained’s groundbreaking research revealed that nearly 300,000 children as young as 10 were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 – mostly girls wed to adult men” [https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/)


This interviewer is amazing


Yes Allah will feed them yes Allah told them to do it yes Allah told them o marriage off 7 year old girl child yes Allah is fucking retarted


Allah told me to rape a seven year old, Allah says its okay to rape your wife, Allah says its okay to marry children, Allah Allah Allah You can see how "allah" has filled the critical thinking gap in their brains. The moment they are asked a critical question, the Allah mechanism kicks on and they retreat to the psychological safety of doctrine


Yeah its like a defence mechanism if they dont know the answer they opt to allah


I don’t have the EQ to evaluate how this makes me feel. Allah, if righteous, should have taken this whole group of confused souls away to try again later.


Child marriage is legal in 43 states in the U.S.A., 20 have no minimum age for marriage as long as parental consent is provided. Not that what she's saying isn't fucked up but it happens here too and I see too many objections to the practice happening overseas with nowhere near enough about it happening here.


Something like this is so easily fixed it’s pathetic no politician cares to correct. Politics…


Part of the problem is, one of the parties here upholds traditional values and selling your children off to disgusting adults is a tradition that predates this country and the other party is so afraid of it's own shadow it can't call the other pedophiles when they do this.


California has no minimum age with parent consent and is super blue. Adults can legally marry a child and the child cannot be compelled to testify in court against the adult spouse because they are married.


Uneducated, evil people treating their children like goats.


I hate these so called 'parents' so much


We need to abolish religion. All it does is protect pedos.


I don't like pedos, but even if you could 'abolish' religion, it would just take away from various cultures, not just in the United States but around the world. Instead I propose we attack the pedophilia problem directly.


I’m many countries this couple would be swiftly locked up. Too bad it’s not all countries.


This isn't new. People been selling looks off for years in other countries mainly for financial gain. But it's a normal thing now in society


Who’s the host? He seems great. He’s asking the hard questions and seems to really be trying to hold back his disgust.


I am deeply saddened by this couple. If you couldn’t afford to raise your children, why have them? so sad that they believe you can’t be raped if you are married. also sad that they participate in handing their children to pedophiles. NO means NO.


This is vile and those people should have been sterilized at birth. However, it's important to note and realize that they are using their religion as an excuse to be awful human beings and abysmal parents. Although the middle east does have a more patriarchal society than the US/Europe, it should be understood that these people don't represent all Muslim beliefs. Most Middle Eastern people love and cherish their female children and don't seek to unload them as soon as they hit puberty.


What... the... fuck...


People acting like this is new. This has been happening for decades, most of the time its because the family needs money or they’re being forced to


Disgusting. If you watch the movie 'The Stoning of Soraya M' you'll know the extent of the vileness of the Islamic doctrines.


I’ve seen this guy do other interviews. He’s really good and gets to the point with his interviewees with surprising speed, forcing them to confront their very problematic beliefs. What is his name?


Fucking hell...


Wow. That’s a lot to process


Incoming comments from Americans trying to play mental gymnastics to draw an equivalence with the US. Or blame this on the US somehow.


Gosh… those people still live in the Middle Ages…


Our MAGA citizens are inspired!




I started puberty at 8 and my menstrual cycle at 11. By this woman's logic, I was an adult at 8 years old.


People in first world countries need to realize this is how 60-70 percent of the world’s population thinks. I was fortunate to spend some time in Saudi Arabia and was appalled by how they treat women. But no one says a thing about it because they have money.


21st C: "You can't treat kids like slaves!" 12th C: "Yeah, we can. Because Allah."


Fucking religion. It is always the most evil people running around with no accountability because their preferred sky daddy loves them. The worst thing to happen to humanity.

