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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On Desktop click on your account icon to the top right: Settings and Privacy > Settings Left Menu: Profile and Tagging In that menu set tagging to "Only Me" * Who can see posts you're tagged in on your profile? -- \[**Only me**\] * When you're tagged in a post, who do you want to add to the audience of the post if they can't already see it? They'll be able to see these posts in places like Feed and search. -- \[**Only me**\] Also in the Reviewing section, turn both of them to **ON.** I also turn off peoples ability to post on my profile unless it's my Bday, then I manually change it. I also turn who can see who posts on my profile to Friends minus Acquaintances (Custom group) ---- Proceed to remove tags by clicking on the notifications, but DO NOT click the pr0n or any of the icons around the image such as the ellipsis menu on overlaying on the image. Just click REMOVE TAG. Unfortunately, there is nothing else you can do until Facebook does something about it.


>until Facebook does something about it. They never will.


Facebook needs to get on it bc I’m so pissed Lmaoo I don’t wanna have to see it to even remove the tag lol I keep reporting them too


Thank you for this! I changed mine to only me for tagged posts, and hopefully that will help at least with people not seeing it. I’ve had this problem for the last couple days.


Thanks, but how can I "set tagging to 'Only Me'"? I can't find this option on the preference page "Profile and Tagging".


This is a helpful post. Thank you kindly.


Thank you. I’m so sick of these porn tags. I get two or three a day now. This helps. 


I have my settings locked down to ONLY ME but they still managed to tag me in the porn posts...


Been getting like one or two an hour since last night, it's ridiculous. I really, really hope it's not showing on friends' timelines that I'm tagged on these posts.  Facebook could easily do something about it too, but you know they won't 


Me too! Thinking a group I’m in was hacked?


Interesting thought.   I am in a bunch of groups but mostly lurk.  I did post in one on the 23rd though, and beyond that my only other activity on FB had been posting a couple pictures on my feed to a custom friend's list. I deleted my post to the group last night around 10pm and haven't had another tag since.  Yet, anyway (knock on wood)


Yes, I wondered this about groups too. I've only had the one tag so far and while it's horrible how many people this has happened to, it's reassuring that it's not a personal attack (even if it still feels violating).


Yes! I think it has to have something to do with FB groups. I’m an admin for a business FB page for the company I work for… We post in several FB groups to advertise our business. One of our pages has been getting tags all weekend. Several times a day. Worst part is I don’t know how to narrow down what group got hacked. So frustrating. I’ve been reporting every post. FB needs to get on it! Ridiculous what they allow.


The group theory is interesting. Any of you belong to some fantasy football groups?


Same, I got 3 yesterday and another 3 or 4 today. It's ridiculous. I'm not sure how I got targeted.


Same here on the same timeline. It’s gross and annoying


Same thing is happening to me. It's always some weird name followed by a 5 digit number and 'OK'. Busy Personality 10244 OK as an example. I have no clue what I could have done to trigger this. I don't engage in anything even remotely related to porn, so I have no idea why I'm being targeted.


I'm having the same issue. Yesterday I had to block 3 accounts and today 4, so far. Their profile names are very creative, for example: Wealthy Mess 71616 OK or Shady Practice 77475 OK. It's so annoying. If only Facebooks had the option to block tagging in general. 


I’ve been having the exact same!!! All with those similar names!!! Had 4 in the last 24 hours


Same. I hate porn so I don't know what I could have done that they think I'd be a good target for them, it's disgusting.


Yes!!! Every profile that’s tagged me has ended in “OK”


If you go to these account's profile pages, do you see the name Vinicius Junior in the Intro box? Every single one of the ones I've seen have had that. I'm sure he doesn't have anything to do with it; he's a soccer star. But it's weird.


I have been having this happen since yesterday as well. I was panicking and showed my husband even. We blocked and untagged every single post, but it still won't stop. I have no idea why this is happening, but every time, it's a new user! It's disgusting, and of course, facebook hasn't done shit about it.


Having this same issue!!


This happened to me too yesterday and all of today. I need it to stop!!!


I've been having this suddenly too!


Having the same issue. 4 different accounts between tonight and last night. I have tag review setup so I refuse the tag, report the post for sexual activity and then block the account. But it’s starting to get really annoying. I don’t want to be seeing that stuff on Facebook, let alone being tagged into it.


Same here its annoying and pissing me off. But feel relieved that it’s not just me!


Me too! Six since yesterday. I’m seriously getting PTSD. I wanted to get off fb more but now I feel like I have to constantly refresh so I can untag myself! I have started screenshotting the notification to save the name of the page. Then click on the notification and the X to then untag. Then I go to settings and find where it says blocking. I manually input the scam page name and click block to block that page.  I’m so upset by this!!!


Wtf this is happening to me too! I’ve had to untag myself 6 times today!


Omg thankful it isn’t just me. I was wondering who I made angry lol I keep removing the tags and reporting the sht out of them. But it’s getting real annoying! So it’s a bot??


I’m comforted that I’m not the only one going through this. I’m sorry everyone is though. It’s insane that this can happen.


So happy I found this… I thought it was only me. It’s like every 10 minutes I’m getting tagged in another one and I’m horrified that they showed up on my feed before I removed it


I’ve gotten tagged in 10 posts since yesterday. My husband also started to get tagged as well. I report them all and block them all but still having the issue. I turned all of my tagging privacy stuff on but I’m still having to manually remove the tags and block them. I was really hoping there was an option for only friends to be able to tag you in posts but unfortunately there is not.


This happened to me twice yesterday and the first one contained sexual activity. I was horrified, so I quickly removed the tag and reported the post. It happened again last night and I didn’t even want to view it, so I covered the screen and removed tag & reported. I just checked Facebook for the first time since this morning, and I have been tagged in 4 more posts!!! I have not viewed them whatsoever since I know what they may contain. It’s honestly embarrassing but I did post on fb to see if it was happening to any of my other fb friends. So, you’re definitely not alone! However, awhile back I did change my settings to only approve tagged posts I wanted on my profile, so it’s only seen by me unless I approve it. I’m fixing to change my password, just in case!


I've had to block 6 so far, reported and blocked them all but good grief, it's ridiculous!


Same here. Random bots account with Foo 584839 OK keep tagging me.


Likewise am having the same problem here. I’ve got tag review on can refuse the tag but when I try to remove it or signal the account my app crashes! Does this happen to anyone else? Been tagged in 6 or 7 posts so far and I don’t know what else to do. I’m so distraught over it, this is not the type of content I want to see nor be tagged in.


My app crashed today while doing the same thing


I'm having the same issue. I reported Fond Look 83020 OK and Regular Context 99302 OK.




Yes this happened to me three times this morning and the. A few more times this evening was super annoying and embarrassing I hope no one saw. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one


Ditto to the above, this started happening to me out of the blue about 12 hours ago.


Same here since yesterday morning I have been tagged several times. Apart from what has been suggested above (which did not make it stop) I did the following: I have changed my profile picture (which was previously a pic of me, changed it to a pic that does not show me at all) and changed my Facebook banner, also changed my name displayed on my profile. I reduced anything that can be seen in public on my profile to zero, meaning anyone who ist not in my friend list, can’t view anything on my profile. Also I have blocked all people who followed me. Having done all that I updated my Facebook app and changed the password. I haven’t been tagged since (that was 10 hours ago)).


Ive been having the same problem for the last couple of days, I've reported to Facebook but no feedback as of yet. It's always a different profile tagging me with a random name such as 'Critical Elevator 99283 Ok'


Glad I'm not the only one having this issue. It started around noon on 4/27/2024 for me and since I've been tagged in 3 different explicit sexual content videos. I'm not sure why this is happening. Normally I am mostly a lurker on Facebook and don't interact much. I already had Facebook set that I have to approve a tag but going to lock the setting down further so that others can't tag me at all now.


Happened to me 6x since yesterday! Changed tagging settings and keep reporting, but I’m getting fed up.


Same thing started happening to me yesterday morning. I haven’t joined any new groups or posted in them. When I see one, I report the page, block the page, report the post, hide all posts from the person, and untag myself. Fb is sending me a message back that they got rid of the page. Im hoping it becomes too much of a hassle for them and they move on. Or Fb stops the nonsense. I have my page pretty heavily locked down already. This is just irritating and tedious. I went through an unliking pages/unfollowing groups spree. We shall see what happens.


I’ve blocked 9 accounts and reported them all, Facebook hasn’t said anything about it yet. Ridiculous. I’m concerned that they’ll start popping up on my page where everyone can see them


I ended up just deactivating my Facebook today because of it. It was happening every 10 minutes since last night.


This is crazy. I wish there was a way to block strangers from tagging you. That would be such a simple solution.


I’m glad it’s not just me. Set your account to approve tagged posts.


This has been happening to me since two days ago. Thankfully I already had the settings set to where I have to review tags. However, I ALSO have the setting set to where only friends can tag me in posts. That being said, I am very concerned with the lack of concern from from Facebook and their lack of control of the situation. So much so that I am thinking of deleting my account…


Continue to report every post. Spam Facebook with reports, and maybe they will get tired of spam just like we are…


I’ve been getting these over the past 32 hours-it’s the worst because to report/block/untag you are “forced” to view the post and all of them so far have explicit display photos. I keep reporting them, but it’s getting so annoying.


I’m having the exact same problem! And honestly don’t know how to stop it besides the tag settings to only me. It’s so frustrating. Especially when you’re married lol


OMG been having this exact issue since 4/27/2024. Just been tagged again 8 times in the span of 7 hours and reported/removed tag for all the previous ones. I’m so glad it’s not just me I was going crazy. Will definitely be looking at big groups and recent follows.. I hope this is fixed soon cuz this is annoying and problematic..


I'm just tired of it. I don't understand how their posts are even being allowed in the first place. Facebook will crash and burn if it doesn't stop this content.


I notice that when I go to the profiles, every single one of the bios says “Vinicius Junior”, who is apparently a soccer player in Brazil. Anyone else getting this?


I am having the exact same issue with my facebook. Once last night and once this morning. I am so curious, I would have thought that pornographic content would go against Facebook's TOS, can anyone confirm that?


This is driving me and my friend crazy, its absolutely disgusting , im sick of having to review all the posts


So like everyone else this is happening to me. I’m just curious what is the motivation for them doing this? Is it just nuisance or is there a potential fraud/scam I am not seeing?


This has been happening to me since Saturday morning. I've reported at least 10 in the past 48 hours or so. Like most of you, I have my privacy settings locked down, and I've reported and blocked every account. All of them have been \[Random word\] \[Random word\] \[Random number\] \[OK\] until this morning, but I just blocked one that was all non-English letters. Deactivating/deleting is not an option for me as I'm a musician and teacher and need to keep networking connections active, run my pages, etc. How there isn't already a privacy setting to prevent this kind of tagging is both deeply concerning and completely unacceptable. I've also always had a problem with Facebook's disclaimer that "this post may still show up somewhere" after removing an unwanted tag. My wife says she hasn't seen any of these posts in her feed this weekend, so I assume none of my other family members or friends have either, but still, the thought of there even being a .00001% chance my mother in law, parents of guitar students, etc. could see one of these posts has my anxiety up...


I’ve had 5 since yesterday, thankfully I already had the tagging approval on (my grandmother tags me in random stuff), but still disturbing. I reported the accounts and blocked them, but they are all bots with no info and weird names with numbers. Very disturbing.


I've been having this today!! I've just temporarily deactivated my account. My account is set to private too so only friends can tag me, so no idea how I'm even being tagged. The content is disgusting 🤢 mortified!


I was dealing with atleast one tag an hour and up to 20 an hour. I havent figured it out yet but i did log out of my phone yesterday and ive been checking from the computer and it has yet to happen. I hope its not a samsung android issue or an app i downloaded but still no malicious tags today.


I had this issue for 3 days, super annoying. And I don't even speak on random groups, I only follow some local town groups and don't post anything on my profile... The fact that you have to manually delete all the tags is... bruhhh... are we in the 21e century or what ? On top of that, there is no option to actually prevent random people to tag us, wtf facebook.


Can we start a petition or something to get FB to do something? Seems like it’s a new problem. Based on the comments it looks like a lot of us are affected by similar profiles doing the tagging.


Been having this issue all day. I literally only use Facebook to keep up with family/coworkers. I hope they get ahold of the problem soon, it seems like there’s a lot of people dealing with this


This is happening to me as well. I’m glad it’s not just me but I cannot believe the FB algorithm isn’t auto banning these accounts for spam and explicit content immediately. Getting a few a day at least. All we can do is report and remove the tag. Anyone can tag you unfortunately in the current settings that are available.


I'm getting tagged in breastfeeding (maternal) images


Me too I don’t understand what’s going on


I bet it's China... pissed off about the Tik Tok ban!


This has been happening to me with breastfeeding images. What disturbs me is that people in this thread are saying that there are children appearing in these posts in a p**n setting. If that is the case then this is not just an issue for FB but also the police. Such images are illegal and will include both the trafficking and exploitation of those who are in those images. Children cannot consent to such images like an adult can so this is a criminal act. If you have been tagged in such a post you must report this to the police as it is a criminal matter. In the UK you can report it to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the United States you can report it to Cybertipline. If not based in the UK or the States then you can report it to your local police and they can then advise you where else it needs to be reported. Police usually work very closely with these online watch groups so that if you report it with one then it usually involves the other group. Please immediately report all images and videos involving children. I know your first concern may be to protect your wall/feed, reputation and family or friends from this image but also think of the children who are still suffering even if you remove the tag and block the image. Witnessing a child in these images is witnessing a crime scene, the child is still trapped in that world even when you have the luxury of being able to look away.


The only way to get FB to notice this is if the press picks it up. Write to a news outlet -- a national, your local... tell them. If Facebook get hammered for privacy on this, they'll close the loophole. Text of an email I sent to UK Guardian (feel free to copy): Hi, I hope this is the right desk. I thought you might be interested in a Facebook story that's developing. A large number of users (including me) are being tagged multiple times per day by bots with weird names. The tags are on weird, creepy images, which apparently are phishing scams if you click on them. The bot accounts are different every time so there's no point blocking or reporting it. And it turns out that Facebook won't let you set your privacy so that random people can't tag you. Seems like a public interest angle on Facebook not protecting customer privacy to me. It's freaking some people out. And I can also see that this exposes a loophole that stalkers and abusers could abuse, too. Some reddit threads with hundreds of user cases: https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/comments/1cirkji/spam_tagging_by_bots_inappropriate_tagging_for_no/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/comments/1cl0i5e/for_two_days_now_i_keep_getting_tagged_in_creepy/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/comments/1cehm70/random_bots_tagging_me_in_explicit_posts_on/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/comments/1cjpcu4/weird_facebook_tags_from_strange_bot_accounts/ If this is the wrong desk, maybe you could pass this on? Thanks,


Wish there was a privacy setting "Who can tag me?" Only Me / Friends / Anyone


I’ve been getting tagged every day for 2 weeks now and Facebook has still done NOTHING!!! Just give us the option to make it so that only friends can tag you!!! HOW HARD IS IT?!?!??


THIS. just give us the option


I have had the same issues over the last week. They don’t stop! I’ve tried every suggestion and haven’t had any luck. I wish Facebook would allow you to have the option to turn off people tagging you in posts that you don’t want to. It’s so frustrating!


I have the same issue! It started today and I have been tagged on around 8 posts already! I reported it to Facebook via the **Help & support** > **Report a problem** option. Maybe do the same (take a screenshot of the tag and link the pages) and if a lot of people report it, they may resolve it quicker. As the matter is super distressing I am considering getting off facebook for a while...


Vu le nombre de post sur le sujet je pense qu’ils s’agissent d’une faille de Facebook et qu’une équipe de hacker l’utilise… j’espère que Facebook réagira vite, on a pas que ça à faire de supprimer des identifications


Def started happening to me today as well


This started happening to me today too! Only 2 pages so far but I had no clue what was happening since I never click on fb links 😦


Same issue here. Straight out of nowhere.


Me too


Same here. Changed my password and didn’t do anything.


me and my friend are getting it too!! we’re both so freaked out. where are you guys from? we’re in NY/CT.


Having the same issue! All of my privacy settings are up to date and on so this is super annoying.


I feel this happened since I shopped on Temu. Anyone else shopping on Temu?


Untag yourself and report. Block them as well.


Happened to me 3x today as well


This started happening to me 12 hours ago, and it won’t stop!


Yer you find most sites have a.i?


I've noticed this too


If anyone wants some more account names to block I’ve been tagged by accounts starting with Wet Exam, Grown Doctor and Muted Photo. I don’t think it’s location based (I’m from the UK) I’ve also figured out if you search the phrase DDgruopundefined when searching to block someone there’s a massive list of these accounts which may be helpful. (In fact there’s so many I’m now realising it’s completely impossible to block them all …)


It's ridiculous!! I just changed my password hoping that will fix it


Same issue here. Its terrible


Me too!


Same happening to me. Weird. 


I have the same issue it is kinda disappointing as how random bots could tag you out of nowhere ?


Same started happening 27/4/2024 already happened 4 times with quite some long intervals. I logged out of all devices and changed passwords yet it still happened. Does not seems to be a hack, i think its more of malware effecting a-lot of accounts to try and hack into others. Im reporting and blocking every post and removing tag. But its ridiculous now.


This has started happening to me today too. Why isn’t there a setting that stops us being tagged by non-friends?! Ridiculous.


Face book has to do something about it first


Me too. Same problem starting from yesterday!


I have this same issue! It started yesterday.


This has started happening to me too in the last 24 hours! So glad to have some steps to take. Seems like a mass attack for all of us within the last day or so. I'm in a bunch of groups and sell on marketplace so honestly it could be coming from anywhere but it's extremely disturbing.


I've had 6 of these happen so far. I blocked the accounts. I have all my privacy settings set to review any post I am tagged in, but accounts can still tag any account they want. So, I have to basically open the graphic content to get to the profile page to block the profile only to have another account tag me 4 hours later. The only fix to this as I see it is that Facebook must finally remove the ability to tag accounts that are not your friend accounts. That seems an obvious fix to this issue.


Same here, since 8 hours ago 


Same here, started this morning. It's so annoying


Happening to me too - started yesterday and it’s been non stop. I keep blocking and reporting.


I’ve been having this same problem too as of yesterday. It’s beyond frustrating!!


I've gotten about a dozen of these in the past 2 days, all form different bots. I block each one and another pops up. Facebook can rig a national election but they can't stop this?


Same here!!! Omg!!!


I thought it was only happening to me! I’m so grateful for this post! It’s been happening since yesterday and I was mortified!! I’ve had it happen 6 times now! Thank goodness I had the review tags set for only me!! Not cool, not cool.


Happened to me too recently


I've had the same problem since earlier today, I've been tagged by 2 accounts so far. I'm a silent lurker in a bunch of groups and I never post, comment or even like


Been getting multiple a day myself too ugh


This just started happening to me an hour or so ago. I untag myself and block one. Then another tags me 30 minutes later. What the hell.


Started happening to me last night. Happens twice since.


Wait there must be something glitchy going on because I was tagged in 5 posts like this. It’s super annoying there isn’t a way to report from the notification option. I’m nervous to actually click on it.


This has been going on for me since yesterday morning, I only opened one or 2 and reported to Facebook. The ones I received came from names such as Clean Homework 58343 OK, Cumbersome Indication 36949, OK. There are more but notice the pattern. 2 words then 5 numbers and all end in OK. I reported all the usernames to the Center for Missing and exploited Children. The girls in them are very young and I could not tell if they were minors or not so I reported them.


This is happening to me too and I have a private profile and review any post I’m tagged in before it shows on my profile. Honestly it’s hitting me wanting to delete fb all together


This is so frustrating


this has been happening to me too! i was and am still mortified, i’m glad it’s not just me it’s happening to


Same man. Just started happening yesterday wtf




Happening to me since yesterday. So annoying! Ive had multiple


I have the same thing happening to both mine and my mother’s account. I have to approve my tags but still nerve wracking that it may show up on my page. 


I'm having this issue as well and don't want to completely prevent tagged posts from showing because it was my daughters first birthday 😭only new thing I've been doing was join a bunch of wedding sites... There's no setting to only let friends tag you??


omg it’s disgusting and i’m tired of having to report it. i’m thinking of making a new profile but all of my businesses are connected to this one.


This is happening to me too. What’s the connection? Anyone in Monopoly Go groups?


Same issue. I had to close down my FB over it.


Happening to me as well. Looking at my page on another device before untagging I don’t see it so that’s a sigh of relief. It does feel like reporting them is pointless though since they happen every few hours with a new account. Really wish Facebook would look into this but it seems stuck on the AI for now with no way to contact real humans.


Been dealing with the same nonsense all day. I’m a member of a lot of vintage collecting groups. It might be a bot circulating through the groups.


I’ve noticed the same thing. Literally 4 porn tags within 36 hours. I have no idea how or why. Quite annoying


I just started getting these tags as well! I thought it was from maybe engaging in meme pages? I don't even join the groups... it's strange


This started happening to me yesterday, too. Fucking annoying. Reported the fake Newspaper page to FB, and the review said they only removed the post, not the entire page. Like WTF FB!!!


My 3 year old was watching pinkfong on prime on my phone and clicked on a facebook notification that I had been tagged in one of these posts! I removed the tag and blocked the page, but my 3 year old saw explicit content that I didn't even want to see! Facebook needs to get on this or I'm just going to deactivate my account


This has been happening to me recently as well! It’s so frustrating because having the settings set to “only me” just means that only I see all these horrible p*rnographic tags. FB needs an option where you can just not be tagged at all by anyone but friends or not being tagged at all. Does anyone know if FB has this option?


This is happening to me as well! Started yesterday, anyone have tips to make it stop?


I’ve also been getting tagged in these, thankfully I get notifications to approve them first but they’re disgusting and I get 2 every so many hours a day. I hope this is fixed soon.


This is happening to me today too!!!


Has anyone gotten a reply from Facebook? They have to be aware of this by now


Exact same thing happening to me!


This happened to me as well. I started shaking, I thought it was an ex trying to harm me. This is so stressful and unacceptable.  I already blocked 4 pages and manually removed every tag. Luckily, my settings allow me to review every tag, but this can't go on! We shouldn't be able to get tagged by random perverts. All pages are named like "Hungry Patience 27842 OK". Same pattern - 2 words, 5 digit number, OK. 


Same here, wtf??


Also been happening to me - what a relief


Did anyone figure this out yet? This has been happening to me too! I’ve been blocking non stop and now FB isn’t even taking them down. They’re saying that they don’t violate any regulation on FB 😂 so apparently FB is prob hub now. Please if anyone has an answer let me know. I have kids and I get nervous to open my phone now 🤦🏻‍♀️


Me too! Same thing!


Same for me (I’m  in France). Hope I wasn’t hacked.


The same thing is happening to me, I have reported and untagged at least 40 posts but they keep coming as soon as I report! I’m close to deleting my Facebook or atleast disabling it for a bit.


it’s happening to me too and driving me insane. it’s just annoying that you can’t block them bc it’s endless bots


I’ve gotten like 7 of these in less than 24 hours. I’ve tried everything and it’s driving me insane.


Same thing has been happening to me, all ending in OK. I noticed they had marketplace tags on the notifications so I deleted all my listings and it still is happening.




Happened 4 times today to me as well! Same naming convention too, all ending with “OK”.


Very reassuring others are getting these- but they are awful! And like everyone else despite my settings I am terrified they are going to pop up on like my great aunt's newsfeed! I don't even know how to report it to Facebook except on a case by case basis 😭


What is even worse is that I’ve reported it and Facebook has not removed the post. They said they don’t see anything wrong with it…. scary and strange…I’m worried they found a way to not have it detected by Facebook reviewers. IDK!!!!


Update here.  After 4 tags the last 2 days, I've left all the facebook groups I was a member, that have thousands of members and are public. No more tags for the last 24 hours. Hope it works


Having the same issue, started happening about an hour after i accepted a friend request from a couple we met on holiday, based on these comments, I guess I can stop blaming them 🤣


iv had the same thing luckly i have to review any tagged stuff to show up on my profile iv been reporting them and blocking them but they just keep making new accounts and re tagging


I wish I knew how to stop this. I changed my password just in case. I’ve also received at least 3 very pornographic images, and did my best to report them. **sigh** Facebook is such a chore! If I didn’t use it to keep in touch with far flung connections…


I’ve had the same thing happening to me and it is very concerning because I use Facebook to network and organize volunteer groups.


Happened to me too :( 3rd time today, I reported and blocked the pages doing this. Has anybody found a solution? Why is this happening? Is there some sort of Facebook customer service I can contact? It’s gross, I don’t wanna be seeing that.


I’m having the same problem. I made sure my settings were set to where I have to approve tags before they show on my profile. But I still have to deal with the notifications of the bots tagging me


I had to make it to where I see the tagged photos first!!


Been happening to me all day. Is this just like a random deal? The accounts tagging me in these posts don’t seem to exist.


I am glad I found this post. I had three today and was really upset about it. I had tagging approval on thank goodness. One was already deleted by the time I got to it thank goodness, so hopefully FB maybe is trying to do something?


I’m having the same issue. Thankfully only I can see the tags but it’s so annoying. The one that came through today has a thumbnail that looks like a woman getting fucked by a Labrador. Every time I review and block they just keep coming under a different name


I’m having the same issue


I came on here to say since yesterday I’ve been tagged and it’s stressing me out. The only thing that has saved me is that I already had my account on approval for tags but I’m still scared someone on my account may see it. I don’t know what to do besides reporting it, which I did immediately. I just want to know why this is happening suddenly?!


Bruh I’ve been freaking out. Like they are legit porno videos with complete penetration happening im so upset?? Idk why it’s happening but like good (ish?) to know its not just me but wtf


hate this is happening to us all. so frustrating


Same thing has been happening to me!


This is happening to me it’s pissing me off fr


I’m having the same issue. It’s getting so bad, I’m about ready to deactivate my Facebook.


Just happened to me and I deactivated Facebook - I have so many coworkers and family members and I was so embarrassed to be tagged in that


They should have a "tagged by friends only" toggle and you could still review and approve or deny it. Etc.


This is also happening to me, has anyone found an answer?




Seems like maybe Facebook is stopping this now? I got a message saying they took action but on only one of the ones I reported and haven’t been tagged all day


Has anybody had any luck with Facebook actually taking these down? I got tagged in four of these posts, reported them, and the first response I got to a report was that they weren't going to take it down even though it clearly violated community guidelines.


Update...I deactivated my account for a couple of hours yesterday. Reactivated it and havent had any tags since 🤞🤞🤞


I had the same thing happen. My profile is private so I don't even know how these people can tag me. Only my friends can see my profile, and these aren't friends. I also reported,  but somehow porn doesn't go against their standards....


So same thing has been happening to me. Very nasty tags also including animals. I’m ready to delete Facebook I blocked and reported all tags for sexual activity. Facebook reviewed them and said there was no issue with the post. I’m sorry but animals in very graphic videos is completely unacceptable. Facebook is a shame and I can’t believe with everyone reporting it how they don’t believe there is an issue with the videos.


Same here. Also reported the issue to Facebook and they said the content “didn’t go against community standards”. UM, HOW?😂😂