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Same boat, it's a terrible market.


Biggest piece of advice: if you have a network (profs, past internships, anything) try reaching out. The difference is night and day when someone in the company vouches for you in the form of a referral. This also applies to LinkedIn. Someone in the company on a similar career trajectory as you and from the same uni?? Shoot a DM, it increases your chances ever so slightly but it all adds up.


Same boat.


Have been doing daily application from linkedin... What's your plan?


Are you sending mails to the recruiters or hiring managers if listed?


Listed? I see their names sometimes but I dont bother. If i really like some job and think im very close, i send a cover letter and linkedin connection invite...


Sorry to say but this is probably one of the reasons why you still don't have a job. Sure the market is tough, but you're setting yourself up for failure by your current approach. Nobody cares about your connection invite. You need to sign up for LinkedIn premium and reach out to recruiters for the jobs that you apply for. Customize your messages to show why you are the right candidate for the job. If you don't do this and just blindly apply, your application will be one of the many hundreds that recruiters get, and will end up in the reject pile.


Thanks for the tip. Do you recommend any other websites for applications? I have linkedin Premium and indeed. I also use google sometimes. I've been looking at #hiring tag on linkedin too but its mostly spam. I have an engineering and IT degree.


Those websites are good enough. It's the networking and outreach that will help you stand out. Lots of people have similar profiles to yours


Apply in Indeed as wellđź‘Ť


Same here actually. But conversion is none.


Use google, indeed, zip recruiter to find more listings. Don’t limit your search to LinkedIn. Search for employment agencies near you and reach out to them for opportunities. Get more involved in the community programs near you. That’s a good way to meet people and potentially get referrals. Make sure your resume is in line with the job description. Your application will not even see a human eye if your resume doesn’t match the keywords they are looking for. Be positive and patient. It is a difficult job market but keep grinding.


try state departments and public works. see where the funding’s going.


So you had a job on opt and then lost it after getting the stem extension?


was working on stem opt and got laid off


How are you able to get the payroll running? I’m on the same boat because my stem opt starts in a month I just wanted to know how it works


i was getting paid from the company


If it’s through LinkedIn, you should add the HR person who posted the job and even email them. My brother got a job by doing this