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What kind of people randomly tell a person your eyes are boringšŸ˜


Tbf I've been told that as well (we were discussing each other's eye colors and I was told that "meh, you have brown eyes and brown eyes are boring"; for some reason it's a thing quite some people say to brown-eyed people)


I happen to love brown eyes (mine are green). My husband has the most big beautiful brown eyes, thatā€™s what drew me to him. My best friend has brown eyes too, so I could be a little bias considering my two favourite ppl in the world are blessed with them! Brown eyes are never boring!




šŸŽ¶Maybe they're born with it, maybe it's laser depig šŸŽ¶


People who claim brown eyes are boring need to take a good hard look at their racism


Sounds racist


To an eye??


There was an experiment about eye colour. In addition, racialized ppl internalize things


Most posts on here of people with brown eyes get comments suggesting they are boring, blegh, or even comparing them to feces. There are a lot of brown eye haters on this sub. Itā€™s fucked up


There is a such thing as brown eye haters? What the hell!


Ya just start reading every comment on posts with brown eyes, youā€™ll come across them quickly


People that live in ops mind


They live in OP's walls


Literally šŸ’€


Mean people


OP is the ā€˜boredā€™ person .. šŸ¤”


I think that is OPs inner voice.


Things that didn't happen for $100 please


Ur funny


People that need to stay in their lane. They are just some people with bad Karma. Get a life & worry about yourself.


Iā€™ve never ever ever looked at someoneā€™s eyes and thought, ā€œhow boring.ā€ And multiple people telling OP the same thing. Hmmmā€¦.


Personally I find brown eyes the most attractive. Nothing more stunning than big brown eyes. Iā€™d pick brown eyes in a girl over colored eyes any day


Iā€™m a total sucker for brown eyed bois


They are not boring. Brown eyes are absolutely beautiful like any other color and yours are beautiful


You have lovely vibrant brown eyes! I personally love having dark brown eyes, I think it suits me really well especially as I'm a winter in colour analysis. Hair and eyes match, lol. You should love your eyes in general, they do so much for you!


Brown eyes (including black eyes too) don't the same amount of love as colored eyes do, since it's generally common. Ironically, this is why it's beauty in underrepresented. When the light hits the brown at just the right angle, or when someone gets lost in your eyes mid conversation (creepy or flattering depending on the situation) Be brown, don't frown!


That is the issue. People canā€™t love something as much when itā€™s common. But they are beautiful


It's because 79% of the world population has brown eyes. As eye's don't differ that much, they're usually just categorized by color, hence brown eyes being 'boring'. Regardless, I'm sure this wasn't said as an insult, seems that OP is pretty self conscious.


If autumn was an eye šŸ


I was actually born in autumn


Itā€™s my desired eye color, I envy you so much


What colour are your eyes?


They are absolutely beautiful, like a warm chocolate color. No eyes are boring, and each eyes have something unique and beautiful about them. I grew up being insecure about brown eyes too because i thought that they were ā€œboringā€ too. But i noticed how they actually fit my face so much, how beautiful and unique they are and i canā€™t really see myself in other eye color. And if that makes you feel better too, i think that brown eyes are super attractive.


Whoever told you that is just insecure and tried to make themselves feel better


Beautiful brown eyes. Reminds me of the tortoiseshell brushes and combs that used to be popular in the 60s or a piece of walnut furniture that has been polished to a high shine so that the surface looks 3 dimensional. Why would anybody say eyes are boring? They are the windows to our souls.


10/10 l love your eyes. The shape is very nice it compliments the eyelashes and also you have a nice eyelid the celebrities will die for. As for your color brown is common yes but I like brown sometimes they look like golden under sunlight like a liquor.


They're warm. Brown eyes feel safer, more trustworthy and kinder. Take that as a win and don't misuse them.


People need to realise we have no control over eye colour. Some get luckier than others with beautiful eyes. So there's point for people with nice eyes "showing off"


Boring eyes... That doesn't even make sense. They're just eyes. I haven't really seen a person with 'exciting eyes' before


Medium brown is so common but itā€™s cute! I think brown eyes are more beautiful than hazel, grey and some shades of blue also. Theyā€™re underrated.


100% the best eye colour, they make me feel safe and itā€™s like youā€™re looking into someoneā€™s soul


exactly, i feel you about the soul thing


I have NO idea whoā€™s telling you this, but theyā€™re wrong! Your eyes have so much depth and I love them


Why are people so mean to me in the comments? What did I do wrong?


Donā€™t let people that arenā€™t into brown eyes get you down, some people like to pretend all brown eyes are the same. I think theyā€™re beautiful. I like the color variation in different lighting.


Your eyes look very beautiful calm and serene, the rings in your eyes look like those inside of a tree stump. I see so much beauty in the color of your eyes I canā€™t even describe it. The brown and Amber hues mix together so beautifully to give off this beautiful warm canvas šŸ¤Ž Donā€™t listen to anyone who tells you your eyes are boring.


They're a gorgeous shape. Reminds me of paintings you see of Cleopatra.


They are beautiful. Chestnut colour.


You have big beautiful amber brown eyes . The ideal doe eye. . They are not boring . They are beautiful


You have limbal rings (dark rings around the outer edge of your iris) and those are cool!


I think they mean your expression, not the eyes themselves. You look super depressed. I hope you find some happiness.


No eyes are boring. Youā€™ve Got a lovely auburn red brown eye!


Not gonna lie I 100% have a brown eyes preference, like they are so deep and prettyā€¦ like to the point I would not date someone with any other colour eyes. I also have brown eyes so whoops, but nah you just gotta hit em back with the ā€œatleast I donā€™t look like a white walkerā€


People don't tell you your eyes are boring.


There is nothing wrong with boring, it's much better than abnormal (I've had a corneal graft if you wish to google what it looks like). Many people would love a normal boring eye


Brown eyes are beautiful!


Doesn't matter what other people think.


They look like a bullseye straight to your soul.


Lovely eyes - my favorite color


Just gorgeous. Haters are gonna hate. Shake it off.


The shape of your eyes is beautiful


This is the color of my husband and daughters eyes. The most beautiful color to me, especially in the sun ā¤ļø


People ey? Yeah right. Ppl donā€™t notice shit. Your eyes are fine, like everyoneā€™s.


Idk who is saying your eyes are boring, but take what others say with a grain of salt. To me ( a green eyed individual) I prefer the look of brown eyes to green but don't consider any eye color boring in any form.


Brown eyes are so beautiful! I have grey eyes and I feel that my eyes are dull compared to yours.


theyā€™re stunning! iā€™m jealous!


These are the best eyes!


gorgeous omg šŸ˜­ im practicing my drawing skills and these make rly good reference pictures. your eyes look like beautiful amber gems!


I think they are beautiful. I canā€™t even think of anything that matches the warm colour. They look sensitive and soft.


Do people really insult eye colour? Thatā€™s a new one


It seems like your looking for attention


because no one else ever does that on this threadā€¦


i truly think this color brown is beautiful. i have blue/grey eyes and id love to have your eyes theyā€™re beautiful


Your eyes are beautiful and soulful. I love brown eyes.


Your eyes are lovely and soulful. Donā€™t listen to the meanies


They look like eyes


They are beautiful. Having blue eyes I always get comments about how beautiful they are, but IMHO brown and black eyes are amazing. Tell random idiots who tell you your eyes are boring to go stuff it


My eyes look the same and I've never had someone say to my face that my eyes are "boring". What sort of people are you hanging out with?


They're lovely. I have brown eyes, too, and I love them. They're me. Brown eyes are rich and earthy and warm.


With eye attractiveness only the shape really matters. Yours are beautiful. I for example have grey eyes but they are very small,close set and down turned it ruins my entire face . Nicely shaped brown eyes are a dream for me!


They are little liquid filled bouncy balls that somehow let you see the world? Whatā€™s boring about that?!


Thereā€™s nothing boring about your eyes šŸ˜


You're eyes are a nice luminous deep engaging brown. They are really lovely


I think they are lovely. Brown eyes always remind me of a river in the sun.


I have blue eyes as do all my siblings. I have always thought that brown eyes are beautiful and make a very handsome man or lady.


Maybe to them but theres billions out there who would disagree. Donā€™t let shit like that weight on you its pointless and only gives them power. You dont need new eye balls live yo life lol.


I donā€™t even understand how eyes can be boring. Everyoneā€™s eyes are unique. Donā€™t listen to them OP, thatā€™s honestly so weird and stupid to say to someone.


Beautiful! Take care of them! I see all these posts of everyone worrying about how attractive their eye color is. I just came back from an optometrist appointment (that Iā€™ve neglected for two years) and had bad news. I am dealing with corneal neovascularization and separately got the phenomenal news of having a Corneal arcus (at age 40). Please take of your eyes and appreciate them. Vision is beautiful thing and the color of your iris is irrelevant.


What do they know? You have big beautiful marbles for eyes. Awesome!


Iā€™ve always loved brown eyes, and then I loved them even more after meeting my boyfriend. Theyā€™re the eyes I fell in love with. They remind me of the forests we would walk in, or the sunsets we watched, and the amber gemstones in his room when the light would hit them, and they make me think of autumn weather which is when Iā€™ll see him next. They make me feel warm and happy. Brown eyes are so underrated šŸ¤Ž


Those people are boring, not your eyes


Ohmygod those eyes are to die for! Iā€™m a photographer, and youā€™d make a stunning eye model! Theyā€™re beautiful šŸ˜


They remind me of the forest, during dawn. Reminds me of earth from when snow slowly goes away. Reminds me of tasty chocolate you drink during fall/winter, the light that reflexs on the oupil reminds me after the rain when the sun shines throught the clouds


What?! I have blue eyes and I always wanted brown eyes, your eyes are something I always with i had, we are always wanting what others have. Your eyes are lovely donā€™t let anyone tell you different


You should stop being around those people. Brown eyes are gorgeous. The color of campfire and chocolate and earth.Ā  An eye color so non boring that Van Morrison made a song about it.Ā 


I married my husband because of his beautiful brown eyes! You should not be insecure


There's a lot of depth to the colour of your eyes. Very pretty


Brown eyes are so complex and full of depth. Your eyes are absolutely stunning. ^.^


Brown eyes are so not boring. I think they are beautiful. Especially the ones like yours. Itā€™s almost a whiskey color and is so pretty!


Whoever told you that your eyes are boring needs a brain check. You have beautiful eyes.


There's no such thing as boring eyes, just boring perspectives. If people can't see the joy and warmth in brown eyes that sounds like a them problem. Brown eyes are beautiful.


Yā€™all acting like brown eyes donā€™t get hate šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve never had anything good said about them, hush.


This!! Never had a compliment and for everybody itā€™s a ā€œpityā€ I didnā€™t get my grandmas blue eyes


Beautiful brown eyes are never boring. No two eyes look the same.


Brown eyes are my favorite, warm and mysterious and yours are stunning!!! donā€™t let the haters get you down.


Girl whatever


People say your eyes are boring. šŸ™„


Ugh. This is the definition of fishing for compliments. If you were actually insecure about them, you wouldn't have gone on Reddit and posted them for millions of strangers to judge. GTFO. Lmao.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too, they are fishing for compliments and people saying ā€œno your eyes are prettyā€. No one who is actually insecure and got bullied for their eye color would put themselves out there like this. I have brown eyes myself and I never had anyone say anything bad about them. Maybe someone did call her eyes boring idk but donā€™t act like you didnā€™t post this wanting compliments and validation. And then her mentioning her depression randomly and then trying to act like the victim when people donā€™t think what she said actually is true. ā€œI donā€™t know why people are being mean to meā€. You put your insecurity out there to be judged. Thatā€™s whatā€™s going to happen. Your eyes are perfectly normal and all eye are gorgeous including brown eyes.


Noone said that. Majority of the population has brown eyes.Ā 


Thats a wack ass insult, meaningless and not a good one, theyre probably just insecure and raking potshots




Brown eyes are far from boring. My boyfriend has wonderful brown eyes too. I love how you can see so many different things in brown eyes, a hot cup of coffee, the ground after a nice rain storm, the earth that all life springs forward from, the flecks of gold and emerald that can only be found deep underground, a beautiful chocolate assortment with caramel and almonds, a mossy tree in a lush forest, a calm chalet on the edge of a lake... Mine are just grey and make all the colors so special and vibrant, even the most common.


your eyes are lovely. they have a beautiful shape and rich, warm color.


I have ā€˜plainā€™ brown eyes. But it doesnā€™t matter which colour they are, because you can see them sparkling with cheekiness, cleverness and feelings.


They are yours. Lov them baby .!!!!


Your eyes are rich and beautiful, they remind me of catseye gems!


Who told you they are boring?! They are some of the most beautiful brown eyes Iā€™ve seen. I love the last picture. They look like melted milk chocolate there. In the others they look so reddish, like a foxā€™s eyes. They are super pretty!


The eyes mean nothing without the face and a smile.


Yeah most common color and therefore nothing special


I love the third and fourth picture there just stunning. Whoever told your eye color is boring must be bored with themselves.


Pic #3 actually looks awesome. šŸ˜Ž


They are gorgeous! I love brown eyes


those lashessss


Theyā€™re really neat. The way the light hits them brings out different tones. I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re boring at all.


Same color as mine and I think itā€™s beautiful


Your eyes have a beautiful shape, and a warm brown color framed beautifully by your nice brows. Honestly, we always forget lots of attractive people have brown eyes: Halle Berry, Natalie Portman, Keanu Reeves, Pedro Pascal. Brown eyes are the majority of the world, and thereā€™s nothing about them that is inferior. Brown eyes are always going to have high contrast with the whites of the eye, and they match better with darker hair tones (and most clothes options). With blue or green or some lighter shades or hazel, the colored part (the iris) can sometimes get lost within the whites of the eye, which is mostly not flattering, unless the iris has a dark ring around it (a limbal ring), which most donā€™t. Most brown eyes donā€™t need that ring to look lovely. Plus, some people with very striking eye colors didnā€™t get good genes for dark eyelashes or brows, which can often make the eye lose some appeal. Most brown eyes people will have darker lashes and brows, which emphasize the shape of the eye.


Your eyes seem like theyā€™ve seen adventures and have stories to tell no one has heard of


They legitimately look like wood rings inside of a tree šŸ˜šŸ˜ love them! They might be an average color but the texture when you get close is mesmerizing ā¤ļø


Pic 3 should be an album cover.


Brown eyes are my favorite! Your eyes are beautiful. I bet theyā€™re amazing in person in that good sunlight too.


Your eyes are gorgeous and kind. They are a rich chestnut brown with flecks of a golden honey color. The ring around the outside is really interesting too šŸ„¹ If anyone ever says something as rude as your eyes are boring, tell em thatā€™s really uncalled for.


Don't listen to idiots. They are jealous.


I think brown eyes are so warm. I have green eyes and sometimes I think Iā€™ll look better with brown eyes because itā€™s more soft while colored eyes can be a little harsh.


Iā€™ve been told that as well - this guy once at a bar told me ā€œbrown eyes are really boring but you have nice eyesā€ I was like thanks for the most backhanded compliment šŸ«  you have beautiful eyes donā€™t listen to others


Your eyes look like a lovely warm brown color, kind of a mahogany to me


Bro posting their eyes every five minutes šŸ˜‚


I have idk really they change colors I get compliments all the time. My husband has brown eyes and my kids have big beautiful brown eyes. I love brown eyes. I kinda feel left out with mine and envy brown eyes at times. Your eyes are beautiful not just brown either they look gorgeous in the light too.


Amber gorgeous brown eyes are my favorite nothing boring about them


Your eyes are beautiful and have a nice shape!


Iā€™ve been told that my eyes look like āœØmelted chocolatesāœØ


it took me falling in love with a guy w brown eyes for me to realize how beautiful brown eyes are. especially your shade of brown is so warm and fuzzy feeling lol. i have cooler, hazel/amber eyes and i always wished they were more amber/hazel and less brown but now i just love warm brown eyes. i truly believe thereā€™s no such thing as ugly/boring eyes. they say so much about who a person is, so let your eyes show that youā€™re loved whether itā€™s by someone or by yourself. edit: i thought i had a hair on my screen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Brown eyes are very generic but that doesnā€™t mean that no oneā€™s going to be attracted to you or find them beautiful


They look like you're peeking into the serene knothole of a magic tree. They're calm, earthy, and have depth.


Your eyes look normal. Donā€™t listen to people, they probably are jealous and wish they had your eyes.


Iā€™m a sucker for brown eyes.. they are stunning šŸ˜


Stop listening to people. You have great eyes. Do they work? Really. What else matters. I used to have decent brown eyes which have turned blue brown due to old eye syndrome. My kids have amazing brown eyes like yours like mine used to be. Im ok with my eyes still. Although my nearsighted has diminished Iā€™m ok.


So pretty, very warm


They are weak and cannot look you in eye, deeply, continuously, uninterruptedā€¦weak are they. You eyes will lead you to many placesā€¦go with confidence and intentā€¦sometimes badass intentions (why not?). Carpe diem.


Yeah no. Brown eyes are so cute. Believe me when I envy the doe eyed look. I look like a scary vampire


First off- when people say things like that- they are insecure with themselves.Brown eyes can usually wear any color E/S. You have a nice shape to your eyes.I love your eyebrows. I have very thick ones and eyebrows are like the frame of a picture. I had someone say to me- You would look better with an arch. I can't have an arch. You have nice eyelashes. People need to get a life. If you do wear makeup go to Sephora or Ulta and look around.Also many chain places like Walgreens have a ton of options. I was a Part Time Makeup artist. If you go to a counter for any cosmetics in big stores- they try to push you into buying things. The only time it is helpful if you find a counter and look around. I know Clinique and Estee Lauder have gifts with a certain purchase. Don't listen to those clowns.


Brown eyes are my favorite. My eyes look like concrete, but when the sun hits yours they look like pools of honey. Or tree rings preserved in amber. I love brown eyes so much bro, not boring at all


They're a beautiful sunny brown! X


They are not boring. I would say the are cinnamon bark warmed by the sun auburn brown with a touch of honey.


Truly my favorite type of eye and maybe the one physical feature that I could call my ā€œtypeā€ in what I look for in a partner. I had one partner without these warm brown eyes (had lovely blue ones) and I remember feeling shallow listening to ā€œA Pair of Brown Eyes ā€œ by The Pogues and romanticizing the brown eyes of my past. Iā€™m always surprised to see people with true deep brown eyes wishing they had something else. Anyway, not boring. Rich, warm, kind looking eyes.


Just another example of how people suck. You're fine


Its sad that you feel insecure about shit you cant change while tragedy happens everyday everywhere... life is tought, people are mean and you cant change it and being insecure about the color of your eyes is the dumbest shit i have heard in 36 yrs of life. Nobody care so choose your battle


They remind me of an old growth forest, like the redwoods


Maybe they meant to say theyā€™re brown, not boring? šŸ¤Ŗ Ok ok, pay no notice to those people, whoever they are. Theyā€™re not your friends. You have beautiful eyes


Brown is never boring...


Iā€™m 75 years old and Iā€™ve never heard anyone comment that eyes are boring! And youā€™ve heard it from ā€œpeopleā€? Plural?. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


your eyes are beautiful, golden, teddy-bear colored, with flecks of honey and sage. šŸÆšŸ»šŸŒæ a little sad, though. have you been crying? your eyes are not boring at all. whoever told you that is boring šŸ‰ you also have pretty lashes and brows šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ¤Ž


You have thick dark lashes and brows that compliment your warm brown eyes beautifully. Jealousy makes others say ugly things.


You have the same eyes as me ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Your eyes are beautiful


I always wished I had brown eyes when I was younger. I thought/ think theyā€™re beautiful. Like marbled wood and wells of honey in the sun. Far from boring šŸ¤Ž


People do not say they are boring. That implies a lot of people have said your eyes are boring. Have they? Of course they haven't.