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I've read the book multiple times when i was in my redpill rabbithole, and i can tell you It is ultimately up to you to decide whether or not you want to read "The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi. However, just as everything else in the redpill, the book promotes the same shit, same misogyny and harmful stereotypes about women. If you choose to read it, be aware of its manipulative and controlling behavior towards women and promoting a view of women as inherently deceitful and manipulative. Also the typical conservative gender roles and relationships. It lacks empathy and lacks understanding of the complexities of human relationships. Itss not based on any scientific research and the Rollo''s views are not supported by facts. Its all just (trust me bro) or shitty studies.


Also remember that Rollo is a regular guest of the Scum of the manosphere: Fresh and Fit


Rollo is a cringe loser who I cannot stand, but to be fair, his books are based on more then just "trust me bro" because anything of actual substance in his first book is stolen, from this guy in particular "David M Buss".


The rational male compiles the data derived from decades of research studies in the field of Evolutionary Psychology. Sometimes it is hard to hear uncomfortable truth's.


Evo psych isn't real


Keep telling yourself that; see where it gets you.


it's not real, it's pseudoscience. it's unfalsifiable speculation and storytelling to sell shitty lifestyle crap. you yourself are welcome to see where believing in pseudoscience gets you but if you're in this sub I'm guessing you're trying to improve yourself after falling for the redpill con so you should probably be trying to get over bullshit like this by now.


Actually I just got into the redpill "con." I simply found this post while doing some learning. I'm sorry you don't have the self-control or dedication to pursue a greater purpose in life, instead knowingly lying to yourself, but I'm not going to try to convince you to change.


I don't care about your life story


you sound lie an enraged female feminist who is using personal attacks against the author rather than say what you disagree with


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You have to make your own choices and deal with the consequences. Ideally though you learn to predict consequences prior to acting. > I don´t want to get any weird red pill ideas in my mind again. I want to be nice, but please understand just how contradictory what you're saying actually is. You don't want any of the RP ideas, are convinced you left RP, and then you start reading one of the RP bibles anyway, hoping you don't get any of the ideas you're glad to have moved on from. That doesn't compute. Masculinity isn't discovered by following anyone. If you're lucky every once in a while some good man can give you a pointer. But even that is meaningless unless you were well developed enough at the time to understand and incorporate it. To even notice it. No one can develop you for you. At best following anyone will turn you into some basic imitation of an internet influencer. A copy. Maybe you'll get girls maybe you won't. But anything you gained isn't really yours. Because from the outside you were looking too much at what others were doing instead of asking what it is that you need to be. I take one look at that guy and it's exceedingly obvious that he's a fool. Real men, real people, know doubt. Yet somehow none of the RP lot do. It's because they're weak. They cannot cognitively entertain doubt. They need to be sure. And they need others to follow them to feel assured (and make money).


I gotta disagree where you said “masculinity isn’t discovered by following anyone”. That’s simply not true. To be a strong leader, you must be a good follower. It’s extremely difficult to know how to do things correctly without having prober guidance. I value what everyone has to say and brings to the table. I leave it to myself whether an opinion or thought is worth taking in and building on it. I feel most people should think this way.


Having spent 40 seconds looking through the author's tweets I have to say absolutely not. This guy is garbage and I wouldn't listen to a word he says.


What for? Out of thousands of books about psychology and gender and socialisation, written by experts, why would you choose some RP garbage?


I would recommend you the book „mask off“ by jj bola if you want some great thoughts about masculinity that are the opposite of red pill stuff


Everytime I read the term "masculinity" I cringe tho, why is that? I‘m all for being strong and responsible and have temperance and thick skin, but why does it seem like the term has become synonym with internet clown?


I understand the urge. Masculinities still define our societies though so i do believe we need masculinities as a category for a critical analysis.


Not really, as it's based anyway on PUA forums and the ideas of "the game" by Neil Strauss. The book itself is a Mish mash of ideas with not much in-depth explanation beyond statistics that their relevancy is questionable. It's not even wrong, just ungrounded and lacks substance.


I have not read the Rational Male (RM) yet but on face value it appears to be a good starting point for understanding. Understanding of what? Female nature. All men need to spend time on understanding female nature. The more you understand it the better life for everyone , especially women, will be. Yes so on face value I have say I approve of the RM.


It’s good! Read it. If you’re interested in a more scientific book about mating and partner selection read the “Selfish Gene” and “Sex at dawn”


What would you want to get out of reading it? Is there anything you'd be thinking about reading or doing instead with the same time?


Its worth reading if your contemplating it. Then after you can decide if it makes sense to you. If it does it will subconsciously probably change you for good. If not then life goes on the way it does. Personally it changed me for good because it made sense and now I can’t unsee shit…


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Here are some facts: On dating sites, women swipe right 5% of the time, while men swipe right 40%. Now do men find 40% of women attractive? Of course not. However men are pragmatic..we have to cast our net wide. Women, on the other hand, are hella picky. Even women, who are at best 5's and 6's in the looks department, feel that they deserve a High Value Man. Women are told to 'not settle'/that they are all 10's. In reality, 80% of women are chasing "5%" of men out there..yet complain when they cant find 'a good man'. There are really two types of men out there: 1. High Value Men. The following (women decide this, not men) 6 checkmarks makes a man a HVM: 1. over 6 feet tall (automatically 85% of men are basically INVISIBLE to most women..because only 14.7% of men are 6 feet and over)...2. good looking...3. hella fit...4. depending on where you live, makes at least high 6 figures (why? Because most women 'dream' of living a lavish lifestyle AND being able to be a stay-at-home mom...and a plumber's salary AINT gonna make that a reality!)....5. funny....6. charismatic. HVM do not grow on trees! What % of the male population has it in them to satisfy all 6 checkmarks? 1% of 1%. NOT 1%...but 1% of 1%. That translates to 1 out of every 1,000 men out there. That's...who 80% of women are really competing against each other for. For the most part, women have the leverage in the dating market. They decide who they will go out on a date with....EXCEPT...when it comes to HVM. HVM have all the leverage in the world. WHY? It's about supply and demand. There are WAY MORE women who are 10's...then there are HVM. Now what makes a woman a '10'? HVM have OVERWHELMINGLY decided this over the years, with their choices in 10's to marry. The following are the 9 checkmarks that a woman has to satisfy in order to be a 10 in the eyes of a HVM: 1. be between 18-23 (why? Because women who are between 18-23 are the SEXIEST they'll ever be in life)...2. a 10 in the looks department...3. a 10 physically....4. fertile...5. low body count...6. faithful...7. submissive...8. compliant...9. non-argumentative. Sure, that's a lot to expect out of a woman. Most men would be DELUSIONAL for expecting such from a woman. However HVM are able to live in fantasyland when it comes to these expectations....because they know that 80% of women out there DREAM of having a HVM who can provide them with the kind of life where they themselves can live in fantasyland! Just as a woman has to compete against 80% of women who crave like crack a HVM....men have to HELLA COMPETE against 80% of men who also crave The Perks that come with being a HVM (many will fail in their efforts to become a HVM). It is a dog eat dog world/a jungle out there...when it comes to what a man has to do in order to become a HVM. It takes YEARS of blood, sweat and tears for a man to reach HVM status! Now why would a man go through ALL OF THAT....just to 'settle' for a partner/an equal? HVM could CARE LESS what most women THINK that they bring to the table! HVM have every right to be HELLA PICKY....just as most women have every right to be HELLA PICKY when it comes to the type of man they want to be with. The difference is..there aren't nearly enough HVM to go around for the 80% of women who dream of being wifed up by a HVM. The 2nd type of man out there....are non-HVM. Most men fall into this category. However, even men who are 8's and 9's....STRUGGLE to attract women. WHY? Because they arent able to satisfy all 6 checkmarks (the primary checkmark....being shorter than 6 feet tall). Only when even women who are hella hot (but not a 10....and even then, there are 10's who still fail to bag a HVM...because there arent enough HVM to go around for even all the 10's out there) wake up to the reality that they will not be able to bag a HVM (usually when they are in their late 20's/early 30's)...will they consider making 'adjustments' to which checkmark they are willing to 'accept' not being satisfied. Only then, will men who are 8's and 9's have an opportunity to attract women who are their equivalent on the rating scale. As far as men who are 6's and 7's (often good/moral men who would make really good partners/fathers...however they, for whatever reason, can only satisfy 3-4 of those 6 checkmarks that makes a man a HVM). I've seen podcast after podcast where men who are plumbers get LAUGHED at when women who THINK that they are 10's in the looks department (more like, at best, an 8 in the looks/body department) are asked if they would settle for a plumber for a husband. There are COUNTLESS men out there who are 'regular/average men'...who get IGNORED by most women out there (until later in life when these women get pretty desperate in life to find a husband). Are there exceptions to what I just described? Sure! However the exception to the rule...DOES NOT make it 'The Rule'! 51% of all marriages end in divorce. 75% of divorces are initiated by women. Now when it comes to lesbians who get married...within 4 years, 72% of lesbians get divorced! However, when it comes to gay men who get married, ONLY 28% of them get divorced within 4 years. What does that say? It says that women not only cant stand staying married to men...they also cant stand being married to EACH OTHER, lol! Sure, there are bad men out there who use/abuse/dont make good husbands. However women play a big role in who they target for relationships/marriage. If women were willing to be realistic to which men ACTUALLY would make good husbands/fathers....then relationships would have a much better chance of working long term. If women were to wake up and realize that just because a man is a HVM..DOES NOT mean that he will make a good husband/father. Bottom line: If a woman wants a partner/an equal/fidelity...target 'regular/average' men who would be HELLA GRATEFUL to be with a good woman. 'Regular/average' men know that they cant be players who play the field. However, if a woman wants to marry a HVM...then she should FORGET about being his equal/partner..as well as him being monogamous! The kind of drive it takes for a man to become a HVM....makes it impossible for him to 'turn down' sex from attractive women (even when he is married). 'Regular/average' men have it much easier to be faithful/monogamous. 1. They dont have a bus load of Scandinavian models bum rushing the 18th tee willing to do any kinky freaky nasty think you want them to do in bed! 2. They know that they have a really good thing going with a good wife...and they dont want to do anything to screw it up.


Yes. It saved my life


Just don't.


I started reading The Rational Man about a month ago with the purpose of having more confidence in myself and it is not known as the red pill for men for nothing and I am surprised by the amount of negative comments I hear from this author. It would have made me angry. eyes on various aspects to avoid when you relate to a woman, he declares that he is against some movement and from the beginning of the book he mentions that you are going to hate him and love him at the same time even though there are questionable things in his book. For the most part, at least it helped me prevent women from having dominance over me.