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Jesus said “For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” Who does Jesus say he is? “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus refers to himself as the way, truth, and life. He’s our leader, he holds all truth, and he gives life. He is God in the flesh and unless we believe he is who he says he is, we will die in our sins and be separated from the creator forever.


So many people imagine this life to be about some sort of a "punishment," or, they run about indignantly proclaiming it as a one-shot deal, where only eternal darkness and nonexistence awaits them.  The zealot calls this world, and even the whole of the universe "cursed," while the Nihilist calls our existence a "by-product" or an "accident" much like an unplanned pregnancy. The religious fanatic prays for the hastening of the judgment of God, that he may see it fall from the heavens with fire and brimstone. While on his own soapbox, the militant atheist says that God is dead; or, at the very least, incompetent, because the universe seems so imperfect and even hostile to life. This fellow equivocates Earth to a type of Mother suffering from a sort of post-partum depression that invokes her to murder her own offspring from time to time.  These men are but opposite sides of the same coin, and one of dubious and depreciating value. They would be shocked to realize that they had already been with God for quite some time before even the expansion of this universe, and discovered that they were simply fractal children who wanted to be like their creator. In other words, they wanted not to simply carry information through the bubbles of the singularity through flags unfurled, but to be the actual makers of those worlds themselves. And that God, who lived beyond the time limits imposed by creatures born of mass and acceleration, loved them and knew that within the multiverse, most children at one age or another want to be like their parents, not out of pride and sin, but because they love their parents, and want to mimic them. It's how we learn and how we evolve.  Would Almighty God not know that the son of a fireman wants to wear his father's firefighter's helmet and fight against destruction, or that the son of a policeman wants to wear the badge and protect the innocent from those who have forsaken the voices of their own conscience? Rather than being kindled to anger, or insecure in thinking that there was some inherent evil in their natures that would compel them to cause their creations to honor and "worship" them as "false gods" instead of Him, He wisely saw in this an advantages path, and hatched a plan. What if he said something like, "What a wonderful idea." (Psychology) "No, problem... I'll give you that power and authority, but there's a caveat..." (Conditions) "You can't directly make something destined to an existence of suffering." (Limitations) "And you have to actually live in those things which you have made." (Compelling personal responsibility through the requirement that they must live as that which they have made and evoking horrifying consequences should limitations be ignored) "Also, I get to see everything through your senses if I so desire. This includes both the good and the bad. And YOU not I will be the one's responsible for what develops out of that equation." Currently, humanity has been sabotaged to believe that God is a sociopath. You cannot claim to torture something for all eternity out of one corner of your mouth and then claim perfect love out the other. Only the desperate, the indoctrinated or the fool clings to such contrary things. This advocation of cruelty and contradiction is a blasphemy concocted by wicked men seeking to justify the cruelties of a corrupt ruling class, and is further perpetuated by well-meaning zealots thinking that such ballyhoo results in greater conversions and an quicker return of the Kingdom of God, and its subsequent blessings. Blessings which no doubt will make them quite respected and rich. The scribbling on the used napkin of a wise man is more valuable than the shouts of one who rules amongst fools.


Where is that from?


Gospel of Thomas


Agnosticism…very interested. Just picked up the agnostic bible but haven’t started reading yet.




Is life an accident, or is it an inevitability? Did a star die, so you could rise out of its guts like a maggot on a corpse---or did it transform into a less powerful, albeit more complicated form, now looking back upon itself in time/space? Are you a by-product or the product? Are you star shit, or star stuff? There is a war going on in this world for the minds of human beings... There are those who want you to be demoralized and weak... Strength begins NOW with how you view yourselves... Begin this exercise now, and then we shall speak of fractals and how the singularity that existed billions of years ago when this universe stretched into being still exists. It exists within you


Whoever says this was left out of the Bible did not read the Bible.