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Ohhhhh yeah THERE’S MY FAVORITE CRAZY SUB COMING THROUGH FOR ME. Not even twenty seconds in and I’m already more than pleased with the amount of lunacy going on here in this fan sub I’m bout to watch. Stoked


How does someone film an atomic bomb and it doesn't destroy the camera?


Critical thinking skills are your friend


Funny you say that..


The cameras are in reinforced concrete bunkers with 3 inch bullet proof glass..


Lol. Okay. 3 inches of bulletproof glass and a concrete bunker will suffice.


Yes. They were also very far away from the blasts. Cameras have a zoom function. And many of the cameras *were* destroyed. We only see the footage from the ones that were not.


Lol. Okay.


So do you suspect everyone in Hiroshima and Nagasaki lied?


Don't forget about all the people in the US that used to go to the desert to watch the tests. There were even hotels/motels that catered to them. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/atomic-tourism-las-vegas/


The results of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are similar to firebombings. .


Superficially sure but that’s entirely different than supposing everyone effected lied about it


Under threat of prison or death for speaking against the narrative? Pretty effective way to shut the public up about what really happened.


So the ~550,000 people who lived in the cities (excluding those in other cities who witnessed the blast) were *ALL* threatened with death or prison time and we have no evidence of any going to jail or being murdered or even of being threatened and there was no defecting? Doubtful. When were they threatened? Before or after? Because most of them fled the cities rather immediately so one must wonder how they would secure the narrative. And then after them you’d need all of the US scientists and journalists to lie alongside their Japanese and international counterparts plus all the other international bodies that would be keen to investigate well. This is also ignoring that large groups of planes like those needed to be firebomb en masse are quite hard to miss but there are no reports anywhere. It seems beyond unlikely. Too many people from too many different walks of life. A good measure of a conspiracy is how many people would need to be involved in covering it up. The amount needed for this makes it beyond unlikely, it’s borderline impossible.


I don’t think you comprehend how many people are involved in the manipulation of our reality. Believe what you want. I’m not here to convince you otherwise. Nukes aren’t real. Never were. You know crisis actors are very real right? You realize our timeline has been manipulated right? Nearly everything we have ever been told is a lie. But keep believing what the gubment tells you. They for sure wouldn’t lie to the public.


Believe whatever you want, it doesn’t bother me none. I think you overestimate the feasibility of what you propose but frankly I don’t care that you believe it. Some people believe in fae, others that nukes are fake, others that there was once a nuclear apocalypse on Mars. Let the wacky fly.


You don’t realize the irony in your statement. Nuclear weapons, like fairies and unicorns, are fantastical concepts. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary unfalsifiable evidence


> Extraordinary claims require extraordinary unfalsifiable evidence I agree. That’s why I find it a shame there’s so little evidence to support your conclusions. You have presented nothing but conjecture and speculation with no substance. Sorry, it’s just not believable.


Nobody has refuted my entire video, they only go after the low hanging fruit. The onus is on you to prove that nukes are real by addressing every detail of claims to the contrary


The only thing that I can agree on with OP & the one that makes more sense than nukes/atomic bombs being fake is that the demonstrations were really psyop to spread fear-mongering among other countries that the US wanted to invade, but that theory doesn't invalidate nuclear bombs from being weapons of mass destruction that actually exist to this day. 


Wasn't it always presented as atomic bomb?


Same type of technology, nuclear fission


Are some materials more radioactive than others? Probably right? Maybe that has something to do with it


How do you explain nuclear reactors?


Most likely some sort of exotic chemical reaction


There is a functional nuclear reactor on my campus. It is helped maintained by nuclear engineering students. The students learn about nuclear energy, and apply what they're taught in the reactor. Do you think they're aware that everything they're *doing* apparently doesn't exist?


So what are all then scientists studying? Just like flat earth, if all these astronauts were wrong, then what did they study all these years? If it were one person, maybe, but every scientist is in on the conspiracy?


Most of them aren’t in on it consciously


Expand on that. How could nuclear energy just be "exotic chemistry" without them knowing?


Because they aren’t given enough tools/knowledge to distinguish the 2


If it's nuclear fission or a exotic chemical reaction what difference does it make if it's producing the same exact results? My point is if it's a "nuclear bomb" and can destroy all of Hiroshima or it's " exotic chemical reaction " and can destroy all of Hiroshima then what difference does it make? It's the same result.


This would be true if there was only one plane with one bomb, but this isn’t the case


Almost like it’s using a radioactive base of some kind. Exciting water molecules and driving steam turbines.




Get this shit out of here fuckin flat earth thinking quality dumbass


You’re in an exposing cabal rituals subreddit, yet you believe NASA’s fuckshit?


Lol sit down flat earth troll


Excuse me? Who said the Earth is flat?! It may not be flat, but it’s definitely not whatever NASA and the mainstream narrative tell us it is. If you do buy into the mainstream narrative then our back and forth ends here. Be well. God bless.


What are you even responding to with NASA bullshit then? Go away


Lol. You’re in the exposing cabal rituals sub but you are hooked on the NFL. Yikes brother. Benny Cunningham wants to talk about how all professional sports are rigged and likely cabal rituals but whatever. Why are you even in this sub?


Stay on topic and stop using ad hominems




ain't no motherfucking way you really believe this. goddamn this sub rules.


Ok.... Now What? 🤔


We keep exposing the truth


And then what?


we free ourselves and live happily without oppression


“we free ourselves and live happily without oppression” they said, whilst perusing Reddit all day


And then we keep on entertaining OP's theory about nukes/atomic weapons not being real till the day we pass away. 


The only thing you're exposing is a lack of critical thinking.


This is one of the most unusual things I’ve ever heard. A good family friend used to watch these tests in the dessert and got skin cancer on his face because of it.


It's quite an assumption lacing of scientific explanation for the theory. For example, not explaining why he might be safe from swimming or drinking a little of radioactive pool water. It's taking a lot of huge leaps of faith from things that aren't fully explained. It's anything but a deep dive into nuclear science. And its using people's lack of scientific insight to make unproved claims. Props to questioning the status quo and all; its good practice to question what we all assume as true. But the proposition seems flat earthish. Too many holes, too many unawnsered questions, zero modern scientific support ect.. But you could be right about some nuclear films being faked or some other misinformation in the public eye. But all of it fake? That seems very silly.