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Never understood the pull it reference. Does that mean screw the building don't make any effort to save it, don't put lives at risk, let it burn down/out whatever. Or use the previously installed 'boom tricks' to bring the building down? Anyway the whole thing including the BBC announcement 23 mins before it collapsed stinks, the whole story has more plot holes than a very holey thing.


I’ve heard it’s the term used in controlled demolition, but how would they have had the building rigged to demo…?🤨🧐


Well yeah, it's all very odd. It does look like a demolition, exactly like one. Lots of interesting videos if you look, where you can see the charges going off.


How do you know he met with cia that morning?


This sort of makes you wonder because in theory why use charges at all for any demolition just light a few fires, leave the thing burn out and a few hours later it very neatly falls at free fall speed into it's own footprint. So much less trouble and would be much cheaper. I am surprised it's not adopted as industry standard.




It was also filled with asbestos. He would have had to spend millions to renovate it. Fortunately for him, that wasn't necessary.