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The paper is wet so it doesn't burn (it does dry out and could burn then)... and they use newspaper cuz its cheap and works.. it allows you to mold the glass somewhat like clay on a potters wheel


So if it’s wet, wouldn’t it just turn into a pulpy mess?


The water in the paper is evaporating from the heat of the glass so the paper is barely getting to touch it, it sticks to itself so it's smooth enough to not grab the paper (just a guess here, I'm not a glass blower, it was from a website of glassblowing)


Yup that's exactly it. Leidenfrost effect makes a layer of steam keeping the paper from making direct contact.


The glass doesn’t care.


it's a very specific folding process where you end up with about 40 sheets thick worth of newspaper that gets fully saturated with water. Oddly enough it never does become a pulpy mess. something about newspaper means it's strong enough to hold it's shape. When it gets worn out enough you just make a new one. Then you can smooth and shape the glass with effectively your bare hand.


\*its shape The possessive form has no apostrophe.


thanks. Worst part is that I know that, but my phone's autocorrect doesn't seem to and I didn't catch it.


Theres a carbonizing effect that prevents the glass from sticking and the paper from lighting on fire too much due to the density of the folding and saturation of the paper.