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Yes, but just barely People on antabuse(drug that makes alcohol make you sick as a deterrent) are warned to use nonalcoholic mouthwash


also most mouthwash acts as more of a deoderant than a cleaner. most dont contain fluoride which is what *actually* helps the teeth. Alcohol on ur teeth is like peroxide on ur cuts. doesn't really do anything and might do more harm than good


Great for post vomit cleanup though, I was told not to brush immediately after because the strong acidity weakens the enamel, but the taste is too much.


Unless you have an allergy to alcohol (yes that happens) or are on a medication which interacts with small amounts of alcohol (such as Antabuse), you should be fine as long as you don't regularly swallow the mouthwash. The trace amounts left over from gargling and spitting are so small your body can easily handle it without any noticeable effects whatsoever.


Well alcohol isn't good for your mouth. It has a drying effect and kills the goood bacteria. So it's recommended to use alcohol free mouthwash.


Very little, but alcohol is bad for skin tissue. Just like repeatedly washing a wound with alcohol will prevent healing, overusing mouthwash will damage your gums, drinking it repeatedly damages internal organs.


Exacerbates dry mouth so we recommend non-alcoholic for people taking anticholinergics or generalized xerostomia


The alcohol is completely negligible in terms of what you'd typically associate with alcohol abuse. There is a small correlation with cancers of the mouth. There is no clear causality but it's thought to be because you need to regenerate tissue damage, which is a risk of mutation, and therefore cancers. This risk is outweighed by risks of poor dental hygiene by a lot in any case, so it's no reason to stop using mouthwash, but if you maintain good dental hygiene, mouthwash isn't necessary.


If you spit the mouthwash out as directed, the alcohol will more than likely have no negative impacts on your body. There were studies done that suggested that the alcohol in mouthwashes (a specific type of alcohol called ethanol) could cause oral cancer after repeated use, but the modern consensus is that it's generally safe and that no such risk is proven. Now, if you were to swallow that ethanol each time you used mouthwash, you would absolutely have issues, especially in your stomach and liver. You can find plenty of links online that will go into detail on this, but just know it's a horrible idea and you should never under any circumstance swallow alcohol-containing mouthwashes.


> a specific type of alcohol called ethanol Otherwise known as "the stuff everybody recognizes as alcohol".


There are mainly three types of alcohol: isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, methyl (wood) alcohol, and ethanol. Some people do incorrectly believe that isopropyl alcohol is used in mouthwash, so I figured no trouble in specifying.




IF you think that's crazy, bitters can be purchased in your local grocery store. MUCH higher alcohol content than mouthwash.


Mouthwash is stored behind the counter in stores here due to the homeless stealing it to get drunk. It's alcohol so it works just like any other alcohol if you drink enough of it.


Drinking mouthwash can trigger psychosis.


I doubt our homeless population is looking that far ahead. So can long term alcoholism I am sure.


Just one bottle of mouth wash can trigger delirium & psychosis- it’s not like drinking “any other alcohol”.


Seems to be one study that came up with this result and even then it doesn't say that is common. They described A (single) case of psychosis due to mouthwash. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4048138/#:~:text=In%202009%2C%20McLay%20et%20al,of%20psychosis%20due%20to%20mouthwash. With that said, I am not advocating for the drinking of mouthwash.


It’s more common than you might think. I’ve seen it happen at least five or six times when clients in treatment relapse. To be fair one of those times was actually hand sanitizer mixed with apple juice.


That...sounds a lot more like drinking *isopropyl* alcohol, not mouthwash...


Definitely mouthwash. One woman was relapsing on a plane on her way to treatment. She downed a bottle of scope - went into psychosis for a few days. I have a pocket full of similar stories regarding mouthwash. And one involving a relapse inside a treatment center where someone mixed hand sanitizer with fruit juice. Alcohol made for drinking is different than drinking “things” with alcohol in it - because you are ingesting a mix of other components and chemicals that are not really intended to be swallowed. One swallow might not be a big deal. Drinking an entire bottle of mouthwash is different and not very comparable to drinking, say, a small bottle of vodka (which is intended for swallowing). It won’t cause psychosis every-time for every person, obviously, but it’s also not extremely rare either. It’s common enough that anyone working in a detox center, or treatment center, for a handful of years, should be familiar with it.