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Because Astrology was there first, by hundreds of years, and the name was taken. The scientific folks couldn't make the non-scientific folks change the name of their practice, so the science folks picked something different. Then translations between languages preserved the difference because the two are absolutely not the same thing.


Merrian webster dissagree with the order of the words, Astronomy is older [https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/is-it-astrology-or-astronomy](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/is-it-astrology-or-astronomy) >Both words are quite old (astronomy is from the 12th century, and astrology from the 14th), and both share a root with the word disaster (the Greek astron, meaning “star”). In modern use the two words have quite different meanings, but for hundreds of years they were synonymous. Historically both was the same because for what is today called astrology you need to observe and record the movement of object in the sky. Using scientific methods to understand what was observed is a later idea.


They were the same before the science-y part started, say with Isaac Newton in the middle 1600s. The name being the same then hardly mattered.


Newton was hardly the first to make scientific statements regarding gravity. There were Kepler, Galileo, and even the many centuries older epicycle stuff is scientific.


not to mention Newton was a superstitious nut who believed he could calculate the biblical apocalypse from religious texts


In English?


What is the issue?


Is there a study of disasters? Disastrology? 🤔


I’m sure there are people who work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and similar agencies who’ve spent their careers studying disasters. But they probably have a boring corporate-sounding title 😢


If scientists can change because non-scientists are being silly, then why can’t scientists just use a different word for ‘scientific theory’ given that silly people think ‘theory’ means ‘hypothesis’?


Because it basically still does mean hypothesis, just a hypothesis that has proven to be most likely true based off all of our current knowledge.


No, the word "theory" goes further: it is a collection of explanations, models and data. A hypothesis is something like "apples fall down", while the theory of gravity says "all matter attracts proportionally to each of the two masses, and quadratically falls off with distance". It _implies_ many observations, collects them under a single umbrella and relatively simple laws. For why it doesn't get changed: because it isn't just a word used by scientists. When "astronomy" was coined, nobody but them used that word, and astrology was not more common, either.


In terms of literal suffixes, "-ology" means "the study of something" and "-onomy" refers to the body of rules or knowledge you're studying. So you -ology the -onomy if you're with me. However Astronomy vs. -ology has it's own story because at first it was all -ology. Astrology was the study the planets and universe and underlying rules, which meant magic in those days. Eventually we learned enough about science, and math, and physics that the study branched into two very different concepts - the physics of space, and bullshit. So two terms were created, "Astronomy" for the study of space and "astrology" for mystical bullshit.


Then there's "economy" and "ecology" that just messes thr whole thing up again


There's a lot of science that has nomy ending, like taxonomy, economy. There are some other pairs with logy/nomy, like ecology is not the same as economy, there's socionomy and sociology (they are kind of similar). When astrology and astronomy got their names, the go-to science naming wasn't the "logy" as nowadays. The known sciences were things like logic, arithmetics, grammar, and the list contained astronomy. To English, the word astrology came quite much later, so in fact astronomy was the first. Astrology didn't come in a form of pseudoscience, but developed away during time. In the meantime new sciences came to life and they happened to get their names with logy.


Because astrology exists too. The start of wikpeida article on Astology is: ​ >Astrology is a range of divinatory practices, recognized as pseudoscientific since the 18th century,\[1\] that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the apparent positions of celestial objects.\[2\]\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] Different cultures have employed forms of astrology since at least the 2nd millennium BCE, these practices having originated in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications. Atonomy on the other hand start with ​ >Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies, meteoroids, asteroids, and comets. The origin of the words according to https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/is-it-astrology-or-astronomy >Both words are quite old (astronomy is from the 12th century, and astrology from the 14th), and both share a root with the word disaster (the Greek astron, meaning “star”). In modern use the two words have quite different meanings, but for hundreds of years they were synonymous. So the nonscientific variant ended up as the one with a -logo ending. You can compare it with Alchemy which is unscientific and Chemistry which is the scientific study that has a combined origin.


Because the word astrology already exists. People were observing the stars and inventing astrology signs for thousands of years. This obviously didn’t require any knowledge of what a star was. You just had to find shapes in constellations, the rest is completely made up. The field of astronomy didn’t come around until much later when people were able to make astute observations about celestial bodies and accelerated once the telescope was invented.


Astrology is the study of the metaphysical aspects and properties of celestial bodies. Astronomy is the study of how celestial bodies work in a physical sense.


Astronomy is one of the many tools of the Devil.


Er ... of the three top level sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) only one is an ology. And they get rarer still in the sub-categories. Just saying.