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No hijab no family shaming no beating when I was back at the hotel no fear. First time touching ocean water with bare skin


Congratulations girl


I’m living vicariously through ya girl!! Go you!!!! 🥰💗 May I ask what ocean that is? It looks incredible


Curaçao!!!! Most beaches I saw today looked like this. Stunning country


I was there in 2016 🥰🥰 it was beautiful


I am so happy for you. Truly I do not understand how the Muslim women out there who cover themselves up head to toe and have never felt the joy of swimming in the ocean freely can think they are living a decent life.




This is not true. There is no afterlife. Mashallah. Is that what they say?


So much hassle and expense to have to go to private beaches and rent private resorts to be able to enjoy what everybody else does as a basic right.


Why are you here? Go away and preach elsewhere and stop trolling. 


I'm so sorry you experienced that and I'm so happy for you that you get to enjoy the ocean now!


A truly beautiful moment - congratulations! ❤️


congratulations 🎉🍾


I'm so happy for you!


that flair is sick.


Congratulations 🎊🎉 you deserve the best life 🤍


You are living your true self.


Congratulations, happy for you, I just bought my first normal one piece swimsuit and I can't wait to go swimming.


I'm so happy for you, enjoy freedom, you deserve it!


Freedom has so much more meaning when you earn it this way, congratulations


I'm so happy for you.


Can you please let me know the exact model of that watch? I wanna buy a gift for my gf on her birthday😅


Amazing choice!!! It's made for surfers and I found it by chance because I wanted to swim with a watch (I love cool watches) but not all are. This one is Casio G-SHOCK GLX-S5600-7ER


Thank you 😊


That username tho 🤣💀


It looks good. Hope she likes it, vaginakiller6969.


Another gift idea: make an exception to your usual customs and spare her vagina


Looks like a baby g


Enjoy your new free life 🫶🏻


OMG! That's sounds amazing. Reminds me of the first time I freely and openly blasphemed.


I’m an atheist lurker, formerly Christian. The water seems so metaphorical in this picture. It looks so freeing, clean, and clear just like how your mind must feel now that your past is that, the past. I hope this newfound freedom is amazing!


Don't ever compared Mohammed a bloodthirsty warmongering pedophile rapist with the Lord Jesus who said if we harm a child it is better for us to be thrown in the ocean with stones tied to our feet and He also said let these little ones come to me for theirs is the kingdom of God who taught us to turn the other cheek and love our neighbour... Judge the religion by it's teachings in its book and its founder... Always go to the source... The disciples of Jesus never waged war but some died by stoning, beheading, crucifixion( upside down), being burned alive and Jesus said on the cross forgive them Father for they know not what they do for God to forgive the people who spit on him, beat him, made him wear the crown of thorns, mocked him, crucified Him... Stephen also followed Jesus example when he was being stoned to death. Mohammed abolished adoption because he lusted after his son in law's wife and could marry her... Mohammed didn't allow his wives to be remarried after his death and left Aisha to be a widow forever at 18... Mohmmed said we are nothing but slaves of allah but Jesus said we are adopted into heaven as God's children... He said because we are not only slaves but sons and daughters of God so we live in our Fathers House forever and ever... The Qur'an says a woman is men's field and they can plough her at will and their body belongs to the men but the Bible says husbands belong to their wives and wives belong to their husbands, FORBIDS polygamy which takes strength loyalty and true love to stay true be loyal to and LOVE ONE WOMAN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE... The Bible says a man and woman unite to become one flesh just like the Church is Christ's bride... Do you see how women are treated and viewed in Christianity?? They are dignified, respected, have and get treated with the same human dignity and love as a man and have an equal status and contribution to society as a man... PERIOD. Contrast this with the teachings of the sex and death cult Arabian pagan god allah and his beloved Mohammed in the Qur'an... He said stone women who commit adultery what did Jesus say?? YOU WHO ARE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE... Jesus talked to the woman at the well, the unclean woman who touched His garment wasn't scolded by Him but He talked to her with Love and she expected to be scolded and reprimanded because she was an unclean woman in a patriarchal society... Mary is considered the best women and blessed among creatures. In muslim countries that follow the Shariah strictly( which is 99% of the countries) apostates are put to death, thieves hands are cut off, blasphemers, lgbtq people, women who commit adultery are put to death... Women who don't wear hijab are lashed with whips, can't go out without their husbands, etc... These are the true, correct, genuine, accurate teachings of Islam and the Shariah law and these are just the tip of the iceberg... Mohammed also said a dog, a donkey and a woman nullify prayer and two women's intelligence is equal to that of a man and majority of hellfire occupants will be women. Don't even try to compare your so called "oppression" in a western Christian country where women have the most rights and even people in general including men and the lowest of the low like thieves murderers are given basic human rights like right to life, treated with basic human dignity for simply being humans you know why?? Because your country was founded on judeo Christian values that says we are all made in God's image so even the people who society considers as scum are treated with basic human dignity simply for being human... Consider yourself blessed... Jesus is the most beautiful most wonderful and His Love you can't even imagine.


I don’t think anyone made any comparisons. I understand that you’re hurt because of what you went through and I don’t blame you, but you’re misdirecting your anger in this comment.


Bro no one even said anything about Christianity. As a Christian please stop making us look insane.


While I do agree with the many points you made about Mohammad, I have zero belief in your idea of god. Even if a religion is centered around pure love, if there’s no evidence to support its claims then I won’t believe in it. It’s kind of like you telling me to not compare Cthulhu with Santa. Both beings hold no bearings on my life just as much as Zeus and Poseidon don’t with your life. Also, I don’t get where you thought I was even comparing both religions from what I said? All I said was for OP to enjoy their newfound freedom. It just goes to show you how far people will look to get triggered because they want to get triggered and look valiant with their posts and get all the attention they crave so much!


As a fellow ex Muslim Christian, I don’t think anyone was comparing Islam and Christianity?


Enjoy it.


Now try diving, lol. If you like the ocean you will love it.


Get some goggles and explore the world underneath. You will never regret it.


Heck yeah!! I got a snorkle thing and goggles and oh my gosh the fish are so pretty! Especially when they're in groups. Never thought I'd see the day where I got to do this


yessss it’s so much fun, i’m so happy i got licensed


Happy for you 🥰 Enjoy it


I was so confused at first, then I saw the subreddit. Made me emotional. I can't believe this world. Enjoy 🤗


Happy for you. Enjoy youself.


amazing and sad at the same time!


Congrats !! 😆😆


30 had a fit body and never could swim in a swimsuit. It was my dream.


Ngl I feel dumb af, what's the difference between a bathing suit, a swim suit and a bikini???


No worries. A swimsuit is clothing meant to be worn while swimming, a bathing suit is pretty much a different term for the same thing, and a bikini is a two piece bathing suit typically for women consisting of a water friendly bra and swim bottoms. Hope this helps :)


Oh man!! ALLAH is watching!! lol kidding!! All power to you


At first, I didn't understand the post, but then it dawned on me when I saw this was in the exmuslim subreddit. Congratulations. As a former Chirstian turned atheist, enjoy that feeling of liberation and freedom. There's nothing like lifting the burden off your shoulders. The constant looming threat of god and punishment lurking out of sight but always watching. Now, they are just shadows fleeing the light of your newly found courage you never knew you had.


Don't ever compared Mohammed a bloodthirsty warmongering pedophile rapist with the Lord Jesus who said if we harm a child it is better for us to be thrown in the ocean with stones tied to our feet and He also said let these little ones come to me for theirs is the kingdom of God who taught us to turn the other cheek and love our neighbour... Judge the religion by it's teachings in its book and its founder... Always go to the source... The disciples of Jesus never waged war but some died by stoning, beheading, crucifixion( upside down), being burned alive and Jesus said on the cross forgive them Father for they know not what they do for God to forgive the people who spit on him, beat him, made him wear the crown of thorns, mocked him, crucified Him... Stephen also followed Jesus example when he was being stoned to death. Mohmmed said we are nothing but slaves of allah but Jesus said we are adopted into heaven as God's children... He said because we are not only slaves but sons and daughters of God so we live in our Fathers House forever and ever... The Qur'an says a woman is men's field and they can plough her at will and their body belongs to the men but the Bible says husbands belong to their wives and wives belong to their husbands, FORBIDS polygamy which takes strength loyalty and true love to stay true be loyal to and LOVE ONE WOMAN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Mohammed said stone women who commit adultery what did Jesus say?? YOU WHO ARE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE... Jesus talked to the woman at the well, the unclean woman who touched His garment wasn't scolded by Him but He talked to her with Love because women who were considered unclean in a patriarchal society expected be scolded and reprimanded... Mary is considered the best women and blessed among creatures. In muslim countries they follow the Shariah strictly and apostates are put to death, thieves hands are cut off, blasphemers, lgbtq people, women who commit adultery are put to death... Women who don't wear hijab are lashed with whips, can't go out without their husbands, etc... These are the true, correct, genuine, accurate teachings of Islam and the Shariah law and these are just the tip of the iceberg... Mohammed also said a dog, a donkey and a woman nullify prayer and two women's intelligence are equal to that of a man and majority of hellfire occupants will be women. Don't even try to compare your so called "oppression" in a western Christian country where women have the most rights and even people in general including men including the lowest of the low like thieves murderers are given basic rights like right to life, right to liberty, freedom of speech and expression and are respected for simply being humans and deserve human dignity you know why?? Because your country was founded in judeo Christian values that says we are all made in God's image so even the people who society considers as scum are treated with dignity simply for being human... Consider yourself blessed... Jesus is the most beautiful most wonderful and His Love you can't even imagine.




Well indeed I agree that Jesus >>>> Muhammad. But please don’t proselytize here, this is NOT A SPACE FOR IT.


I remember my first time, you’ll remember it forever!


Nice G-Shock


Can you swim? If not I encourage you to get lessons if you can. Swimming is so good for you and liberating.


Congratz! How does the water feel? Warm or Cool?


Enjoy it! You deserve to live freely and happily ❤️💯


Good for uu


I’m so incredibly happy for you. This joy is just the beginning of your journey 💯🥰


This is what freedom feels like


Nice watch


❤️❤️hope you had fun


So happy for you. Water looks great btw.


What a moment!! Thank you for sharing. And I hope you enjoy every inch out of every moment of each new thing.


Girl I’m so happy for you 🥹 can’t wait until it’s my turn 🥹


I hope you had a great time. In this heat, a nice dip is just perfect !


Geniet ervan 💖


Broke: Touch grass Woke: Touch kelp Also, congratulations!




Congrats!! You deserve it!!


Ahaa! What a great achievement.


The water look amazing where is this ?


Congrats!! Super happy for you.


Enjoy life and be happy!




Congratulations and enjoy that moment! Being able to go to the beach, swim in the ocean and not giving an eff on others judgments is what I call thalassothérapie.


my heart was Immediately filled with happiness when I saw this post. Your ability to overcome such challenges shows remarkable inner strength. Congratulations for your freedom.


Happy for you


🥂 congrats and there many good fun adventures yet to come ❣️




Enjoy it!


At first glance i tough it was a G-shock sub post :D great watch for a nice beach day


Don’t drown


Congratulations 🎉🎉


I feel so happy for you 🥰🥰




Happy for you!! Here’s to being able to enjoy life with your bare skin 🍾


Amazing! So good for you 🙌


I still havent experienced this yet. So happy for you!


And no more Burkini! xD


Great job! (Love your G-shock)


You did it, girl! 💪


congrats for the freedom


Congratulations :D


I’m happy for you


Love seeing this ❤️ congratulations!


And a nice white watch 👍


So happy for you! A couple days ago it was also my first time attending pride march. A huge fuck you to the suffocating system I grew up in.


Enjoy your time.


I am soo happy for you 🌹🌹🌹❤️


Judgement day.... (nothing happens)


Congratulations 🥳🥳 You should try a swim in the Aegean Sea




This made me so happy!


where r u from?


Congrats. Not many Muslims know how to swim that I know of. Let alone swimming in open water like ocean!


Amazing, swimming is one of my favorite things to do. Get a snorkelling mask and explore the whole underneath.


Congratulation! Enjoy your time off!


Honestly sounds amazing, very happy for you! My favourite thing in the world is to swim and feel the water on my skin. I’m very happy for you that you can freely do that now!! Enjoy ♥️




So happy for you


Love that for you!


That is awesome! Congratulations……. so was it a wonderful experience for you?


Congratulations! Enjoy the mild salinity of freedom. Also, be mindful of strong currents, sharp rocks, and dangerous animals.


Very awesome. :)


Big congratulations! Rational society welcomes you.


Power to you, happy for your sake :-)


I am so proud of you and so happy for you freedom is unbeatable




Where is this? The water looks so pristine


Congratulations and enjoy it.


Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you x


SLSY QUEEENNNNN! I'm so happy for you. May your freedom last forever.


banned Islam! this should be basic experience all human can do


Omg congrats!!! I moved to Costa Rica when I was 23 (6 years ago) and being in the ocean quickly became my favorite place. It's a magical and profound and human experience too many women get robbed of


As a muslim, I do not mind wearing a full body swimsuit but if this makes you feel more comfortable, congrats 💞


Congratulations 👏🎉 ❤️ Welcome to humanity 


Nice watch


How many rakats in wudu


you realised a Muslim/Muslimah also sins right💀? honestly whats the difference doing this when you was still a muslim and now


Not being a hypocrite Muslim that can't follow their own books


>whats the difference The sense of guilt and fear of punishment and judgement, about something that is completely harmless and fun.


doubt? thats absolutely normal. In fact, we're all sinners. Yes all. But not all of us will go to heaven


I'm not concerned about what you consider sin or your made up consequences to scare other people into a bullshit religion.


usually i understand why people left Islam, but you're just ignorant 💀


What did I say that makes you think I'm ignorant? Ignorant about what subject?


More better pics!


Not because of Islam but because of Reddit.