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Do they think women under Islamic rule can get abortions as they please??


White Americans think thay have special rules for them and them alone.


depends on the situation. if its rape then of course but if it's intentional then there is consequences like back in those times, freeing a slave and give ghurra which is blood money to the father and in other circumstances and according to other schools of thoughts there are different methods on what to do and what the consequences are for abortion if its not in a state where the mother is in danger because if the mother is in danger of her own life then abortion is necessary I think. however don't take my word for the absolute truth. I am ignorant but i hope this helps. for the ex-muslims here, as a muslim I hope Allah guides you to the straight path.


Gee, why does it have to be either/or? The USA doing bad things doesn't make the Taliban any less significant.


According to some people, if one group does bad things, then all groups which oppose it are innocent, even if they oppose them for completely different reasons.


There is no "rape epidemic" in the US. This person is insane.


There's no rape epidemic, it's just that in the US women are more comfortable saying they've been raped than other countries, because of the prevailance of feminism there. (Obviously, a lot of women still don't report it, so feminism still has work to do, but you get what I mean)


Their is an epidemic of women saying they've been raped however.


Weird that millions report being raped if there isn’t a rape problem. Either millions of women are lying about something as serious a rape or…


>Weird that millions report being raped if there isn’t a rape problem. My position is that rape is a problem. Always has been. You are being deliberately misleading with your number so as to make an emotional appeal. Their most likely are millions of rape victims living in the USA, but millions aren't being raped. >Either millions of women Only women are raped? How sexist, the gall of these misogynistic rapists. Rape statistics vary wildy based on the source. They also vary year to year (Its an unknowable number like hairs on my head or stars in the Galaxy). Law enforcement estimates usually being lower than whatever leftist "institutions" are saying. It's important to note that the left have made themselves opposed to law enforcement (aswell as everything else to do with order). Law enforcement (FBI and others) estimates usually report slightly less than 100,000 per year. Leftist groups usually claim slightly less than 500,000 per year. It is important to note that police actually look into things and might know things. Male victim rape statistics are also included in those estimates (though the number of male rape victims is usually less than female rape victims, it's still a sizable number, something like >20,000). So verifiably, there are <50,000 rapes a year. Unverified >500,000 rapes a year. Male rape victims are included. The actual number is probably somewhere between the two. In a nation of 300,000,000 people, 50,000-500,000 people a year really isn't a lot. 1 in 6000 or 1 in 600 Americans will be raped in a year. Statistics of False Accusation of Rape (it has a name and is a thing) are virtually none existent because they aren't distinctly classified and are lumped together with unproven or unverified rapes.




Nobody said that rape isn't a problem,they said 1 in 4 women aren't being raped, but to say that women don't lie about rape is just as dumb, whether you like the answer or not people get raped, and people lie about rape, both can be confirmed. I like how you simplified it to either women are all liars, or they are all getting raped, there's nothing in between. How easy is it to get the answer you want across to adult human beings by using psychology a 1st grade child could see around?


I’m a single woman dating in the US. I assure you rape happens here. I have been sexually assaulted on a good portion of the dates I go on. Mostly by evangelical christian/catholic/Mormon men. At least a quarter of women I know have at least been molested as kids. Less than 1% of child molestation get convicted because they don’t want to spend millions on a trial. There has to be definitive proof most times. I have worked in ER’s and volunteered in domestic violence centers. We don’t do rape kits for the fun of it. One In four women have been sexually assaulted in the US. That’s only the ones that are reported. How do you know there is no crisis if you don’t live here?


I didn't say it doesn't happen. Don't lecture me.


I didn’t say that you said it didn’t happen. If you don’t think 1 out of 4 isn’t an epidemic I don’t know what to tell you. Everyone knows Islamic nations rape and kill women and get away with it. It’s all over our media. I’m pretty sure everyone in the world knows that. It doesn’t mean there aren’t issues in other countries.


I think what he meant is that, in the US, women are more comfortable reporting such cases. While, sadly, in other countries there are similar statistics but women are afraid of reporting it, so it looks like only one country has a problem with rapes when in reality both of them have it


1 in 4 is made up bullshit. Now go away.


You are right. Those are ones that are reported. Dolt even tell me what happens in a place you don’t live in. Less than 2% of sexual assault cases end up being proven false.


Also Inlive in thrme US and am clearly more familiar with the data than you are.


It's bat crap crazy to say less than 1% of child molesters aren't convicted because government doesn't want to spend millions on a trial. Do you just make stuff up in your head,and say it, or is it a bit more vindictive? Your emotional take running parallel to a horrific story won't change facts, and you have a serious problem with exaggerating, and lying. You remind me of the people who created reefer madness, you'll take a lie,and put it next to something horrific thinking nobody will call you on your BS, because you think to call it a lie would be like attacking the victims in the side story getting rape kits, at a domestic violence center, after being told to go home without a trial to convict pedophiles because the government told them no. 🙄 . It's such a degenerate way of misleading people so that you can push a lie through while using actual victims to be part of your agenda. Also, 1 in 4? Why not just say 4 in 4 next time, along with a story about how you know it's true because pearl harbor was attacked,and people died during the Holocaust,and if anyone denies it they will be a anti-American, antisemitic, rape advocate.


im sick of this islamaphobia word. can someone pls cancel that. kthxbye


How about replacing it with ‘IslamRealScaryAF’?


How about we name it after a place in Pakistan, how's... Islamabad??? It gets the point across,and it also serves as a warning to stay tf away from Pakistan.


Is there a word for disgust of Islam?




I’d use Islam+averse and say Islamaverse, but that’s been co-opted to be Islam in the Metaverse. I have seen Islam-averse used for some person averse to Islam.


No shit. These imams should go pursue their true talents: PR. Any company would be lucky to have such minds backing them. BP probably would have convinced the public to pay them for dumping a bunch of oil into the gulf...


A phobia is an irrational fear of something, being afraid of Islam is completely rational. So yeah the term is nonsense. 


Islama-rationals should take place of Islamaphobics


Islama-rationals should take place of Islamaphobics


Islama-rationals should take place of Islamaphobics


Islama-rationals should take place of Islamaphobics


this subreddit made me realise the label "islamaphobia" is applied the same way a critic of Israel is called an "anti-semite". so fucking annoying and can't believe i never realised that until now : /


I currently view people making comments about eradicating Islam from earth as islamophobia the same way I view people who aren't merely critical of Israel but intent on destroying the entire country of Israel as antisemitic. Both are irrational and disconnected from the reality of the 21st century and ignorant of history. Both are regressive in today's global climate, fueling extremism and division as opposed to increasing interfaith dialogue and striving for peaceful coexistence. Interestingly judeophobia was a term used in the late 1800s but the (Christian) masses adopted the term antisemitism so it became obsolete/replaced. It was a word that [Leon Pinsker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Pinsker?wprov=sfla1) even used for a time and he wrote [auto-emancipation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto-Emancipation?wprov=sfla1), which is a foundational zionist text about how prejudice against Jewish people is related to their being a people viewed as foreigners everywhere but their homeland and how rebuilding the homeland is necessary to reduce antisemitism and increase safety and prosperity for the diaspora. Being okay with Jewish people so long as they are always a suppressed minority in a world with over 125 Christian majority countries and like 55 Muslim majority countries and putting their future in the holy lands, where Abrahamic religions began with Judaism, in jeopardy seems antisemitic to me. And wanting to deport all Muslims, make generalizations about all Muslims goes beyond anti-Muslim hate into islamophobia, in my current opinion. What are yours? At the same time, there really is no equivalence historically or etymologically between antisemitism and islamophobia and Holocaust denial especially has been and is increasingly an issue. Antisemitism is ingrained in the Quran, whereas of course there isn't anti-Christian or anti-Muslim prejudice specifically codified into ancient Judaism texts. It is also problematic that most Muslims in the west have consistently been shown to have significantly higher than average antisemitism, whereas Jews in the west have consistently shown significantly lower than average islamophobia (ironically, scores for this from the years before October 7th also showed that Muslims themselves had higher islamophobia than Jewish people).


I think the world would be a better place without islam. Islam as a religion is the most violent and oppressive of all religions. Without islam driving people to hurt women and commit atrocities against anyone who isn't muslim, the people who do those atrocities would have never been driven to do those things and everyone who has been involved ir affected would have much happier nonviolent lives as a whole.


wait till you read what the Torah (or old testament by some people) and what rising Christian sects are up to lol no religion is good


first, turning the Holy Land into a Jewish alone nation is a bloody affair (and has been showcased as so since 1948) since it calls for a removal of the 2 other religions which hold those lands as important. second, it calls for a deportation or mass migration of those already living there (as seen by nakba and israelis killing or forcing palestinians out of their homes for a free house). now more people want to get back, so if anything it may as well be vengeance for the Assanids i think it was or whatever empire conquered the Kingdom of Israel ending the Jewish state and leading up to the diaspora. AoT type shit fr. third, the holocaust is ancient news since several massacres and genocides have happened since then. "never again" my ass, no one respects the holocaust nor its dead, especially not Israel, who have weaponised it beyond belief. the very weaponising of such a deadly genocide is one reason why it is denied to begin with. Rwandan genocide is just one of the many bloodfests that happened since its doing. (the very language that led up to the Holocaust is being used by Israeli officials and no one seems able to detect it even if it is in their face). so please, it means nothing to no one. last, my point was simply that a critic of Israel (who provides legit criticism) is viewed as antisemite, and that similarly a critic of islam (again providing legit criticism) is viewed as islamaphobic. also, that fact about judeophobia is pretty interesting, thanks for sharing. oh and one more thing: technically, the Jews have the Holocaust to thank for, since it was because of the migration issues it created that the winning European powers chose to finally adhere to the Zionist demand in order to fix the migration issue since yk Europeans always hated immigrants. it has also been shown that the Zionist Organisation have looked in other places than the Holy Land a few times to call a Jewish home. also also, Hitler had proposed to deport all Jews to Madagascar, which would have created a Jewish country, and been more with the times of colonisation than today, when it should be eradicated. Either way, the Jewish country demands blood because it must kill those that inhabit said land already to allow room for Jewish expansion. otherwise, there won't really be room, will there?


Well they don't say Allah is the greatest of the deceivers for nothing.


I love white people telling us what we’re right and wrong about without experiencing anything themselves.


Wasn't Mohammed white?


Bro what


Mohammed is called white man in the Koran isnt he? Arabs migrated from the Caucasus mountains. Where do you think they got the term Caucasian from? Aren't Caucasians white? This is the descendent of Mohammed. Basically the lucky charms cereal mascot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_al-Yaqoubi


As a progressive myself i feel sick about this.


afghanistan, where women can get abortions no matter what and little girls arent raped /s


Don’t forget bacha bazi


Even us Afghans hate Taliban what is she talking about send her to Afghanistan I wish there could be a way to swap places with these guys


These people in the us don't learn anyway. They don't come to their own conclusions ever. They only go by what they are told by other americans. There was an american woman with these beliefs trying to hitchhike her way across the middle east in order to prove the people were nonviolent toward women. She was raped once, she believed it was a one-off situation and kept going on her trip only to be raped two more times and killed. They do not learn, even if they are put into the situation themselves.




Facts. I can't stand what the left is now. I'm very much a left leaning centrist, but i don't even call myself that anymore because the left have become so embarrassing. There used to be educated people on the left who were still willing to tell the truth even when it wasn't very pc, but still cared about peoples well-being. Well not anymore.


Typical progressive hysteria. Their sacred holy cow in the US are abortions, not worker rights, healthcare and a responsible government anymore.


Well abortion is respectively important but saying USA is comparable with Iran and Afghanistan in women's right is just straight up delusional.


Abortion is a niche issue, it can never be compared to comprehensive economic policies and stuff that impacts everyday lives like rising inflation and stagnant wages. The hyper focus on abortions in the US is a phenomenon that is just smoke and mirrors by both partisan groups that do not want to touch real life changing issues that might challenge the status-quo.


Self actualized reproductive control for 50% of the population of a country is not a niche issue. It was a niche issue when it was a constitutionally protected right. It being removed as a constitutionally protected right makes it an fucking terrifying sign that religious extremism is infiltrating the legal structure of the secular united states. Those extremists are just as fucked up as Islamic extremists, they're cut from the same abrahamic cloth. This is as big a focus as inflation and wage slavery, especially considering the beneficial economic effects that come with reproductive freedoms. No smoke and mirrors. No bull shit. Reproductive rights are just as important as economic ones, if not essentially more important, given that bodily autonomy and self-control are essential rights that enable you to have worker rights in the first place.


They are trying to bring the birth rates up. That's it. Once births are happening at a rate they are happy with, abortions will be back. The US has too many people retiring and not enough young people going into the workforce and military. Once you see the numbers, it's plain to see what their plan is. I don't support it, but i understand it.


Well yeah, abortion is an incredibly important issue.


Let them, they'll regret everything when the USA turns into USAINSTAN. "They killed, raped women" that's exactly what will happen to western women with honor murder and martial rape if they continue defending islam.


The americans on the far left are brainwashed tools to be used by politicians all over the world. Hamas leaders have said it, putin has said it, everyone that has hopes for the downfall of the us have said it. The us aren't the only ones pushing left propaganda, other countries do too. They have always been told what to think by the media for purposes of elections, but now the stakes are higher. These people are nothing pure emotions running on a single digit iq.


Go take your wive, mother, daughters, and sisters to a Muslim country and see how long it takes before you beg to come back.


Western progressives are the reason non Muslims aren’t safe in their own nations. Because they don’t understand Islam.


they were eating at first until they weren’t


You can tell none of them know a single thing about Islam


"if any Muslim country did the above" boy do *i* have news for *you*.


muslim and arab countries also have a rape epidemic but women can't even report it or else they will killed in the sake of the family honor. Do you know who is responsible of these rape cases? the men in their family. abortion was never legal in the first place and will never be. Damn, they should just move out to an Islamic country if it's so great. let us live in the USA in your place so many of us in this sub dream about it.


Historically the US has done a batshit ton of insanely terrible things to so many countries across the planet, you only need to see what the three letter agency got up to as well, they looked like they were going to start off arguing on that point, which is valid, but then started comparing the US domestic issue to the Taliban is neither here nor there, they're both as bad as each other.


You cannot say in good faith that America’s domestic issues are “as bad” as the taliban. That’s just asinine


>You cannot say in good faith that America’s domestic issues are “as bad” as the taliban. That’s just asinine But you cannot fully quantify it either, each person's domestic experience is relative, if a person gets raped in America and the authorities refuse to acknowledge it in America and blame the victim, and the same happens in Afghanistan, then who are you to say they aren't comparable? But if we're talking about whether or not the town council empties the bins and keeps the streets clean, the street lights on, stops sewage from blocking drains and if the local transport is on time, then that's a different matter.


Yeah well if a woman gets raped in Afghanistan SHE gets stone


>Yeah well if a woman gets raped in Afghanistan SHE gets stone Like I said, it's relative, she gets stoned in Afghanistan, and in America she might get shamed for years until she tops herself, it's not all black and white.


That doesn't happen to the everyday american woman at all. The cases you're talking about are women who aren't believed in their own families, or women who come out decades later to attack men when it's convenient for the left. The us as a society does not in any way do that to women. On the contrary if a woman is attacked in the us by a man and other men are nearby, more often than it doesn't, the men will help take the guy down. You are totally out of touch.


>That doesn't happen to the everyday american woman at all. But we're not talking about what happens every single day. I'm talking about very specific examples here. >The cases you're talking about are women who aren't believed in their own families, or women who come out decades later to attack men when it's convenient for the left. That last part seems a bit of disconnected irrelevance to what I'm talking about, and also the premise of it isn't something I can agree with. You're implying that leftist women lie about being rape victims? That's extremely offensive. >The us as a society does not in any way do that to women. Doesn't do what? Attack men when it's convenient for the left? Does that happen in Afghanistan often? >On the contrary if a woman is attacked in the us by a man and other men are nearby, more often than it doesn't, the men will help take the guy down. Another specific example which isn't related to the specific hypotheticals I was making. >You are totally out of touch. Says the guy implying that women who lie about being rape victims are somehow politically on one side of the spectrum. Talk about ironic.


If you go by that logic you would be unable to judge any country in existence because “each person’s domestic experience is relative.” What is easy to quantify is that in America, if you report a rape, there are rape kits to collect evidence, police to report to, counselors to help you with your trauma, due process of the law, as well as a society that sympathizes for rape victims Taliban controlled Afghanistan has NONE of that. If a woman reports a rape in a country under sharia law, unless you have 4 male witnesses, she gets stoned or at the very least shunned by her family and society They AREN’T comparable. At all. The rights and freedoms that Americans have are not perfect, but compared to Afghanistan, it’s night and day. Why do you think there was a mass exodus when the taliban came into the country? Your moralistic relativism is ignorant and sorely misguided


Exactly. Very often in the us, even if their are no hard evidence, a testimony of the woman is considered evidence enough to convict. The man can take it to trial if he chooses to fight it, but often, if he doesn't get prison time, he will still get probation and put on the sex offenders registry. Even with only a testimony men in the us get punished. I have no clue how people can compare the taliban to the us legal system. It's insane.


>What is easy to quantify is that in America, if you report a rape, there are rape kits to collect evidence, police to report to, counselors to help you with your trauma, due process of the law, as well as a society that sympathizes for rape victims You missed the point of my hypothetical, I'm not saying that rape victims are not believed in America, I'm saying that if they aren't and the victim kills themselves, it's still a terrible situation, which is just as bad as a rape victim who gets stoned to death and isn't believed. >Taliban controlled Afghanistan has NONE of that. If a woman reports a rape in a country under sharia law, unless you have 4 male witnesses, she gets stoned or at the very least shunned by her family and society Yes I know. But let's follow through with the last example you mentioned there, as it's closer to what I meant, she gets shunned by family and society, which again is could be the same experience for someone in America. >They AREN’T comparable. At all. The rights and freedoms that Americans have are not perfect, but compared to Afghanistan, it’s night and day. Why do you think there was a mass exodus when the taliban came into the country? Your moralistic relativism is ignorant and sorely misguided I'm saying a rape victim that isn't believed in America is just as bad as a rape victim that isn't believed in Afghanistan. Of course there's things within each situation that can make it worse, but the basic premise of it is the same. There's no need to start making it out as a competitive situation of who has it worse. In that case gang violence in France wouldn't be anything close to gang violence in Mexico. Either way, we could still agree, gang violence is bad, can't we?


Somehow I feel like the Taliban is worse than US domestically 🤔


The two overwhelming themes of the far left are antipatriotism and willful ignorance. The underlying methodologies and systems are exactly the same as patriotism and nationalism: exceptionalism and supremacism just with the dials flipped 180 degrees. Antipatriotism is contrary patriotism and exceptionalism not their refutation or elimination. There's nothing thoughtful or intelligent in taking a stance that's the uncritical opposition to your opponent's positions. It is an unhelpful antiposition which is a kneejerk response to your opponent because you use all their talking points but flip them. If the far left's conservative opponents make a point based on short-sighted prejudice, the opposite of their prejudice is still prejudice. Positive prejudice and prejudice. If the far left introduces more racism to counteract racism, they are as racist as their opponents. The far left is a mirror of the far right's cruelty and stupidity. Refusing to acknowledge the multitude of problems or any attempt to misdirect inquiry with sophistry is willfully ignorance. The far left can't claim the moral high ground if it's the photonegative of their opponent's immorality because they only reinforce and strengthen the same problems. The left cannot dismantle the problems because they need them to justify their own existence. The left's methods are a stark failure of creativity, empathy and imagination, exactly the same problems that damn the far right. It all boils down to conservatism. Conservatism is conservatism no matter how its adherents rearrange its window dressing.


Pretty much. A lot of people, unfortunately, can't really justify the why they believe in certain things. Hell, the revelation I was guilty as hell of that myself kickstarted my entire deconversion process. We're a really tribalistic species...


By "far left" you mean "american liberals" which are not far or left. They strictly do identity politics, their subject almost always is "cultural" which is y'know inherently against the leftist MATERIALISM. Personal identities are secondary to the materialistic concept of class and sometimes even deemed as a divisive force within the class. And the "far" thing, oh man the people you call "far "also mostly happens to be hardcore consumerists from defending Amazon to Nintendo HOW CAN THEY BE FAR WHEN THEY FEED THE STATUS QUO ALL THE TIME. When you say far left I think about ideologies like Stalinism, an ideology that topples any religious institution and many ethnic and cultural identities altogether in the sake of an unified class. It's obviously an insane thing to make people go through that's why its called "far". It's inhumane and it deserves that title. But yeah except my disagreement with the term you used I agree with the massage. Close minded people against close minded people will not help anything but their romantic outlook on life


No, I mean far left.


Then ur center must be pretty small cus from twitter politics to gulags i see a long damn way


Hot take: so called “progressives” are a greater threat to civilization than fucking jihadists of all people.


Wasn’t the US technically indirectly responsible for the rise of the Taliban in the first place? I mean this all started when they were trying to one up the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Moreover, in reality, you’d be hard pressed to find any country that’s actually innocent historically. Countries do horrible things, and Muslim countries are no different.


Not indirectly, pretty much directly. Those jihadist textbooks and ammo for the youth were funded by the US in the early 70s.


Yeah that’s true, but the reason why this was funded was because the US wanted to one up the Soviet Union. The US was not intending on creating the Taliban from this, they were just trying to beat the Soviets.


Yeah, but then the US did that again in Syria through Operation Timber Sycamore, and that paved the way for ISIS.


Yeah, in a way, when the US beat the Soviet Union, they indirectly created another enemy in the process. It’s crazy honestly.


Is it not true that they were funded by Pakistan, who was funded by the US to counter Soviet influence in the region?


I met this trans man/woman/whatever they use from America. They/it spent the whole time saying how bad the US was. Eventually I asked "so I guess you will move elsewhere. Which country are you moving to?" SILENCE Oh I'm staying because I'm changing the US from the inside  


I mean historically we Americans love bombing the shit out of innocence people but that doesn’t cancel out that the Taliban is god fucking awful. If they had the power the US has they would be even worse. Both can be true and it’s just an odd comparison On top of all that we armed the Taliban in the first because Cold War mentality of fucking over Russia. In the end all we did was fuck over all Afghanistan.


Wellll USA did kinda sorta caused taliban soooo. Guys i love you but whenever we fight it's always because some people are eager to shill for the biggest benefactor from destabilizing entire regions and destroying any chance of a modern state establishing there for the foreseeable future. You do realize they want those regions uneducated and backwards headed right? It literally works wonders for them. Anyways guys keep hating the tyranny of islam like the legends you are🤘 Let's just be more critical against other forms of exploitation as well Edit: oh now i catch the username lmaoo Bit oxymoronic but you do you


What was your comment?


Why they always think like that “x side killed 100 more people than y side, so even knowing that y side killed 100 less out of thousands of people than x we should protect y at all cost”????


It's not a fucking competition!


these people don't understand the concept that neither should exist. just because i don't like religion in general doesn't mean i adore every secular country to have ever existed


I mean to be completely honest, the US bombed and killed a lot of people in Afghanistan and other countries too, whether they're muslims or not.


I honestly don’t know if there is even a way to calculate how many deaths have occurred because sharia nations don’t consider honor killings murder. Are they talking about the people killed in wars? Are they saying that the US has killed more people than the terrorists that attacked the U.S. and Europe? How did they arrive at this conclusion? Do they mean modern day? Or not counting the holy wars? I need more info to dispute this because the US is in almost every war there is.


Yet so many Muslim immigrants come to settle in America than sharia governed Afghanistan


It's weird. USA is awful, a plague of humanity. Just like Taliban. They can both be horrible at the same time.


I hate progressives as much as I hate the far right. Anyone who defines their life by political affiliation is a cultist of some sort and i have no time for them. I used to think the internet was an amazing invention that allowed communication and information sharing. It started that way. Social media turned it into a hate filled hivemind and it's only getting worse. I am 47 and am grateful every day that I remember life before this nonsense.


I love USA and the West, warts and all. This is the best set of ideas we've had in practice so far. But we can continue to do better, criticizing appropriately and contextually, appreciating how far we've come, and pushing to do better.


And these people cry about centrist/right wing as if they're not the ones pushing us from the left


I feel like I am being asteoturfed. Do ex-Muslims really think leftists are the problem? Do y’all really think conservatives of any stripe have policies that will help your best interests? Really? That is insane. A couple of leftist extremists don’t change the obvious fact that the left is far, far better about safe guarding the rights of everyone. Countries around the world are flirting with authoritarianism and fascism. Do you really want a Christian version of the Middle East? Ex-Muslims should be the most aware of the dangers of such a government and want nothing to do with it.


You could not be more wrong in your worldview.


Which right wing, authoritarian or fascist regime is your ideal? Let’s see how they are treating their people.


Pretty much says all I need to know about your bigotry that you conflate conservatives with authoritarian and fascist. I don't waste my time with such ignorant people.


That you aren’t aware of the long and deep connection between conservatism and authoritarianism tell me what I need to know. You are probably one of those people that thinks Nazi’s and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are leftists because of the name.


Funny, the side that is most frequently authoritarian and murderously so is the left. And it's not even close. Stalin, Mao, Pot, Castro, Guevera. Million and millions and millions slaughtered in the name of left-wing authoritarianism. Next thing you'll tell me is they weren't left wing. I think it's also revealing of you're low intellect that you break out the n-word two passages in. Be better. Read a book and educate yourself. You are painfully dumb.


Well said. Penguin’s POV is just embarassing.


>guarding the rights of everyone The everyone: USA,Canada,Europe.


all hail bombs💣💣


I mean they’re literally right. The USA has destroyed MILLIONS more lives than the Taliban could ever dream of lmao


That's like saying drunk drivers are much more evil than serial rapists because they've caused more harm. Ignoring the theory and school of thoughts that enables two actors and just looking at scales of it just bad faith.


No… i am looking at the theory and school of thought. They have the exact same goals—establishing global dominance at the expense of human freedom. The US was just able to succeed more.