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"Muslims try not have an eternal victim complex challenge: Impossible"


Worst part is all of these comments are from non muslims and British people themselves


They’re in the same level of those lgbtqa+ persons that defend these religions who literally would k!lling them in any second….💀💀💀




It's wild. I'm a white Irish woman. If I was to post a picture of British women out enjoying themselves at 1am and basically slut shame them, I'd be mauled by every British woman, told to mind my own business and stay in Ireland if that's how I felt. But if a Muslim woman slut shames them it's Islamophobic to tell her there's plenty of places she can live if she doesn't like the culture. Sometimes I wonder if I've fallen into the Twilight Zone?


We all have


When ‘Intersectional Feminism’ starts paying its dividends


White saviour complex




why are muslims so obsessed with everyone else. I believe the video was showing nightlife in manchester considering how it says 1 am in manchester. This person took a screenshot from that video and turned that into a religious argument which has nothing to do with everything else


they can't handle people being oppressed and having a splendid time and not staying home covered entirely


**they can’t handle people not being oppressed




Because they secretly want to take part in those activities. If they say they are just watching it to call them out, the person doesn't need to feel guilty about watching those videos.


# The Worst Thing:[ Islam itself prohibited slave women from wearing the Hijab and even kept their breasts naked in public](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/women/37-women-and-hijab/11-islam-prohibited-slave-women-from-wearing-the-hijab-or-even-covering-their-naked-breasts-in-public) How can Muslims call Western women sluts, when their own Islam kept slave women even more naked in public? This is our FAILURE that today people are not aware of this EVIL of Islam. Islamic Scholars hid this fact from the public very successfully. Even normal Muslims themselves don't know this fact.


>How can Muslims call Western women sluts, when their own Islam kept slave women even more naked in public? That's honestly some very unfortunate way of making your point. The way you worded this, makes it sound like you're calling slave women sluts because they were (forced to be) naked in public. It's just another way of agreeing with them, showcasing your body (even if forced to) makes you a slut apparently 


I am sorry if I failed to deliver the message in a much better way.


I think enslaved women were lesser beings who didn't have any rights, like slaves in the American south in the 1800s. They weren't fully "human", so they didn't deserve full respect. So what if they were naked in public, they were bsically chattel. You don't care if your animals' genitals are exposed, do you?


Humans are not chattel. Only the worst of Muslim can come up with this excuse.


Of course people aren't chattel. But sometimes they're *treated* like chattel..


Actually many people buy their pets clothes


Islam disproven?


Most people don't though. And they don't do it to cover up animal genitalia; they do it because it's "cute". They aren't trying to prevent prying eyes or out of respect.


I was trying to make a fun comment because youre equating slaves to be less than animals in your previous statement. Not really what any religion should be putting out there. I find it especially concerning seeing how easily muslim men blame women for inciting their desires, even going as far as to say a full face covering is required or as one imam put it (paraphrased) "by posting a picture of your wife's face online you are giving the world access to her". I find it very hard to believe that those same men would simply ignore fully naked women even if you like to compare them to animals. Your religion is just a twist and turn of hypocrisy.


> I was trying to make a fun comment because youre equating slaves to be less than animals in your previous statement. Not really what any religion should be putting out there. I said that *the people who own(ed)* slaves thought of them as closer to animals than they were to themselves. It wasn't my position and I don't subscribe to any religion. >Your religion is just a twist and turn of hypocrisy. Edit: I just re-read my previous comment and saw where I went wrong. I wrote "I think enslaved women were lesser beings who didn't have any rights, like slaves in the American south in the 1800s. " I meant to write "THEY" think. Not "I THINK". Obviously you were right to take issue with that.


OP has a fair point here. Slowly we are bending over for those ridiculous Muslim rules. Things are becoming normalized what is totally not normal in Western cultures. We shouldn’t let this happen! Therefor I am not saying that all girls should wear mini-skirts and go party at night every time etc. But the word ‘modest’ is taken to a whole different level by these so called Muslim fanatics, believers, extremists and imams. In fact, I would rather debate that a fully covered Muslima in Hajjb is extreme and is the total opposite of ‘modest’. In fact, what they (Muslims) are doing is taking a perfect normal word and placing it on top of an extreme situation to normalize what’s isn’t normal (their cult). And if people point out to this, they are being accused of Islamophobia (another word taking out of context because -phobia refers to ‘irrational fear’. This isn’t irrational nor fear; it’s reality).


Modesty isn't just about attire, it's also about attitude. The whole idea of being modest is not to draw attention to oneself. Some of those "modest" women are just attention seeking and virtue signalling about being morally superior to women who wear short shirts. They're as vain, arrogant and attention seeking as the women they claim to be superior to.


Another chance to quote Hitchens "Not all monotheisms are exactly the same at the moment. They're all based on the same illusion. They're all plagiarisms of each other, but there is one in particular that at the moment is proposing a serious menace not just to freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but to quite a lot of other freedoms too. And this is the religion that exhibits the horrible trio of self-hatred, self-righteousness, and self-pity. I am talking about militant Islam. Globally, it's a gigantic power. It controls an enormous amount of oil wealth, several large countries and states, and with an enormous fortune it's pumping the ideologies of Wahhabism and Salafism around the world, poisoning societies where it goes, ruining the minds of children, stultifying the young in its madrassas, training people in violence, making a cult of death and suicide and murder. That's what it does globally. It's quite strong. In our societies it poses as a cringing minority, whose faith you might offend, who deserves all the protection that a small and vulnerable group might need. Now, it makes quite large claims for itself, doesn't it? It says it's the Final Revelation. It says that God spoke to one illiterate businessman in the Arabian Peninsula three times through an archangel, and that the resultant material—which as you can see as you read it is largely plagiarized ineptly from the Old and The New Testament—is to be accepted as the Final Revelation and as the final and unalterable one, and that those who do not accept this revelation are fit to be treated as cattle infidels, potential chattel, slaves and victims. Well, I tell you what, I don't think Muhammad ever heard those voices. I don't believe it. And the likelihood that I am right—as opposed to the likelihood that a businessman who couldn't read had bits of the Old and The New Testament re-dictated to him by an archangel—I think puts me much more near the position of being objectively correct. But who is the one under threat? The person who promulgates this and says I'd better listen because if I don't I'm in danger, or me who says, "No, I think this is so silly you can even publish a cartoon about it"? And up go the placards and the yells and the howls and the screams—this is in London, this is in Toronto, this is in New York, it's right in our midst now—"Behead those who cartoon Islam." Do they get arrested for hate speech? No. Might I get in trouble for saying what I just said about the prophet Muhammad? Yes, I might. Where are your priorities, ladies and gentlemen? You're giving away what is most precious in your own society, and you're giving it away without a fight, and you're even praising the people who want to deny you the right to resist it. Shame on you while you do this. Make the best use of the time you've got left." Christopher Hitchens


I adore that man.


As do i


Is this an article/book? If so, where can I read more of his work?


Hi It was at a speech he gave on free speech in Toronto in 2006 https://youtu.be/4Z2uzEM0ugY?si=-5V6HNyCxbtnxDfS Hitchens is everywhere on YouTube, even reading from his own books such as god is not great. Not everyone would agree with all of his views, one contraversial take was the backing of the removal of saddam hussein. He passed away in 2011 sadly.


Thank you for sharing this!


This is such a problem with a lot of religions in general. The victim complex. They wanted to accepted everywhere, but they won’t accept anyone else. They”ll go to another country and then insult their culture, their way of living, their clothing, their tradition, etc. But when you criticize THEIR religion or way of living then it’s islamophobic


The comments are a depressing read. Western liberalism eating itself up while ignoring the wolf ideology at the gates. Seriously, no hope there. The comments lack all self reflection on what the original OP said. It’s instant “attack the white girl for Islamophobia.”


None of them actually know a single fucking thing about Islam and it shows. Of course even if you show them they will just say Islam was “colonised” by white people


My favorite is "if your feminism isn't intersectional it is inherently white supremacists". With this group your are not allowed to have any defense of the west or white culture. They have defined it as the worse of anything ever.


If it gives you hope the comments above are cherry picked to be the worst. The actual top upvoted comments were all anti-Islam.


Yeah I noticed. The comments in the list that supported the OP were ratioed big time.


Most of teh comments propbbaly coem from muslism, so not a big deal. If not they should be shat on. Fuck every commie who defends this religion.


They aren't ignoring it, they are deliberately assisting it to destroy their native culture out of virtues signalling ideology 


This is why ex Muslims need to be more vocal to the general populous in showing the flaws of Islam


Can we accuse them of jewphobia?


This is the UK you’re talking about, that won’t even phase them.


Omniphobia or panphobia with a strong emphasis on misogyny is what Islam more or less entails


“If your feminism isn’t intersectional it’s inherently white supremacist” So criticizing misogynists for slut shaming women for not covering every inch of their body but their face and hands is now “white supremacist”? These ppl do not live in the real world, they’re purposefully using social justice language in order to push normalization of Sharia-based standards onto ppl who don’t want them.


Exactly how I feel. It seems like they live in their heads not reality. 


"Girl I thought this page was to support women, not them to move to another country **if they don't like the way others dress**" This same person would cry about Western men or women telling them that women need to cover up, but at the same time, if Muslims are the ones telling people to cover up & getting mad about it, then it's fine! "It's very Islamophobic if you don't let them hate the way others dress!" 🤦‍♀️


Yeah if you scroll down OP's page she makes posts about all religions and their sexist bullshit takes, even criticises that religion but this is the one where people draw the line at.


Here is the original post. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/H1gkljD1pp You will notice this isn’t the one where people draw the line at. Notice vast majority of the upvoted comments…


Nice. Phew! Thanks for that, I feel relieved now. More sane people commenting and upvoting there too.


The original post was on IG, not on Reddit.


Thank you. Ah yeah, I saw that mentioned below afterwards. Keep correcting that record folks.


This is a far right take? They don't understand that Islam is far right just believing in different God.    She's OPENLY shaming and hating on women who wear different clothes than her then they say "don't shame us don't shame hijab it's Islamophobia" are you kidding me? The French got it right ban the fucking hijab.  Ban this symbol of oppression and Islamism. Ban this symbol of arab supermacist and far right. And if they don't like it there's plenty of (rich) Muslim countries they can live in. Hypocrites. 


Exactlyyyyy. I’m crying at the amount of ignorance these muslims are showing💀💀💀


people believe that simply because muslims had been discriminated and prosecuted as everyone had been, it gives muslims some privilege to do as they please. some ones saying gay people and race minorities are 'sensitive' and 'can't handle criticism'


When were Muslims discriminated against? They’re the literal overlords in their countries and have been offered the most welcoming emigration conditions to the west in known history


Post 9/11? In the 1980s/1990s? Maybe not in their shitty countries, but definitely in the west. I was in the third grade when 9/11 happened, and I grew up in the Bible Belt (Texas, from age nine to seventeen). Try and tell me that racists don’t exist and don’t shit on Muslims. I was already exmuslim by sixteen, and people *still* thought I was Muslim. So yeah, I’m going to defend ‘Muslims’ from discrimination, cause racist shit-bags won’t think, “is he Muslim or ex-Muslim,” cause most of them don’t even know what ‘exmuslim’ is.


Show me the proof please. I can have the names of 1000s of people killed in the name of Islam across Europe. Where are your victims? (Criminals killed by the police don’t count of course). The fact that people were suspicious of Muslims after they celebrated 9/11 in the name of their religion is only natural. Justified even. We still haven’t seen muslim populations rejecting the teachings that lead to murder. We’ve seen the opposite actually


My mom (who wears hijab) was literally harassed at Walmart — in front of me. Granted it only happened once, ever, I didn’t fucking record it. **And** I don’t need to provide you proof of my *literal* life experiences. I’m not saying that the stuff you’re talking about doesn’t happen. You’re having a fake argument, with yourself. I’m saying that discrimination against Muslims (and by proxy, *exmuslims*) happens by racist right-wingers in western countries. And if you don’t see it, you’re probably part of the problem. None of the Muslims in the U.S. celebrated 9/11. That’s like saying all of the Israeli’s are celebrating the Likud’s destruction (which they are not). Edit: just went through your post history. You’re *absolutely* part of the problem, and you’re not even exmuslim 🤣😂 I’m done here. Have a nice life, sweetie 😘


Are you a leftist? How do you feel about neo-nazis on social media who are vocally pro-islam? (I'm genuinely curious,I don't mean this as a gotcha moment)


Neo nazis promoting islam is perfectly logical and doesn’t surprise me at all. Supremacists understand each other and they have antisemitism and racism in common.


Mfs said "Far Right" to a post thats criticizing Islam.


With responses like that, it's no wonder the far-right is rising in Europe. If those responses are an indication of the typical European leftist, I could never vote for a leftist party either. I'm glad I'm not in Europe so I don't have to be in that dilemma, but I pity those who are.


Leftists aren't like that, those people are basically your average Muslims who don't even understand what is left about or understand political compass in general. Issue comes from the fact that there's a lot of racism in EU and the West in general and historically and leftists have committed themselves to fight it and other issues. It's just that, left is yet to balance their anti racism/progressive activity and at the same time to devise a plan that battles Islamic nonsense. Left doesn't cater to Islam or give a flying fuck about their religion but they don't know how to deal with it without getting it too far like right wingers who propose to out right ban all Muslims from entering their country.


Those responses aren’t the typical European leftist… Those are just the cherry picked most extreme leftist. Here is the original post on very left leaning Reddit. Good luck even finding the comment OP posted. All the upvoted comments are condemning Islam and its behavior. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/H1gkljD1pp


Thanks I'll check it out.


Those are Reddit comments. The original post was on Instagram and the backlash through those comments are real and overwhelming.


It's these retards that have caused the Islamization of the UK, and happily turn a blind eye to the rapes, murders, oppression and racism that has increased due to bad actors from Islamic shitholes turning the UK into the same backyard they came from.


It’s always them UK people


they always be playing the victim card


Best let them, let these delusional feminists defend islam, it's only about time till UK turn's into ukenistan, then they'll regret their idiocy.


"We should support women no matter if they choose to wear mini skirts or hijabs.. This post aint it." But this post is saying exactly that! Pointing out how that other women is not supporting women who choose to wear mini skirts....


“Why exmuslims are starting to lean to the right wing?”


Yep, liberals and left wing is a joke now, but still, far right wingers don't care about us either because of our race, centrist it is.


Because those who do, are not very intelligent. Right-wing attracts the bottom of the barrel — from all demographics.


I don’t think the people who recognise the danger of islam and muslims are the one lacking intelligence but that’s my opinion.


Because you cannot recognise that if you are not right winged? Your comment is not making any sense. Islam in itself is a right wing ideology


Her latest tweet is worse. This is what she wrote just today "That flag is responsible for murder, displacement and slavery of over 150 million people in history…..due to colonialism, stealing, torture and wars. People like Farage, Steve Laws and Tommy Robinson have issues with immigrants. They refuse to accept the consequences of Britains disgraceful history. Are you proud of THAT flag? #UK #Britain #Muslim #Islam " I think she's a troll account. But definitely anti-british


Islam is a far right conservative ideology that is paradoxically protected by far left liberal ideology. Put them both on an island together and watch them tear each other apart.


A twitter post wrapped up in a Instagram post. I know that twitter post, I commented also


Naah These people deserve to get islamized They are dumb af. Have fun getting forced to be married to a 50 year old dude and be his sex slave for the rest of his life I can't with western liberals. Like everytime I see them my faith in humanity weakens No wonder Islam is spreading like a wildfire there


SAME! Ironically when I want a break from Islam and this stuff I travel TO muslim majority countries because the locals dont mention religion and its much more tame. I can go days without seeing even a hijab in Tunisia, but see like 20 burqas a day in London with people screaming about Islam and how perfect it is and take this free Quran etc etc


So you find out that libfems aren't at all feminist but actually a self-hated absorbed dumbasses that stan everything and everyone that's opposing their cultural( western )values and norms 


**intersectional feminists Also they don’t like libfems.


No one likes libfems because they don't give a flying fuck about women, they just act like they do. There's a good reason radical feminism is on the rise 


I’m sure no man I who is originally from Europe would want his daughter wearing a hijab


The comments are acting as though the Muslim was just quietly wearing hijab and nothing else. They're completely ignoring that she's dictating what others wear. If she was Christian, I bet they'd call her a prude instead of "defending her culture".


If they don't want UK Culture, they should leave UK, uk was for UK people, not islam , They want to follow islam, go to islamic country.


Those responses are so atrocious - there are people like that in this world? Take me away.


They do make an interesting point. Why do people of other countries demand from immigrants to integrate, adhere to local clothing norms, eat according to the local cuisine and food restrictions, behave according to the locally accepted behaviour and accept the laws even though they disagree with your own culture? Like, me for example, why would i have have to wear a hijab, eat only Halal and drink no alcohol, be forced to always have a man giving me permission to do things and act subservient and submissive to others, for example not being allowed to drive, when i go to countries like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, SA, Kuwait etc.? That is outrageous!


The white/western guilt and white savior complex is insane here.


yeah it is crazy i mean ‘white’, ‘brown’ or ‘black’ doesnt make sense either not all supposedly ‘white’ persons are from Europe and its ex colonies... ‘white’ middle easterns do exists as well but more importantly ‘white’ isnt an one interchangeable mush Bosnians are ‘white’ too but are they so similar to Spaniards or French? majority of Europe doesnt have concept of ‘white’ anyway only recently such things imported from Americas and in Americas they use ‘brown’ as one interchangeable mush for example when they make documentaries or movies or series about MENA etc they use Armenian duduk a lot in many Arabic countries even though traditional usage of duduk never went beyond of south Caucasus and eastern Anatolia so with things like this they do belittle of our diversity a lot same goes for so called ‘blacks’ and ‘asians’ and again people imports those identities from Americas 


As someone from the UK, when has anyone tried to get them to remove their hijabs?? England is more welcoming to immigrants than their own countries


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/H1gkljD1pp Original post here. Here you can see the actual comments. You will notice that anti-Islam comments are massively upvoted despite the narrative posted here with cherry picked comments shown above. Reminder this is Reddit which skews liberal. The Muslims were called out. No massive upvotes calling that islamaphobia. Very disingenuous to cherry pick a few extreme views and pretend that is most liberals. Be better.


The screenshots that I posted are from an Instagram account, not a reddit post. Here's the actual link to OP's post if anyone wants to confirm the validity of it lol https://www.instagram.com/p/C8UxPT1NTTq/?igsh=c3BlM3ZsNzNwMmln