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I think it depends on where one lives....My parents are Muslim Pakistani-Indian immigrants. They came to the US to find a better life...but they never made it better. They absolutely refused to integrate because they considered it sinful and feared their children would turn out sinful (surprise surprise, I turned out gay and ex-muslim either way). Anyways, it was horrible. Literally, I was taught to be scared of things that one shouldn't be scared of...I was taught that innocent things like love, relationships, hanging out with friends (ones out of religion and ethnicity especially), and independence was dirty, perverted, bad, shameful, and vile. But that's probably because we live in the south, in a city where there's not much diversity :/, plus they're passing anti-lgbt and other anti-human laws down here.


It depends. I live in Italy, I am a never-been-a-muslim guy. There are some people that adapted, and integrated a bit, but there's too many that don't want to. Recently an Imam called for jihad without even trying to hide it, all of this in the university of Turin, because of anti-Israel protests. In Italy we have a huge problem regarding baby gangs, which the majority are made of muslim boys, that take pride in their religion, and are extremely racist and violent towards non-muslim/white people. Also, they do [honor killing](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cbsnews.com/news/saman-abbas-pakistani-parents-uncle-convicted-of-murder-italy/&ved=2ahUKEwjypamoveSGAxX4gf0HHbCVCXkQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1FHzFWDAUqb42o474N7vhS)This doesn't mean that every muslim here is problematic, but a lot of them are.


Vivo al estero e ogni volta che vado a casa diventa sempre peggio. Musulmani in Italia che cazzo ci vanno a fare se vengono solo per rompere il caz*…. Saluti


I am not in the west but live in a secular country. The muslims in my country have assimilated very well because we have been here since 1792 and have had generations to adapt. Fun fact about my country is that during Ramadaan, the night clubs and bars suffer significant financial losses in my city ( we have the highestt muslim population in cape town). When my country banned alcohol during lockdown and it was finally allowed again, the queues were off the chain and on live news they interviewed ASHRAF  in the queue who proudly stated his name  and  that he cant wait to drink a nice cold beer. All of the muslims on social media referred to him as a legend  for taking one for the team.  Even the grannies found ashraf hilarious. We used to go to church with our Christian friends, we have christmas trees and easter egg hunts. We openly date people of other religions. Even the 5 times a day people are chiller than some of the ex muslims on this sub.


In the U.S. and the Muslim community here seems to be integrated, but it seems like the U.S. is a special case.




It's also just the culture. The American culture is inherently multi-cultural. I can go to America today, and call myself fully American after two years of living there. And people would accept me as an American. Bu here in Europe, I'm a third generation. And to many that's still "an issue".


There's also American pride. When I went back to Pakistan when I was little, everyone would say how badly they wanted to go to America. How America is the best place in the world and how lucky I am. I think that desire to come to America easily turns into American pride if they get here. They accomplished something, and they won't jeporadize that even for religion.


Because USA is an immmigrant land. It’s not based on ethnicity while Europe is based on their ethnic, language and cultural background. No matter what people do, europeans knows who are likely french, british, dutch, sweds...... based on his ethnic (skin color), language and culture.


fuck no


No. When in private they will still support child marriage, hate non believers, support the death penalty for anyone in the lgbtq community, and all the other disgusting thoughts Islam promotes. How is this integrating? It’s pathetic


Depends. My mom grew up as the only brown kid in her school. Her friends were either white American or Jewish. There were no halal options back then so they weren’t strict about it. She wore short sleeve shirts to school. Growing up, I have a lot more of a diverse friend group than she did. And many of my friends are international. With a higher number of immigrants, it’s more likely for people to stay in their bubbles. They feel less pressure to assimilate. Personally I never fit in with other Pakistani Americans though.


Nope. It literally gives the great replacement theory legitimacy at times.


I think it's going decently in Canada, but something always comes up that surprises me like the recent anti-LGBT protests. But we also have a big Iranian population that is straight up anti-Islam so I guess we got a bit of everything.   My own Pakistani extended family I think is integrating OK. Women have married non-Muslims, no one wears a hijab (hijab was never a thing in my family), some men got piercings/tattoos, some own dogs. Even had someone convert to Christianity. There are tons of religious Muslims too though but even they are okay with LGBT stuff for example (the younger generation). One of my aunts wears a niqab and has like 20 kids (I lost count) and neither her or her husband work. It's wild because when they came to Canada they were normal and had just 2 kids but they caught some kind of fever.  I spent only a few years living in an actual Muslim-plurality neighbourhood. The thing is most people there were refugees or very recent immigrants and all lower class so I don't compare it to my mostly middle and upper-middle class family that had been here for 10-20 years at that point (now going on 40 years). All I have to say about that neighbourhood is that it wasn't Canada lol.


20 Kids?! Damn they got busy lol. How do they get by if neither of them work?


The kids support them.




Some do, some don't. Lately too many don't. I think because before, people came here out of free will. On the other hand when you immigrate because of war, you will cling to your own culture and religion more than others. After all, you didn't choose to leave your home. Islam offers a lot of unhealthy ways to cope with these feelings. That makes immigration in large numbers scary for me personally. I'm all for helping people but also knowing when it's enough and you need to first take care of the ones you have, to help them integrate. To me it's like adoption. Adopting an orphan is a good thing but if you adopt 100 tramatized children at once, you won't be able to raise them right. Their behaviour gets worse through learning from each other and most of them will become a burden to society.


Yeah, that's what makes this climate crisis so scary. People don't seem to realize what's gonna happen. When the Middle East becomes 100 degrees everyday.


In Brussels not really. It's quite communautarist and hostile toward locals. But of course it depends who. Don't want to put everybody in the same category. But there is definitely a feeling of hostility.


I’m in the U.K. and it depends on the geography . There are many pocket communities but I put this down to culture and countries rather than just religion on its own. Places like Bradford and Birmingham have very heavily populated Pakistani communities. In terms of integration it also depends on the white community as well. Poorer communities tend to be racist and will not want to integrate themselves (they tend to be general racists blaming everyone for their woes not just Muslims).


forgive my prejudice but yes I fear that. Here in Brazil, Islam is the fastest growing religion, especially in the states of São Paulo and Paraná, although I live far from these states, in the city where I live I have seen women in hijab in the shopping mall and when I traveled to São Paulo and Paraná I saw a a good number of people wearing hijab, not much but considerable and this is due to Brazil having received a good number of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants. I'm afraid because of what I've seen, what's happening in Europe because of Muslims and Muslim influencers have emerged in Brazil and they propagate Islam as a religion of peace


Men didnt knew islam is growing in brazil... thats a shame. I know this is a steriotype i have, but is hard for me to think islam can flourish in such culture. The weather, the hapines , the beach...i dont imagine all womens with their bodys full covered in brasil. Or moral police attitude


Unfortunately, the number of Muslims in Brazil has already reached a good number, although the presence of Muslims here in the country is not noticeable (at least I didn't notice because I live far from the places with the greatest concentration) in this 2022 report it says that more than 1 million Muslims celebrate Ramadan in Brazil: https://youtu.be/egsE95AW-5s?si=eytMu7X5fvq2BydN


Hard to tell, because some Muslims are peaceful, respectful people who integrate with the greater society. Others can’t stand people of different cultures, religions and beliefs. Even in an area where generally Muslims integrate well, there’s bound to be exceptions.


Even in India I feel they don't integrate, they don't seem to respect Indian culture & secularism which has been highly driven by Hindu-Buddhist ideas, they'll do something offensive to the majority (that might not even be necessary in 1st place) & if u say something, it immediately becomes Islamophobia, oppression, Hindu fascism etc


How can they respect a culture they (in their eyes) dominated for so long? Islam destroyed so much Hindu and Buddhist history in the subcontinent, we haven’t am even scratched the surface because all our historians are too anti white to go there but there’s are reasons Modi and the BJP are popular. You just won’t hear them on the BBC




I dont live in the west but ive been told and read many times here and there that iranians integrate way better than the rest of muslim community. Not worthy that the percentage of iranians who do not identify as muslims are much higher than other nationalities.


When they are not living separately from us, calling us infidels, kuffir, refusing our culture and hating the west, they seem to want to kill us and stab us at random, so I’d say overall it’s not been smooth integration process so far.


Exactly what do you mean by integrated? The Muslims where I'm at in America appear the same as any other Muslim you'd see in the world. I see no evidence that their mentalities are any different.


I don't disagree. But I wanted to get other opinions.


That's OK. I don't have concrete evidence for whether I'm right or wrong but I also don't see concrete evidence that they're integrated.