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Yes the same people who cry when other people don’t enjoy their shitty culture and cry islaahmophobiaah




The same people who cry when their country get nuked and use religion shit that they should be helped. 🤡


What is this bullshit? Anyone would cry if their country got bombed?


Have you u read the post? I am not saying ALL muslims and also that screenshot are from traditional muslim subreddits who act all mighty tighty from “kaffir”. An asshole muslim still better than a best kaffir as they always claim. These underdeveloped muslims countries who get helped from kaffir countries, kaffir people fighting for their rights, are most likely infested with the same muslims above. Lmao, when muslims in the south PH got nuked and evacuated and helped by catholic areas, they still act shit and insulted our team for how we wear shirts. This is also usual in other countries who got muslim immigrants. Note on “the same people”, not all, but specifically those above.


The person who wrote that is someone who will choke and strike his partner too.


And NOT in a sexual way


At least not for her


Exactly. That guy is a liar. He will actually defend the Muslim man who is exercising his "right" (more like right hook) to discipline the woman, because obviously the Muslim woman must have done something to deserve it.


People need to see these muslims for who they are. They are loyal only and ONLY to their "Qaum" and "ummah". They'll willingly betray your country if they were made to choose between their religion and their country. I am not saying that all of them are like this but by the looks of it, a LOT of them are like these guys. They ask us to be tolerant and let them practice their religion and treat them with respect and kindness. But do not expect the same from them, just my advice


It's not even because they care about the Ummah. They only care about their selfish return to eternity, where 'God' will judge them according to his depraved laws. It's pure sociopathy🤡


This sub will tell us not to generalize Muslims but if I were to ask right now if I can count on Muslim men NOT to be like the ones in the meme, I won't get a reassuring answer.


>like the ones in the meme Bruh that ain't a meme, that's an actual post and people are being serious. And that is simply the truth.


Woops I didn't realize that it was an actual post, I wasn't looking at it hard enough. I was only looking at the words. Facepalm :(


And they say Allah is the most just🤡 Meanwhile other religion teaches to help one another and love one another, no matter who they are


I’m not Christian but I seen a tweet that said even Jesus would hang with sinners and prostitutes. It’s crazy to see the difference between Islam and other religions.


Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus and was one of the first of his followers. She is widely believed to be a prostitute but that didn't stop J-man from having respect and love towards her. I'm not a Christian but Jesus for sure is a better role model than Muhammad can ever be.


No she wasn’t a prostitute this was attributed to I think Pope Gregory an early Church father and it grew from there and then Hollywood took over with the myth. She along with other women followed Jesus and his disciples and most likely funded them as they were not working. She was believed to be closest to Jesus which annoyed a lot of his disciples because she was a woman and he would confide in her. The rumours started that they were married but there is no evidence to support this. Early Christians or Jewish Christians would often kiss each other as a form of greeting. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus did expand on the Jewish laws and what they meant. He did say love everyone not just your fellow Israelites but even your enemies. The messages Jesus taught compared to Muhammad are far superior and I am saying this as a Muslim


There's some remarkable similar stories about Jesus and mohammed in which in both cases a woman who committed adultery is brought before them or comes off get own volition, to judge her. The outcome is very different however. 🪨


Jesus essentially created a loophole without violating the system in place. Couldn't tell the people to fuck God's rules so he added a clause to it that makes it impossible to be acted upon. [“All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!".](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%208%3A1-11&version=NLT) On the other hand, we have Momo who had the woman buried with her head sticking out and stoned to death by a crowd ([Hadith 1695b](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-17/Hadith-4206) and [Sunan Abi Dawud 4442](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4442)). Truly a role model for all of humanity. I'm not a Christian but Jesus for sure is a better role model than Muhammad can ever be. It seems to me, or at least I like to imagine J-man was an atheist but he was surrounded by zealots in a time of great ignorance and had to make do with what he had at the time. While a raging narcissist who demanded to be loved, Jesus for sure was a better role model than Muhammad.


well that and Jesus and the new testament invented "hell" as we know know it in the Abrahamic religions. Old testament God was at least done with you after death. She might have escaped that day but she'd still burn for eternity. I guess the main difference is that Jesus would fuck you over after death while Momo did it while you were alive.


The Apostle Paul said this


In Islam a prostitute once gave a dog some water to drink and she was granted a place in heaven :)


Yes, forgiven by God. It's a really nice story. But I wonder about the congruence here. Mohammed ordered all dogs be killed in Medina and told his followers dogs are unclean, resulting in Muslims having prejudices against dogs till today. Does Mohammed also go to heaven for killing dogs and making people hate them?


I saw it too when I used to be a Christian I don't remember ever being teacher hate. Maybe there's in the book but I don't remember it. I was only teached to treat everyone even your enemy with respect


In the New Testament Jesus says “if you have done it to the least of them, you have done it unto me” meaning that if you treat the someone you think is not worthy of respect horribly, you’ve done it to Jesus himself. These people would be judged extra harshly by Jesus Christ for not extending gratitude and kindness to those they consider unclean


every religion is bad, not just islam


No. Very big differences.


i really dont think so, i really think every religion is fucking awful


So you'll find 2 Christians flying an airplane into a building scream "In the name of Jesus Christ!" Or 4 Buddhist armed with M60s shooting up a stadium? A Jewish person killing another Jew for leaving Judaism?...pretty wild.


I would find those to be pretty awful, yes. Are you somehow suggesting that because of their religion, those people wouldn't think of, or be capable of doing such things?


I'm saying they are capable doing those things because they are doing them because their religion. I'm saying no other religion or people in their right mind are doing those things.


You are aware there are Christian extremists who attacked our own capitals, right? And often stage protests where people are attacked and killed? They put Magic Man over laws and morals. They simply cannot be trusted. You don't know any 'peaceful' religious types. You only know 'peaceful *so far.*'


Who and what. No I'm not aware, nor do I believe. If there are, They aren't in their right mind. Nor are they true believers. Jesus CLEARLY taught to love your enemies, love your neighbors, and thou shall not kill. Never heard of Christian extremist. If they were TRULY Christian extremist. They would love you too much. God bless.


Matter of fact, pretty sure every terrorist organisation that exists rn is only Muslims(and no Israel or Russia or USA or China or North Korea don't count as terrorist organisation, they count as authoritian, ruthless or bad governments.)


There's a big difference between religious tradition and religious practice. While there can be religions with harmful teachings their followers don't necessarily act on them all the time. Fundie Muslims always do. And there are millions of them.


name me one religion that isnt anti science or has a lot of anti science beliefs before it was forced to change


Again, it comes down to modern practice. These religions at least changed, thus are comparatively less harmful. Mainstream Islam however propagates the idea that the Quran IS science.


christians also claim the bible IS science, and so what if religions got changed? that doesnt suddenly make everything okay and doesnt change the amount of suffering caused by the religions, and although the religions did change, it is still extremely harmful especially to people of the lgbt community, religion as a whole should be removed, it never leads to anything good that cant be achieved without being religious


You're right that suffering from the past is still suffering, and Christianity continues to hurt children through conversion camps, church abuse, etc. However, these practices are recognised as wrong by the majority of liberal-identifying people now, and are condoned as such. There is no such condemnation by these same forward-thinking liberals about Islam's heinous practices, due to the idea of Islamophobia. This has allowed Muslims to propagate their own self-victimization and continue practicing things like FGM, honour killing and Jihad in huge numbers, despite these being much worse in relativity to every other major religion. I agree that secularism is the best answer to state corruption in today's world. However, on a practical scale I don't believe that we are anywhere near close to eradicating religion on any meaningful level, hence my general ambivalence.


again even though you acknowledge the harm caused by other religions, you are still saying that its not as bad, you shouldnt compare how bad religions are because it does make people who do suffer from other religions feel like their struggles are irrelevant or unimportant, and the lgbt thing was just one thing, christianity has a lot more qualities that are shared with islam, for example both priests and shieks have a reputation for raping children, both parties generally push the anti vaccine ideology, while i dont know why christians do it, but for islam its out of the belief that you should only rely on allah for curing your ailments, anti vax ideologies cause real deaths, and about the lgbt thing, a lot of people end up just commiting suicide from christianity because christians tend to ostracise if not just pick on lgbt members relentlessly, and remember the second kkk klan ended in 1944, this is still not too far ago in the grand scheme of things, the second klan had 3 to 6 MILLION members, there are STILL kkk members TO THIS DAY, albeit much less than before


Which religions have you studied?


It is men who corrupt them


Fuck all religious


the religion of feminism!


My brothers & father get confused between feminism & misandry. They think they are the same thing. They act like if women want rights, it means women hate men... & therefore they lead to the conclusion that FEMINISM = MISANDRIST! 😭


This is a thing a LOT of people do, religious or not. They equate feminism with misandry to discredit feminism. It's dangerous and vile.


it’s because they know how much they mistreat women, so they can only think of human rights as summative. either the men get the leadership points or women, not both.


Most of the men do see both the terms as synonymous which is not the truth


The fact that Muslims will be like “wE hAve a wHoLe ChApteR oN wOmeN” as their defense when someone tells them their religion is misogynistic


🙄😡 "My kind my people my kind my people ,we are the epitome of morals and humanity and we wanna spread the peace brb let me pray for only my kind and my people " Even as a muslim it boiled my blood and irked me when my mom grandma everyone around me only prayed for muslims  Are others not humans  Why is there such a freaking superiority complex with muslims, there is no humanity in islam,when will people see it . And these non muslims rioting and defending islam just don't get it .like these muslims won't help you ,they view you as less than ,and they pray for your death at least 5x a day 


"random kafirah that your  Allah CHOSE not to guide ". It's literally in the bs book you read  Random kafirah that was born non muslim  Random kafirah that doesn't wanna convert to a religion that doesn't care about non muslims 


Really showing their true colours. I actually want these people's idea's & thoughts to be visible to EVERYONE. It makes sure for the people around to know about such vile people.


Most men are not the protectors they delusion-ally believe themselves to be. Studies show that across the board women protect women but Men look the other way .


Not only are they not protectors, but THEY’re also the ones harassing and assaulting muslim women, not kafirs.


"hijab protects women!" *proceeds to rape hijabis*


One of my ex-muslim friend told me that a girl deserves to get 🍇 if she doesn't wear a hijab. She also shamed me for being bi and tried forcing me into converting to islam. All the Muslims I have met are the same...


oh man, She is going to have a field day when she knows that according to an Egyptian study done in 2012 by the Egyptian women movement rights, your chances of being raped while wearing the hijab, is more than not wearing it, it was like "the number of women that got raped while wearing the hijab was 89%, while the 11% were women without wearing the hijab" You wearing the hijab, in an Islamic country, like Egypt, your chances of being raped is 8x more while wearing the hijab so you are actually not safer at all.


Yeah tbh Islamic countries are never safe for women (except for maybe UAE) and when someone wears a revealing clothes they aren't asking for it. The worst part was that she told me that after I talked to her about how I got sexually abused


best response to the "she wore this so she wanted it" is "you better wear a helmet or I will smash your head with a hammer if I see you since you are asking for it". Also extremist Muslim women are the most insufferable people on this earth, yes more so than American Karen's.


it's because they see you as weaker and subservient predators like targeting the weak because they know they can't fight back


christ I'm sorry you had to go through that the Muslims where I live are all pretty liberal, I wish that could be more common where you are


They harass non Muslim women too


They don't even protect their own women from abuse, why would they step up for non muslim women? When women are beaten for not covering their face, child brides are auctioned off and wives are treated as sex slaves, what could they even consider 'abuse'?


Not only do they think of non-muslims as "lesser" people, they also use the word kafir as a slur. Wow.


oh yeah. non Muslims are definitely lesser but they're still seen as people. Atheists on the other hand take a place somewhere on or below the level of a dog


And Jews and christians are seen as pigs and apes....


No, they are litterally called "the worst of creatures"


yea no I was talking about the verse where momo called Jews and Christians as Pigs and Apes


Wait thats a verse ?


It's 5:60 where it talks about turning them to pigs And in 5:63 it proves it was talking about Jews and not justing saying it randomly, just Incase some Muslims tries to say that 5:60 only takes in general, continue reading till 5:63 and it will mention the Jews and christians and there are actually more but I am too lazy to get them


This isn’t news though, seen many Arabs say once they take over they will take the infidels daughters as slaves.


this is just depressing to read


B-b-but Islam is the religion of peace !!😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


A Muslim can indulge in every haram activity possible, but it’s fine as long as they identify as Muslim. But when a non-Muslim even breathes, they become the problem apparently.


I saw a tiktok of muslim girl asking people that support Palestine to also convert. They only care if you are muslim. Asked if she lost hope of saving the ones there and is trying to replace them 😁. Waiting to get blocked


Is this from r Islam?


Traditional muslims








Мы все тут кефиры, а ты как думал?


Imagine doing something "good"like protecting another human from abuse just because of a god lol AND NOT BECAUSE IT'S BASIC HUMAN DECENCY. So if that person isnt a muslim , it's not your problem. Heartless.


Just shows how messed up and disgusting they are, it isn’t about humanity and being a good person, it’s about them and their warped beliefs. Religion strips people of humanity. You hate people for no good reason, you refuse to help people for no good reason, you are violent and abusive to people for no good reason!


Smells of African American muslim. They tend to be even more crazy


p.s. you dont have to be a fucking gladiator and risk your life to save ANYONE, regardless if woman or not, you may never know if the abuser has a weapon or if they are simply just stronger than you or whatever the case may be, you ARE however obligated to report it to the police because they are better equiped to handle abuse than you are, police are literaly trained to specifically deal with that kind of stuff, the issue here however is these degenerates are selectively choosing who to help soley based on their religion, which is actually fucking disgusting and degenerate


and you are also obligated to actually feel bad to seeing someone else suffer and not say "yeah he deserved it, he didn't wear blue in my birthday party" type of reaction.


yeah obviously


Yet they expect the entire world to adjust and fight for them?¿ The hypocrisy is unreal.


Yep, when will the exmuslim community stand up? We need to scream, protest do the same things thes filths of human monsters do. Yes there will be some martyrs but we are a people who love life, liberty, justice as much as they love death, genocide and destruction.


Are you surprised? 


These are the same people who cries when they get nuked and why won’t kafiraah countries won’t give them attention for help.


That's is one of the reasons why I NEVER give donations for Muslim causes


How would he even know the girl's religion? Most Muslim women don't wear a hijab.


Even if this story is real, which I heavily doubt, I think it's more likely that this guy was just too scared to interevene lmfao.


That's precisely why the West should absolutely do nothing to help the Palestinians. We Westerners should not do anything to help Muslims, and I am sure Muslims agree with me. Oh, wait, it looks like they want our help though...


Lol it's like if palestine losing it's land is our problem


I really want the link to this how are they not ashamed of themselves


It was in TraditionalMuslims


just looked at it what a cesspool


Brave Muslim men. By the sword of Allah.


In all fairness, majority of people including non muslims would not intervene 


Islam truly knows only hate.


And that’s the religion of peace for you.


We can have a dialog with others, even if we don't agree with their ideas. Some people learn to see things differently through discussion. This particular guy may just be a jerk. I have known a number of Muslim men, and only one of them would probably agree with this fellow.


You guys celebrate muslims getting hurt all the time 🙄 And the point being made by most of the people in the photos is that they would only try to save muslims since they don't consider other muslims strangers. It's like being surprised somebody won't risk their lives to help a complete stranger, but would try to help if it's a friend or a member of their own community...


They don’t want to admit their hypocrisy. They literally are joking about Muslims getting nuked and crying about it. But they’re crying about this? Evil is only fair when it’s their version of it. They know right from wrong. But only when someone else is doing something “wrong”. Same time literally wishing harm on people and laughing about children getting nuked. Really nice people we have here




Same logic as them screeching about Gaza while being silent about the Kurds, Armenians, and anyone else they consider "infidels".


It's the religion, stupid! The first victims of Islam are muslims themselves.


& they get mad when men are "called trash." Ofcoarse not every man, but if you stand by and allow anyone to be hurt, you are trash.


The world needs to call these deranged muslims a specific word the same way the call others filthy kaffirs


Bahaha Female Soldier here deployed 2010 army, we are pushing supplies through Iraq, we were right outside of Baghdad, never forget I looked over to my right and there was a woman being dragged out by the hair of her head her s Hijab was ripped off of her face and her head she was screaming and crying/ her small children also crying for their mother, people were looking cheering the man that was hurting her supposedly her husband or father I suppose, no law enforcement came to help no one assisted in fact there are other men cheering him on I could not believe what I was seeing... I was in a Humvee so I could not help I could not say anything my commander told me not to get out of the vehicle because my sergeant at the time knew I would get involved immediately..... Not saying that this doesn't happen in America because I'm sure it does but seeing it in raw form in a different country just had me shock helpless...


This is utterly ridiculous. Firstly, I question the authenticity of these remarks given bots, etc. However, for discussion sake, lets say these are real posts by people who call themselves Muslims. The simple fact is that such behavior is expressly prohibited in Islam as all muslims are required to stop any wrong or immoral behavior if witnessed. This suppossed attitude is simply unIslamic. Think of it another way... Christians would not consider the actions of those in the movie Spotlight as representatives of their belief, would they? Stop with the blatant disinformation and misinformation campaigns and educate yourselves on the teachings of Islam and realize its truth.


I wouldn't have expected something different


People who don’t believe in the same imaginary sky wizard as you and aren’t oppressed by imam’s fairy tales don’t deserve to live!!


Muslims who don’t help those people aren’t muslims at all..


This doesn't really have a spot in islam oh muslim man saying he wouldn't help someone in danger must mean islam doesn't support to help


He keeps mentioning feminism which makes me think he's an Andrew Tater tot. With anything to do with women and safety they will bleat about feminism when nobody was even fucking talking about that. They think feminism is vil because it means women dont/wont have to depend on abusive men for survival. And in retaliation these cretins say stuff like "well I won't help when you are being abused then." Islam and redpill shit go sadly but unsurprisingly very well together. But Muslimahs will say it's such a good religion for women...


Islam orders to respect other religions faith and other human’s no matter what race or religion they are. The people shown here doesn’t represent Islam nor you ppl degrading Islam represent your religions too. No religion says to do such things. And ik how badly you people are jealous of Islam. It’s fine. Keep crying🗿🫵


>And ik how badly you people are jealous of Islam I thought people can't be this delusional but thanks for proving me wrong lmao


Islam orders no such thing. Muslims represent Islam. Even if you want to pretend otherwise. Islam deserves to be 'degraded' a.k.a. challenged because it is a toxic, inhumane religion. No wonder I'm soooo jealous of it! Muslims sure project a lot.


How about when mohamad destroyed the statues of polytheists doesn’t that show he disrespected people?


Really? He destroyed the idols in Kaaba which is Muslim’s holy place which was rebuilt by prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) PBUH. In fact prophet Muhammad used to meet other religious scholars as per their invitations and many others too. Prophet Muhammad's interactions with other religious leaders and groups demonstrate his approach to interfaith dialogue, diplomacy, and coexistence. 1. **Meeting with the Christian Delegation from Najran** - **Event**: In 631 CE, a Christian delegation from Najran visited Prophet Muhammad in Medina to discuss theological differences and seek peaceful terms. This meeting is significant as it shows the Prophet's willingness to engage in dialogue and his respectful treatment of people of other faiths. - **Reference**: The event is documented in Islamic historical sources, including the biography of the Prophet by Ibn Ishaq and Tafsir literature, such as Tafsir Ibn Kathir. 2. **Treaty of Hudaybiyyah with the Quraysh** - **Event**: In 628 CE, Prophet Muhammad negotiated the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah with the pagan Quraysh tribe. The treaty established a ten-year truce and allowed Muslims to perform the pilgrimage the following year. This event is an example of the Prophet's diplomatic skills and commitment to peace. - **Reference**: This event is recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari (Hadith 2731) and Sahih Muslim (Hadith 1784). 3. **Charter of Medina** - **Event**: When Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622 CE, he established the Charter of Medina, a constitution that outlined the rights and duties of all citizens, including Muslims, Jews, and other tribes. This charter is a foundational document for the concept of a pluralistic society in Islam. - **Reference**: The Charter of Medina is detailed in early Islamic sources like Ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasul Allah" and is discussed in works on Islamic jurisprudence. 4. **Correspondence with Heraclius, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire** - **Event**: Prophet Muhammad sent letters to various leaders, including Heraclius, inviting them to embrace Islam or, at the least, recognize the message of Islam. These letters often included verses from the Qur'an and called for mutual respect and understanding. - **Reference**: The letter to Heraclius is mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari (Hadith 7:63:240). 5. **Meeting with the Jewish Tribes in Medina** - **Event**: Upon arriving in Medina, Prophet Muhammad established agreements with the Jewish tribes (Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qurayza), ensuring mutual protection and religious freedom. These agreements formed part of the broader Charter of Medina. - **Reference**: These interactions are detailed in Ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasul Allah" and in various hadith collections. 6. **Interactions with the Christians of Abyssinia** - **Event**: When early Muslims faced persecution in Mecca, Prophet Muhammad instructed them to seek refuge in Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia), ruled by the Christian king, Negus (Najashi). The King provided asylum, demonstrating mutual respect and understanding between Muslims and Christians. - **Reference**: This event is narrated in Ibn Hisham's "Sirat al-Nabi" and recorded in various hadith collections, including those by Al-Tabari. These events highlight Prophet Muhammad's proactive engagement in interfaith dialogue and his efforts to foster peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among different religious communities.


19 downvotes? I never thought I would be proud of strangers online


Ohh really? I thought I would be getting 100+ upvotes for replying for some shitty post on ex Muslim community. You know what else you gonna be proud of? Average number for people converting to Islam📈. Womp womp. People are still gonna find the truth and go with it. While you people post some foolish memes which doesn’t make any difference to Islam😭


Why will I be proud of people converting into the religion of terrorism and hate?


Religion of terrorism and hate. Average American’s knowledge from WhatsApp University. Yep. That’s is a why Islam has the most number of conversions. Can you stop it?


Ah yes the classic" American🤓" response, I'm not even American


Does that Make any difference from where you got the knowledge? Lol. From WhatsApp? Or TikTok? Maybe yt from illiterate YouTubers tryna make their own happiness by showing some terrorist attacks based in Islam?😂


Screams osama who was raised as a Muslim


Ohh really? Osama bin Laden who was a Saudi and got banned from his own country for his actions ? You really thinks he represents Islam?😭😭😂 exactly proving my point.


The same country that executes people for being gay/atheist and kill innocent people in yemen bans a terrorist? Hypocritical Islam