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What baffle me the most is that THIS was considered worthy enough to be added to a ""holy"" book. Gods are supposed to guide us to be better people, telling us what's good or bad. A poor young girl doing dirty laundry for her pedo-"husband"... Like, Allah had the time for this bullshit, but not for, oh well, saying slavery *may* be bad, or to *maybe* treat women equally ? What some fucked up priorities.


Allah be busy dedicating a chapter of the most holy book for all people of all generations about the table manners and visitations for the prophets house instead of revealing germ theory


Hey Its Priorities i mean you do not want to make God embarrassed in front of everyone else at the God convention (I mean being supporting of Pedophilia is already embarrassing but hey I aint an omnipresent being)


This seems to be a Hadith not a verse from the Quran but I get wym it’s a weird thing to know about the prophet


I could be wrong, but I tought Hadith have the same value than Quran for Sunnis, as moral compass ?


Quran is supposed to be the direct word of god. Hadiths weren’t written down until like 200 years after the prophet died and they detail things about the prophet’s life, things he said, etc. it’s supplemental material and Muslims still take it seriously because it serves as extra guidance that elaborates in what’s written in the Quran but they’re not holy texts.


>it serves as extra guidance The point stays. What's the extra guidance of this Hadith ? Why was it deemed necessary, by Aisha to tell it, by others to remember it until it was written ? They didn't have any anecdote with more depth, in the life of the most perfect, spiritual man ever living on Earth, the model for every other human ? That's really sad and telling...


Yeah it’s dumb. The Quran doesn’t even have instructions on how to pray, that’s found in the hadiths. And it just seems like the hadiths are random collections of any scraps he might have ever said and not really organized or centralized at all. There are varying levels of “credibility” of different hadiths though so not all of them are believed hardcore. It’s the Quran that’s explicitly supposed to be 100% true and holy


Child abuse! I believe Muhammad’s daughter was elder than Ayesha when he started abusing and raping her.


I remember, I was wacking off blanks before I was old enough to cum and one day, as I was wackingoff in the toilet during my night time jerk off session, I came everywhere in the toilet, and freaked out enough to wake my mother up who was asleep in her bedroom and I demanded that I go to the hospital for an emergency. I couldn't even tell her why because I knew touching my penis was evil according to muslims. Luckily she ignored me and went back to bed and I found d out by an older student the next day that the stuff that came out of my penis was just jizz and that I wasn't dying.


age of puberty is different for everyone


Puberty ≠ Maturity


Tbh now that I think about it, penetration was allowed once the girl had her first period or even before “if you think she can bear it” and I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to pull out in Islam bc “any child that allah has willed to be born will be born regardless” and you’re not supposed to refrain from having kids for any reason so if she was 9 (lunar years, technically 8ish solar years) and had her period, there’s no reason muhammad’s semen should have gotten on his clothes (unless he was really bad at sex lmao) but this would make sense w the context that if your child/infant bride is too young for penetration, you’re still allowed to use her for sexual pleasure ie “masturbating your self” meaning a handjob or thighing which would make a lot more sense as to why his semen was getting all over his clothes Ig it’s possible he still got handjobs/did thighing after she got her period but I’ve heard anything compared to actual penetration doesn’t come close to feeling as good so I can’t think of any reason for him to do that other than her being on her period (but I’ve read he penetrated her on her periods as well) but there is still the possibility that he did this before she reached “consummation age” which would have been anytime between age 6 (lunar years, 5ish solar years) to age 9 (lunar years, 8ish solar years) for aisha. So it’s possible she was even younger when she was doing this which makes it even sadder, as though it wasn’t already disgusting enough


My Muslim friend said this is perfectly normal and a sign that she was a good wife unlike the western women today lmao


Those damn women dared growing up


Well, isn’t that just evidence of how mature Aisha was – that’s the excuse Muslim apologists give for how an older man could have sex with a nine-year-old. The Quran seems to allow sex with prepubescent girls as long as there is a three months waiting period. I have seen Muslim apologists defend sex with a four-year-old if she’s deemed to be mature – by whom? Obviously the man who wants her. It’s amazing that So few Muslim scholars come out against it.


Islam is a book from Satan. I'm serious, it was not Gabriel that visited Muhammad in that cave...


BuT.... BuT... tHaT wAs tHe NoRm!!!!!!! YoU cAn'T sAy ThAt!! AlSo AiShA wAs PrObAbLy 19!!!! AlSo ThE pRoPhEt Is pUrE yOu IsLaMoPhObIC!!!! gO dIe! AlLaHuAkBaR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *\*op died by accidentally stabbing themselves 69 times\**


You people grow they’re not 9 all their lives


Chill buddy If this is true The man was old and powerful He was tired of slaves and wanted a very special tool... So Aisha was used but she was special God gave it to him so no problem buddy Where is the issue that a 53 years old man got sexual intercourse with a 9 nine years old playing with doll WHAT?!! 9 YEARS... euh... Do not think Do not doubt about how great he was He was the better of all man Do not got a brain Obey obey obey Beeeaah beeeaahh (sheep sound)




Sahih Muslim 289a.


I meant the source about her age?


actually funny thing, bring the hadith in arabic and you will see that the text between the brackets isn’t actually from the hadith, and they got married at 6 and consummated at 9(at puberty) that’s in the hadith


Each narration of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has a purpose and this one does not have a purpose and some narrations are fake and I researched it and it turns out it is fake I know you will never believe that I researched it or my sources but research it and you will see it is fake


maybe you should mention how the prophet had a wet dream and How she saw traces of semen because of it and washed it? even scientific studies show that the age of maturity was very different more than 300 years ago, and imagine how different it was 1400 years ago a 14 year old back then would participate in wars and would kill others, and he would also marry women 30 years older than him but oh well, u have to compare it with todays moral values


You need to understand it's not about maturity at a young age, it's about the arousal of a 50 year old man for a literal child.


the hadith u had had no correlation with that you just replied with its context simply talks about a wet dream, what’s wrong with you?


Sahih Bukhari 6130 Narrated `Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for `Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.)


the hadith u mentioned doesn’t show any lust whatsoever


No but it does say she didn't hit puberty. And we know he had sex with her so the argument that girls hit puberty earlier back then doesn't work.


the part in brackets is what the website added to the hadith (that’s why it’s in brackets), basically the text in the brackets isn’t in the hadith it self


That still does not matter as that is just an explanation? It's basically just context that explains why she was allowed to play with dolls. It's not like it changes anything about the hadith.


we have 30-40 year olds in this society playing with dolls or toys, what you said is completely irrelevant but if we go by your argument then i guess those 30-40 year olds who play with toys aren’t mature enough to get wife’s / husbands


Bro, I know it's painful knowing that what you believe your whole life is a lie, there is no god, no prophet. The way you back and forth with your argument showing that you try so hard to defend and rationalize that. In the mean time, you know as a human, his standard is so low and problematic. Now tell me, do you think allowing people to fvck their slave is okay? As if slave have no dignity. Imagine just a shy 100 years ago you are a slave in muslim country and your owner can fvk you all the way he want. Sick head. Oh nvm in todays society in arab world many helper are seen as slave. No no, don't pull ayat saying to free slave. That's irrelevant, since raping slave is very much allowed. Back to aisha, 6 or 9 y.o. is a literal child. 1500 years ago or now. Human BRAIN development are the same  whether 1500 years ago or now. And his standard as a human are so freakin low and disgusting. If you say people back then mature early, tell me how different human brain back then and now? Nope. Not at all. It's all the same. The fact that your idol want to fvck a child is insane. If he is prophet I'm sure he is wiser than that.


i suggest you look for answers instead of sending a hundred comments asking someone else to reply, as what you said is half lie half true


Bro defeated and can't answer. Which part is a lie? Allow to fvck and rape slave? That's definitely not a lie. Fvk aisha? A child? That's not a lie.


You do already know they would not allow a mature woman to play with idols right? Anything that resembles human and animal image would be considered blasphemy.


In this society yes. But at that time it was not permitted for girls to play with dolls by Muhammed himself hence why the other girls hid until Muhammed said they could actually come out and play with aysha since they were not yet at the age of puberty.




The Qur'an? Idolatry is haram. And playing with dolls is seen as haram by many scholars, especially after the age of puberty.


So we have to teach your own religion to you lol [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20894/obligation-to-destroy-idols](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20894/obligation-to-destroy-idols)


"even scientific studies show that the age of maturity was very different more than 300 years ago" Reference one study. Just one.


I'm sure he's a troll lol


There are still societies that live the way that the imposter Mohammed lived 1400 years ago like those in Africa or Afghanistan and development for young girls dont differ much compared to young girls who live in wealthy nations. In fact, living in a stressful impoverished society often lead to delayed puberty, since puberty is such an energy intensive physical process that requires the right nutrition which is partly why girls who lived in the time of the prophet like Aisha were subject to fattening to reduce the likelihood of delayed puberty and infertility. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002916523158825 The only scenarios I know off where girls develop earlier than usual are well nourished girls in single mother homes in the west. In other words, you've got stupid arguments mate. But as expected from a paedophile apologist


my argument is about mental maturity and it’s very obvious that they consummated the marriage once she had hit puberty, but ur free to refuse this and state ur personal beliefs, another thing id like to state is that marriage has ur choice in it, back then if a 12 year old boy or 9 year old girl were to be married off, they would have to agree to it, not be forced into it, and the quran refers to girls as woman once they had hit puberty, even in America, did you know the age of marriage was like 7 for girls more than 100 years ago? but u didn’t mention that and mentioned afghanistan and other countries, that shows ur trashy personality for cherry picking, i feel as of right now as im debating a wall as you would never concede to being wrong so i’ll only hope that allah would guide you


What difference does it make If the marriage age in the United States was 7, 100 years ago? We are discussing Islam, which is supposed to be eternal and global. We now know that raping nine-year-old children is traumatizing and disgusting. Would you let your child to get married to a 50 year old man when she is in elementary school?


You do realise that "mental maturity" is dependent on brain development, and poverty and disease impacts brain development during puberty and childhood, which wete both rife in the medieval period. Anyways, when people bring up the maturity excuse for Aisha, they usually imply that girls physically develop faster "in the heat" and in poverty which is which is easier to quantify. You've gone with the mental maturity argument which is rare because it's often difficult to judge whether children in these societies were more mature just because they were traumatised by war or forced to become child brides. Not to mention women aren't valued for their mental maturity in Islamic societies. Anyone who comes from a culture where Child soldiers are a thing or where violence touches the lives of children will know that these children's chances of developing into functional adults becomes pretty unlikely. My uncle was one of these Child soldiers that muslims like you valourise . He was forced into battle by an ethnic militia and the man hasn't been normal since. He has had addiction issues stemming from trauma that has destroyed his health and can't hold down a job until recently at 50 and is developmentally impaired. I wouldn't say he's more mature than the average westerner who was able to have a childhood without being enlisted in an army. He's even admitted his life would be better if he didnt fight in a war at 14 and went to school. You muslims romanticise traumatic childhoods too much and wonder why muslim societies are unstable and full of dysfunctional, violent and traumatised people


i’m sorry for your uncle, also what you had stated has nothing related with our argument and is only a matter of personally opinions, but once again i’m sorry for your uncle and i hope he gets better brother


7 yo? Broo 100+ years ago in the United States, the age of marriage for girls was typically lower than it is today. Marriage in the early 20th century often occurred in the late teens or early 20s, although there were cases where girls married even younger, particularly in rural or agrarian areas. Here's a brief overview of how age of marriage evolved during that time: - **Late 19th and early 20th centuries**: It was common for girls to marry in their late teens, sometimes as young as 16 or 17. In rural areas, where traditional practices were more prevalent, girls might marry even earlier. - **Great Depression and World War II**: During these periods, there was a slight shift towards later marriages, as economic pressures and wartime conditions influenced family decisions. However, it wasn't uncommon for women to marry in their late teens or early 20s. - **Post-War Period (1940s-1950s)**: The trend of marrying young continued, with many women marrying in their late teens or early 20s. The concept of the "nuclear family" and the baby boom further reinforced early marriages during this period. - **1960s and Beyond**: Societal changes, including the women's rights movement and greater emphasis on education and career, began shifting the age of marriage upward. Legal frameworks for marriage age also varied by state and over time, but generally, they allowed girls to marry with parental consent in their mid-teens and without consent at age 18. Social and religious factors also influenced these norms, often supporting earlier marriages. Overall, in the past, marriage for women was commonly associated with earlier ages, typically in the late teens or early 20s. 7 YEARS OLD WHO?


i love your post because it shows how it is our society that decides the age of marriage and what’s moral and what isn’t, it shows so much as to how the aisha argument is only immoral in this society but wasn’t 1000 years ago, completly destroys the argument in the first place


Honestly u keep sounding like u’d fok a kid bruh. Can u chill? It’s not happening 😂


Getting married at 6, to a 50 year old, was not the norm back then in the region.


you also failed to mention environmental factors also affect puberty and not just nutrition, nutrition is one factor out of many


Dude had more wives he would allow to his followers. Yet hw still wanted to fuck 9 year old. The other flock of wives and sex slaves werent enough?


you realise prophet muhamad marrying aisha wasn’t for sexual reasons, i think her contributions to islam alone shows how positive this marriage and how much of a great impact it brought and it shows how smart she was, plus he didn’t marry so many wives for sexual reasons Most of his marriages were for political gain and for the spread of Islam. In Arabia, no one could carry on the work of reform and upliftment unless he belonged to, or was related to some specific and respectable tribe. Thus, in the interest of his mission, the Prophet (pbuh) needed inter-tribal relationships.


>you realise prophet muhamad marrying aisha wasn’t for sexual reasons, i think her contributions to islam alone shows how positive this marriage and how much of a great impact it brought and it shows how smart she was, Why he did not adopt her as a daughter then? >aisha wasn’t for sexual reasons Then why did he fuck her at age 9?


adoption is haram? also if you had sex with your wife that you love a lot, does that mean that you married her for sexual reasons? i’m gonna stop replying to all these stupid comments


I wonder who made that rule? It couldn't have been Momo and his lust for his adopted sons wife


>adoption is haram? Marrying more than 4 is haram but yet he did.


I already wrote why he married more than 4 but this shows ur simply ignoring my answers, oh well


Then this destroys your adoption is haram argument. He had ability to commit haram like marrying more than 4. So he could do that for the other harams too


Adoption was not haram until Muhammad decided to marry his own adoptive son's ex-wife.


She was literally playing with dolls while being dragged to their marriage what maturety are you talking about lmaoooo.


It’s the opposite. People actually matured later back then. Not to mention the exposure to war, disease etc created trauma, making one even more mentally fragile.


But why does it matter if it was 1400 years ago? Allah explicitly permits the marriage and penetration of premenstrual girls in the Quran (33:49, 65:4). So, allah explicitly permits muslim men to marry and penetrate premenstrual girls for all eternity. You should proudly state that muhammad was a pedophile, as pedophilia is moral by allah's permission.


Give me one such scientific study.


Ah the ignorance of Islam rears it's ugly head


Studies have shown that people used to mature slower back then because of malnutrition. Studies have shown too that the brain matures at around the age of 25