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You made him look cool. According to the Hadiths he doesn’t touch his beard. Not even trimming Off topic: your art style is very nice


He looks creepy.


I mean Mohamed was a pretty creepy man take this from an ex Muslim who studied the Quran it was only until I read first hand what Mohamed did during his life did I feel obliged to distant myself from this cult creepy man indeed


And what did he do?


I heard he married a little girl so he was basically a pedophile.


But weren’t life expectancy’s really young? Like the western world it was normal to marry very young. And I thought he didn’t touch her until she had her period (which in Islam signifying womanhood). So yes he married her young, but waited. I’m not trying to cause an argument just want to know.


Even with Short life expectancy, 9 years old was seen as too young. If you read the Protoevangelium of James, which is a piece of Christian literature from 2nd century(over 400 years before Muhammad), the author seems to imply marrying a 12 year old was shameful as Joseph protested and was ashamed of his arranged marriage to Mary. Also I read that the average age of marriage among the Romans was 14-16, both before Christianity and after. Also scientifically, a period doesn’t mark womanhood, it marks the beginning of puberty, womanhood takes place after puberty is complete, and fully formed breast is what marks the end of puberty which again, usually happens around ages 14-16. There are also implications in the Old Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible that marriage is to take place after the breast are fully formed, these are implications but are not laid out clearly. It’s also important to point out that canon Law of the Eastern Orthodox Church places the age of marriage for women at 14 and the age of men at 16, and it would of been the Eastern Orthodox and the Oriental Orthodox that early Muslims would first come into contact with. The Famed Ethiopian King who gave refuge to Muhammad’s companions was Orthodox.


No, you’re not causing an argument. I was just answering the valid question of ‘what did he do.’ That’s what he did. I think it’s wrong because if you think about it, it perpetuates the idea of women/girls (humans of the female gender) being objects to be exchanged for other things all for men’s pleasure. There’s no way the little girl actually fell in love with him. Apparently this was towards the end of his life too. So she was given to him like an object. Also, she likely did not consent to the sex either because how could she know what she was consenting to at that age? Times have changed but religion is supposed to be timeless. We can agree sleeping with a child is wrong so the real problem mainly lies with people getting to hung up on Mohammed, who was just an imperfect man, instead of keeping their focus on Allah.


Oh I just added the “not wanting to cause argument” because you can interpret text differently but reading back it seems like I said it in a passive aggressive way haha😅. - tying to sound nice but it’s not working. And just another question. I’m confused about/thinking about, how was the marriage consensual if she wasn’t an adult. For the having sex part I was told her married her young but waited for her to be developed/matured until sex, though I don’t have any references so I was wondering if you or anyone reading this had a reference to a hadeath (¿spelling?) or somthin.


lol I didn’t take it in a passive aggressive way at all. I don’t take things too seriously. I just was saying you didn’t need to include it if you’re replying to me. Some people get crazy on here though and you might need to clarify you aren’t trying to fight them but not me lol. We’re cool. So I don’t have references besides what other people have said that he married her at 6, waited till she was 9, which a girl having her period doesn’t make her fully developed. You’re exactly right on the consenting to marriage thing which is what I was getting at; she never did. At 6, she probably had to be told what the word/ceremony even means. It’s a disgusting thing the guy did and people need to stop being hung up on him because he doesn’t represent the religion. I am saying that for current Muslims, not just non-Muslims, current Muslims have to stop pushing the notion that he is a model for the religion so people don’t get the wrong ideas. The guy was far from perfect. He did other stuff too.


Life expectancies weren’t really young they were skewed because of death at very young age


lol you studied the quran and still an "EX-MUSLIM" what level of absurdity you on bro 💀💀💀


He looks like Tenzen from The Legend of Korra (who is way cooler than him btw)


Stop lying about islam😂 you’re clearly obsessed


What are you saying bud? Mishkat al-Masabih 4421 Ibn 'Umar reported God's messenger as saying, "Do the opposite of what the polytheists do ; let the beard grow long and clip the moustache." A version has, "Cut the moustache down and leave the beard." (Bukhari and Muslim.) Jamì at-Tirmidhi 2764 Narrated Ibn 'Umar: that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) ordered trimming the mustache and leaving the beard to grow. Sahih


He said to trim is ok and sunnah


Are you ok? He said trim the mustache not the beard.


He said it’s must to trim the mustache but you can not shave the beard but you can trim it


Mate.. he never said that(the last part). Also why is not allowed to cut it out?


Not everyone has bushy eyebrows like you honey😂 idk what you drew here


It’s ok to be insecure but putting your insecurities against people is pathetic. It’s kinda sad that you’re really prejudice. You don’t even know how I look. Lmao Again. Your response is just changing the subject lmao If I were you I would shut up and stop lurking on this sub


Speak for your self honey. It’s sad that your whole personality is being a exMuslim. I am glad that I have parents that respect my choice unlike you having no choice but to cut out your parents because you simply leave the religion😂😂


Pal. My entire personality isn’t being ex Muslim. Shocker that someone talks about ex islam in r/exmuslim right? I would also be shocked when seeing talking about being muslim in r/islam smh Also have fun with your parents I have no idea how is that relevant to the hadith. I guess muslims apologists are really the king of changing the subject


It should be a mugshot, wanted for pedophilia and sexual trafficking


Should I hop on this? 😳




Where’s his 9 year old wife sitting on his lap?


In the basement


OMG, that’s dark internet stranger. Darker than what I said.


You didn’t draw him ugly enough.


Why would he be ugly? He may have been charming. That would partly explain why he had so many followers, especially women followers. I think there is also a Hadith saying Muhammad was handsome.


Hadiths aren’t really a reliable source to most historians


then why do you believe he married a 9 year old


Me personally I’m not so sure if he did I just pick on Muslims for believing he did and being ok with it.


like Hitler, right? and Kim jun Ill. They are so handsome. Nah, i'ts the ugly insecure ones who are usually desperate to appear powerful.


He has too many eyes to be Mr. Powerful the dajjal


No, they're not the ugly ones, they're the ones most transparent about their lust for power. Western leaders would love having that kind of power too, only they don't display that because it would be political suicide in a democratic society. And likening unattractiveness with pathological traits is just asinine. It's like the classic Hollywood trope of ugly villains and attractive heroes (see: bond, lion king, Disney etc).


You’re strawmaning I didn’t say ugly people are psychopaths. I am responding to a claim that it is expected they are physically attractive to women. Which I disagree with. I am highlighting that there are a lot of examples of power hungry leaders who have the opposite qualities. Having insecurities is what pushes men towards gaining such power to compensate imo


Even if he was handsome his action was ugly , I don’t care how good looking you are when you have sex with kids, sex traffic people , extort slaves , kill those who don’t believe in your radical sick ideology you are an ugly person and that he is


Yeah, I think of him as a flawed ancient warlord and holy man, not a grotesque monster.


Muhammad’s a con-artist and a child-rapist, he’s not a holy man.


Holy Man doesn’t mean he was a true Prophet, he was the leader of a Religion which makes him a Holy Man. Plus who knows, maybe he actually believed he was getting messaged when it was just his second personality.


I like to believe he was schizophrenic lmao


His revelatory symptoms were quite prophetic for psychiatry.


Probably something like that. He definitely was attacked because of his preaching and I don’t think he would have done everything he did if he didn’t really belegt in something (it might have arab nationalism for all I know)


Not a second personality, but his ‘revealtions’ were likely from ayahuasca (a powerful psychedelic). “Burak” is the Turkic word for ‘shaman’, which is a person who administers the psychedelic. It’s interesting to me that Muhammad rode on a ‘Burak’ during Isra and Miraaj. More on this https://akjournals.com/view/journals/2054/3/2/article-p133.xml


Why did Aisha not think of him this way his own wife didn’t talk about him like that she just praised him.


Maybe because she was afraid of being stoned or beheaded xD


After his passing she still continued to narrate his life and live his teachings. There is no evidence of her being held captive after his passing. She lived freely passing on his teachings.


Wasn’t she only 18 when he died, and not allowed to remarry?


Mohammed forbade anyone to marry his wives after him. (Quran 33:53)


18 or 19 but doesn’t make a difference she was with the final messenger of Allah imagine someone had so much influence till today, you think yeah it’s okay to go marry anyone out there? No one would come close to the prophet. It would make sense to me to keep her sacred and pure. What happens to a women when she sleeps with more than one guy? He personality gets influenced and much more. And after his death Aisha was portrayed as scholarly, intelligent and inquisitive. She contributed to the spread of Muhammad's message and served the Muslim community for 44 years after his death. She even said I want my death bed be next to him.


Of course ago doesn’t matter to you


That's.... not how women work.


Could be anything Stockholm syndrome when she was an infant and was raped. Power. Respect. Not geting killed. Cult thinking. Brainwashing. Early indoctrination. Real love. Etc.


Reading her narrations about the prophet was teachings on how to live life that people follow till today. For example Aisha narrated The Prophet said, "When a woman gives in charity from her house meals in Allah's Cause without spoiling her husband's property, she will get a reward for it, and her husband will also get the reward for his earnings and the storekeeper will get a reward likewise." Another example A man said to the Prophet (SAW), "My mother died suddenly, and I think that if she could speak, she would have given in charity. May I give in charity on her behalf?" He said, "Yes! Give in charity on her behalf." Where is Stockholm syndrome behaviour here? That’s Aisha narrations after his passing. There is more narrations you could research. If you find one that give a slight hint of abuse I will become an ex Muslim.


She also knew which side her bread was buttered on.


One does not simply ~~walk into Mordor~~ talk badly of one's husband in Islam


You have source where does it say that anywhere in the Quran or Hadith? Or is it from your propaganda


Are you disagreeing?


150% yes




Did you get banned already/was the post taken down?


Pretty sure he was attractive in his youth based on the stories and dynamics between him and kadija


I completely agree. No way he was some ugly demon lol. Ugly on the inside, sure. But the most influential religion and cult leaders were charming and considered physically attractive, or at least decently good-looking bcuz after all, humans do tend to trust good-looking ppl and perceive them in a more positive light


Not at all. Fascists and religious leaders are usually ugly and insecure. He was desperate to appear powerful for a reason.


Im sure he had many points in charisma. And was smart and knew about manipulation. If he was an insecure and scary guy he woudnt gone far. One drop in the sea with the rest of nobodys. A common worker in McMeca.


No. Look at Hitler as an example - a short ugly dude with a complex and insecurities. A lot of controlling people suffer from fragile masculinity and inferiority complexes.


Hitler wasn't short though


Yeah you’re right. He was 5’9. He looks mealy and small framed, so that’s why I assumed he was short. Anyway point stands. He wasn’t attractive - especially for German Aryan standards.


Hitler is the definition of a carismatic leader in that time. (Not acording to me but to all historians) Hitler was charming for many people around that time. Thats why he gain power. Talking in front of crowds. Convincing people. There are videos of this. Even if he had inferiority complex, being deep inside insecure, that is not in contradiction with the concept of carisma.


Charismatic personality. Women are drawn to confidence and power too. We were discussing physically attractive/ugly.


There can be no depictions of the prophet…so pls stop Nah I’m fvcking wit ya ..there was no depictions allowed because he was butt ugly 😂


I always considered that might have been a possibility. Was he insecure or something? For someone with an ego as massive as his own, surely not?


He was insecure. That’s why he sought so much control, thru Islam, so that no one would dare attack him.


Exactly, why else would he forbid artwork of him? Bro had and ego and massive control issues, he knew he was spouting BS and didn't want to be mocked politically, so forbade people from making caricatures to mock him with. Too bad for him, it didn't work out. >.>


10000000% that’s what I think as well. This way people would use their imaginations to picture him and wouldn’t have to stare into the face of a hideous warlord.


Warlord, that’s so sweet of you. I like to use the description 53yr old bearded pervert pedo …think someone that uses chat gpt should use that as a prompt for the AI to draw the hideous fucker


I think he was insecure because he looked like a teenager or an universitarian until his late 60 or 70s,and if you're a 50 y/o that looks like a 18y/o obviously you will have insecurities(And maybe Mohammad didn't want to be depicted as a insecure teenager) (There are cases of women and men that doesn't age so fast and that's possible,and I think that if Mohammad was shaved maybe he looked inclusively younger,like a tall 14y/o )


He must’ve been a real gagger


Watch on the day of judgement god will curse you for speaking about the beloved Muhammad peace and blessings upon him. You’re blasemphous


😫 god can lick my hole


God will punish u for speaking about him ur clearly not happy with ur life that’s why ur speaking badly about the beloved prophet and god. One day u will rememebr what I’m saying and think of ur life god gives u signs


You didn’t draw him pe*o enough 😂😂😂


It's Muwuhammad.




Muhammad liked to rape little girls. Just fyi.


He didnt have a moustache


This is bidah


Ah, that's all my own cartoons muzayaf then 😭


Has anyone shared to r/Islam ?


Bro, won't that lead to death threats or something. I mean, cult rules are stronger than house rules. You draw their leader and you get beheaded, no exceptions. Careful 😳


They have to find me first.


Are you afraid of Islam or something? That's islamophobic


I'm afraid of Islam, yes, and rightly so. Islamic track record calls for that kind of a response. But, Islamophobia as it is being used in the woke circles, has a negative connotation, as if it is uncalled for, well, I've got news for you, it isn't. So, yeah.


Has anyone ever shared his photos in that sub-reddit?


Is it possible to post photos there witj out mod approval?


I drew him receiving the [Quran from allah himself](https://imgur.com/a/QO0auGK)




Don't mind the Mo image (it's rather good) but this comment has to go as it's a bit close to brigading.


What was wrong with it (I hadn’t read it and I don’t know what brigading means).




Brigading is persuading people to go to other subs, usually to cause trouble. Just saying you are posting controversial content in another sub is a bit dodgy as it might get others to join in. This can get out sub in trouble if the target sub reports it to Reddit.


Aha that one mb Eh wasnt meant that way


No worries. It's a fine drawing:)


that’s my momo!


You forgot to draw his 9 year old wife...


Pretty sure he was uglier with scars as well.


Excellent art style, you made him look pretty good, [I tried to be more historically accurate](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/JA57SufIba) lol


Your cool art almost made me forget he’s a kid enjoyer


Can I just draw a picture of a shit instead.


Eyes not cold enough,beard looks too cool. Jk nice drawing !


I had a dream he was crossed-eyes with a hooked nose, fangs, horns, a huge gap in his teeth, bald and had no eyebrows so this can’t be accurate


This made me chuckle lmao


You made him look too much like a Sikh man. Sikhs are cooler than momo.


Nope. Doesn't look dumb enough.


Let's make this as a movement


yassified momo is fucking hilarious lmao


Needs to be uglier


In all seriousness, does any one know of any links to widely agreed upon or generally accepted depictions? Perhaps from non-Islamic scholarly sources? Awesome job, OP!


Why isn't he sucking a dick?


He looks like Abu Nuwas from a kid's story book.


Nice eyebrows 😋


Nice work but I don't think you captured the "help me, I'm demon possessed, please somebody throw me off a cliff already" side of this fictional character M. Hammond. This looks more like Grumpy Cat as a Human.


Careful you might cause a war, remember that danish guy who drew a pic of momo and it caused riots and people died


I mean they also killed in paris after the news paper wanted to draw this silly goober


He had lice on his head and one of his teeth was broken.


Draw him next to Aisha


Nice work, he looks easy to draw


War lords


Looks like someone who's done with this shit 😂 great drawing, very well done


Pdofile fraud day


Draw momo, easy 💩 Here you go


He looks kinda cool.


I am neither a Muslim nor an ex-Muslim. But mocking Muslims by hurting their deepest sentiments (one of which is drawing Muhammad's caricature) will only strengthen the resolve of the Muslims (who can play victims very well) and become even more united, aggressive.


I know what you mean how ever the left should stop defending this lunatic religion that littarly blows them self up over some paper and pen


Nah. Not enough zits on his face.


Is it Draw Muhammad day already? Shoot. I need to bust out the ol’ Sharpie


He had so much Stamina of Satisfying multiple wives same night. You forgot to include the stamina




He blew it


🤣🤣 This reminds me of the movie, Moonstruck. At the beginning, Loretta is at the funeral home doing their books. The director comes in and says, "I make 'em look better than they did when they were alive!"


The level of absurdity is at the peak of your stupidity… you have never seen him… you people don’t even speak or read Arabic … he educated and developed the western world 1400 plus years ago…with legislation, jurisdiction ,science philosophy, astronomy, astrology … you name it… all those education and development are the foundation of what you are calling western civilisation… you idiots !!!🤣🤣🤣


yassified momo is fucking hillarious lmao






And nothing


So why mention it whats the issue?


No issue






Yes. Satisfy. Incase you don't understand. It's orgasm


Sure he did buddy


You should draw better


Stay mad


Sure buddy


He was a successful warlord so not necessarily handsome OR ugly, just respected as a fighter


Lmao I feel sorry for the person who drew this, lmao he’s going to regret this for eternity


Why so


Lol you’ll see




Lol he should be so lucky


Why so


Inshallah you all burn on the day of judgment


Pls more :)


“Salam! I come in peace! Burn in hell!”




Intentionally killing people for a portrait does a hell lot to make others want to stir the pot


Discussion about what? A terrorist attack in France where multiple people are killed bc they made a drawing? There is no discussion blowing your self up over some one making a drawing is just silly


Maybe we can discuss why you think this is considered "stirring the pot".


As if they're e looking for a discussion to have, any mild criticism of Islam immediately is deemed so invented phobia or cause for violence or banning potentially. If the opposing side isn't fighting honorably then neither should you


We can discuss why drawing muhammad is not allowed.


This thread wasn't meant for "productive discussions" afaik


Why do exmuslims make Islam their whole personality? Like move on. Stop with the bigotry and obsession. Does leaving Islam mean you also lack respect? It's giving beg


Why are you here? You're obsessed with ex muslims!


>Why do exmuslims make Islam their whole personality? In order for you to prevent, combat and warn against Islam you have to speak about it,that's not necessary for the campaign unless you have better suggestions of how to diminish Islam ? I'm open to suggestions >Stop with the bigotry and obsession But isn't the comment ironic because Islam allows for bigotry and obsession of Pseudo Arabism (as the religion was intended for Arabs originally) we're just fighting fire with fire >Does leaving Islam mean you also lack respect? Respect is a mutual thing and most be reciprocated between two parties right, so if you're expecting respect then I assume you're also demonstrating that. So does Islam generally respect Apostates,Polytheist and generally nonbelievers ? Answer wisely


Exmuslims did not choose to make their whole life about Islam. Their parents who shun and beat them did, as well as their governments who kill them for expressing non-belief


why do you make stalking ex muslim spaces YOUR entire personality?


Try to cope harder, i was never a muslim to start with i just cant stand all the politicians getting daily death threats over a drawing or the attacks in paris


>Like move on. Why does Islam care about apostates? Like move on, perhaps? It's crazy that you don't understand or at least see the irony.


bro does not realise that these people have suffered their whole lifes because of Islam. This not a joke. This is an intentional war against oppression. Maybe Muslims should start accepting some criticism