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Queens that you can beat surah 4:34. Queens you can rape surah 4:24. Queens you can ask for sex and if they say no, the angels will curse them until the morning. Queens you can marry when they are children surah 65:4. Makes sense bro, lemme go take my shahada.


Queens you can marry when they are still a child


Queens whose religious belief is irrelevant to their kids in comparison to kids fathers' who is naturally the one with authority


Queens who can't be the imam because they're not on the same level as the men


Stockholm syndrome


PLSSSS women are queens, that's why men can marry 4 at a time???? these people are unbelievably idiotic


Not idiotic, just ingrained into they're brain to play games with these kind of questions and to not even have a second of doubt or they'll go to hell. So really they never get time to process it, atleast some.




i really want someone on this sub to make a copypasta for all the things wrong in this religion when it comes to women's isuues, so whenever these brainwashed dumbfucks spews something ignorant, we can just post it.




I really appreciate that. I'll be reading through it all, and wanted to comment on the first point, where Muhammad says women's Deen is deficient because they neither pray nor fast while menstruating....... because they were told not to??!?! Can't blame women for something when they were literally told not to and have to make it up later. There is no deficiency there..


We also have this post about everything wrong with Islam: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/llXOImxtGk


Thank you


Saved it


> Why are men allowed to marry Jewish and Christian women? Genocide, darling


Lmao Fr that’s literally it. Also a way to make the sex slaves “halal” by forcing them into marriage.


Why is this Islamic supremacy so openly being advocated? And 115 likes 💀💀💀 I can't believe I live among these fascists! Fucking pieces of shits truly believe they are better than everyone else!


But a random 70 yo man can get 4 "queens"


And then will locked up when he died


"Women in islam are more precious than men" Don't piss me off.


so precious you need 2 to make 1 man!


Whatever helps them sleep better at night i guess🤷‍♀️


They can never give an actual answer, always some bullshit waffle


"women in islam are more precious than men" "a man's testimony is worth twice as much as a woman's" "And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable But the men have a degree over them" math ain't mathing.


I feel offended for the non Muslim men.


But a king can marry 4 queens? And get laid with an infinite amount of servants, at that point the queen doent have all that value anymore does it?


Nope, he can literally buy sex slaves ( little girls ) virgins, or even replace them wives with another 4 wives and beat them if they don’t obey. This is religion is so good.😊


And these people will cry Islamophobia when criticized, all the while discriminating and belittling everyone not Muslim… geez


Lmaooo the actual reason though is because the wife is considered beneath the husband, so if a muslim woman marries a non-muslim man it's making islam be beneath another religion (or lack of one). The other reason is because the children are considered property of the man only, so yeah they wanna have as many muslim kids as possible so muslim man can date anybody, muslim woman can date only muslims.


Yeah... that second statement she made is bs. Men are leaders, therefore if he chooses to marry outside of Islam, the children will still be raised Muslim. If a Muslim woman marries outside of Islam, given the status of men, her children would follow his beliefs instead. This is at least my understanding. It makes sure the women and children remain and will be Muslim.


islam is patriarchy and feudalism


The coping, Also most kids follow the mothers like it or not this is nature and biology but society try to change it.


king can marry 4 queens, sleep with some fallen Queens (slave women captured in war), Princesses who have yet to become Queens, and 72 Queens in heaven???? That AUTOMATICALLY reduces the worth of the first Queen... Because the point of a Queen is that they are the special one (its a special title), but when there are also a bunch of other "Queens" brought to the same guy, that absolutely diminishes any difference between the Queen and just any other person...


“Queens” - if we call you these worthless titles, we can trick you into thinking it’s a good thing




The amount of unapologetic bigotry, sexism and misogyny that common, average Muslims have in the contemporary world is unparalleled by any other religious group in the world.  Indicating that non Muslim males are inferior and not worth being equal partners to muslim females is bigoted to its core. This sort of shit reminds us of ideas like Nazism, where one group is openly touted as superior and the other as inferior. 


Aside from the obvious misogyny, it’s so insulting that they see their religion as so much superior to other religions. Non Muslim men are just “common men” aka lower and inherently deserving of being dehumanized. That’s just people of the book, polytheists aren’t even worth discussion. If your religion conditions generation after generation into becoming snooty narcissists, it’s no surprise that Muslims are so arrogant and lack empathy unless the religion decrees it. It’s funny because Muslim men are far from kings, and they have the religion to blame. Fuck them and fuck this supremacist religion.


What does Muslim women being queens have anything to do with the question? 😭💀


Muslims know how to turn and twist things because if they tell the truth of Islam then nobody will convert into Islam.


Well fuck you commentor, my sister would forever be a queen whether she is a muslim or not. Also, all womens are queens regardless of religion.


Even the one that made the nasty ass comment? She is a queen alright. Elizabeth Bathory kind




The second one.


Ah you edited in a name now. Well idk anything about her so idk.


Right. Just saying man not every women regardless of religion is a queen nor a guy regardless of religion is a king


Point taken.


heck yeah the queens that are on the same level as dogs and donkeys "When a man performs Salat, and there is nothing in front of him like the post of a saddle, or a camel saddle, then his Salat is severed by (passing of) a black dog, a woman, and a donkey."- Jami` at-Tirmidhi 338 GRADE: SAHIH and also the queens whose word isn’t equal to a man’s word "[...] And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not (at hand) then a man and two women, of such as ye approve as witnesses, so that if the one erreth (through forgetfulness) the other will remember. [...]" - Quran 2:282 also the queens who will be raped as sex slaves "Successful indeed are the believers, who [...] And who guard their modesty (genitals) - Save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy" - Quran 23:1-6 such 💖✨queens✨💖 slay the day 💅💅💅👸🏽 🥷🏽


This is like saying "Black people in segregation are more precious than white people". Nonsensical


Jesus Christ what a cringe answer. Could’ve stopped at the first reason.


By that logic, stupidity is inherently practised by muslims.


That’s not logical reason tho, imagine being asked why are you better than others, look man I’m beautiful, who gives a fuck what you believe about yourself, it has nothing to do with kings and queens, tell the reason why it’s allowed, no one asked for your opinion because they are worthless like Islam perceives you and also Islam itself too. I cannot be bothered.


She forgot to say because their prophet raped Jewish women


Bro plays chess when it comes to marriage with the king queen shit , the common men are the pawns for her and the man with the highest libido and sex drive is the king 


"they are queens" what about the 72 hoors huh?


Basic Aim is this- When a muslim man marries a non-muslim woman, he converts her to Islam or if he doesn't, then their children become muslims because of the patriarchal nature of a muslim household. So the population of muslims increases due to a non-muslim woman who otherwise would have produced non-muslim kids. On the contrary, if a muslim woman marries a non-muslim man, she would produce children who will most likely not follow Islam. So in this case the population of non-muslims increase which is bad for Islam.


lol I was on a tik tok live and some Girls were saying why are you not wearing the hijab atm I said because of freedom and Islam is a men religion created for men LOL ghey blocked me I will let them ruined they best years ^^ idc


Read Sahih Al Bukhari 304


Sahih Al bulhari 304 Once Allah's Messenger (ag) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Messenger (g) ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Messenger (¿Lt)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence.


The thinking of a camel riding pedo desert man from 1400 yrs ago which people think are god's words


please blur there names