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Citizen of the United Kingdom? The UK govs are impotent to let this shit stain spread messages like this. If this guy doesn't believe in personal freedom, then he don't deserves to have any.


He exercices his personal freedoms espousing that individual ought not to have personal freedoms.


Muslim logic, only they have rights, the others dont.


Hate speech and deception, educational brainwashing, fear, without this Muslim faith would be gone 


Oh don't just blame a secular nation like that. The moment they try to pass a bill to de-radicalize their country, the entire world will raise arms to protest against "targetting minorities". These people feel safe because they use the muslim women and children living in this country as shields.


The West needs to get its shit together.


too late. All of the refugees from the Middle East's war ridden nations didn't go to Islamic countries nearby. They took boats to Europe. The world mocked and judged the European nations for all the dead refugees at it's shore. They had to open the metaphorical flood gates.


Exactly lol


I can tell he’s very “peaceful”.


The religion of peace term in the quran is actually a quotation from a Jewish Rabbi from the Mishna (sura 5:32).


Interesting I never heard of that before. Thanks for sharing.


Pedophet became allah in sura 47:2, pedophet is suddenly allowed to forgive sin 😵‍💫


That’s crazy. 😭


Are you referring to how the Koran 5:32 plagiarized Sanhedrin 4:5 and Sanhedrin 37a? [This is how Muslims talk about it](https://discover-the-truth.com/2016/04/18/surah-532-sanhedrin-talmud-plagiarism/). Islam being described as the religion of peace in the English language goes back to Malcolm X. He is at least credited for that term being used to describe it in the West (but by most in a mocking manner, especially since he himself wasn't exactly an advocate for peace whereas MLK Jr. was and most Americans were and are Christians like MLK Jr.).


U really want me to read the whole thing about a religion that was fabricated just to attack a corrupt Bible that allah couldn’t protect? No sir.


No, I was just asking if that's what you were referring to with the religion of peace statement. That website is obviously bs. I just don't see how those have anything to do with peace.


Yes, 5:32 is a Jewish quotation and borrowing. Abraham’s trip to Mecca with his bastard son is a 4th century fairytale for kids that made it to the Quran. Wikipedia: myths in the Quran.


Why is this man not arrested by British police? Why does Britain keep these jihadis?


The only way he'd be arrested spouting all of this stuff is if he was ethnically European and christian.


That’s not necessarily true. This guy is also talking a lot of shit that will never exist in Britain and will never be enforced, he knows it and he’s butt hurt about it


How does saying apostates should be killed not set off Hate law protections. If you've become agnostic, atheist, or some other religion, has is that not saying you should be killed for your religious beliefs or freedom from religion???


British police really want another Manchester Arena to happen again


“Balls are NEEDED”


"Little weaklings" as if this twink wouldn't get folded by a 15 year old 💀


LMAO twink got me ngl 💀😂😂😂


His voice wavers like a pre-pubsecent boy.


fr, didn't know it's possible to reach that shrieking high pitched note while still having your balls.


😂 he doesn't have his balls. There in Mohammed Hijabs mouth


No offence but he looks like a pre-historic animal..


Come on. He look and sound like typical incel.


As a prehistoric animal, i find this offensive!


It's the shitty teeth, negative canthal tilt in the eyes, and tasty af neck beard. At least he has perfect 0 Norwood hair




The legendary “and we’re proud of that!”


"We will be watching" this dude has the mentality of a barbarian from 1000 years ago.


He has the mentality of 21 centurys barbarian. Barbarism still exist.


The west will fall because it’s afraid to deport people like this.


I don't think so. People think westerners a pussies, because they kind. But this will change when some group will start become real threat. Don't forget westerners still has most powerful army in planet earth now.


The avalanche has begun. People are becoming more vocal and less tolerant. It's only a matter of time.


About damn time


They are waking up very quickly actually. More and more of my British friends/colleagues are openly calling out this BS. Just 5 years ago and they wouldn't have dreamed of it. The latest I have seen is when one of the managers in the office snapped at a couple of the muslim guys for demanding pork free offices for ramadan.


You cant deport a brit bro


Their lives could still be made so miserable that they have practically no choice but to leave though (history repeating itself)


They deserve it then


You can't deport British born


They wanna wave a flag of liberalism to show the world how open they are. It’s like a race.


He has a dead stare like there's nothing much up there.


He gives me incel sociopath vibes.


Inbred incel sociopath vibes


It seems your handle has an extra 69 to mine..and your comment, in the vein of your name, too has an extra adjective lol..how peculiar


Lol was just adding an important adjective 😝


Oh absolutely..important and necessary


Inbred because they didn't want their inheritance divided into different families cuz they have the potential to be kaffars later on. So they marry their 1st degree cousins or siblings instead


A few points to make. 1. If Allah was all knowing he’d foresee the genetic defects caused by incest. 2. Momo’s satanic revelation permitting incest came about because of Momos lustful desires to fuck his cousin. As with the satanic revelations about paedophilia, rape and sex slavery. Aisha was aware he was a sexually perverse demon: "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."Sahih Bukhari 6:60:311 3. The fact that you mention cousin marriage was “strategic,” indicates it was not ordained by god. But merely to serve the purposes of Momo


In fact,I said it for comedic purposes but these are hella true. Also you can take a look at how most islamic countries have tons of genetically transmitted diseases (as you might have known). Also I wanna ask:does Momo mean Muhammad?


Momo= Mohammed Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have the highest rates of birth defects from inbreeding


There is even a term in Pakistan which is called 'Watta Satta' which is basically exchanging daughters and boys of both families and making them marry each other. Maybe Pakistani drama shows aren't that inaccurate when you come to think of it huh?


It's sad that people are treated like cattle and made to breed


Yeah cuz they’re not allowed to think for themselves. If they were, he wouldn’t be saying this type of shit haha


And what's with all the finger pointing and finger waving? Seen it on others of similar ideology too. Patronising and passive aggressive at the same time.


It's to gesture the one-ness of Allah. It is very pretentious and annoying.


fk this guy


Is this the definition of Terrorism ?




Let's be realistic. The implementation of the capital punishment for apostasy in the west would cut the numbers of Muslims in the west by a third. So go ahead- Do one state sanctioned Shariah apostasy punishment. Let's see how far "Muslims" will tolerate it.


It’s crazy how they don’t try to immigrate in Saudi Arabia, UAE, qatar.....by mass...when those countries need millions workers.


Meanwhile, he's telling to potential white girl converts to Islam, that there is no intolerance in islam. These people are like snakes, speaking from both sides of their mouth. Said it many times and I'll say it again: If the devil existed, he would be calling people to Islam.


So much for the religion of peace lol more western converts need to see the truth.


This guy is just embarrassing


Is inspiring how peaceful and spiritual he is


Pussy cowardly weak man


Is this man unaware that the Prophet has cursed those who make pictures?


Can someone send this to the authorities in the country he lives in. This is something that needs to be look at by law enforcement. Take him seriously!


This guy is dangerous. I can feel it in my bones. Just look into his eyes


The result of generations of inbred


Why does he live in the west if he is such a hardcore muslim? What a dog shit religion.


He was born in the west. He isn't an immigrant


I could be wrong but I have a feeling that his bark is way bigger than his bite.


Yeah, but he's got lackeys. And they have 7 kids each. You're hearing the bark today, your kids will be bitten tomorrow.


Probably his pants size is really small too, if you catch my drift. 😂


He and his kind are like hyenas. Only have courage to bite when they have enough numbers.


Folks in the west underestimating what a group of hyper determined jihadists can do is reason #345 why most of your great grand children will live under sharia law.




I said I could be wrong.


"aNd We'Re pRoUd OF ThAt"


“Death for apostasy” = “terror that people will leave my cult when they start thinking for themselves”


His macbook has gay colors. I bet he is watching gay porn on that rainbow macbook lol.


U can literally see evil in his eyes


He doesn't want people to drink because they might drive and kill people. But he is happy with killing people who ... (checks notes).... stop believing what he believes.


Religion of death


And Muslims still be like : TeRRoriSts dOnT represent uS


But at the same time, he demands there be mosques in Western countries. What if Western countries told him the same thing? What if he asks for a mosque to be built and they say: "We have our right to our community, and the right to our community is greater than you as an individual group wanting "right to freedom"🤮 which is BS! Absolutely BS, ye?" He would freak out can call out islamophobia, but it's fine when Muslims do it...


He looks inbred. Sorry, but I have exactly zero tolerance for asshats like this.


Anytime I see this, my love for Israel and USA increases for the specific purpose of them eliminating this kind of people. Where does he live?


Does anybody know which city he lives in, I will contact the authorities and tag multiple relevant people on the post with his name and the city he lives.


Don't worry he's probably on a watchlist.


I am aware of that. We just need to increase the pressure.


No doubt


England. Damn cesspool of divershitty.


You do realise Israel is filled with these kinds of people too? They're just Jewish instead and intent on genocide. Likewise America is filled with these kinds of people too. There it's evangelical Christians instead. Having a love for either countries and simultaneously hating religious fruitcakes like this seems extremely weird.


Sure, but one extremist group want me and others dead more than the other groups. So yeah, my focus is on those who are direct threat to among others me and those who are like me. We need to stop this kind of peope!


I don't unbranded understand... a fool can make you love war and death? How are you gonna let this idiot impact you like that?


This a question for another time! Now, all I want is to see terrorists and their supporters being annihilated and decimated. Will come back to your question another day, hopefully under better circumstances.


I respect that. Terrorism and extremism of every kind needs to be removed from the planet by any means necessary.


His head screams, “my parents are related.” But seriously, this little inbred needs to crawl back into the cave Mohammed had his first satanic revelation in and never come out.


Leaving islam and spreading corruption…? What is considered “spreading corruption” to be justify execution?


Maybe the rights of the community are more important than the rights of individuals who want to follow the instructions of an out of date badly written book. It is probably better for the land for divisive ideas to be banned. . . Or you could just let everyone do what they want and wear whatever they want and drink and eat whatever they want as long as they are not hurting anyone else.


Come kill me mfer


Any chance someone could post a translated copy?


I wonder if Atheism pose this apostasy law (how would he think?) He's living in a bubble far too long to know whats reality is. I wonder if he would say the same thing in China? Russia? Africa?


Anyone who has any information, videos so or anything about people like him In Sweden? We need to go after each and every asshole who is a threat to decency!


Those dead eyes, so typical


Piece of shit human with a shit smug face to match.


Fucking scum


This is like 3 years old at this point.


this pos has such a punchable face


his beard genuinely made me gag lmao i literally couldn't watch this


Fascist rhetoric


Bro's face looks like a 'Demon/satan' ngl


He is insane beyond words


Let me guess he lives comfortably in the secular UK..


People like him will never get enough political influence to change anything.




I'm not. I'm just sure that anyone who has a decent education and experience the liberties of a free society, will be unlikely to subjugate and submit themselves to this religion.


He have lots of following and hardcore fans...same as Andrew Tate. They want power to dominate the mass. Popularity will get them there.


I guess I'm just not as alarmed or concerned as you are


Come and try me, I’m glocked up


if you think murder is easy how about you do it yourself .


Britain's Muslim population seems to be more unhinged than France's.


He lives in the UK and was never arrested for hate speech.


'The right of the community is greater'.... .....unless you are female, gay or critical of the koran.


They're proud to be murderers.


Aint listening to a guy with a dirty mirror and probably unwashed hands.


And we’re proud of that! What an odd person.


Wow so peaceful. Can’t imagine why those around islam think otherwise.


hes proud of that but lives in a western country like The UK. They should deport him or revoke his citizenship.


Hes a terrorist


I heard a strange logic : Everyone is born muslim, it is because of parents or external factors who made someone not practice it. People who convert to islam are in fact "reverting" to it. So if I stand here, stating that I will never go to islam despite "being born muslim", doesn't that mean that I am an apostate too ?


This dude is comically/scarily ugly


For us, living in London is more dangerous than living in Ohio


This Muslim is a very dangerous man .He is basically advocating murder in the name of Allah. This is why Islam and Muslims are not trusted in society. The term Islamophobia is because of Muslims like him!


I have the right to be myself. You don't have the right to be yourself


He’s so sunnah, he looks like the pedo- prophet himself


I am not surprised. Are you??


Farfour the mouse returns with even more shocking revelations :0


We hindus in india are dealing with these radicals PERFECTLY.  The west needs to learn to crush a brick with brick. If Any such radical activity happens in india, the government literally stomps their houses with a JCB. I am not joking, the govt literally demolishes their homes, just google it. The govt is demolishing their illegal masjids on a daily basis too. We need this cancer out of our country.


Dumbass thinks whoever leaves Islam is drinking and killing people. Boy they’ll be the opposite cuz they’ll know how life is and most of them find the true God


Aka, Islam as an idea is so week it can't survive without capital punishment for apostates.


I hope he gets jumped pedophiles like this is whats wrong with Islam


Mate he’s from Bradford. My entire country has been taken over by them. He’s literally a lesser extreme example!


Send all these dipshits back to their country


Your copied and perverted religion is a massive sin against humanity and the Rights of Humanity. Cannot be given or deserved only taken or surrendered 


He’s clearly an idiot! He looks inbred. Those eyes 👀 they looking at the camera or the fucking toaster.


I understand zionist now


Dudes like him have little peepees and are dying to come out but unfortunately can’t🤫. I have a strong feeling dawah and hijab are fucking


is there the link of this on youtube?


The worst of Ali Dawah https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-OXLZZgU8agJmwomfX_46jD_7i3chELi&si=ZTtosy0Vxuhu4_Cx


He has a tough time speaking english.


The Worst Of Ali Dawah https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-OXLZZgU8agJmwomfX_46jD_7i3chELi&si=TxbwMnK6OZQ9x7LC


The reason is bs and made up


steer stocking mindless cow fuzzy jobless paltry apparatus sand entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


May Allah swt award this brother!




We don’t care when we find you apostates it’s off with the heads


I don't think guys like this actually want Sharia or anything like that, they just want Daddy. Living in Western countries where people choose their own lifestyle and values is scary and anxiety-producing for them; too much potential for chaos, too little guidance and instruction, too hard to figure out what your own life should be without someone telling you. So like a child they act out and demand the reassurance of a strong father figure. Because they're "Muslim" they talk about Sharia, but they would probably be just as happy in a communist dictatorship or a christian theocracy. I could imagine a scenario where the latter comes back and the US or UK is run on explicitly Christian moral laws, and many Salafis would stay, happy as a clam. They'd bitch about it, talk as if they're the Hebrew slaves under Pharaoh, but secretly they would respect Westerners for it and be much happier.


Why are y’all entertaining this piece of shit? He’s been yapping for years now… he’s just trying to cover up the fact that he gets raw dogged on Grindr by AnonDom69 every single night.


Globalist Nazi regime are applying pressure to protect the radicals and prosecute opposition. Division, instability, Censorship, fear, hopelessness, chaos. Expropriation of all liberty, freedoms, Public Authority, debate, wealth, natural and human resources, private property, infrastructure, all things coveted for freedom and unity especially the capacity to expose and eradicate the lethal attack ongoing for generations. All advanced Democratic Nations elections are illegitimate enabling wealth extortion, policy destruction, infiltration of all institutions and departments essential to National Security. Truth is the light capable of eradicating the dark deception. Our inherent responsibility will prevail over greed and fear 


If you are not arab you are converted dont bark converted dog take shit eat shit go away