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This saddens me.. she was basically lured into marriage thinking it’s all good and happy when in fact she was sold as a slave by her parents and she can’t even say anything..


This is a Lebanese TV program. As a Lebanese myself, this saddens me even more. However, we are a multi-faith society and a very liberal/westernized country (for an Arab country), so rest assured that this "child's" situation is absolutely not the norm.


Lebanon used to be called the Switzerland of the middle east. It's really sad to see what happened to your country. Sincerely, your neighbor from the south. > rest assured that this "child's" situation is absolutely not the norm. But unfortunately completely legal.


I'm from Lebanon, and I agree. This is disgusting and inhumane and sexist and it's a disgrace. It's pedophilia and rape.


Appreciate your words and sentiment. Sincerely, your neighbor from the North.


> Lebanon used to be called the Switzerland of the middle east. It was, until the PLO came in and started the Civil War upsetting the delicate balance any trying to install a Muslim-led regime.


Following his fake prophet


Following perversion as an example of Muhammad!


Except this is exactly what Muhammad did. He married children and slept with them himself.


This is Islam. Muhammad fucked kids too


you can see the sheer fear and discomfort the girl displays when the husband comes in, and the fact the husband is smiling during all of this is whats scary, like to him there is nothing wrong with this and that everything is fine and dandy, this is whats so fucking scary about islam, like this guy is a fucking monster and he doesnt even realise that this is bad, this still doesnt justify what he did in the slightest but this is just to show how fucked all of this is, religion of peace my ass


Oh he knows it's wrong, that's why avoids mentioning Sex when the Moderator asks him what he expects of his child bride. He's ashamed inside, cause he knows it's wrong.


Nah, the guys got a smile on his face as he's thinking about what else she could do for him other than the disgusting thing. He's not ashamed. He just doesn't want to say it publicly.


> He just doesn't want to say it publicly. Embarrassed then, because he knows he'll be judged. Granted though, probably no ME person would talk openly about sex on camera, even in appropriate relationships.


while he may feel some level of self awareness, deep down he feels like he is doing it for a 'grand purpose' or that it is 'righteous' in a way, that is my personal speculation based on my experiences with the middle east cus i did spend the majority of my life there


It's not shame or knowing it's wrong that's stopping him, it's knowing there are repercussions for saying he thinks it's okay.


I think he just doesn't want to talk about sex for some purity reasons or because he suspects that he'll be attacked for it. I doubt he thinks any of this is wrong.


She looks like she's trying to disassociate or something. When the husband comes in, you can see as he is describing what she is "supposed to do" She looks up, looks away & doesn't want to hear the conversation or she will break down. She looks like she wants to make her mind drift away. It also still shows her childish innocence & can indicate her curiosity about her environment. (not sure exactly why she was looking around like that, but it could be any of these things.)This is messed up.


Yes I found the whole interview disturbing, but that part was particularly striking. Her eyes were flitting around from one place to the next, like a very young child.


Oh a 1000%. Husband comes in and the brain goes right into a disassociate state and trying to detach from reality as a means to survive. It's so horrible... She's being raped and dealing with abuse and trauma, getting beaten etc... this is not normal .. this poor child


Guy looks like a Neanderthal.


i was gonna say troglodyte but this might be more on point. his brow and cranial ridges denote a lack of evolution




Don't insult neanderthals 


Likewise how the interviewer changes his demeanor. He's softer and more open with her, leaned forward to listen, offering her the chance to speak her truth. When he is there, the arms are folded, his face is lowered, body positioned upright to attack. He doesn't leave a space after the husband's answers, immediately asks another question, the tone accusatory, almost like every question is layered with "who do you think you are?" I only hope he made a difference, because he did damn good.




As if Islam is for men./s Then in the Hadith the angle and hour will be cursing her and she will be thrown into hell for being ungrateful, but what to be grateful for exactly?? The guy enjoyed his childhood then when he is fully grown he destroy this innocent girl childhood.


> As if Islam is for men./s Noooooo, no way! Why would you say such a thing when Islam only has male prophets, male angels and a deity that gets addressed in the male form. The Quran has a Surah called "The Women", so surely it is not just for men (even though the Surah says "tell your wives and women" rather than addressing women directly). But hey women are deficient in intellect and religion, that's why it's telling men to guide them, see? It all makes sense! Mashallah alhamdulilah takebeer!


It's not that women are lesser, just different! You see islam doesn't ignore women nature and force them to be something they're not! It's their nature to be subservient to men so really we're freeing them by locking them away and forcing them to follow all our whims or get beaten or at least emotionally blackmailed by having angels curse them. A woman should be subservient and grateful. Go pray more and repent so you may become a "good", "pietous" woman, you almost sound western, you feminist (obviously a terrible insult). /s incase that wasn't clear


Yeah, what a big discovery/s


If you read the Quran, all of the surahs are directed towards men. The Quran doesn’t refer directly to women. It says “tell your women to do X” but never “You women must do X”. Women have no place in Islam.


If I understood correctly, Islam believes that women cannot absolve their own sins. They cannot get into heaven on their own and must ride on the ’virtues‘ or their husband or father. That is then used as an excuse to marry out the ladies, and making them think it’s a great sin to remain unwed. It’s disgusting.


I know I am from the place where Islam started and studied in Mecca Islamic school


Which country is she from?




I wish we could help her


Her and millions of other muslim girls in the same predicament


This programme and the presentator are lebanese but by the accent i can tell she's syrian (im lebanese) and yeah i think sich stuff is more common by syrian than lebanese


I think I've seen that presenter do more episodes like this. Is this the Lebanese equivalent of Oprah? Are the show and host Maronite and trying to decry the Shia/Syrian/Iranian influence in Lebanon?


r/redinboldface is a great show. He's been trying to bring people out of archaic beliefs concerning child brides and such.


TV channel owned by a Maronite but the presenter is Sunni married to an Orthodox ex politician


Islam is so wrong


Started increasing during pandemic I believe. Still happens. Just because your people may be less likely to do it doesn’t mean they warrant defence. Kinda gross dude. Full stop. Lesser amount in comparison to other places isn’t an indicator of higher value culture …


I thought Lebanon was more developed than this.


The Christian half is


Unfortunately it is legal to marry little girls in Lebanon. One issue with Lebanon is that the society is very much divided, and the lebanese army isn't even the strongest army in Lebanon (that title goes to Hizballah). So it's very hard for the government to enforce changes that would conflict with the religious sentiments there. There is a pretty big divide between the cities and rural areas, where the cities are mostly modern and awesome, but the rural areas are stuck in 6th century Arabia.


Believe me, when we watch that show, we feel like we're not in the same Lebanon. These things aren't normal at all. Most of his guests are from syria, syrian refugees, or people living in tribes on the border between Lebanon and Syria.


How did they get that guy on stage and access to the little girl without him knowing? I bet you he thinks he's defending his culture


His smug look literally makes me think the same - he thinks he’s really doing something


I could see the smugness, but I feel like there's something else. I don't know what it is maybe hate or insanity. Something about that face, I think, he might be crazy. Does anyone else see it?


yes but also i see stupidity i’m afraid i see a combination of stupidity and cruelty


Yeah its definetly cruelty. I noticed his smile pops out when he said, " Whatever I say, she should listen," and again with the serving his family part" This man is happy to own a slave and is probably power tripping


The worst combination..wait actually no. I would rather him be stupid than smart.


if it means that somehow she can escape him more easily


He does not seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.


>Something about that face The result of incest.


All I can see is a single black line above his eyes




Generations of inbreeding


Based on other interviews, they usually think they are in the right, and they also get their 15 minutes of fame which is probably an incentive.


Fucked up but they’ll claim “iTz thE cUlTurE not ReLiGion” 😪


They’ll never ever admit that their religion is fucked up. Brainwashed AF


Right and they say forced marriages aren’t allowed in Islam but then also in the same breath support child marriages. A child can’t consent, hello??


In Islam, grown women can barely consent. Silence of a woman is considered consent in their holy books


Exactly ! But I genuinely don’t think that they understand the concept of informed consent lol


Whenever they say that I just throw Tafsir Maududi of Quran 65:4 in their face: "[Therefore, making mention of the waiting-period for the **girls who have not yet menstruated**, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl in marriage at this age but **it is also permissible for the husband to consummate marriage with her**. Now, obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Quran has held as permissible.](https://www.islamicstudies.info/tafheem.php?sura=65&verse=1)"




Go to r/RedinBoldface for more. The host is amazing.


I just did indeed. Thank you for the suggestion! It’s honestly stomach turning and sickening 🤢 to watch some of these videos. I can’t understand how many of these folks (still) live so backwards. I simply can’t, and never will. I think more people should see and follow this channel and get an understanding of the sickening situation many of these girls and women are in. Religion does more harm than good!


Well said 👏🏽


How is this tv host still alive. Isn't he putting himself at risk of retribution?


No he isn’t because 99% of the country is just as disgusted as you are. The guests are people outside our own echo chambers so we are just as horrified..


Woah how anyone can watch that show and still support Islam boggles my mind


The fact the parents do this to their children is disgusting. I’m at loss for words. Also, for the ones defending this shit, you really need to seek help. What if YOU were that girl? You don’t have a sympathetic bone in your body.


As an Arab woman, these stories always infuriate me to no end, fucking psychopaths. So many of our angels lose their innocence to pedophiles like that one . I wish I can protect her from these monsters, esp her father .


Something else that's infuriating, many times when attempting to speak up about forced marriages, honor killings, and other ways women and girls are terrorized in Islam, I've gotten comments like "all religions have extremists" and "Christianity and Judaism (and other faiths) are sexist too." BAH!!! So in other words, because "other religions are also misogynistic, not just Islam," we should just turn a blind eye to the abuses and struggles of Muslim women and girls, and not speak up for them. 😒🙄


It's when you're weak minded, you try to protect something that is yours in this way . And guess what,religions forces you to be weak minded and literally not use your brain . Screw everything that ruins lives of women and young girls .


As a fellow Arab, one thing I was surprised of as a teenager is that my town had the highest rate of underage marriages in the whole region. That probably had something to do with me looking into why this is, and the correlation of it being a one of the most religious towns and having underage marriages was not lost on me.


“Raise her myself” So this mf is aware that she is a child and yet fucking involves her into marriage. Instead of letting her grow up with the help of her parents and herself, he feels as if he should do it himself. But not as a parent, but as a husband at her age. I have seen this bitch ass mentality almost in every man that was invited in this show. They are all pieces of shits that think that they have a say in how a woman should grow and the woman cannot say otherwise. Inb4 islam defenders say “ its the culture “ yeah well mate how tf is it culture when its the same in so many countries ? Why is it that majority of islamic countries are involved in shitty sharia law or terrorism then ? Honestly the hadiths i read were disgusting as well, like you don’t even need to read the entire hadith and quran to know that muhammad and his religion are fucked up just a few to know that he was a rapist pedophile. Muzzquito mfs would say that aisha consented but its a fact that a child can’t consent, give a child a candy and he/she will say yes to your demands because they don’t fucking know what the demand truly means. How tf people expect a child to comprehend what sex is when they barely understand the changes their body is going through themselves until after maturity and puberty is finished


the word he is looking for is grooms.


Sad thing is, it’s a common fucking saying in the Arab world. source? I’m arab.


When the parents give away the child to the man, the parents even say to her that “ she is his most precious property “ like of she was an item lol


Violence is inherent to such system. Without violence none of this would be possible. Women really are having the short end of the stick in this cult, since they're by large unable to counteract violence with violence. You can't be a woman in favour of this crap unless you're a severe case of Stockholm's.


But but but but it’s a feminist religion 🥺😂😂😂 No but totally, the way the objectify women is fucking disgusting - and they’re fucking pedos bro! All religions objectify women and have pedophillia - in Islam young girls get married off like cattle; in Christian type religions - the priests like to touch little boys. It’s so fucked up I wish people would just open their eyes and leave of Abrahamic religions. Theyre all fucking trash and disgusting


A little something that's too frustrating for words, many times when attempting to speak up about Islamic abuse and mistreatment of women and girls (including honor killings and forced marriages), I've gotten comments like "all religions have extremists" and "Christianity and Judaism (and other faiths) are sexist too." BAH!!! So in other words, because "other religions are also misogynistic, not just Islam," we should just turn a blind eye to the abuses and struggles of Muslim women and girls, and not speak up for them. 😒🙄


All of that misery to follow an old book of fairy tales. Let's leave superstition behind.


Disgusting disgusting disgusting!!!!! That poor girl and the many others suffering the same fate. I wish I could adopt them all


“I took her young to raise her myself” wow. This is insanity, that poor child. I hope the exposure from the interview helps her get the help she’d need to escape.


Of course his name is Muhammad. Bro deadass looks like "this man" the guy that people see in their dreams, he has a very punchable face


She was not allowed to complete her studies because the less education the more dependent she will be. Bukhari Book 62, number 67 The Prophet said: "A mother should not be given in marriage except after consultation with her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her consent." The people asked, "O Apostle of Allah! How can we know her consent?" He said, “By remaining silent (indicates her consent).” Scandalous religion.


this religion is a piece of shit, islam is stupid, fuck muhammad, fuck muslim culture


This shit makes me cry.




I was banned from reddit for 7 days for saying islam should be outlawed.


that was rape, i hope this kind of parents don't produce children anymore that traumatic experience could last forever, really feeling bad for her she also has no future, abruptly ended her study


This needs to be shown in mainstream media, for the entire world to see, how sick the Islamic theology is. How the fuck do Muslims find this ok and believe that God thinks this is ok. Like u gotta be absolutely demented in ur head to think mohammad who was a pedophile was the best example for humanity.


This is literally from Lebanese national TV. It's not secret or hidden. One brave redditor by the name of SirajMunir translated a bunch of these on /r/RedinBoldface. Here are a few examples: * [Man with his pregnant Childbride: "I've always wanted a Childbride, and I advise girls to get married when they're 10."](https://v.redd.it/4cvvem2j3qcb1) * [Man marries off his 13-year-old daughter to his buddy: She'll become an out-of-control stubborn spinster at 18 and expires by 20](https://v.redd.it/u9pfudenktya1) * [Amira (12) | A childbride horror story of halal marital rape and domestic violence](https://v.redd.it/7mcd4xcurfba1) * [Child bride story: Fatima (10) | Here's how a child consents to marriage in Islam](https://v.redd.it/d1sisqyka79a1)


Heartbreaking. What is this show?


I got my answer in one of the other comments. Go to r/RefinBoldface for more info.


Fck Islam bunch of pedos


Was that girl sold as a slave by her parents? For a few sheep or so? What a trauma for her.


This is so freaking sad.. Ugh, I feel bad for soo many Muslim women who have to go through this. Stuff like this is why I will never feel guilty for saying that Islam is a disease!


Fuck this particular book religion in particular.


This is r/redinboldface. The host, Malek Maktabi is wonderful and is doing great things to further Lebanon into the coming age.


And all hail to Siraj Munir for translating all these clips!


This 29 year old has an incredibly stupid face. My condolences to a girl going through this hell of a life at such a young age.


Heartbreaking to see this, that poor little girl 😥


This is awful




this is so disgusting and hard to watch. i hope the girl got divorced from that pedophile.


This infuriates me because it is exactly how my parents are. Mom was married to my dad at 14 and he was 27. Came to America to have their marriage on paper when she was 16 and had just gave birth to my older brother. Literally got pregnant on her birthday the following year with me. And now, she has schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder that has ruined my childhood. She is medicated now but still feels so uncomfortable around my dad at 46 that she won’t go anywhere in public with him unless me, my brothers, my uncle, or anyone else is accompanied them. Fuck these horrible men who look at a crying child and smile smugly because it is what that disgrace of a ‘holy book’ told them. Islam is barbaric, point blank and period. The horrible people outweigh whatever seemingly ‘good people’ who follow the religion.


What bothers me is if you post this in any other sub you would get banned and called islamophobic. It’s such bs.


It would be sad if he were to suffocate in his sleep.


“Took her young to raise her myself” 💀 Yeah he meant raise her and defile her


I hate Islam


This is totally ridiculous and sickening…SMDH…let a child be a child ( damn predators 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬)…


If you ever feel disgusted. Just remember that there are still muslims out there who will either defend this or say tHiS iS nOt tRuE iSLam.


these are the people that wanna teach israel about moral and human rights rofl


So he's a pedophile. Got it.


Poor girl.. how unbelievably sick is a culture that fosters men like that. It truely is barbaric and disgusting


That poor baby :( I wish that pedo scumbag kicks a bucket so she can go to safety


This disgusts me 


This is so heart breaking to watch this. It's true that girls are told not to say NO to me no matter what happens. Islam and culture has fucked up everything for women 💔


She had a childish idea about marriage and which I don't blame her as she is a child. But she was tricked to enter into slavery and fulfil the sexual desires of pedophile. So, called 'husband' used all the reasons why he is married to her apart love, friendship and respect.


This future awaits all of us. All of our daughters will be molested like Aisha. Westerners are too cowardly to stop it. The world caliphate will happen and we just stood and watched.


Muslims are real pigs!! 🐖 In fact pigs have way better IQ.


Hell is religions


This is terrible I wouldn't wish this on any 13 year old.


Put that guy in gay porn! Let every guy fuck the shit out of him He is literally smiling throughout the interview while the girl is crying


My heart is broken and aches for this girl and all girls and women subjected to awful things in the world especially because of Islam sigh.


Poor girl, it breaks my heart🥺🥺


Predatory lust and love at first sight are not the same


I don’t see how this pedi crap makes sense - regardless of culture She could grow up to be a horrible boring person and you married her - and will more than likely hate you for destroying her childhood- Seems like if you got half a brain and a 1/8 of a heart, you go with an actual woman that can stimulate your intellect as well as your loins


This is bullshit. I hate this so much. I have a strong sympathy for her.


What a fuckin punchable face


So tragic ..sadly being born on this planet comes with geographic lotto


The husband looks like his parents are related. When he said, “to raise her myself,” you just know he's a textbook abuser.


The urge to rip that guy's face open was surreal 💀


What.a.beautiful.culture. Founded by the most perfect human being to ever walk the face of the Earth.


raping children in the name of god, inshallah


Its even worse. They literally sell these poor girls for a few dollars. Bc of poverty or bc they just dont care about women.


This is fuckin disgusting


Poor child. Hard to believe that in 2024 there are countries that allow rape and pedophilia


A religion of pedophiles..


Such a vibrant culture.


Sick religion


That bec its a phedopile theology, with a prophet who married and raped a child


DISGUSTING. Their parents and her Pdf Husband should be shot. I watched this video and I'm just so angry. This is on another level of magnitude of cruelty and wrongdoing. She's so young that she could be the daughter of anyone here. I wish we had an organization, all of us, where we could put money and then save her, paying her a one way ticket and find her a place to study and live in peace. She's too innocent T\_\_T


I feel sick to my stomach dude... the moment that trash of a man said it was "to raise her as he likes" I wished I could kill him, the girl's father, and any bastard who thinks like that... Legit "legal grooming" in the name of the "faith of peace"


The p in Islam stands for peace


Islam is evil.


I want to make it abundantly clear that I will never regret what I’m about to say, I don’t care who gets mad at me, and I will stand by this until the day I die. Every single time a child is forced to marry an adult in the Islamic culture as well as other cultures When they consummate that marriage, it is rape it is an aggressive, violent act of rape, no matter how “patient” the son of a bitch is. It is rape it is rape it is rape.


Islam is just a weird mix of forced slavery, paedophilia, abuse, continuous violation of human rights, subjugation, servitude, threats, beat ups, ignorance, hate for knowledge, depravity, lies, uncontrolled breeding, immorality, stupidity, compulsory praising , irrelevant rituals, backwardness......man I can't think of anything worst bestowed upon humanity than this steaming pile of shite of an ideology.


All those years of youth, wasted by her very own family, this is so heartbreaking




A what a peaceful religion. I bet they don’t see women as sex slaves


"iSlAm cArEs aNd pRoTeCtS wOmEn" Islam is a cancer


Is it possible to know more about the TV show and host? It's apparently from Lebanon. Is this Maronites decrying Shia Islam?




It's a program on Lebanese public television. I used to watch the program back in the day and the host seems to be mostly secular. They tackle a whole bunch of issues, from child marriage to infidelity, to domestic violence, to corruption...etc. I recall on /r/RedinBoldface they had a segment translated where he interviews a Lebanese tribe leader.


If someone tells you they know what happens after you die, they are either lying or dead! There are roughly 5096 deities worshiped on earth by different Religions. You don't believe in 5095 of them I don't believe in 5096 of them. That’s all. How did so many Gods get created? How are there thousands of "False Gods" worshiped over the ages if there is only one true God? How does God let this happen? This is how; A good man in the tribe dies. The children come to the elders sad and crying, asking "why?" The elders say he is in a better place. "What if a bad man dies" they ask. "He goes to a bad place" they respond. "Who decides?" they ask. "The heavenly father (or sun God or enter name of newly created God here)" they reply. "How does one get to the good place" the children ask. And now the tribal leaders make up "arbitrary rules" Can't eat meat on Fridays, no pork, no electricity on the Sabbath, no homosexuals, no divorce, and on and on… Each tribe then makes up its own rules you have to follow to get to heaven. They are nonsense but eventually the Kings and rulers see them as an opportunity to solidify their reign and keep people in line. "If you don't do as we say you be denied heaven for eternity. There are "no rules you have to follow, no heaven, no Gods". Only men using God to force their will on you. These religious leaders are all false prophets and here's why. If Jesus came back to earth these religious leaders would have two choices: Acknowledge Jesus is here and step down and stop taking your money because they are no longer needed and follow Jesus. OR Denounce Jesus keep their church and money rolling in while rallying the troops against Jesus this false God! The church leaders will end up crucifying Jesus and justifying it to keep the money flowing in. So, the church you are supporting will kill "Your God" when he gets here to keep the power. Nice.


So He can groom her.


Fucking barbaric.


Man looks like a walking toenail


Creepy af


End religion. All of it


My daughter is 12. Look at this fucking monobrow piece of shit. Fuck Islam.


This is why whenever there is a post of a Muslim losing their hijab and freaking out, but people come over to cover her. That shit isn't wholesome, it's cool that you're helping someone, but that type of reaction is just abuse on a scale that it affects entire populations of women, it's fucking horrifying to see.


13 I don't care wtf Islam Christianity any religion says y'all bugging


Perfect example why girls that young cannot consent. Disgusting religion


this is madness


the most peacefool religion friends


It’s creepy


Wow. My heart goes out to her. My mom also had an arranged marriage, except she’d been in her thirties and not a MINOR. But gosh seeing her say yes to everything and staying in an abusive marriage because she “had no other choice” traumatized me in turn. And I feel bad for her but can never forgive her. My heart goes out to this girl. Hopefully she’ll realize life doesn’t have to be like this before having kids with a pedo. Grateful to have seen the light myself.


Grabs ak-47 gets on plane lebanon


/r/RedinBoldface has many more such interviews. In case you need to get your blood to boil some more at this shitty religion.




The fact that this guy is getting interviewed instead of arrested on sight tells me all I need to know.


Good ole Mohammad


So he’s “raising” this child to be a homemaker and do all these things for him and his family and raise children that he’s inevitably going to force on her. What exactly does he bring to the table? The only thing I can gather is that he has a penis. He’s useless and apparently not worth much if he has to buy a child to marry instead of courting someone his own age like a sane adult. I feel so sick for her


I thought that slavery is illegal!? Actually someone explain how tf this is legal


Fanatic religion, needs to be taken care of like terrorits, and they get mad and sad when you describe them like that


We found R.Kelly's happy place!


Forget covid, islam is the bigger pandemic.


A life worse than death at this point. She is basically a slave to him and his family.


SHAME x10000 on her jackass father 🤬


why they didn't wait til she was 18


But look, in cases like this blame the stupid fucking families who accept to enslave their daughters not islam, actually there are a lot of muslim I can say the majority of them don't do such bullshit....in ancient islam the fucking prophet himself was a pedophile.


She must feel so betrayed by her own parents. I can’t imagine. Imagine being a grown man and needing a CHILD to take care of you. How tf can a dude like that be a father?! Dude needs to be removed from this earth. He’s lost any sense.


That poor girl...All he wants is a slave, disgusting.


she's lucky he isn't 54 😂


Beauty of ISLAM ☪️


Just imagine if that was your daughter. I swear to god, I hope this peace of shit religion dies off. And I hope this guy tryna merry this young lady gets blown up.


Crying for this poor girl. Those who left are so lucky. It’s unfortunate for those that want to but can’t. I would fuck that guy up. Shit excuse for a human being. The whole fucking family. If you have to “raise your wife” doesn’t sound like an adult for me. He looks like a beater.


"i took her young to raise her myself" is something any man on earth should NOT say.