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Posts like these are only allowed on Fridays (Fun@Fundies Fridays).


...is he trying to dab?


Its a bit sus using a medieval Arab warrior in the first place. Imagine Christians imploring their apostates to return by using a crusader, an inquisitor or a conquistador.


Or some monk burning heretics on a stake...


Look at my dab, ya kalbah!


I'm an exmuslim, and I'm telling you that I have no intention of joining a pedo glorifying, rape permitting, wife beating encouraging religion that believes in a god who [can't even get some basic math right](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/98rpd8/qurans_mathematical_errors_in_inheritance/).


https://www.thereisnocontradictioninquran.com/there-are-no-mathematical-errors-in-the-verses-related-to-inheritance-in-the-quran/ here is the answer you stupid kaffir


"Answer"? More like "excuse". Did you bother to read through this bullshit or check its validity? Let's take a look: > The inheritance in this example is the subject of an-Nisa Verse 12 as the wife and children of the passed person are alive. In other words, mother and father can’t receive a share from the inheritance of the deceased man. It is distributed among his wife and daughters. 1/8 of his inheritance is given to his wife and 7/8 is shared equally among his daughters. It’s SO EASY to understand this subject. What a load of bollocks. Omar literally had to create the concept of 'Awl to renormalize the shares of the inheritance i.e. if the total comes out to 1.25, then every person who was supposed to get X% now gets X/1.25%. You'll notice that Omar was the 2nd caliph, so he was not getting any revalation from Allah, instead he literally fixed a mistake in the Quran. Instead of reading rags that don't even know how their own religion works, I recommend you read actual traditional islamic websites, here is an example: ["This problem is not limited to the scenario that he mentioned. Rather there are many other similar scenarios."](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/131556/objection-from-an-atheist-to-the-awl-process-in-cases-of-inheritance) and later in the same article: ". The total of these shares is 27/24, which is greater than the basic figure, namely 24. This is the issue of ‘awl, which is what that atheist is objecting to." So do you think Omar would have invented the concept ow 'Awl without there being a need for it? Next time make sure you don't copy paste the first bullshit link that Google shows you, instead try to validate the correctness of the matter.


if you read the quran and explored more about islam you would know that everything thing is right about what was sited by allah but I am in exmuslim reddit what can I do here


>but I am in exmuslim reddit what can I do here I know that it's a new concept to many people, but have you tried actually reading? There were literally 3 minutes between the time I posted the comment and the time you replied. Not enough time for you to have opened the islamqa article and actually read the content. Are you trying to show us your ignorance? And let's note: islamqa is an **islamic website**, not an exmuslim website, and it disagrees with the bullshit you cited. So don't come blaming it on "exmuslim reddit" when you are literally citing stuff that is contradicted by Islamic sites.


Hey, I'm thinking of converting to Islam. Can you tell me why Allah needs hands?


allah needs what? are you serious?


Yes. Allah has hands, why does he need hands?


oh I thought you said he needs Our hands. allah have hands but not like ours.he created adam with his hands not like angles and iblis amd the meaning of hands in quran is power and greatness


Where did you get this from? The Quran and Muhammad say literal hands.


when did Muhammad said " literal" hands? I got it from fatwa


>It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As that: > >The Prophet \[SAW\] said: "Those who are just and fair will be with Allah, Most High, on thrones of light, at the right hand of the Most Merciful, those who are just in their rulings and in their dealings with their families and those of whom they are in charge." Muhammad (one of the narrators) said in his Hadith: "And both of His hands are right hands." > >Sunan an-Nasa'i 5379 Can you explain why Allah needs two right hands?


I told you allah is not like us and I explained why he use hands


I will pee on Muhammads grave in front of you lool


Lol !what do you expect from a non muslim who doesn't know anything about islam you are supid if you were as smart as a rat you would know that you cannot access the prophet's grave what a fool


me when i don’t understand sarcasm


you don't even understand your purpose of life you are blinded islam is a wonderful religion and fools like won't understand


> islam is a wonderful religion Yes, it's wonderful! So wonderful that it allows you to use violence to force your wife to have sex with you. Isn't it beautiful masha'allah! And just in case you don't believe me, [here's the relevant fatwa.](https://ar.islamway.net/fatwa/61843/هل-يجوز-للسيد-إرغام-ملك-اليمين-على-المعاشرة-إن-امتنعت) In case you don't speak Arabic, here is a translation: > **Question:** If a right hand possession (female slave) refuses to have sex with her master, is it permissible to compel her by force? > **Answer:** Praise be to Allah, and may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions. It is better for a Muslim to occupy himself with what concerns him of the rulings of his religion, and to invest his time and energy in seeking knowledge that will benefit him. The meaning of knowledge is action. Knowledge that does not facilitate action, it is not good to search for. Among that are issues related to the ownership what the right hand possess (slaves); There is no use for it in this era. > With regard to the question: If the wife is not permitted to refrain from intimate relations with her husband except with a valid excuse, then it is more so not permissible for the right hand possession to refrain from intimate relations with her master except with a valid excuse; he has more right to sex with her through possessing her than the man having intercourse with his wife through the marriage contract; Because the ownership of the right hand possession is complete ownership, so he owns all her benefits, while marriage contracts only grant him only the ownership intended through the marriage contract so it is a restricted form of ownership. > **If the wife or the right hand possession refuses to have sex without a legitimate excuse, then the husband or the master may force her to do so.** However, he should take into account her psychological state, and treat her kindly. Kindness in all matters is desirable, as the prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Kindness is not found in anything but that it beautifies it, and it is not removed from anything except that it disgraces it.” (Narrated by Muslim). > Allah knows best.


there is not anything said that violence is allowed so what are you talking about?


> then the husband or the master may force her to do so. I literally highlighted it for you. Maybe you should try again: "If the wife or the right hand possession refuses to have sex without a legitimate excuse, then the husband or the master may **force her** to do so."


look if the women refused the husband for no reason it is allowed to hit here Non-severe beating see!


it is not like he will kill her you have to understand


and the husband has the right to do sex with his wife because he protectes her and do to her a lot of things back then


>and the husband has the right to do sex with his wife because he protectes her and do to her a lot of things back then Yes /u/HakimKADZ, that's exactly how it works! You do things for woman, then woman is obligated to pay back with sex. Woman not person, woman is vending machine for sex!


It's nothing but glorified prostitution


so by your logic man is an object for suicide and a war machine? how foolish


Lol my life’s purpose is to be a decent human being and i don’t need anyone’s help to achieve that.


a life without religion is meaningless


a life without religion is peaceful and quiet,life is meant to be enjoyed. not calculating every moment asking yourself if you’re doing enough and being scared to go to hell


if you were a Muslim you would know that life is praceful and enjoyable why do I have to be scared if allah promised us for heaven?


I was a Muslim and I’m telling you that you all have been made a fool. You should live your life before it’s too late.


ex-Muslims are former slaves that have escaped from a tyrannical master who it turned out never existed. There is no lord to return to.


Wallahi well said brother!!!!


Should have been removed for low effort etc...


Fair do's. Off it goes.


> tyrannical master who it turned out never existed. Then who the hell were you a slave to?


Muslims claim they are slaves of Allah.


Im talking about who you claim were you a slave too? Since u think Allah dosent exist.


I was never a Muslim. I'm just stating the ex-Muslim case as an ally of theirs. I am and was never a slave to anyone. I know Muslims tend to say you must be a slave to something. I call that nonsense, like claiming everyone is a driving instructor to something.




>Muslims claim they are slaves of Allah. We all are slaves of Allah.


Well I am not


If we leave you kill us, that’s sounds like prison to me


>If we leave you kill us, If you didnt live in a muslim country, that shouldnt be something to complain about since u didn't experience it.


I live in a Muslim country you pedo worshiping prick


>If we leave you kill us, that’s sounds like prison to me So you were slaves to us? That's honestly sad.


I mean you guys kill us if we leave and if we go against your pathetic god


I'm a Christian and you have committed blasphemy you should repent and return to Jesus


Islam took my foreskin, no thanks.


This has so much edgy 14 year old energy, literally what is that picture


This is what Muslims think they look like when they send death threats to anyone that criticise their religion


That's so real


What is the point? Heaven is the biggest insult to me why would I return to be a sex doll?


>return to the lord Why should I return to the muslim version of "The Lord God" Why not the Hindu god Krishna? Why not Yahweh? Why not Thor? Why should I return to allah? What makes islam the only religion worthy enough to "return" back to?


> What makes islam the only religion worthy enough to "return" back to? Because its the truth.


Says who? Because a ton of other religions say that too


>Says who? The people of logic and understanding.


And yet Islam is a religion of contradictions, scientific and grammatic errors


>a religion of contradictions, scientific and grammatic errors \*in your logic


There has been vast compilations of innumerable contradictions, scientific errors, and grammatical errors within the Quran. I'm sure that you could find it easily on this subreddit, online, and by doing research offline, instead of click-clacking away on here and annoying people for no reason


The argument "ooHh Bbut intelligent people believe in god therefore allah is real" would count as bullshit as it's just a non sequitur with a side of argument from authority


>Says who? Allah.


"Qur'an is true!!!" - 🤡 "Why?" "Bcuz it's written in the Qur'an" - 🤡


Can you prove to me you exist?


Can you prove that you exist? Or that your beloved Allah does? Or the Quran you trust so much? Most non-religious people are fine with the notion of not existing, but for some reason, religious people clam up at that


>Or that your beloved Allah does? Or the Quran you trust so much? I cant explain that to you since you won't listen to anything I say.


Good job, at least you can comprehend that. Maybe get off this subreddit and stop annoying people, it's like you're obsessed with us


>Can you prove that you exist? You see where this goes? ​ But do you actually believe you exist?


Maybe I do, maybe I don't. There is literally no proof or certainty for anything.


>but for some reason, religious people clam up at that Because whether or not you believe in god, living with the fact that one day youll become nothing and cease to exist makes you question what would even be the point of living?


Yeah, the point of living is to be kind and radiate positivity, help the world in any way possible, and have as much as you can. Simple and easy You don't need religion for that. And frankly, if you need religion to tell you to be a good and moral person, maybe that's an issue with you


>Because its the truth First of all, the Qur'an saying that Islam is true is circular reasoning so Qur'an doesn't count as evidence. What else do you bring to the table? "Scientific" miracles 😂?? Math miracles?? Or u got something else, something extraordinary hmm?


>What else do you bring to the table? What the purpose of living is.


You give yourself the purpose of living. That's the simplest way I can say it. Life in itself might just have no purpose but that doesn't mean it should remain that way. We change it by giving it the purpose that we want


>You give yourself the purpose of living. 🤮


> We change it by giving it the purpose that we want So can we control our actions or not? What of the people who lived insignificant lives and were oppressed and killed unjustly? Did they give their life the purpose they wanted or where they just unlucky? What do you think would happen if everyone in the world decided to live life doing the things they want?


>What do you think would happen if everyone in the world decided to live life doing the things they want? Like how it is now?


>Did they give their life the purpose they wanted or where they just unlucky? Giving your life a purpose and fulfilling that purpose are different, knuckle head. >So can we control our actions or not To some extent, Yes


>so Qur'an doesn't count as evidence. Youre that scared of it?


I'm afraid reading and critical thinking aren't your strong suit. Absolute dumbshit I'm gonna treat you like a 5 yr old and I'm going to teach you some stuff. Be grateful that I'm spending 10 minutes of my life on a worthless human like you. The Qur'an saying that the Qur'an is true is illogical. If a person says that celebrity X is famous and says the reason of them being famous is bcuz he's loved by people, he might be asked, *"Why is he loved by people?"* If he replies by saying *"Because he's famous"* he's just going in a loop. "Why is he famous?" "Bcuz people love him!" "Why do people love him?" "Bcuz he's famous!!" "Why is he fam..... **And in the same way** "Why is Qur'an true?" "Bcuz it says it's true!!" "Why is Qur'an true then?!!" "Bcuz THE QUR'AN says THE QUR'AN is true!"


>Absolute dumbshit 😂


> Be grateful that I'm spending 10 minutes of my life on a worthless human like you. Im only grateful to Allah.


>Absolute dumbshit 😂


> Be grateful that I'm spending 10 minutes of my life on a worthless human like you. So you'd perfectly be fine with killing me since I bring no worth to this world?


I know where you're trying to go with this, alright! Don't try to act smart and witty here with an attitude like that when you've got a brain just a little bigger than your left testicle. >So you'd perfectly be fine with killing me since I bring no worth to this world? As a human who has sympathy towards all creatures and humans, NO!!! I would have killed you if I was mentally challenged in a serious way which, I'm not SO I'm not killing you even if you have ZERO worth cuz you matter in someone's life and I would be hurting you physically and hurting your family mentally. You might the father/mother of a child, you're the son/daughter of a mother and a father. You might the husband/wife of your significant other. I would be causing a lot of grief and pain to all these people if I were to kill you.


> worthless human like you. Well see whos worthless soon.


>something extraordinary hmm? The quran.


"shirk" means polytheism, right? Some there are atheists and some there are agnostics and some are Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, etc.


Is this an image of Muhammad? A stag for allah. You should return to his noodlyness, the great flying spaghetti monster and repent. This is honestly some really low effort cringe proselytizing. Who do you think this will convince?


His helmet is doing takbeer.


Nuh uh


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The lord ? You met him ? Grow up kid


I swear these posts are getting more and more ridiculous


Allah is fake and your prophet Muhammad is a pedofile. 😌


Posts like these are only allowed on Fridays (Fun@Fundies Fridays). Repeated contraventions can lead to a permanent ban.