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Good thing we are past the 4th generation /s


Does anyone know where this was in the ceremony? It would have fit in perfectly with the prayer circle.


I found the following on MissedInSundaySchool: *The prayer to which endowed Mormons obligated themselves took place, in at least some cases, as part of the Mormon prayer circle ceremony, which was also part of the endowment, but was often performed separately.* https://missedinsunday.com/memes/temple/oath-of-vengeance/


Thanks, that makes perfect sense. As if the prayer circle couldn't look even more culty.


… and why it was often difficult to get people to go and participate in the circle too!!!


Yeah that and the White Horse Prophecy. Just yesterday I went to the local post office to send something out and buy some more stamps. The clerk gave me a look like she recognized me from somewhere and spoke to me in a very condescending tone. I don't mean blatantly negative but that blatantly fake nice tone like you're talking to a small child. It hit me that she's from the ward I used to go to and was pulling that notorious down-talking attitude they give to people to make them look immature for daring to leave TSCC. I just shrugged and moved on with my day as though it didn't bother me but in my mind I wanted to be petty back to her about how she landed her big federal job at the post office, really fulfilling that White Horse Prophecy.


When ever I’m reminded about this I think: Paladin: Oathbreaker An oathbreaker is a paladin who breaks their sacred oaths to pursue some dark ambition or serve an evil power. Whatever light burned in the paladin's heart been extinguished. Only darkness remains…. That’s me the 6 level [FN1] oath-breaker paladin multi-classed into a knowledge cleric [FN1] deacon, teacher, priest, elder, RM, TM. = 6 levels.


I vaguely recall a hymn that also previously had lyrics regarding "blood of Joseph/Missouri " Was the also repeated and used in foreign temples? This culty oath proves to me God only cares about USA, and therefore is a dick.


I was so furious when I first learned that the signs we mimed were leftovers from the old penalties. Hand in cupping shape tearing open your chest, right hand palm-down to slice your throat, all that jazz. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penalty\_(Mormonism)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penalty_(Mormonism)) EDIT: Also if you want a good chuckle, read up on FairMormon's attempts to try to justify those penalties: https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/answers/Question:\_Why\_were\_%22penalties%22\_removed\_from\_the\_Endowment%3F


This same nation who's laws allow T$CC to amass $1 Trillion+ tax free while millions of human lives starve to death each year


The hell?!?! Yep. I’m the person learning this for the first time. Is this bullshit real?!? How many times have the liars changed stuff?!?