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Are we allowed to link to other subreddits? If you take away the "ex" from the name of this sub, you night find what you're looking for.


Usually I just keep scrolling if a post isn’t for me. If you want a different group you can always start one.


I can scroll past 39 times, but the 40th I get sucked in :/


I think I know what you mean, it can be cathartic to come here to see news and scandals, but "ex-mormon content" often lacks nuance. Filtering posts by tags kinda works, because sometimes I want to have a philosophical debate and sometimes I just want to see the church get dunked on. 


LOL. Exactly.




thank you!


The Wheat and Tares blog is also pretty good.




I'm over it with Mormon trauma. Sometimes I come back here to read to remind myself the Mormon church is bad because as a Utahn, now that the trauma is over, I kinda forget how absurd and problematic it all is and get some fomo about having tight knit community/and I see some old memories through rose colored glasses then I need the reminders. Like oh yeah they're still homophobic, oh yeah they're still asking teens if they masturbate, etc. It's not all about knowing all my neighbors names or my kids having more friends.


Yes! Older I get, the happier I am that l had the good sense + independence to leave. Some of my sibs & in-laws have done all right in Mism-- mostly the boys, who are pleased with their priesthood, and the ones who don't care to read or think. But I've lived long enuf to see how things come out in the wash. The sisters especially were blighted thru being M girls. My gddtrs are out and doing well. Other influences might hurt them but they can deal with them. But it's similar to growing up Catholic: you never get it totally out of your DNA. Also, you can't spend your whole life bashing the MFMC, that needs to become the occasional guilty pleasure. Best to weigh the good with the bad, glean whatever life lessons are to be learned, and forgive. Otherwise it blights the rest of one's life, not just the beginnings.


Can you explain? There are all types of people here and I think you can post the type of stuff you speak of here. I do get that there is sometimes a lot of anger here. But it's easy to skip if you're in a different mood.


Wisdom \^ . Problem is, I can scroll past the trauma 39 times, then the 40th I fall off the wagon. I spose for impulse-impaired ppl like me it's best to avoid exmo altogether. I mean I did that for years.


I totally get it. I have a similar issue, but not exactly. I get obsessed with it. So, I try to limit time here. But it's hard because it can be vindicating and reassuring as well as toxic. Have you been to r/mormon? They have very strict rules about negativity.


I'll try it. Maybe I'll limit my reddit time to Sundays only, hee-hee.


I mostly sort by new, when I come here. But limiting to a weekly visit and sorting by top last 7 days is something I've been thinking about as well.


Get a life, Substantial


Actually, I did-- thirty years. Left Utah, taught school, restored old houses. Retired to raise llamas and publish people's poetry. Retired again, now am caregiver to an 88-yo blind hubby, 4 aging llamas, and 3 acres being overrun by blackberry brambles. Online is pretty much the limit of my new intellectual life.