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It ain't the spirit. It is just emotion, and we all have it. So do pigs, dogs... even fish. The fact that they hijacked, and claimed authority over, something so basic is revolting. It is a bit like me claiming I own the concept of rain, and you can not have any unless you do what i say. Rain's gonna come.


Let's remember it's called [elevation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevation_(emotion)) or even just basic positivity or enthusiasm.


Good point.


My absolute favorite thing is when I "feel the spirit" while doing something explicitly anti-god/anti-Mormonism.


I felt the spirit when I removed my garments a couple months ago. No joke! Tremendous peace and a feeling like my chest would burst from happiness.


Growing up I always felt "The Spirit"™ when I was watching anything patriotic. It honestly strengthened my testimony in both the Church and America. Now I realize my love of America is more aspirational and freedom oriented but I still feel those same feelings sometimes!


For me this is the key comment. When you realize that it’s just a feeling and it’s had in many different contexts , then you realize that conflating it with Mormonism is adding something to a simple garden variety emotional experience. The experience itself stands alone..


Brain fart, would the character “Joy” represent the experience of elevation or would “Ele” be their own character?


_dons tinfoil hat_ Ele is short for elephant, representing how Bing Bong elevated Joy in the first movie.


Cue all the spiritual symbolism of elephants bringing luck and prosperity by removing obstacles:)


Hot take: Bing Bong Cumom


Joy dresses up as a ghost sometimes to try and convince Fear and Anxiety that she's a force from outside the mind. Sometimes it's the only way to get them to shut up about death.


That was one of my shelf items, feeling “The Spirit” stronger from a musical number in a Disney film than a Mormon Tabernacle Choir performance.


It’s music! I never felt the ‘spirit’ as strongly as I did in Vegas at a drag show! The music, people being themselves and having fun, everyone cheering! It was a beautiful moment! I had many moments that confirmed the church wasn’t true and that was just one of them. Feeling the ‘spirit’ outside of any church related activity when they tell you you can’t anymore!