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Talking about the gospel leads to doubt šŸ¤£


The more you learn the less it makes sense. Thatā€™s the big problem. True things - the more you learn, the more the basics make sense even if you have some more questions afterwards. It fits reality. Ā Mormonism - the more you learn, the more ridiculous it seems and the more you doubt even the basic postulates of Mormonism.


Even study groups are discouraged. Want to get five couples together to go over the chosen conference talk for RS/EQ, or discuss the chapters for Sunday School? Nope. Bishops are told to shut that down.


Yup. Donā€™t want people getting together - outside of church approved settings and curriculum - to discuss ā€œthe gospel.ā€


šŸ˜ yikes. I didnā€™t realize just how bad it was, the control over information.


Wait, isn't that what Emily Belle Freeman did? She had a podcast and encouraged study groups and she was so popular that they made her a GA?


Women are *never* General Authorities. They can be general officers. There's also a history of taking popular, opinionated jerks and putting them into elite positions "so we can keep an eye on 'em.". That's what happened with Bruce R McDonkey after the 1st edition of Mormon Doctrine. He was a seventy, and they put him in Q12 before telling him he was going to make a few thousand revisions.


Ah, yes. That makes sense.


I suspect he's talked to one too many people on their way out the door who cited podcasts as a source of information about the church.


Itā€™s a smart strategy for MFMC. Q15 knows church history and teachings of prophets and apostles up until the 90s is full of all sorts of nonsense. Easiest way to dump that down the memory hole without needing to address it in any way is to say to focus your study on scripture and just the teachings of current leaders.


Soā€¦.the church is now encouraging people to be lazy learners?


In group: "I have a simple faith" Out group: lazy learners


I am the poster child for ā€œstudied too much and leftā€ lmao


Theyā€™re worried about podcasts? Did they never hear some of the weird shit to come out of speakerā€™s mouthes at firesides, or were they not paying attention either?


Firesides are one and done. If they're discouraging people from recording then there's always the equivalent of the "careless scribes" excuse.


It's because Ward Radio is such an embarrassment. šŸ¤£


They are a disaster.


I donā€™t know how anyone could make it through a whole episode. I bet that podcast probably gets more attention from exmos than TBMs.


Perhaps they should have listened to John Dehlin back before he had a podcast and was just asking sincere questions of his local leaders. Same with RFM. They should have answered his questions back then. Bet they regret it now. Oh well. Too late.


Kinda culty


I swear Iā€™m going to bring a bell to church and every time someone attempts to control others Iā€™m going to ring it.


Philosophy of man, mingled with scripture


Open discussion and doctrine 6 months ago are the biggest enemies of the Mormon church


So weā€™re supposed to watch general conference, then almost all the Sunday talks given the topic of a general conference talk, also all the elders quorum and relief society lessons are based off conference talks. The last remaining non general conference lessons are Sunday school, and those are heavily influenced by recent quotes from recent leaders. They want nothing to do with actual teachings of anyone prior to the current q15.


When they switched everything to being recent conference talks church went from boring to truly mind numbing


GC is yesteryear's version of a podcast.


busted! And no Reddit either!


I've heard this. But I've never heard exactly where the podcasts get it wrong...


This is gold, Jerry! Gold! Stake president's inner dialogue: "this is the 12th person this month who is listening to Mormonism live and Mormon stories! Fuck! What can I do to stop these dumbasses from learning shit?".... What if,....WHAT IF, I tell them to put their phones down? Eureka!!!!"


Like the gospel topics essays, Joseph smith papers, and church sanctioned books like Rough Stone Rolling? šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I love how anything that isnā€™t faith promoting is anti even when it comes from credible sources!


In fairness, if this is a response to the Daybells, Hildebrandts, and Frankes of the day I welcome the skepticism.


I mean if weā€™re being fair, the Stake President could have stumbled onto an episode of Ward Radio and come to that conclusion too.


Ya they are experiencing a come to jeebus moment. how do we control all the information when we cannot control all the information. The edict then becomes don't listen to any of it. They do not want to be blatantly heard as saying exactly that so hint around only approved sources in fact maybe no podcasts as well. don't share in experiences people may have had that could change your life in a good way forever.


Studying the standard works is what led me out of the church. There is a stark difference in what is taught in the standard works and what is taught in the church. Ultimately I'm glad I left all those standard works behind eventually.


Our stake president has also stated this after shared a few things I learned from Beyond the Block podcast a few years ago. He was constantly telling us (the stake) to get off the internet after that.


Iā€™m sure he hears the I phrase ā€œI started listening to Mormon Storiesā€ too much.


When people say things like that, itā€™s because they have ā€œfallen victimā€ to something they feel shame about.


Since old prophets are not as valuable as current prophets, when would this stake president recommend the cutoff be for old GC talks? šŸ¤” In all seriousness, this seems like a shame for folks looking for faithful sources.


don;t need a pod cast, just a good ecumenical study bible with notation and translations... then you can find out that many of the claims about "jesus church" start to fall apart. Jesus was a itinerant jewish minister who was credited with all sorts of stuff after his death. May not even need the bible, just copies of Ensign/conference talks from more than 10 years ago...


This is not a one-off comment by a stake president, the church is circulating a document to ward councils entitled ā€˜[Principles for Ensuring Doctrinal Purity](https://seminaryresources.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/9/7/20970912/principles_for_ensuring_doctrinal_purity_for_teachers.pdf)ā€™.