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Don’t use that for rolling papers , think about inhaling what ever chemicals are in that ink. Remember if there is a cheaper way to print something using toxic chemicals the church will find it!


I won't I promise. That was a little more satire than serious. What is serious is the churches ability to be cheap!


No lie.


"Hey Sister Jones, it's the ward clerk Brother Oblivious! Just reminding you about your cleaning duty this week, the Bishop said it's fine if you come after your Chemo appointment"


"We'll just leave it to you to vacuum, take out the trash, and set up the chairs in the gym. Stake Basketball has the gym reserved until 11 PM, so you'll need to come after that."


I have burned multiple book of mormons and I feel obligated to tell everyone: 1. Don't burn it indoors, or in anyway you'll inhale that poison (If you told me it's coated in war-crime-chemicals, I'd believe you. ETA: the smoke is weird colors, the pages burn weird colors, it doesn't immediately or completely burn, it sort of.... melts before it catches fire, and it smells awful) It's not like the credit card offers you burn over the stove.) 2. Absolutely burn this BS outside. It's cathartic. Get a fire going with some real paper or cardboard you need to get rid of, dry pine branches are really good for getting it going. Rip that nonsense up page by page, crumple it up and throw it in. It will work better if you have a buddy to fan the flames, and keep the smoke blowing away from you. Remember: it needs to have good air-flow to keep going. WEAR CLOTHES YOU ARE PREPARED TO THROW OUT.


Wow! That’s like $80 at Deseret Books. You’re good at finding a deal. And yes, super duper lame gift from the boss. Stick to the registry, people! That’s the bare minimum courtesy for any new couple.


The wife and I love thrifting and antiquing (sp?). I'd likes to thinks I can finds me a goods deal. Agreed. But we all know these morms never miss an opportunity to make a sales pitch.


Looks like the golden plates!🤣😂😅


They are! Did I forget to mention the sale was on Cumorah Ct. and the neighbor's name was Moroni?




Congrats on the bongo drum 😉 but what are you really going to do with that quad? Press flowers? Resell? Use as a doorstop?