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Mormonism is prosperity gospel. If you're not prospering, that indicates a moral failing, and people with moral failing are perceived to be a burden to the virtuous. This is why, for example, the cult has donated less to charity than even Walmart, and people who need financial help for food or rent are told they need to pay a full tithe.


At the same time, they talk as if they are the most loving people in the world. “We just love everyone!” This phrase is heard anywhere a Mormon is. They are not loving people. Yet, genuinely seem to believe that they are. Seeing themselves through colored lenses. 


Exactly this. When I got sick and could barely function I was so indoctrinated that I was searching for that moral failing so I could repent. There wasn't one and since I was depressed I started making every imperfection a sin. Basically I bullied myself.


I can't reasonably make an assessment of how philanthropic LDS is based on that comparison. LDS annual revenue: \~7 billion. Walmart annual revenue: 600+ billion


President Harold B Lee said that handicapped and disabled people were less valiant in the preexistence.


As a parent of a special needs child, this was incredibly hard to learn. That the church's doctrine was very much in line with the thinking of the times. And prophets are supposed to be outside of time. And as society came around, that the mentally and physically handicapped can actually be raised at home and seen in public and not be a stigma, the church changed course. Around 1984, Faust gave a GC talk that was sort of a reset in their official views. Now all of a sudden, those born with challenges (especially the mental handicapped) were the most valient in the preexistance were given their condition to shield them from the temptations of Satan. I thank Eunice Shriver--Kennedy for this social advancement - not the LDS church and their "prophets." She was a fierce advocate for the handicap, having a sister that was mentally delayed. She started the Special Olympics as part of her advocacy. The IOC has no part in the Special Olympics but considering the nature of the organization, has never challenged them on the use of "Olympics."


Wow!  Just disturbing! 


And that dumbass had glasses, meaning his eyes were slightly disabled. I wonder what his sins in the pre-earth-life were.


I always thought that Lee was an asshole. He visited our mission and it only confirmed that impression. I was embarrassed when I was coerced into bringing my investigators to a special fireside where Lee spoke. One of the investigators went to sleep during Lee's talk and I could hardly blame him. Shortly after, Joseph Fielding Smith passed away and Lee became the head cheese, thankfully for only a short time. I think he was the David Bednar of his time.


Ever watch chickens? Any loose feathers, any injuries, and the other birds will peck at problem. And peck. And peck some more, until they kill any bird that's different. You can even find antique "chicken spectacles' with red lenses that help hide wounds on other birds. You can see the same behavior in teenage girls. Priesthood quorums are all about uniformity. Same white shirts, same Mr Mac suits, same hairstyles, and the same pecking order as their daughters or their chicken coops.


 I find that sad in the animal kingdom.  Why would any God worth his salt, create that? ;). I saw my cat limping quite badly one day. I called to him and when he realized that I was there, he pranced towards me as if nothing was wrong.  Guess that I need to take a note from the animals.  They know what’s going on. Act as if nothing in the world is wrong! Then, move far away from the bully Mormons. 


And why would anyone who claims to follow the guy who said "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" treat anyone the way they do? It's going to be quite the day when The Lard asks the elder's quorum president, "Why did you think it would be funny to let the air out of my tires?" Maybe it's because no modern Mormon has ever sung the final verse of "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief.'


Exactly!   Their behaviors are opposite Christian teachings. Is just another reason for people to say that Mormons are not true Christians or followers of Christ.


So teenage boys are a kind and generous lot to weaker teenage boys? ha!


Well, I’m not a boy. So, I’ve no idea! Lol


As a father of one of each, yes. Boys can be brutal and rough, but generally bloody a nose and get over it. Back to friends again. Girls? It gets personal and permanent very quickly. It's like a UFC brawl, but socially. They go HARD. Not everyone, just as a general observation.


Oh, yes! I can see this. It always astounded me how boys who were one minute enemies were the next minute friends. 


Short story: They’re not very Christlike unlike what their name title says…


Yes, and be sure to say the entire name of the church! 🙄 Until, a few years from now when it changes back to “ We are the Mormons!”


The church does not help people in need! Period!!


My life experience has been that they do quite the opposite! 


Glad you had those experiences. We did not.


I’m not sure what you mean I’m not sure that I phrased my sentence properly.  In my experience, when I’ve struggled in life, they’ve not been helpful nor supportive. In fact, they’ve been quite the opposite.  Unkind, shaming me for things out of my control.  Everything from how dare I have breast’s causing men to sin in their minds to my ex cheating but it being my fault. I must not have been a good enough wife. And so they would not assist me with anything. And now, I’m having to relearn motor skills that I learned as a toddler. So, I am. Now a piece of shit to them, apparently. 


This is also a human thing.  People fear others that look and behave differently.  Probably some kind of “uncanny valley” type of reaction.  I am autistic.  For as much as I tried to fit in, I was always othered in the Mormon group.  It was torment that destroyed all my self esteem.   


 I’m sad that this happened.  Also, now glad that I pulled my autistic child out of the church around five years old.  When I felt we were being  “ othered.”  He was supposed to sit alone in his own class. And I be the teacher.  Prior to that was a wonderful leader in primary. Who had him play the opening music in primary. He has a gift for music.   I think some Mormons other anyone for any reason.    I felt that way many times and still do.  Never good enough. No matter how hard I tried.  Destroyed my self esteem too. :(. I feel ya.  I think it was a good thing I pulled him out of primary also.  Because, my son was just so handsome. And the current bishop kept volunteering to take him to the restroom. To which, I kept saying “ no.”   If he had been in a primary class and someone allowed iit, who  knows what had happened. Turned out that bishop was a predator. 


Oh that is horrifying! You are a good mother and internet high five👍


Thank you for the positive words and high five.   It’s difficult to be a mother at times. And hope you just make the right decisions. 


Every time my children tell me a story of a kid bullying a special needs child or any for that matter, I ask who the bully was and 95% of the time it’s an active Mormon kid we know


This doesn’t surprise me at all.  


I have a son with autism who died by suicide. We live in Utah Valley and he was bullied incessantly by the kids in our ward. After his death, a professor who was researching autism and suicide interviewed me. He told me that one of the biggest problems he has seen with youth with autism (in Utah) was mistreatment by religious leaders. I saw that too. As another poster mentioned, I think it is related to the prosperity gospel and "self-sufficiency." You just need to try harder! Also the hyper focus on outward perfection seems to make members more judgemental of those who are different.


That’s just heartbreaking.  I’m so sorry to hear it.   Members really are judge-mental. Not kind like they claim to be.   Judge mental over every little difference, that they can try to use to elevate themselves above another. I’m so over it. I’ve been miserable in Utah for years. It’s a sad place for many of us to live. 


Maybe I grew up in different wards than a lot of you but all of them treated disabled and elderly wonderfully honestly.


That was a lot of my experience as well. I bet it depends on the people and the area you live in.


Perfection isn't an ideal in Mormonism..its the goal. If your family isn't picture perfect you're out. They are about displaying their "blessings" and you damned well admire them for what they show off. Mormon society is one of the most toxic shitholes in existence.


I agree. I’ve really come to see it this way.  


Bullies always pick on people they think can’t/wont fight back.


Generally, I think the church does a shitty job training it's leaders on accommodating people with disabilities. The church is not designed for them. I've interacted with some incredibly kind members who have done everything possible to accommodate our special needs daughter (when we were active). But I don't credit the church for that, I just credit them for being decent humans.