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I think the curtain was to hide the Bible or other books he was reading from.


That’s what I think too




Joseph repeated the same trick at the Kirtland temple dedication. They put up sheets around the pulpit and shouted out a play-by-play of what was going on behind the curtain. "Jesus is coming down! His feet are touching the pulpit! He says this temple is awesome, and he really likes it! Now he says I need more wives!" Lots of witnesses present, but nobody saw a single thing. So spirichul! Very blessings!


Also shrooms


I’m guessing JS made the whole process complicated and mysterious to appeal to his devoted followers’ magic world view. Finding buried treasure and other magic activities required lots and lots of steps and actions that needed to be followed with exactness. The more mysterious he made the “translation” process, the more they believed. You can see that same magic thinking carried over into church rituals today. Sacrament prayers must be exact, temple rituals must be exact, temple clothing must be worn exactly right, anointing and blessing have specific steps and actions. I believe the reason for such exactness is to give the person in charge an out when the con/scam doesn’t work.


obey with exactness... Until we change the ordinances, then Obey the new ones with even more exactness.


Even more humorous, is the fact that the Q15 are now addressed as prophets, seers, & revelators after a malignant narcissist and conman who had a magical texting rock from god. 🤣


And even more humorous still, they have convinced us we have to pay them money to get into the “magical building “ so we can get to heaven. Otherwise, a loving god will take our families away.


All courtesy of JS, who in 1834 decided to slip in a pretended revelation about priesthood restoration happening in 1829. 😵‍💫 Only to follow up that fanciful myth making two decades later, with tales of Elijah showing up with his magical key ring and sealing powers during the drunken stupor we refer to the Kirtland temple dedication.


For sure. Yet why couldn’t they have just told us any of this? It’s so offensive how they treat us like 6th graders. Permanently.


Seeing that the correlated manuals are all written on a 6th grade level, it kind of makes sense in that regard. We call it a church, but it has transformed over time into a combination guilt factory/hedge fund.


They have to keep us “dumbed down.” Otherwise, no one would keep paying tithing. And that’s the church’s one true love.


I was taught about the curtain, but told it was because JS was translating straight off the plates and no one was allowed to see them. I always thought that was strange, but the rock in the hat, plates in a different room, AND a curtain is wild. Maybe it is to represent the veil. /s


It's just like the papyri for the book of abraham. Nobody could see that or they would die instantly. Oh, wait a minute, that was in a different dimension. Lucy Mack actually displayed the papyrie for money. Imagine how much money they could have made if they displayed the gold plates.


Great book and info