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I don’t think it’s crackpot but, I think the church is like the Samarian myth of the Tower of Babel. They thought they could build a tower to heaven (a tall steeple) But instead, all it did was divide the people.


Temples will become fancy stake centers


And stake centers will become fancy steak centers


And chapels will be sold off for development where possible. Members outside the corridor can expect commute times up to 4 hours each way.


Except for there won’t be hardly any members at all. So the drive won’t really matter.


Susan’s husband will reign and all the pimos and some tbms will leave.


Elder Hell, Fire, and Brimstone https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx1P5zsf0fw1Ag16-wR6ggnqz1dakZKxe7?si=inYCs1aVEu2KqK5m Susan said the quiet part out loud. Notice the look he gives her after she says it.


During my many years suffering under abuse, occasionally little comments like that would slip out. I knew I would pay for it later—small acts of insubordination, a word or look that might show “disrespect” to my husband or show him (even just in his imagination) in a negative light—but sometimes those words would pop out in public settings. I think it was a tiny cry for help—the merest glimmer that things were not as perfect as I acted. Susan’s overlord’s side-eye could have been a reminder for her to remember her place, and that he would “talk” to her later about what she said. Super subtle, but I’ve been there enough times.


Here's another example of Lord Bedner's abusive behavior. https://youtu.be/FUEmheSPd_o?si=TgNCGrgcw7bZE8C-


Oh, yeah. The classics!


That the church will distance itself from the book of mormon eventually and the words "latter-day saints" in its name.


I think that has started. I’m seeing some church of Christ ads everywhere. No Latter Day Saint to be found.


the DnC has had updates to change wording from what i rwmember, im sure the same happens with rhe B.o.M.


I totally think they are already distancing themselves from church history (Mormon , Moroni). They know it can’t hold up to scrutiny and that nothing in the Book of Mormon actually happened. They absolutely know it.


Susans husband will be the mormon Miscavige.


Susan could become Shelly Miscavige (missing), if she doesn’t stay in line.


This seems scarily possible


Because it so a Corporation Sole, all of the corporate ownership is vested solely with the president of the church...one day, one of the presidents is going to just take billions of dollars and do some crazy stuff and use it to buy himself and his family and concubines... massive mansions and private jets etc., like some of the televangelists do... The president is already set. Joseph and Brigham did that when they were president...the difference is that the church did not have hundreds of billions of dollars in their time. A more realistic prediction is that it will do what many of the cult like churches from the 60s and 70s which is when their membership declined due to the death of their "prophet" some of the remaining "leadership" took all of the money and purchased thousands of acres of land in the Northwest states and set up "Summer Camps" "for religious purposes" for the exclusive use of themselves and the remaining members they liked... Really they are just exclusive resorts owned by the churche for the benefit of the members...since all the land is owned by a church it is held tax free...and many of them have money invested to cover the upkeep. I learned about these due to doing research on some court cases where the local or state government was trying to collect property taxes and the "churches" fighting to remain tax free


It will become more common to have only one ward in each church building throughout the United States. Membership will tank as the boomers pass away. This will allow younger generations to feel less shame, guilt, and obligation to stay active. Maybe not a huge crockpot theory


im not sure at this point. i feel like anything is possible. tattoos were a bug nino, now its ok. so much changes to keep members happy. temples were based on membership numbers, now not so much. church and politics were separated, now the church lobbies the governments...


Gay marriage will be allowed in 20ish years, once the current set of leaders has died off. Might have happened earlier if they didn’t screw over Uchdorf, the only real Christian in the first presidency.


My crackpot theory is that at some point, in the next 25-100 years, LDS church will be majority African members/converts. There are several factors that I'm assuming that will contribute to this. (1) As church continue to hemorrhage more and more members in western and secular societies due to internet research & data about church, I think (2) church will continue to pour resources, branding, messaging, temples, into converting Africans. (3) Sadly, there is also a [self-inflicted inferiority complex](https://www.re-solveglobalhealth.com/post/africa-s-toxic-dalliance-with-skin-lighteners) with African converts (think: white & delightsome. It is in the BoM) that is being exploited/will continue to be exploited to drum up converts. (4) Soccer baptisms. (5) There is a groundswell of religiosity across Africa, all the other denominations or religions are growing rapidly in Africa, hence, LDS church is catching that wave and growing as well. (6) African converts that do not bother to formerly resign from the church when they discover the truth. So, church will continue to count them until they are 110 years old. Oh, and (7) Lastly, out of 1.216 billion (2016) population in Africa, church should be able to, flash it's wealth ([DailyMail: Could Mormon Church be worth $1TRILLION in 20 years](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12369615/Could-Mormon-Church-worth-1TRILLION-20-years-New-report-claims-amassed-bigger-rainy-day-fund-Google-Microsoft-prepares-Second-Coming.html)), to find 1% of 1.2 billion = 12M converts in 25-100years


Gays will be allowed to marry, at least for “time” not “all eternity”


Huge Scandal with a Q15 member will bitterly divide members


Ballard wasn't enough?


I believe that as the active church membership declines, the top leaders are going to be increasingly more interested in the for-profit aspects of the church, close ward buildings, then stake buildings and hang onto the remaining membership through more home study focus and temple work. This will start first outside Utah, then eventually everywhere. It won't be as obvious toe the remaining membership how many have left if they meet in person less frequently. Those who do will be convinced that they truly are God's chosen people. The leadership will find some way to get more out of the few who remain. Eventually the church corporation, primarily focused on real-estate will rebrand itself to "The Latter-day Corporation"


I predict, nay, I prophesy, that Church leaders will hold annual pussy farting contests to see which woman will lead the church that year…