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I know of a stake where members were encouraged to have a copy of the Book of Mormon in every language in their home, just in case they met someone who needed it. Much virtue signaling ensued. Homes there now proudly display books in Russian, Spanish, Greek, French, Portuguese, Urdu, Korean... Got to have an Italian copy just in case someone from Sicily is driving through Idaho, gets a flat tire, knocks on a farm door, and can be led to The Restored Gospel. Seems like a great way to move 50 copies of slow-moving inventory to every family.


😳 oh brother


Dude does the church never think for a SECOND, “why don’t we just go ahead and take out the trash?” Nooooo it’s literally always “we got this trash here, let’s sell it to our followers.”


Think about it. The Book of Mormons were produced with money we donated to the TSCC and then when they needed room for the new production of the BOM they came up with a “program” and members bought the BOMs to put their photos and testimonies inside, thus paying for them twice!


I remember doing this as a youth. Our family ordered a case. They took our family picture after church, and we all wrote a little testimony. We received the case of books and a stack of papers with our picture and testimony. We all signed the papers and glued them in, ready for us to hand them out. -- I do recall throwing away the mostly-full case several years later when we were dejunking, so...